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Favorite Answers14%
  • Lab puuppy training videos?

    My friend is getting a lab puppy and needs videos on training. Who is the best of the best besides Cesar Millan. I really want to get him something soon so timly answers would be appreciated. Thank you all in advance.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Florida Child Support Question, PLEASE HELP!!!?

    My husband's mother is still collecting child support from his father that is ill. Is their any way that my husband can get this stopped? My husband is 27 years old and hasn't lived with his mother for years now. We cannot find any information where we live (Illinois) Any information will help greatly. Thank you for reading.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Any good suggestions on an ulcer diet?

    My husband has had ulcers for sometime now and They were getting a lot better. Now, they are worse than before I think the major cause is stress. I was wondering if anyone could suggest anything to help. Specifically which foods or drinks will help him fast and which would be more slow? He takes gaviscon tablets on a daily basis. Tums and rolaids don't work. Any suggestions will help and thank you for taking the time to read and answer.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Could a pinched nerve in your back cause testicle pain?

    My husband has had on and off pain in his testicles and has been to a urologist and the E.R. They have done 2 ultra sounds, an MRI and a cat scan. Thay found nothing. So, I am wondering he has back problems could that have something to do with it? Any suggestions would help. They ruled out cancer, hurnia, kidney stones, etc... Thanks

    Men's Health1 decade ago
  • I don't believe the doctor, any suggestions?

    Okay so the other morning I woke up was VERY dizzy, I could barely even stand, my right arm was numb from my shoulder down, I was disoriented I couldn't understand when someone was trying to talk to me. I had a little bit of double vison. This happened to me once before a couple of months ago but difn't make it to the ER in time. I am a pretty healthy woman only 22, I don't do drugs and don't drink. i am not taking any perscriptions for anything. I went to the emergency room because I really thought this was serious. The doc came in and looked like a janitor and was a complete a** hole. They took blood and the doc said it was a virus. What kind of virus just comes on for one day every couple of months? I don't think he is right. Any suggestions would be helpful on what this might be. I am going to a different doc next week just thought a littlt more info could help.

    Thank you,


    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • My two month old son won't gain weight? Please Help!!!?

    My son was born at 37 weeks, he was 6 pounds, 6 ounces 20 inches. He is now two months and weighs 7 pounds, 10 ounces, 23 inches. He has gotten a bunch of tests done, EKG, blood work and x-ray. Nothing came up. Has anyone had this similar situation? Any suggestions? Anything will help. Thank you very much.


    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Just voicing my opinion on Mr. Vick and the NFL?

    Mike Vick does not deserve to live or die for what he has done!!! He should be kicked out of the NFL for life and go to prison. As should everyone involved in dog fighting. If the NFL does nothing but, give him a slap on the wrist does that mean the NFL condones dog fighting... YES!!! Pit bulls are NOT viscious breeds their are no such things as dogs born mean!!! Don't belive me go to

    I am outraged by this behavior and having three rescued pitbulls myself that are the most loving dogs I have ever had they would NOT hurt anyone or anything. They are loyal to me and my family. Yes I have a baby too. They are around him all the time and do nothing but protect him and love him. So, post a comment if you will, voice your opinion everyone is entitled to it!!! Thank you for reading!!! Amanda

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Are Prairie Dogs life maters?

    If I have two prairie dogs (male and female) and my female dies will my male die shortly after?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago