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    Great Music Video of first ever Flash Mob filmed in Monte Carlo. Duke Ellington School of the Arts Show Choir from Washington DC. What do you think? Please share with friends on Social Networks and Twitter! Let's make this viral!

    1 AnswerSinging10 years ago
  • The Duke Ellington School of the Arts Show Choir in Monaco!?

    The first ever Flash Mob recorded in Monaco --also a first for The Duke Ellington School of the Arts Show Choir! Please share with your friends!

    2 AnswersJazz10 years ago
  • WHy doesn't Barack Obama think Native American citizens are worth his concern?

    On Barack Obamas website he has answers for the concerns of various groups of hyphenated Americans but NONE for the Native Americans! Just shows that Barack Obama is not American at all--he forgets the wrongs done to the Native populations of the United States and the wrongs that are done still today. Check out his website--African, Asian, Muslim, European, Jewish, Pacific Islanders but no Native Americans.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How many contributions has Obama taken from illegal immigrants like his Aunt in Boston? ?

    Obama says he did not know his Aunt was in Boston but admits that she called him from there in 2006, having outstayed her tourist visa by 4 years! The woman is his father's sister and is prominently mentioned in his books "Dreams from My Father" and "Audacity of Hope" as the person who welcomed him to Kenya on his first visit as a young man and hosted Obama and Michelle on their visit as a newly married couple! Yet another person Obama has forgotten about? Yeah right--just as he didn't know about Bill Ayres past or hear the Rev. Wright sermons? Doesn't he know it is illegal to accept campaign contributions from non citizens or green card holders?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Posted 2 questions but neither are shown on Yahoo!Answers? Why? Is Y!A Obama censored?

    I asked why Obama's Aunt in Boston, an illegal alien, was allowed to contribute. I also asked why she said "Welcome Home" when he went back to Kenya as a young man. Obama's Aunt said that she remembered being at the Kenyan hospital and seeing Barack Obama at just a few hours old before his Mother flew back to the US. Doesn't being born in a foreign country disbar a person from being the US President?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why did Obama's Aunt, who now lives illegally in Boston, say "Welcome Home?" when he visited Kenya?

    Senator Obama's step aunt Zeituni Onyango (56) recalled that as a child of 10 she visited Ann Dunham Obama in a Kenya hospital and saw Barack Obama for the first time. Doesn't being born in a foreign country disqualify a person from being presidebt?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Barack Obama and his Campaign being just plain greedy in charging media reporters for covering election?

    Barack Obama is charging news agencies and reporters between US$1890 (for seat with view, internet and phone access) to US$490 (seat, restricted view, no phone/internet) to cover the election night at the Chicago venue. On the bright side, there is no charge for being outside the venue (no heat, no phone, no internet, no view!) Bizarre when his foreign buddies have stumped up hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign funds using such well respected aliases as Daffy Duck and Mickey Mouse for their donations cut into US$200 individual packages. That means the Federal Election commission needs to verify 7500000 donors in September alone! Will Obama return the money or will he just say "It's nothing to do with me!"

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think of strawpoll that shows a landslide for McCain-Palin? Could it be correct? has been running a weekly straw poll with about 250,000 responders. The October 10-17 poll put McCain-Palin way ahead of Obama in all but 10 states. Could the other pollsters be wrong? Check for yourself by going to

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Barack Obama still have a Kenyan and an Indonesian passport as well as his US passport?

    Due to his father's nationality at time of birth, Barack Obama was a British citizen at birth, then a Kenyan citizen after the 1963 Kenyan Nationality act and so had a Kenyan passport. When his mother married an Indonesian citizen and took Indonesian citizenship in 1966, Barack Obama was granted Indonesian citizenship and had an Indonesian passport. Obama also had a US citizenship and passport because of his mother.

    Does anyone know if ir when he formally renounced his Kenyan or Indonesian citizenships? In the US it is okay to be dual or even tri national and have passports of other countries as well as a US passport and citizenship.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • DIdn't Obama Campaign go to far with the STILL ad?

    The Obama Campaign's latest ad points out that John McCain does not do email and suggests that is because he is incapable of understanding a computer not that his fingers were broken by VC so he can't type. McCain does use a voice activated computer, not mentioned by the OC folks!

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did you know that US Navy personnel are demanding the revoking of John McCain's medals?

    U.S. Secretary of the Navy Asked to Recall McCain's Medals

    News/Current Events News Keywords: MCCAIN, MEDALS, RECALL

    Source: Online

    Published: February 6, 2000 Author: Joe L. Jordan, Navy Squadron VQ-1 (Ret.)

    Posted on 02/07/2000 11:21:17 PST by jimgib

    Hon. Richard Danzig


    1000 Navy Pentagon

    Washington DC 20350-1000

    Dear Secretary Danzig:

    We are adding our voice to the chorus of veteran's groups calling for the combat decorations of Senator John McCain to be revoked. National newspaper columns by Col. David Hackworth and former Green Beret Ted Sampley have pointed out that to get the Silver Star and other decorations, the sworn testimony of two witnesses is required.

    Why were these requirements waived only for Senator Mccain and his 28 medals?

    Is it because he is the son of a 4-star Admiral?

    The medals awarded are questionable in themselves as they reward McCain for his alleged "Outstanding Resistance" while a prisoner of war (POW) in Hanoi. McCain has admitted he collaborated and gave vital secrets about the Aircraft Carriers Oriskany and Forrestal in order to get a hospital operation for wounds he received when he ejected. McCain was still signing "War criminal confessions" and making radio broadcasts to American pilots and soldiers urging them to surrender and refuse orders to fight five years after his wounds healed.

    Also, returned POWs USAF Colonels Larson and Guy say they doubt McCain was ever tortured at any time in any way. McCain returned from captivity weighing 10 pounds heavier than when captured.

    There is a picture of him eating a large meal in the Foreign Ministry where he allowed himself to be interviwed for a newspaper article he knew would be published in Havana. He was wearing a jogging suit under his prison pajamas. No other returned POW said they received hospital surgery, got a jogging suit for the cold winter or had a big meal in the Foreign Ministry. So much for McCain's "Outstanding Resistance in Keeping with the Navy's Highest Traditions"!

    Secretary Danzig, from your window you can gaze over Arlington National Cemetary — full of real heroes and brave men who earned their medals the hard way, the honest way and we owe these men our highest regards and respect. To allow John McCain to keep his is a travesty and a desecration to all veterans everywhere living and dead. McCain's posession of these medals renders my own worthless.

    We demand a full investigation of this matter as to why strict Navy Regulations were flagrantly violated and that his medals be returned to your desk pending the outcome of the investigation.

    Joe L. Jordan

    Navy Squadron VQ-1(Ret.)

    147 missions over NVN 67-68

    (713)680-3185 FAX

    For Additional data go to our website

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • John McCain POW hero or Songbird?

    According to research published today, John McCain was no POW hero but a collaborator with the Vietcong who was called by the VC the 'POW songbird'. In return for singing McCain got the best of whatever was on offer, including whores.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Does this scare you? Republicans registering as Obama democrats with the intention to unseat Clinton?

    Obama's young backers twist parents' arms

    By yankinulster - Apr 8th, 2008 at 5:31 am EDT

    Also listed in: 10 groups

    Comments | Mail to a Friend | Report Objectionable Content

    Great article in today's New York Times: "Obama's young backers twist parents' arms". I'm still working on my mom, who was offended by Barack's comparison of his wife with Jacqueline Kennedy. Both mom and dad (and everyone else I talk to) agree Hillary Clinton's bid is finished. Yet my family focus group would plump for McCain, so there's a lot at stake!

    Obama's Young Backers Twist Parents' Arms


    The daily phone calls. The midnight e-mail. And, when college lets out, those dinner table declamations? Oh, please.

    Senator Barack Obama’s devotees just won’t give their parents a break.

    As the race for the Democratic presidential nomination continues, youthful volunteers for each candidate have been campaigning with bright-eyed brio, not only door-to-door but also at home. But the young supporters of Mr. Obama, who has captured a majority of under-30 primary voters, seem to be leading in the pestering sweepstakes. They send their parents the latest Obama YouTube videos, blog exhortations and “Tell Your Mama/Vote for Obama!” bumper stickers.

    Megan Simpson, a Penn State senior, had not been able to budge her father, a Republican. But the day before the deadline for registering for the coming Democratic primary in Pennsylvania, she handed him the forms and threw in a deal-sweetener as well. “I said, ‘Dad, if you change your party affiliation in time to vote for Obama,’ ” recalled Ms. Simpson, 22, an Obama campus volunteer, “ ‘I will get you the paperwork the day after the primary if you want to switch back to being a Republican.’ ”

    Thus did Ralph E. Simpson Jr., 50, construction company owner, become a newly minted Democrat. “I probably will switch my affiliation back,” Mr. Simpson said, “but I haven’t decided who I will vote for in the general election. If Meg keeps working on me, who knows?”

    No poll has counted Obama supporters who made their choice at the urging of their children. But combined exit polls for all the primaries so far (excluding Florida and Michigan) show that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has edged out Mr. Obama, 50 percent to 46 percent, among voters ages 45 to 64 — those who are old enough, and then some, to be the parents of Mr. Obama’s young supporters.

    But even politicians are mentioning the persuasiveness of their children, either in earnest or as political cover, as a factor in their Obama endorsements.

    That list of Democrats includes Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Gov. Jim Doyle of Wisconsin, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas and Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.

    While politicians inevitably invoke children and the future, rarely have the political preferences of children themselves carried much weight with their elders. On the contrary: when baby boomer parents were the age their children are now, the ideological and social gap between generations was more pronounced. Parents were, by definition, authoritarian. Their children were, by definition, anti-.

    But the sharp distinctions between generations have eroded. Parents now are exponentially more entwined with their offspring, inclined to place their children’s emotional well-being ahead of their own. Even when students live away at college, many parents call them and send text messages every day.

    The Obama campaign was well positioned to capitalize on this veritable seamlessness. From the outset, Mr. Obama eagerly sought out young voters with his Internet operation and a widespread, efficient campus network. Those efforts are paying off: in all Democratic primaries to date (excluding Florida and Michigan), about 6 in 10 voters under age 30 have supported him, according to exit polls conducted by Edison/Mitofsky.

    For some waffling primary voters, the relentless push by their children was good enough reason to capitulate. Eager to encourage their offspring’s latest enthusiasm, they have been willing to toss up their hands and vote for Mr. Obama, if only to impress their children.

    “Our kids are probably more precious to us than any previous generation of parents,” said Dan Kindlon, a Harvard child psychologist. “We have fewer of them, we’re relativists, and we’re more swayed by them. A lot of parents are a little afraid of their kids.”

    For many parents, this campaign season also feels like a fond flashback: in their children’s unvarnished idealism, many see a resurrection of their own youthful political passions.

    “It’s something you can brag to your friends about,” said Professor Kindlon, who writes about child-rearing and adolescents. “ ‘My kid is involved in politics.’ ”

    Donna Wall, 50, an elementary school teacher from Roanoke Rapids, N.C., had been a supporter of Mrs. Clinton. But her son, Drew, 21, a college student and Obama volunteer, would not let up until his mother switched allegiances for the coming primary.

    “I’m glad they’re interested in something other than their own self-interest and partying,” Mrs. Wall said.

    Curtis Gans, a staff director of Eugene J. McCarthy’s 1968 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, pointed out that the youthful enthusiasm in this primary did resemble that of 40 years ago. But he said that while Mr. McCarthy’s temporary success was largely due to the support of college students and middle-class mothers, they had been aroused more by the issue of the Vietnam War than by the candidate’s charisma.

    “People are enthused by the fact that young people are engaged and excited again,” said Mr. Gans, director of the Center for the Study of the American Electorate at American University. “They think that’s really healthy, and they’d like to sustain it. But at this point, it is temporary and it is about Obama.”

    There’s no telling whether these youthful importunings on Mr. Obama’s behalf will tip the balance for the nomination, or follow him into the general election should he be nominated. Certainly Mrs. Clinton is not without her own fresh-faced vanguard.

    Rachel Mattson, 18, a freshman at Wellesley, called her mother, Michelle, in Memphis daily, pressing her to vote for Mrs. Clinton in the Tennessee primary.

    “I don’t see a huge difference between the two candidates,” said Michelle Mattson, 45. “But Rachel never let it go. You’ll be sitting at the dinner table for an hour going over this stuff! Her enthusiasm and what it means to her inspired me.” She voted for Mrs. Clinton.

    While Mrs. Clinton has a national network of student volunteers, Mr. Obama’s network is far more extensive. Web sites like Kids for Obama and YrMomma4Obama urge youngsters to talk up the candidate to their parents.

    The two adult sons of Governor Doyle, 62, both black and both adopted, spoke to him with fervor about Mr. Obama’s vision of a multiracial country. Then Mr. Doyle’s young grandson piled on.

    “He’s a complete Barackomaniac,” Mr. Doyle said in a phone interview. “When I asked him why, he said, ‘I think he’s really going to work hard for us.’ I thought, that’s it through the eyes of a 7-year-old. ‘He’ll work hard,’ and ‘for us.’ ”

    The stealth campaigning was more persistent in the home of Senator Casey, 47. Mr. Casey, who was going to remain neutral, noticed how excited his four daughters, ages 11 to 19, were about Mr. Obama. The autographed Obama posters on the bedroom walls. The self-imposed hush in the living room when Mr. Obama would give a televised speech.

    His daughter Julia, 13, would say, “Dad, when are you going to endorse Obama?” Mr. Casey recalled in a phone interview. “My response was, ‘I’m thinking about a lot of things, Julia.’ And she’d laugh and say, ‘Dad, answer my question.’ ”

    Not all parents have been overjoyed to see their children donate countless unpaid hours to Mr. Obama. Bader ElShareif, 52, who immigrated from Gaza 31 years ago, was appalled that his daughter Ami, 20, a student at the University of Wisconsin, worked almost seven days a week last summer in Chicago for the candidate. Mr. ElShareif, who was leaning toward Senator John McCain, was annoyed that she did not have a salaried job to defray college expenses.

    “I’d be exhausted, but I’d still want to debate with him,” Ms. ElShareif said. “Then he’d start calling me up and saying, ‘Hey, did you hear this about Obama? So and so endorsed him!’ ”

    In the Illinois primary, Mr. ElShareif voted for Mr. Obama. His daughter, thrilled, sent him an Obama sign, which he displays in his convenience store near the University of Chicago.

    “The neighbors and the students come in now and say, ‘We like your sign,’ ” Mr. ElShareif said. “Maybe these young people know something we don’t.”

    Dalia Sussman contributed reporting.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Was Barack Obama born in the USA? No record of birth in any hospital in Hawaii?

    There is a rumor circulating in journalistic circles that Barack Obama was born in Nairobi Kenya when his mother and father were in Kenya on a visit and that his parents returned with the infant who was then registered in Hawaii.

    Apparently, examination of the hospitals' records in Hawaii have shown no birthing records for Ann Dunham Obama even though there is a registry of the birth in the public records office a week after his date of birth it does not show his place of birth.

    Anyone have any news on this?

    26 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does Obama hate having debates? Aren't debates part of campaigning?

    Obama has said that the candiates should 'campaign' not have debates. Duh Obama a big part of campaigning is debates--allows you and your opponents to answer questions and address issues.

    Obama prefers to spout from on high without any challenge.

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • So who took the fall for Obama as Client No 11?

    Client Number 11 of the EmperorsClubVIP scandal is a tall basketball playing black politican according to reports surfacing in Europe. The liaisons with the ECVIP young ladies occurred in Chicago and in Washington DC in 2005, 2006 and 2007.

    Anyone have any information?

    Obama and Spitzer share a common good friend in Nancy Pritzker of the Hyatt Hotel family. She introduced the two men and their wives when both couples were guests at her lakeside home outside Chicago about 8 years ago. Nancy Pritzker is a fundraiser for Democratic politicans--most notably until Obama (she is finance chair) her favored candidate was Nancy Pelosi,

    When Obama was 'batch-ing' in Washington (Michelle was at home with the girls in Chicago), he and Spitzer met for dinners several times in the company of attractive young women. Both were Democrats and both 'wife-less' in Washington DC when Spitzer came down to DC on business and pretty women make dinner hours pass so much more pleasantly.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How many other meetings with corrupt backers is Obama "failing to recall"?

    Barack Obama says he 'fails to recall' ever meeting Nadhim Auchi the convicted fraudster billionaire. Amazing as according to eye witnesses, Obama has met the man at least twice in Rezko's company--once at a dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel and again at a PRIVATE soiree at Rezko's home! But then again Obama now says he never heard a single unkind or racist remark from his pastor and as for Rezko, that he barely knew him even though Rezko was his chief fundraiser for 25 years and he got his job at the law firm that represented Rezko when he left Harvard thanks to Rezko!

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • When is Levine going to tie Senator Obama to the Rezko shakedowns?

    Stuart Levine has been in court all week testifying to how he and Antoin Rezko (Senator Obama's bagman) shook down corporations for contracts with the Illinois Hospitals Board during the period when Senator Obama was Chairman of the Illinois Legislature Hospitals Committee, which had oversight over the Illinois Hospital Board and all contracts awarded. He has mentioned in passing that Obama asked Rezko to find jobs (starting salaries over US$75,000 per) for 39 of his supporters! And that all 39 managed to get the well paid jobs!

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should Senator Obama seek a new calling?

    AUSTIN — Ginny McCallum, 43, who has been confined to a wheelchair for much of her adult life, came to hear presidential candidate Barack Obama speak at the University of Texas. Afterward she found herself in a wheelchair access breezeway as Obama and his entourage exited the arena. The candidate spotted her, came over, grabbed her hand and pulled her up. She found herself standing for the first time in eleven years.

    "He smiled at me and said, ‘Yes, you can,’" she says. "I was so stunned I didn’t know what to do."

    McCallum is among hundreds of people who say they have been healed by the Democratic candidate, in one of the most surprising and little-acknowledged aspects of his campaign. Reporters have shied away from the story, chalking it up to "Obama-mania" and people’s feelings of elation.

    "We don’t talk about it a lot, but yeah, it does happen," says one staffer who says he has seen multiple people healed on a rope line. "We don’t know exactly how or why it’s happening, and the Senator won’t talk about it. He usually insists that people keep it quiet and just report it to their pastor or priest."

    Greeting supporters after a rousing speech in Houston, Obama stepped into the dense crowd and spontaneously began touching people: a legally blind woman, a man deaf in one ear, a cancer sufferer and a lame man.

    "Yes, you can," Obama said as he laid hands on afflicted bodies.

    The people’s reactions were so joyous as to be almost frightening. They jumped and shouted and wept. Before they could thank or embrace the candidate he was well down the rope line healing others. Their excitement was lost in the general din of the crowd.

    Aides acknowledge that the phenomenon is occurring with greater frequency.

    "His power goes beyond simple inspiration," says one aide. "There is something developing here that I’m not sure any of us fully understands."

    They say Obama has told them privately that his time has not yet come, so it would be inappropriate to talk about the healings right now. He says he will wait until the convention to speak publicly about the "special calling" he believes he has to lead the country. They do expect him to start alluding to "the providential nature of what is happening on the campaign trail" in an upcoming address, mostly because word is getting around.

    People have begun bringing relatives by the score to campaign events in hopes of a healing touch.

    "It’s not the speeches that are drawing people anymore, as good as they are," says a senior staff member. "It’s people wanting to get better, and wanting their friends and relatives to get better. It’s the belief that there’s something more here." •

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago