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Favorite Answers21%
  • Why is someone constantly stealing plants from my flowerbed?

    The past four years i worked really hard building an above ground flower bed. I was really proud of all my hard work and research on various flowers/plants that could be planted together and so on. I designed the planting layout and types of stores and or bark to place around the flower bed. Once or twice a week plant were missing when i went out to water my lawn. I though animals rabbits really had been eating the plants until the plants and pots were missing. Most of my neighbors have far more flowers and plants then me and twice as expensive. It's the fourth summer now and i still haven't caught this plant thief. I'm truly angered that someone continues to pin point my flowers/ plants out of all the properties with far more. I have grandkids so i can't put harmful plants out there so do i have a security camera or sensor security lights added over looking my flower bed. This is driving me crazy.

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • What natural vitamin helps to enhance the appetite?

    I am a 44 year old female. i just haven't had much of an appetite steadily i have loss weight without trying to. I drink the boost or ensure protein shakes along with forcing myself to eat so not to take my medications on an empty stomach. some one suggested Ginko or ginseng booster vitamins. they're known to help increase energy,appetite, enhance memory and also help the body fight stress.

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Why do so many people only choose to do volunteer work during the holiday seasons?

    Not just because we are struggling financially as a nation, that people are homeless. I am just wondering why is it people are fixed on seasonally signing up to do volunteer work and then it's mainly for the many soup kitchens. Why does volunteering have to be seasonal when it's needed 365 days a year every year?

    3 AnswersThanksgiving1 decade ago
  • Does my friend really have poison ivy or what?

    I have a friend who's been infected twice in the past 2 to 3 weeks with poison ivy (sumac). I am a type 2 diabetic and i'm fearful that this stuff is contagious. He's constantly stretching all these areas of his body. And i haven't seen him wash his hands or use any hand sanitizers. He's showing no concern for his health or others by not seeking medical attention. He guesses that it's sumac or poison ivy. Please if anyone has factual information on this subject please reply.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Home remedies to gain weight?

    Okay i'm in my mid 40's all of my life i've be a thin woman 110 to 125lbs.

    When i went through major bouts of depression and was put on anti-depressants is the only time frame that i'd gained weight up to 150 - 160 lbs.

    However i eventually lost the weight i had gained, not trying to at all. Now at 5'5" i'm back to 120 lbs. I tried the weight gain protein shake mix WHEY and followed instructions for 3 months now along with exercising and nothings changed as for weight increase. Health wise i'm pretty fit, I have had test run and there's nothing seen that would prevent me from gaining. I have a home business and i eat 4 to 6 times daily. what can i do? I plan to

    discuss my weight issue with the doctor at my next appointment in about three weeks. Please if there's someone into body building, fitness nursing etc that could share information please do.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How to help my 20 year old son?

    My son is 20 years old and he is bi-sexual which he had honest and openly confided this information talking with his step father when he was 16 or 17 years of age. My husband felt that my son should come talk with me and that no matter what i ( we) love him. I think in our hearts we already knew this. But the thing is his father, my ex husband does not know this. Our son has been struggling financially and his dad feels that he could relocate to live with him in another state. Where as our son could possibly find a job, have a descent place to live with him, save money and just do much better. My fear is that my ex will since our son's sexuality and that alone may be war between them. They've never had a true father son bond even before the divorce and only got worse with time over the years. Because his dad never took the opportunity to actually build and keep a father son bond. How can I help my son because he is my main concern. I think any further rejection once there and his dad finds out, will cause far more damage to what our son has struggled with all those years before he shared the matter in the first place. What do i do, i mean my son stuffers from major depression and attention disorder and has since he was a small kid. Please anyone with serious and sincere advice...........ONLY!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • 120 lbs now, what can i do to gain and keep weight on.?

    how can i gain and keep weight on. I am in my mid 40's as a teen and adult i've only gained weight during my pregnancies. I've always weighted between 110 to 120 lbs. 3 or 4 years ago i did gain weight with out trying to but stressful situations i started loosing the weight without trying . I looked and felt great having reached 175lbs those few years back. what can i do to gain weight again and keep it on.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Should i ask where is my place in his life?

    I have been with my boyfriend a year and a half now. Our relationship really grew over time and seemed as if it would last. Until my boyfriend befriended this guy who he paid to assist with rental property renovations. With time my boyfriend seemed to no matter what spend more time with this guy and not really have the time he use to for me. I'm not jealous, but i am hurt because this friend of his is and has been mooching off of my boyfriend. I brung this to his attention so that my boyfriend would possibly pay more attention to all of this. Well to my surprise my boyfriend decided to no longer call or visit me this whole week now. I'm not one to chase after any man, and i don't like drama. So i haven't phoned him either, just kept to my general daily routines. I just think my boyfrined feels he has the ability to guide this guy towards a better life and friends. Like he's a hero of something. Even my boyfriend's daughter and sons have expressed that they are worried about these guys he calls friends. I agree. So with out talking or seeing each other for a week i just want some kind of answers. Who and what am i to him? should i go my own way and not look back?

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • soon to be ex-husband not yet accepting of the facts.?

    My soon to be ex- husband seems to not be accepting of the mere facts that our marriage has been damaged so bad and reached it's point of never possibly being repaired. So he calls and text messages saying that he loves me so much & i just don't understand how much. He keeps saying that he needs to hear me say that i love him forever no matter what, because it gives him the strength and determination to do right and do better. Point is we've been seperated for almost ten months now and he's not made any positive progress benefiting for himself, let alone for us. I feel he's used me as his crutch the majority of our time together. The more he phones and i tell him that i'm not going to prolong getting the divorce, the more he's been calling with all the repeated promises he made over the years and never kept. So it's like he's hearing what he wants these past couple of weeks. Two months went by and he hadn't contacted me and i did feel at peace. Out of no where he started calling again. people said i should change my cell and home number. Why should i have to keep going through all of the changes when he should respect the fact that i'm content. I asked that he provide me the time and space i wanted to get over all the hurt endured with him and without him. That maybe one day some day we could be friends and nothing more than that. I don't want more then that and i just want him to accept that as being that. so far i guess he assumes i've had enough time and space. He hasn't come to my new place, he just calls and he did stop by my job a month or two ago he said to just see my face and check to make sure i was ok.

    Where do i go from this point i think i've been really clear the marriage is over and the broken pieces can't be glued back together this time.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why does he not understand it's over?

    I enformed my husband that i will be filing for a divorce last week. We've been seperated for eight and a half months now,I have admitted to may faults of problems in our marriage, yet he constantly over looks what he's done and not done excepting responsiblities for his part in our down falls. So he's sending me very sweet romanic text messages and leaving kind and sincere voicemails at my on my house phone and cell phone always stating that he loves me so damn much and don't want to loose me. Before we seperated i asked that he make some positive changes for his benefit and our marriage there were none. during our time apart there hasn't been any changes. Now that i'm serious and enformed him that i'm filing for the divorce he's running around like a chicken with no head trying to make changes to patch things up with us. I explained that while together in the same household he put forward no effort , during time apart nothings changed for the better with him or us then i waited and i'm tired of waiting on there to be changes. so therefore i am going for the divorce soon and moving on with my life. He feels that i'm wanting to get into another relationship or what ever, when that's not the case. I have been working on me to better myself personally, not look for another guy. I value me and respect myself even if he doesn't and hasn't, so i figured he'll think what ever he wants if we're together or not. Why can't he understand or is he refusing to try to understand and just wants what he wants.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do i go about getting to know my first husband, kids father all over again?

    Out of no where my ex-husband has been calling me on a almost daily basis sometimes twice a day. Thing is we're both in the mist of a divorce from our current spouses, both married two /three years. He lives in Texas and I live in Michigan. we were married 15 years and have two kids together that are young adults now. We actually enjoy talking with one another, joking and so on. How do i tell him that i never stopped loving him after all these years. He was indeed a wonderful husband and provider and father but he worked so much that

    we grew apart. He admitted that he married a second time when he felt lonely therefore he settled for the person he married and mistook that loneliness for love. I hadn't thought of it in such depth and after really thinking about what i've gone through with my second marriage not yet sharing my thoughts with my ex, but that i was searching for some one that would fill that emptiness i felt being alone so often.

    Now communicating this often with my ex husband i'm like a teenage girl madly in love, waiting to hear his voice and all that good stuff. We've discussed visiting each other during the hoilday seasons. Is it worth giving it another try?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • trying to contact step son to provide him with his dad and my home contact information?

    My husband was enformed by the courts that because his son is now of legal age that his ex- wife can not provent the son from communicating with his father and i should he choose to do so. However they've moved so readily that we have not no way of writing to him. But thing is the courts stated that the mom does not want my husband to have an actual home address. Which is fine, we are willing to keep in touch via email and or IM, and or ship clothes and so on to another family member. so i've been searching when possible on line for him. His name is frederick tate Jr.

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Searching for my step son and daughter residing in dallas, tx.?

    frederick Jr. if you know him please pass on the messagedad and step mom searching

    3 AnswersDallas1 decade ago
  • Seperated now six and a half months?

    My husband and i have been seperated for six and a half months now, during which time we've supposed to be steadily working on resolving our marriage with counseling. (that has not happened) Prior to seperation i'd asked him about us going to counseling he said yes and for me to get the information and or forms for us to fill out. I did but the receptionist gave me the form for substance abuse group counseling, but i didn't read them over until after he and i'd gotten into a heated arguement and he mentioned it. For the past two or three years i have gone to visit my uncle who is in prisions for a life sentence with eight years to go, i visit at most once or twice every three months. my husband lives at one of his female school friends daughter renting a room in her basement. there ia all his clothing, and so on of personal items. For about four months he's promised me that he's moving back in with me and we're working that much harder on us, not letting nothing come between us. Well today he's mad because he's currently at work, earlier this morning he left here after staying two days straight here with me. to go take care of some business and go freshen up put on some more clothes and he was going to come back to spend time with me or call for me to pick him up when he was ready. Before i knew it my aunt phone to see if i'd go take them or join them visiting my uncle their brother at the prision. I called my husband's cell phone all after noon and all before three thrity p.m. and my calls wouldn't go through , not having any other way of contacting him to enform him that i was going with my aunt i left the house. Once returning from the visit i took them to get something to eat and drink and i went to a neighborhood frontier mart to buy a drink myself and came directly home to check my messages. my husband had called at 6:18 p.m. .from his job, which i called and spoke with him telling him i'dtried calling him al day with no luck to tell him where i was. He instantly had a change of tone and attitude when i said i went to visit my uncle. My husband in short thinks that i've been seeing someone at the prision other then my uncle more so a guard. when that's not the case i love my uncle and it's hurtful that my husband can avoid moving back in with me and work on our marriage yet sit here and assume that i have time to be bothered with someone else. He'd found a letter that i had planned to trash that mention in question for my uncle to try to get single security guards phone numbers or to hook me up. so even though i explained i wrote that out of rejection and hurt, but i planned to throw it away but fell asleep. my husband thinks i'm lying and seeing someone else and leadin ghim on. When i'm being honest with him about everything and just about begging him to return why is it he thinks that visiting my uncle i'm dealing with another ma. But he's living where he is and living as if he's a single man without the commitment and responsibilities. Here yes i did and do expect him to help out financailly and with various duties in and around the house, which i think is fair as a couple. I don't hang out out in the area he's renting his room , but i do know what goes on out there and that his friend will try to do all she can to keep him and i apart, because she doesn't have happiness he's her friend and she don't want him to be happy either so she tells him lies about me and don't know me or anyone i know. Where is this marriage going if any where. How can i work with my husband to show him that i know it's him i love and want to grow old with and ease him jealousy and insecurities he has when i visit my uncle or some man looks at me from a car and my husband see him but i don't notice, or when someone looks at me when we go places and my husband assumes i know the person and i really don't know them.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Should my husband's childhood female friend have access to his personal information?

    My husband's child hood friend from his home town ( a female) know his personal business such as our disagreements, his email ID and pass word? I expressed to him that she has been trying to come between us, by lying on me that i've been emailing her nasty/bad letters and so on. Turns out she failed to tell him she'd actually gotten a hold of his email ID and pass word and had be snooping into his persoanl business. That those emails she claimed i sent to her were emails to him and they weren't nasty or mean emails period. Point being when she told him this he comforted me mad and sid he was tired of this bull between she and I. There was nothing between she and I, it's his friend and i'm his wife. point being why and how is she has access to your info. as a friend when i'm your wife with your approval to check your email and send out emails from your account when it's related to possible employment. I reframed from even checking his email or anything even when it's a confirmed fact that this or that job generally contacts people for interviews via email. So how should i handle this matter or should i simply keep providing him with proof as i've been doing that she's taken it upon her self to actually change his pass word to his account with out his knowing it until i enformed him. All his laser photo's and very inportant documentations she's deleted, emails from me and so on. Should i just leave him to checking his own emails and setting up an entirely new account or what?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago