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  • 1998 Dodge Caravans gauges stopped working on my way home last night.?

    However the odometer and P,R, N, D on my dash are still partially lit and will not go off at all? 3.3 L. The battery is a year old. There don't seem to be any other problems that I have noticed yet.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Are there any apps for android?

    That can turn a rear facing camera into a front facing camera? And actually works? I want to be able to take front facing pix of my bf and I.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • how do i convert a pdf file into text so i can open it without installing anything?.?

    I want to open a file someone sent me but I am not able to be on my own pc so I am using a public pc. Therefore I cannot download or install anything onto said pc.

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can a convicted felon be employed with a trucking company?

    My friend wants to entertain the possibility of becoming a truck driver even locally. He is on supervision for until 2012 can he apply and better yet what is the likelihood that they may hire him? He is 29 clean driving record but did plead guilty to battery about a year ago. Thanx

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My child has a prepaid verizon wireless cellular phone.?

    Is there a way to view content from incoming/outgoing text messages, telephone calls, and data usage? I am concerned she may be presenting herself badly on social networking sites?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How can I find the backgrounds of commissioners and judges who are in office now?

    I live in Saint Louis, MO and am mostly curious about their years of school, as attorneys, and the status of cases they have overseen.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is the likelihood that someone could have an inconclusive polygraph results?

    The examiner said that he couldn't tell whether this person was telling the truth or lying. And if it is inconclusive how long will it be until the complaint is either dismissed or sent to the DA?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Can someone with a medical background help me decipher the provisional pathology report for my stillborn son?

    Also does anyone know when the final report could be ready? I have been anxiously waiting for almost 4 months.. Caucasian male stillborn, estimated gestational age 33 weeks and 5 days. Height=51cm, weight=2165g. Extensive autolysis of organs No signs of abnormalities Placenta weight=443g Plancental parenchyma unremarkable,no signs of hemmorhage and infarct Fetal membranes with evidence of meconium staining Three vessel umbilical cord with edematous and erythematous dilitation, 7.5 cm from placental origin Umbilical cord with 1.2 cm black area of hemmorhage adjacent to umbilicus. Respiratory system: Signs of bilateral hemmorhage or congestion (histology pending) Cardiovascular system: Pending Central Nervous System: Brain weight=308g Extensive autolysis Meningeal hemmorhage Subgaleal hemmorhage (7cm), and cephalhematoma

    Just for the record I have had 4 other children. This was my 5th pregnancy and was supposed to be my last. I saw my high risk OB exactly 5 days before this happened. I told her I wanted another ultrasound. She said it wasn't needed so we scheduled my repeat c-section for September 16th. But I went to the ER on August 25th and my son had no heartbeat and the ultrasound showed no abnormalities. I know sometimes things just happen. But this was not my first pregnancy. I am 29 and have 4 living children, never had a miscarriage but all my children have been premature. Thanks for the help

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Can someone decipher the provisional pathology report for my stillborn son?

    Caucasian male stillborn, estimated gestational age 33 weeks and 5 days. Height=51cm, weight=2165g. Extensive autolysis of organs No signs of abnormalities Placenta weight=443g Plancental parenchyma unremarkable,no signs of hemmorhage and infarct Fetal membranes with evidence of meconium staining Three vessel umbilical cord with edematous and erythematous dilitation, 7.5 cm from placental origin Umbilical cord with 1.2 cm black area of hemmorhage adjacent to umbilicus. Respiratory system: Signs of bilateral hemmorhage or congestion (histology pending) Cardiovascular system: Pending Central Nervous System: Brain weight=308g Extensive autolysis Meningeal hemmorhage Subgaleal hemmorhage (7cm), and cephalhematoma

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Can someone decipher the provisional pathology report for my stillborn son?

    Caucasian male stillborn, estimated gestational age 33 weeks and 5 days. Height=51cm, weight=2165g. Extensive autolysis of organs No signs of abnormalities Placenta weight=443g Plancental parenchyma unremarkable,no signs of hemmorhage and infarct Fetal membranes with evidence of meconium staining Three vessel umbilical cord with edematous and erythematous dilitation, 7.5 cm from placental origin Umbilical cord with 1.2 cm black area of hemmorhage adjacent to umbilicus. Respiratory system: Signs of bilateral hemmorhage or congestion (histology pending) Cardiovascular system: Pending Central Nervous System: Brain weight=308g Extensive autolysis Meningeal hemmorhage Subgaleal hemmorhage (7cm), and cephalhematoma

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • My friends send me mobile sms texts that are funny etc. How can I send some back? Are there free websites?

    Sometimes they send stuff with music and pictures and I just wanted to know how they do that?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I have never had any kind of credit card but I have accumulated a massive amount of medical debt.?

    I have never had any type of credit at all except for a cell phone or two. I have had many many medical problems for about 10+ years and have a massive amount of medical debt that have gone to collection. I couldn't get insurance because of the pre- existing condition rules. Can I file for bankruptcy just on consumer debt? And if I can what type of bankruptcy would I file under? I am on social security and it is my only source of income at the moment.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I gave birth to a stillborn son 2 weeks ago..?

    I have 3 children already and was planning on this being my last child. I had even signed the tubal paperwork with my doctor. I was about 33 weeks and I didn't feel my baby moving anymore. I went into the hospital and they told us that our son had died. I am so confused and kind of angry? I had to have an emergency c -section it took an hour to get to the baby. I held my son afterwards but I still can't grieve? We cremated him and had a memorial service for him but it still feels surreal. How do I get past this horrible empty feeling? Should I ever try to have another baby again? My s/o wants to try again but I feel scarred and I guess scared. This would have been my 5th child and our second child together. Why did this happen.. Is there anything at all I could have done to prevent it? I asked for an autopsy and it was conducted but we have to wait 8 weeks to get the results.

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My blood pressure drops without warning and I have a tendency to get severely nauseous, dizzy, and faint.?

    My blood pressure runs pretty low anyhow. But it can drop rapidly without warning when I sit down. Today it fluctuated from 120 to 98 over 50 within a span of 30 seconds. It gets a bit higher when I stand and lie down but not by much. What could be wrong with me?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Naming a baby boy due in October need decent not overbearing middle name!?

    I have a first name picked out for him after my best friend who passed away a few years back. But I need a middle name. Marshall will be his first name. Any ideas? Thanx

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Does the attorney -client privilege count when you are married to someone?

    I have been married approx 6 years and separated for 2 due to domestic violence. My husband went to prison but refuses to give up the whereabouts of our son who is 5. I know that his lawyer knows where our son is but I guess he does not have to tell me?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago