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  • How do you get hairspray out of your hair without washing?

    I wash my hair every 3 to 4 days but use hairspray daily.  But when I go to brush it before bed no matter if I use a wide tooth comb, wetbrush, or regular brush, I feel like my hair is bring ripped out from the stiffness of the hairspray.  I've seen suggestions for dry shampoo but my hair is already very dry and dry shampoo just makes it worse.  Should I just spray it with water and comb or is there something else I should be using?

    3 AnswersHair1 year ago
  • Name for New Business?

    I'm thinking of starting a business that sells silk floral arrangements, jewelry and gift baskets (all handcrafted by me) but I need help coming up with a unique and memorable name. Any creative suggestions?

  • spoofing text messages?

    is there a way to spoof a text message but be able to get a reply? even if i have to set up a phone number through another account and then use that number as the spoof number?

    4 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • letter from irs. what can i do to deter them?

    i just received a letter from the irs asking for receipts for things i claimed on my 2009 taxes. however, i don't have and cannot access most of those receipts. is there any way i can call them and persuade them not to audit me? hurricane irene flooded about 3 to 4 feet of my house and all my receipts and records were destroyed. i've been living with family and friends until my house is liveable again. i don't even know where to start. i doubt the charities i listed have any records because i drop off items and they hand me a reciept or i mail them a check and that's that. my employer's pay records only go back for one year so i can't prove non-reimbursement or deductions such as health insurance for that year. what should i do?

    8 AnswersUnited States10 years ago
  • How to make fake phone call with fake voice?

    i need to call somebody i met on internet but do not want to take a chance on my # showing up and i need the voice to be a man's voice. can this be done

    3 AnswersVoice Calls1 decade ago
  • is he interested and what should my next move be if anything?

    i've known this guy for about 7 years and it's one of those on again, off again type things. when we're together we have more fun and get along better than i ever thought possible. but he has trust issues and promises things that he later thinks about and renigs on. things like future plans for our relationship. then i get pissed and the fighting starts. if you could measure our fun time together on a scale of 1 to 10 it would definitley be 10 but our fighting time is also at 10. we give the good and the bad 100%. anyway, we always end up breaking up, pulling some really dirty tricks on each other and then vow to stay away but our paths always seem to cross again in about a year or two even though we live in different towns. my baby was playing with my phone one day and pressed his name. once i realized what she had done, i hung up the phone. later than night he texted me saying "hey whatcha need?" i was shocked that he would even respond. i texted back apologizing and explained what happened. then about a week later i kept thinking about how i really would have expected him to just ignore the phone call but he didn't so i texted him and asked if we could have lunch the following weekend. to my surprise he texted back and said he couldn't because he had to work. again i was surprised that he texted back and even more surprised that he was nice and even explained why he couldn't meet me for lunch. do you think he's just being polite or do you think he's actually giving consideration to seeing me again? what should i do now? i would really love to try it one more time with him. i think we've both grown and changed over the past few years and it's possible things could work. of course, it could just be a repeat of the past but i would like the opportunity to find out. should i wait for him to make the next move or should i ask him out again?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Has anybody used the "As Seen on TV" Iron Gym? If so what is your opinion?

    I bought one today and I put it together and tried it but for some reason I'm scared it's going to fall off the door frame or break the door frame. Not sure why. I only weigh 123lbs and the commercial and the box show a man using it. Anybody have any trouble with it staying put? Did you get any results from using it?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • anybody know of anything that will make my dogs' breath smell better?

    i have a pomeranian (13 years old) and a 4 year old jack russell. both of them have awful breath. you can barely stand to be around them. i feed them only dog food - purina one healthy weight formula is the only thing that does not upset my older dog's tummy. they get no table food but do get treats a couple times a day. they are both alpha males and refuse to let me brush their teeth. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

    21 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Mature Women - Is it better to date a man with....?

    good looks that treats you okay or a man that's not good looking but treats you special?

    i have been talking to a man on the internet for about 2 months now. we talk pretty much everyday and text and talk on the phone. he has a good job, stable home life, custody of his daughter (which speaks a lot about his character since a man getting custody of his daughter is no easy feat), is very polite, a prominent figure in the community, very athletic and we have a lot in common. however, i do not find him attractive in his pictures and for this reason i keep putting him off on meeting in person. but he keeps contacting me and for some reason i can't ignore him because i feel i'm being rude. so would you go out with a man like this or would you wait for someone you are physically attractive to?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how do i get great abs?

    i'm 5'7, 123 lbs and have a flat stomach but i've noticed that as i age my weight is beginning to shift to areas it wasn't before. i'm workout with weights a minimum of 5 days a week just to stay toned and i do cardio. but i'm not happy with my stomach anymore. there is a little pooch starting and i'm getting love handles but not gaining weight so i think it's just the mother nature shift of gravity. when i work abs they rarely if ever get sore and i work them until i can barely move. any good exercises besides crunches, reverse crunches, leg lifts, and bicycles?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Does anyone here watch the Nancy Grace show? If so, what is your opinion?

    I really like the topics but I can't for the life of me understand why she can't let a person answer a freaking question. Why ask if you already know you're right and their input is unimportant. And, I know this is ugly, but are you guys as sick of the TWINS as I am or how perfect of a mother she is? She compares those twins to every missing child. In a case of a missing 9 year old that was leaving a friend's house but was lured back by the sister and ended up getting killed by the friend's sister, she said that she would never let the twins walk home from anybody's house. Was she blaming the mom for this child's death? And when Robert Manwill went missing, it was first reported that he was last seen outside playing in the playground area around 7. She swore up and down that it was dark at 7 (which it wasn't) and that she would never let the twins be outside that late. First of all, the little girl was 9 and I can't remember how old Robert Manwill was but he was around 9 or 10. The twins just turned 2. BIG DIFFERENCE MOMMY DEAREST!!! and finally, did any of you take off work to celebrate the twins' birthday? i mean it was a national holiday wasn't it?

    Gosh, I wish HLN would get somebody else to host that show. I really like the topics but I want to jump through the tv and strangle her sometimes. One night the Sheriff of Onslow County, NC put her in her place though and she never had him on again. Did you guys see that one? I have to admit she did do a good job on the Insider with Jon Gosselin though.

    Sorry for the rant, but she drives me nuts! And she gives out misinformation. She twists the words and actions of people to make them look worse than they really are sometimes.

    Opinions from other viewers?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Don't Forget The Lyrics (3) 10 pts to first correct answer with words, artist and title?

    All the lonely nights _____ ______ _____

    _________ ________ ____ ______ ____

    You're Always Gone

    Cause ______ _______ _____

    ______ ______ _______

    Oh the man has come

    looking for you

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Don't Forget The Lyrics (2) 10 pts to first correct answer - words, artist and song?

    There is no other ____ _______ ____ _____

    You've got me darlin' giving all that i have to you

    _____ ______ ______ _______ _____ i, i'll ______ ______

    but those _____ _____ ______ when you're not here all the time

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Let's Play Don't Forget The Lyrics 10 pts. to first correct answer with words, artist and song?

    the morning sun when it's in your face ______ _______ _______ _______.

    _____ ______ ______ _______ ______ _____

    in my eyes you're everything

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • best website for downloading music?

    i've used limewire but for some reason can't get it to load on my new computer so i started using bearshare. my free trial period is up and they want 9.95 a month but i can't figure out if that means my downloads are free or do i still have to pay for downloads? during my free trial i could listen to music before i bought it or downloaded it but now i can't. so i need to know if i should pay the 9.95, what does it include or if there is a better site.

    9 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • me and my b/f have known each other for awhile. we were engaged at one point and i broke it off?

    i didn't think i was ready to be married at that time. after over a year apart, we reconciled and have now been back together for just over a year. i feel i am ready to get married now but he never brings it up. he always talks about having children and what their names will be etc. but never talks about marriage. when i ask him about it, he just kind of blows it off and says he's never really thought about it. what should i do? i'm in my mid 20's and would like to have a stable home environment before having kids and due to hereditary health concerns, i really want kids before i'm 30. any advice?

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago