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This page is a diet only zone, that means i'm forced to confiscate your sausages. Give them here. You'll have them returned after the tour.

  • Teens: Should Disney have a plus size Princess?

    I don't know if you've heard about this petition, but a high school junior has gained 22,000 signatures of people requesting for Disney to have a plus size princess in the next film.

    "If Disney could make a plus-size female protagonist who was as bright, amazing, and memorable as their others, it would do a world of good for those plus-size girls out there who are bombarded with images that make them feel ugly for not fitting the skinny standard."

    I want to know what you think about this? Do you agree with her? The next Princess film is a long way away. It's called Moana, It's set in the pacific islands and it's about sea voyaging adventurer and wont be released until 2018. But should Moana star the first heavy princess as well as the first Polynesian princess? These are my thoughts. While i'm all up for equality and representation, I have to say no. Appearance has never been what Disney is about. Of course all the princess are beautiful, but that has never been the characters strong point. They have never flaunted it and the stories never revolve around it. In fact many Disney stories show why it's important to not judge people by they look. Hunchback and Beauty and the Beast for example are about inner beauty. It's not as if Disney wants the audience to feel bad about themselves. The idea that just because the characters are skinny means you should be skinny to is ridiculous. By that logic a large princess will have girls trying to gain weight. Shouldn't People be able to look past things like this? I mean, I get annoyed when I hear people say "Anna is such a good role model for girls." Eh, NO! Anna is a good role model, period. You shouldn't limit roles models to a demographic, they should be oblivious to things like gender and race. Plus, Disney is Animated, it isn't real.

    Saying that, i'm all up for Disney having one, but for the right reasons. Not just to save the self esteem of a teenager or to please the over conscious and politicly correct. This princes shouldn't just be "The fat one", she should be her own character. I don't understand why this teenager needs a large female role model anyway. Because I think she's already a pretty good one. I doubt disney will do it anyway. Did any one read the backlash for Princess and the Frog for having a black princess. Sh*t, Disney can't seem to win because someone always seems to find a "problem" with their work.

    17 AnswersTeen & Preteen7 years ago
  • Some advice for dormroom living?

    Soon I will be heading off to university and staying on campus. The dorm I will be staying in has a large kitchen,a study and common room. It houses me and another 19 students. Can anyone give me some basic advice on what to expect with the other students. How close will I be with the other students? Is there any fighting or arguing at all? Can I expect to have some privacy? I'm naturally very shy and introverted. Could that cause a problem?

    2 AnswersTeen & Preteen7 years ago
  • Teens: If you had a superpower, what would it be?

    I've been watching a show called Misfits, it's about a group of youth offenders. During their community service they are given super powers, the show then follows the various antics they get up to. I'm absolutely loving it, i'd recommend it, it's worth a watch.

    Anyway the show got me thinking about superpowers. The interesting thing about the powers in the show is the power reflects their personality. For example one really shy character who is often ignored can turn invisible, another can turn back time because he regrets his mistakes. It gets even deeper sometime, One character is always happy-go-lucky, he represses all negative emotions, his power is too multiply himself. The clone reveals all his deepest insecurity's and anxiety's, which he tries to hide. when he is feeling vulnerable, the clone appears involuntary.

    So basically the rules are if you could personify your personality as a superpower. what would your super power be? Get creative!

    I think my power would be the power to slow down time. Firstly because i'm very cautious and wary. I don't trust easily and I lose tract of things easily, everything just moves so fast I can't keep up. I take a long time to decide anything and I hate to be rushed. I think overall i'm very placid. Slowing down time seems to fit into all those.

    11 AnswersTeen & Preteen7 years ago
  • Any funny stories from school you can share?

    That's right, it's story time everyone. YAY! so grab a cushion and sit down.

    My school was right beside a lake, on this lake were lots of different type of ducks and swans. It was fun to spend your lunch hour or your line off just sitting by the lake watching and feeding them. One of the most popular areas to hangout was this small courtyard that opened up to the lake. This courtyard was right outside the student common room, where I would hangout. I had a complete view of the courtyard and I had a good view of the lake. One afternoon I looked out the window and a black swan was slowly walking across the courtyard. There was only two other girls, sitting down and talking, their backs turned from the swan. The swan creep ever closer till suddenly it started attacking the two girls. The girls freaked out and had no idea what was going on. they stood up and turned around but the swan keep pecking them, they ran inside with the swan in hot pursuit. They closed the glass door behind them and swan looked in through the window. It spent the next few minutes pacing in front of the door, guarding it in case they came out. The girls hadn't even done anything, they where just sitting down talking. But the swan was having any of that. Eventually another student came and scared the swan off. The whole time this was going on I was just laughing my head off, I couldn't contain myself. The girls did give me some nasty stares for laughing, but i'm sorry, It was just too funny to watch.

    3 AnswersTeen & Preteen7 years ago
  • Teens: What is your favourite Christmas movie?

    My top three are

    How the Grinch stole Christmas (2000). I have heard some pretty harsh criticism of this movie, but I love it. Jim Carrey just cracks me up. I also really love how creative the design is, the sets, the colours, the makeup. It's so twisted and kooky but really light hearted as well.

    The Polar Express (2004). It is visually stunning and I love the amount of thought that went into creating the world of the north pole. But I love this one for the nostalgia, it really captures that old excitement you once had for Christmas.

    Die Hard (1988). What? It's set at Christmas. It may have nothing to do with the Holiday, but it still counts. Doesn't? Fine okay, Home Alone (1990), I love the slapstick, message and the villains. But I still rather spend my Holiday watching someone shooting up terrorists, That sounds like much more fun then a kid with the house to himself.

    17 AnswersTeen & Preteen7 years ago
  • What was your sexual education any good?

    Before I start a few rules I want to make clear because I might be breaching a few guidelines here. This in no way meant to be perverted or erotic, especially considering a lot of people here are minors. I'm just asking because i'm interested to hear how your sex ed effected you. I reckon sexuality is a important subject, and I don't see how it can be wrong to simply discuss our sexuality in private and anonymously, I trust you lot enough to be mature about this. Did you sex ed really prepare you or had you further lost?

    Okay....Well firstly, it's going to be pretty universal, but my sex ed was obviously awkward. My school started teaching me when I was 11-12. All I ever really got was the basics, which was just simply sperm-egg-baby and all the colourful names for our private parts. But I had already known most if not all that beforehand from friends or books. I got far more information about puberty, during these lessons, which still was only vague but I guess at that age that's all you have to know. Maybe it's's better to give this sort of stuff to 12-13 year olds. But as I got older I hardly ever got any updates, yeah we had a few class and booklet hand outs about STDs and what not. But really what I was told in grades 6-7 was all I ever got. What about desire, sexual orientation, masturbation, sexual ethics, laws regarding it, when to say yes and when to say no. We aren't taught any of these things, we know the technicality but have no information of the emotional. Hell, even the the technicality of it all is screwed, I didn't even know what orgasms were (Boy! Was that one a surprise). I think a lot of these issues should at least be addressed in some way. Of course you don't want to frighten kids, It is quite a bit to take in. But I know for sure 13 year old me would of felt much better knowing he shouldn't feel guilty for what he was doing and that it was completely normal. We do get quite a few questions on here about topics like here so I can't be alone on this. But really, my sex ed was hardly any use, at least for my current situations. maybe when I start a sex life I'll have a whole new list of thing to complain about. I do know a lot of sexuality is self discovery, and that a lot of people make mistakes and then move on to have happier and healthier sex lives. But I would at least like some sort of reassurance or someone to point the way, that's better then what I got which was nothing.

    9 AnswersTeen & Preteen7 years ago
  • Am I the only one who can't sympathize?

    No really. I hardly ever feel sorry for other people, especially teenagers. I find most people are being irrational and stupid. I don't understand why I should feel sorry for people who make bad decisions. For example, sexting. Why should I feel sorry for you because your bare chest was seen by the whole school, you sent it. Yes, I get it, you where pressured into it. But why the hell are you so impressionable? I just get annoyed because some people don't seem to realize that they also had a part to play. I don't get why people can't admit they messed up. I also hear a lot of teenagers saying they are depressed and are self harming or have eating disorders. For the most part I honestly find most of them are weak because it seems to me they have absolutely no reason to feel this way. My younger sister had a eating disorder and I still think she was being a idiot, she is the most popular girl in school, all the boys love her, she is really attractive and charismatic, she is smart and witty. But nope, that wasn't enough for her and she decided to starve herself because she was "Lonely". Ughh....I hate to say it but give me a break.

    When ever I do feel sorry for people it's because someone did something to them, for example a rape victim or someone being bullied. Not someones whose boyfriend broke up with them. I obviously would never tell them this, they are in a fragile state, my negativity would only harm them further. But I still think they are being illogical. This goes both ways as well, I hate it when people are sorry for me because of my shyness or social anxiety. I am misinterpreting event and purposely assuming every one is making fun of me, why do I deserve help. Other people are going through real problems, help them before we work out my flawed logic. So am I just a condescending cynical heartless monster, or do any other teenagers think like this?

    12 AnswersTeen & Preteen7 years ago
  • Teens: Midnight Movie Premieres.?

    So I just got back from seeing The Hunger Games: Catching Fire at midnight. I really enjoyed the film, I thought it was far better then the book. I have a very intense Love/Hate relationship with the second book. On one hand I love the first third, with the build up for the rebellion. On the other hand is the last act, with the quarter quell. It feels like a cop out to me. I know, I know. There are different things at stake. But it just feels like lazy writing to me. The film had better balance and mostly always keeps the focus on what's important, "Catching Fire". The stupid love triangle is toned down in the film as well, no more long boring chapters dedicated to a relationship I don't care about. I give the film 8/10, the book I gave 4/10. Anyway that's just a short little review.

    Now for my question, Have you ever attended a midnight movie. I've gone to a few now and I have mixed feelings about them. It is fun to line up and go that late at night, Waiting for it to start is half the fun. But there is always something someone does to f**k it up. Like tonight, this guy thought he was being insanely clever and loudly shirked in the middle of a silent moment. All his mates laughed their stupid heads off. And this other girl keep calling out "Team Haymitch" through out the movie. I know they are just trying to have a laugh, but man is it annoying. There are people here who really care about this movie, why ruin it for them. I always find every midnight film I go to, someone is a ass and spoils the experience. But then again you have the extreme fans who keep commenting on the film while i'm watching. Dude, you can talk about it later. I know they changed something but can't you just wait until the movie is over o comment.

    But overall, I like seeing a movie at midnight, there is just a different atmosphere. So have you gone to one and what have you liked and disliked about them.

    BQ: Well since I said it, What do you think of Catching Fire, book or film if you have seen it. Good, Bad, post a short review. Would love to hear your thoughts. =)

    2 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: Any good young adult novel, film or TV shows suggestions?

    I only just got around to watching The Perks of Being a Wallflower. (I know, i'm late, sue me.) I really enjoyed it, I thought it was great. I also got the book the other month but of course I lost it after only finishing the first third. I should try and look for it again.

    Anyway, i'm looking for something else to watch or read, anyone know of any good teen dramas. My favorite sort are ones that aren't glamorized, stuff like Freaks and Geeks, or Skins. I also like dark themed stuff, but I also like things with a sense of humour. Anything is good with me really as long as it doesn't have that really cliched feel. Also, if it's a film or tv show, it'l be nice if the teenagers where, you know, played by actual teenagers.

    BQ: Does it go Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, in that order. It'll help me a lot if I finally find out?

    6 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: Your First Video Game?

    Assuming of course you care about video games. My first video games were the original Spyro games for the PlayStation. I use to love those games, I bought it on PSN a few months ago and It was a blast to replay them again. I never realized how well the gameplay holds up today. I love the music, It's just so......Spunky. Thank you Spyro for starting my interest in video games, now i'm short $1500.

    BQ: PS4 or Xbox One or Wii U

    -I plan to get a PS4 when they are cheaper, I still have games I want to play on my PS3 before I upgrade.

    17 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: What was the last good news you received?

    I just checked my email and got a university offer. I'll start next semester in March. I honestly don't know what to think. I'm pretty over the moon. Like i'm past the moon into Mars. I'm going to wait to respond for a few days because I applied for two other university and I am waiting for a response from them, after that i'll make my decision. But to know I got into a university, Holy Sh*t, I'm stoked. I am in a really good mood today. =)

    10 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: Do you think Fathers should have a opinion when it come to abortions?

    Okay, What exactly do I mean by this? Hypothetically, lets say a girl was planing to have a abortion for a unplanned pregnancy, but the father of the baby objected as *HE* wanted to keep the baby. Does he have any right to deny her the abortion, And does she have any right to deny him the child. What happens here, she doesn't want the baby and she doesn't want to have to hold it for 9 months. But he, on the other hand, is willing to accept the responsibility. What is the right thing to do?

    Okay, My thoughts on the subject. I'm a little hesitant to pick a side because I see the arguments of both parties. "It's her body, but it's his kid." Yada Yada Yada. But in all honestly, I have to side with the male. If he doesn't want the abortion to go through because he would rather raise the baby, I think he has rights to keep the baby. Quite frankly I believes this because if I was ever in this situation, I would be devastated if she went through with it without my consent. I would feel like the baby was my baby as well, It takes two to create one. But then again, would I want to force her to go through the pregnancy even if she didn't want to just because I think I'm ready. I would gladly swap if I could, but that's not how it works. But I just don't think the male gives up the right to choose what happens to the baby when he ejaculates. I just don't know, but I guess i'm siding with the male on this one.

    Of course this whole situation is going to vary from couple to couple, I mean does a rapist have the same right as I do (I don't want to think about that.). I just think the whole thing is a difficult situation to be in. Its dependent on to many variables to create a solid answer, but I do believe a male has rights when it comes to pregnancy

    12 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: Can do any accents?

    Well, besides your own obviously. The only one I can do really convincingly is the New Zealand accent. I can do a Southern England accent pretty well as well as a London accent and a Irish accent, but they are over exaggerated. I'm not too bad at doing some American accents but I bet if I meet someone with these accents they would point out the flaws straight away. I sometimes just enjoy trying to mimic how other people speak. It can be fun, even if I sound terrible? Anyway, what about you? =)

    BQ: What is the sexiest accent?


    15 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: Have you ever been forced to choose between two friends?

    I'm in interesting situation. I have only two friends and I'm in a forced to pick between them. Some back story, at the start of the year it was just me, Friend 1 (Lets call him David) and Friend 2 (Lets call him Gordon). Now they had other friends, but every Friday we would meet up and hang out. David would always suggest we go down to the pub and just share a few drinks. All he needs for a good time is a few drinks with his mates. Gordon on the other hand wants to go malls, shopping centers, parties and clubs. So will would alternate what we did every week, forgot my suggestions to going to the cinema or the park. I was the "young and innocent" one of the group. I don't drink and they keep teasing me about that. I was obliviously the least experience in everything. But they fought over me in the sense that they wanted me to follow them. I was just glad to have friends, I didn't care who was the leader.

    This sort of divide started around April and has strengthened to now in November where they haven't spoken for a few weeks and i'm stuck in the middle. But they haven't had a fight or anything. Gordon has just removed all contact from David, removing David from his life, But David has no idea and still trying to be friendly and keep the friendship going but Gordon isn't having any of that. And now when ever I'm with Gordon all he does is talk about how annoying David is and he is trying to force me to stop being friends with him. But I still want to be friends with both of them, Gordon hasn't confronted David about any of the problems he has with them. He has put no effort into working on the relationship and is expecting me to make the same choice as him. But I still want to be friends with David, he does have some problems, he is very low class, vulgar and sometimes rude. But it's all unintentional, he is really friendly and despite that fact he says some really offensive things, he really isn't trying to offend anyone and I know this. He doesn't respect our boundaries but....He is still just such a decent bloke. But on the other hand Gordon, he is being so unreasonable. Just talk to David and work it out. don't just pretend he doesn't exist. Every time I mention this to him he just refuses to. Gordon is forcing me to remove David as my friend and now David has worked out Gordon is ignoring him and is trying to do the same. They are fighting for dominance over me and i'm stuck in the middle of this ridiculous fight over nothing. I just want to go back to the start of the year, I don't care if I was the punching bag of the group, It's better then being the reward. I just want them to care about each other. Why can't they just care? Just work it out? =(

    Ughh...So that's me. Any one else been forced to choose Between two friends or just two people you care about.

    5 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: How often do you fight with your siblings?

    Assuming you have any to fight with. For me it's rarely. I'm more laid back then my sisters. They argue all the time about who stole whose clothes, and who said what about who. They don't have much reason to fight with me, when ever we do argue tho. It always about chores, we can never decide who has to do what on certain days.

    9 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: What are one of your biggest flaws?

    To make it a bit more interesting why not select one flaw you FEEL other people have brought onto you. by that I mean what is one flaw you blame on other people for causing, Also, if you can, explain why? Give a little background?

    Firstly a flaw I have I feel was caused by other people. Is my inability to talk about my problems. I never come forth about any of my anxiety's or issues because I feel like i'm not allowed to. Background on this, because my dad is a very into sports, he really wanted me to be as well. He tried to enforce it even more knowing i'll be his only son with three other daughters, but of course 4 year old Lachlan just wants to be like his sisters and play with them. But my dad won't be having his only son playing with Barbies. So my dad really tried to force a lot of masculine traits into me, especially the "Boys don't cry.". When ever I got upset I was told to "toughen up" "Be a big boy." I never felt like I was allowed to talk about my problems because being Male i'm automatically not meant to have them. My Mother was no help, when I was 12-13 and started getting interested in girls. I would obviously go and ask her for help about talking to girls, but my Mother would answer with "How dare you look at girls like that. That is disgusting of you, I raised you better." Now me being 18, she occasionally torments me for my lack of a girlfriend. Despite my Mom being a feminist, she has lots of flawed view on what both Males and females should do. So I had both my parents telling me I had to act this way, and I had to act that way. But neither of them letting me express my emotions. and because of that I never talk about my problems.

    This hasn't just been caused by my parents, and of course I do have to take some personal responsibility for this flaw, but all things have a inception and this one began with my Mother and Father. I wonder if any other Males have this problem, i imagine it would be far more likely in men then women. Its has effected many parts of my life, even school. In my early learning years I had extreme difficulty with English and spelling. But I never came forward about it and seeked extra help because I felt embarrassed for having a problem. Even as a late teen I can't do it well and struggle with Grammar and spelling. Its going to be a hard for me to overcome this flaw because just addressing the problem is the problem. It takes a enormous amount of courage for me to, but at this moment in life, I don't really have anyone to talk to for support. I have learnt to support my self. Hopefully I meet someone I can trust on day, but for now it's only me. =(

    14 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: What was the last mean thing you did to someone?

    Was it just a passing remark or a full-on argument, and was your actions justified? My older sister is one of those girls who has to replace her Facebook profile picture every 2 days. She always take selfie's and post them. I was getting really sick of her constant attention begging and commented on her latest update with. "Wow, I almost forgot what you looked liked, thanks again for reminding me for the fourth time this week. Such a update."

    I guess it's not a very cruel or dastardly thing to do, i'm just satirizing her obsession. And Man is it annoying. She then cam into my room and was really upset, telling me i'm a awful bully. Ughh...I guess it wasn't in defense or anything, but i think what i said was justified. It wasn't mean spirited at all but she seemed to think I said something incredibly insulting. How dare I make a observation and feel the need to point it out. I don't feel like apologizing over nothing. But then again, she wouldn't be this upset unless there is something going on behind the scenes. Probably should what's going on.

    5 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: The last stupid thing you did?

    OW. I just walked into a door. I tried to turn the door knob but I slipped my hand and keep walking. I just face planted it. That hurt. I must of looked really stupid doing that, luckily i'm home alone.

    6 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: What is a Stage Musical you would love to see?

    A TV commercial I saw earlier today was for The Lion King which will be showing in Sydney soon, I would really like to go see it, but I don't fancy driving for five hours so it's a little unlikely. But it got me thinking about what musicals I would like to see. I have a secret love of Musicals, film or stage. But stage is obviously less accessible.

    I would like to see the fore-mentioned The Lion King, but I would also love to see Chicago, Mary Poppins and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. But my final vote would have to go to Matilda The Musical. I've been listening to the soundtrack and I think it's fantastic.

    I've seen a few local productions every now and then. I really enjoy them, I've also seen a few Stand ups as well.

    BQ: Have you ever been to a IMAX cinema.

    I've been twice,The first time was on a school excursion with my Film Study Class. And the second was a birthday gift from my parents, They bought a bus ticket to Sydney for me and the ticket to see a film.

    8 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Teens: School Fire Drills?

    What happens when you hear that alarm go off in your school? Normally for me, someone would stand up, scream "WERE ALL GOING TO DIE", run out of the room waving their hands wildly. After a awkward few seconds they would calmly come back into the room, Pick up their things and run out screaming again. I always found fire drill annoying, the teachers would be directing us, telling us where the exits where. Gee thanks, never could of found the exits without you. I always wondered how to get out of the school. Once a few students refused to go, and started placing all the chairs on the desk. The teacher would come in and start panicking asking what they were doing. "So when the cleaner comes to clean the floor, he doesn't have to do this himself.' We had a lot of fire drills, but it was normaly just students setting bins on fire (Yeah, that happened at my school) or someone messing up in a cuisine class. My school also once had a bomb threat, I was generally worried for a second until I found it was just a student everyone knew. So me and my fellow students never took it very seriously

    9 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago