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  • How to night train my 21 month old?

    I have 21 month old son who is potty trained during the day and has been for a while.

    My next step is night training and I was hoping for a few pointers on how to go about it.

    There as been some mornings (recently) where he wakes up totally dry after sleeping 10 hours through the night, then other mornings where he wakes up soaked. I know it has to do with how much he drinks before bed but it's not like I can deny him a drink when he asks me.

    I'm switching him from his crib to a toddler bed in the next few weeks so he will also have more independence when it comes to going potty first thing in the morning, when I switch him is when I plan on starting the night training.


    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • How to night train my 21 month old?

    I have 21 month old son who is potty trained during the day and has been for a while.

    My next step is night training and I was hoping for a few pointers on how to go about it.

    There as been some mornings (recently) where he wakes up totally dry after sleeping 10 hours through the night, then other mornings where he wakes up soaked. I know it has to do with how much he drinks before bed but it's not like I can deny him a drink when he asks me.

    I'm switching him from his crib to a toddler bed in the next few weeks so he will also have more independence when it comes to going potty first thing in the morning, when I switch him is when I plan on starting the night training.


    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • 20 month old son.. is he on track?

    My son is 20 months...

    ~knows shapes: circles, triangle, square

    ~knows colors: blue, green, black, white, purple, yellow, orange

    ~can count to 10

    ~knows literary every animal name and sound you can think of

    ~can also almost spell his name, he knows C-O-N (his name is connor).

    It has always seemed like he's very good with his language (but of course every mommy thinks that lol) , just wondering if other toddlers his age are doing to the same thing? Is he on track?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How did you potty train for the night time?

    My son is 15 months old, he is pretty close to mastering the potty. He wears undies now, with no covers or anything, just plain old undies. He tells me when he needs to use the potty during the day by either saying "pee pee" poopy" or "potty" if he isn't sure which one haha.

    He can last through 1.5-2.5 hour long naps with out any accidents, we also take daily 1.5 hour walks and he does not have any issues.

    So what about night time? I'm really not sure what to I wake him up? How often?

    I work nights, so when I have to work my son is with my parents. I get out of work at about 10pm, pick him up at about 10:30, should I wake him to potty before we leave to come home?

    Did you day/night train your kids at the same time or do it seperatly?

    Sorry for all the questions, just looking to get some ideas on how to make this work at night!

    Thank you :)

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • When to switch to a "big boy" cup?

    My son is 15 months old. He has been using a sippy cup since around 5 months, using it well since about 9 months. He has sippy cups mastered so I am wondering when I should try a regular open mouth cup?

    I have not been putting the "non spill" valves in the cups to teach him he always needs to put them upright, which he has been doing well with. He can drink from water bottles (but usually ends up spilling it all over himself), he also tries to drink water from his bath cup (yuck!).

    What are some signs that he would do well with a regular cup?

    When did you switch your toddlers?

    Also, my son LOVES/NEEDS to have a cup of water in the car, how will that work once he is switched over, do I still use sippy cups for car rides?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Quick question about the flu shot?

    My son received his flu shot when he was 6 months old, it was late November.

    He had his 15 month check-up today and they did not mention another flu shot for his 18 month check-up, which will be in late November.

    Is a flu shot something I have to call ahead and request or would they just give him one since he follows all recommended vaccines?

    **I would call them, but there answering services takes half the day before you can get to talk to a real live person.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Outdoor wedding in Maine?

    My fiancee and I are looking for a beautiful outdoor wedding spot in maine. We would like to steer clear any resorts because we simply do not have the money.

    We are planning on about 60-70 guests, something small, but elegant. We are looking to have the wedding and reception at the same place.

    Any ideas will be extremely helpful since all the internet seems to offer is the most pricey (yet beautiful) resorts.

    2 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • 14 month old was bullied :(?

    A few days ago I brought my little buy to the beach, he is 14 months old. It is a very family friendly beach, meaning if you DO NOT bring your kids there you kind of stick out.

    A little boy (22 months) started playing with my son, they were playing nice, sharing and all. Out of no where this kid shoved my son down and landed right on top of him! He casually took his time getting up (while pinching my sons leg) as my little boy screamed. Mind you my son weighs 21lbs and is only 31in tall, this boy nearly doubled him in size. His mother kind of giggled and shook it off. About an hour later my son was digging in the sand, this boy came back over and started playing again, once again everything was fine, then all of a sudden he waked my son in the face 3 times with a plastic shovel and cut his face! The boy's mother once again seemed to shake it off. As you can imagine I was extremely p*issed off!

    I mean I am not going to blow up on this little boy, he obviously is not controlled by his parents, it's not his fault. I had to leave the beach because I was ready to flip out on this boy's mother, but really did not want to in front of a bunch of young kids.

    How do you handle when your toddlers get bullied? Do you talk to the parents?

    7 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Radio Flyer wagon...Yay or Nay?

    I was looking into getting a radio flyer wagon for next summer, this one to be exact

    My son will be 2 next May so I am not sure how much use I will actually get out of it. We do a lot of hiking, going to the beach, just basically a lot of time outside. We have gotten through just fine without it so far, I mean nothing has been "so unbearable" that I have needed this, but it would make things a lot easier.

    I was looking into buying it at the end of this summer once it goes on clearance so I could save some money, but I wanted input first. Any reviews on the product? How did it work for you? What did you mainly use it for?

    6 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • When did you stop the night time milk?

    My son is 14 months, he drinks a big sippy cup of milk right before bed every night.

    I have absolutely no problem with doing this every night because I LOVE the snuggling time we get!!

    Just wondering when most parents stopped the before bed milk and just put their toddler's to bed? Also, did they have a hard time adjusting?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • 2 month old baby not peeing?

    Last night I babysat my little cousin, he is 2 months old.

    He slept from 10pm - 1:30am...woke up ate 2oz, got a diaper change and went back to sleep.

    He woke again at 6am...ate 2oz and went back to sleep.

    He then woke for the day at 8am and drank 4oz.

    I noticed from 2am about 9am he had not peed in his diaper one bit. Also, I was watching him from 5pm yesterday until noon time today and he had not pooped (he is formula fed).

    Now I do have a 14 month old, so I am not clueless about this...but I am a little worried. My son seemed like he needed a new diaper every hour at that age from how much he peed (especially at night). He also pooped multiple times a day (breastfed).

    Normal for a formula fed 2 month old to go that long without peeing or pooping?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Best reusable toddler training pants?

    What worked best for your toddler when potty training?

    I have been looking and I either find somewhat absorbent undies or a cover to go over undies.

    Not sure if I should get both or if there is something else out there?

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Proudest mommy in the world right now!!!?

    So I just had to share this with the world...well in this case, Y! Answers :)

    My son is 13 months, he has been using the potty for some time now throughout the day. It was a guess and check thing most of the time when putting him on (sometimes he would run into the bathroom when he had to go or right after going). Well as of today he is saying "pee pee" and "pooo"!!!!!! He has been saying it all morning after or while he is peeing.

    He woke up from his nap, I went into his room and we were just talking and hanging out, all of a sudden he gets a weird face and started yelling "pee pee pee pee pee!!!", so I took him out of his crib, and he ran to the bathroom. I put him on the potty and he peed :)

    I know there is no question here, I am just super happy!!!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Trying to conceive in 2012?

    We are not planning on trying for another baby for about 18 months, but I had a few questions.

    I have the Implanon birth control (rod in your arm, good for 3 years), if we are going to start trying for a baby in November of 2012 when should I get it removed?

    How do you tell you are ovulating? When should I start tracking this?

    My son was a "happy little accident" so I am not sure the steps to start trying for a baby.

    Thank you!!

    If it matters, I do not have regular periods because of my birth control. It is kind of all over the place and that is if it even happens.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • 13 month old leg caught in crib?

    My son is 13 months he is not ready for a toddler bed yet.

    Anyway...yesterday afternoon I put him down for a nap, a few minutes later he was screaming bloody murder. I went in his room and his little leg got caught between the bars on his crib!! I calmed him down and thought it was just a weird occurrence. Well, this morning when he woke up the same thing happened!!

    Now he isn't trying to climb out, I actually caught him purposely sticking his leg through the holes so he can peak over the top and see his foot on the other side.

    He has two little bruises on either leg from doing this and I am so worried something terrible is gonna happen. How can I get him to stop?!?!?!

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Some random toddler questions?

    When did you switch your toddler from whole milk to 2%, 1%, or skim?

    When did you first start giving choc milk as a treat?

    When did you switch from Johnson and Johnson baby products to "more toddler" products?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Mom's, let's compare (just curious)?

    I know comparing one another is a bad habit...but I am just curious.

    What was your pre-pregnancy: Height? Weight? Size (pants/shirt)?

    What is your post-pregnancy: Height? Weight? Size(pants/shirt)?

    How old is your child?

    How do you feel in your *new*body?

    No rude comments or thumbs down!!

    4 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Food for my 1 year old?

    I need some ideas for "main courses" for my son.

    He eats plenty or fruits or veggies with every meal, but I feel like I am feeding him the same thing over and over for the "main course".

    For those who are going to say "feed him what you eat" that does not help. Most days I need to prepare his food ahead of time because he will be with my mother while I am at work. I do not leave it up to her to make him food because she is not a very healthy eater.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • What are you most paranoid about?

    As a parent, what are you the most paranoid about when it comes to your child(ren)?

    How old are they?

    My son is about to turn 13 months. When it comes to him I am very paranoid about sunburns, uncooked meats, and dehydration.

    4 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Why do parent's wait so long to potty train?

    The potty training age seems to go up every few years....

    40 years ago it was normal to have your son/daughter trained by 18 months, now a days it is normal if you still have not even started potty training your 3 year old!! If it was possible 40 years ago, it is possible now! It frustrates me to no end that people allow their children to soil themselves because they are just too lazy to teach them a basic skill that they need to know for the rest of their lives!

    Now, I am not one of those people who just sits back, observes and rants....I am a mother. I have little boy who just turned one, and who would have guessed it...he uses the potty!!! My son was never afraid of the potty, he never had a any reason to be. He does not get rewards for going and I do not have to bribe him to go, he just goes because that is what a potty is for. My son is not walking yet, but still knows how to make it into "the potty room" and helps mommy take off his diaper and pants.

    I found this article interesting...

    It points out the the *signs* parents are waiting for can be easily taught at a young age. And that it is NOT a good idea to passively wait for your child to start showing these signs. Also that early potty training is nothing but beneficial to your child by reducing diaper rash, UTI and other problems young toddlers encounter because of diapers.

    23 AnswersParenting10 years ago