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  • What is this slasher movie called?

    I think it's about a kid witness his moms death and apparently goes into a mental institution and escapes and goes on a killing spree and his face is very burned up. Anyone know what movie I'm thinking of?

    1 AnswerMovies8 months ago
  • I need a general description of the services of a basic daycare?

    I'm a web developer and I need to write an about section for a client who's running a daycare. She apparently can't come up with anything herself and I am the least bit familiar with daycares so it would be fairly difficult for me to do it myself. Anyone who writes a good amount of work with good descriptions will receive best answer.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 year ago
  • Has anyone ever just "left" an SO before?

    So I been dating this girl for about a year and my and her family mostly pressured me into proposing to her for the financial security. I do care for her but now I'm realizing this may have been a mistake. I want more time to live my life without having to answer to anybody. To avoid big complications I've been heavily contemplating just packing up my stuff and just leaving with barely saying anything or anything at all, while blocking her and her family's phone numbers and social media (I do live with her right now). Yeah yeah I know that probably isn't the most adult choice to do but I really don't want them to try to convince me to stay or anything of the sort. I'd probably have to live in my car or a cheap living arrangement until I finish school. Has anyone ever done something like this before? Any advice? Do you recommend it? Share some of your experience maybe? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Can I still get accepted to another college after I failed out?

    I went to school at a public university as a computer science major. I did well the first year and then a semester, but eventually got really unmotivated and stopped going to classes to try and self-teach and get employed as a web developer, so my last semester is going to be straight Fs. After a month of failed job searching, I want to go back to college to finish my degree to a (hopefully) less strict system. Will other smaller or online colleges still accept me and transfer my credits over?

  • Good freelance web developer job descriptions?

    I am putting my resume together and going to start applying for junior web developer jobs but I'm trying to find some good professional-sounding job descriptions for a freelance web developer. My attempts at describing the work has not sounded very professional. Anyone willing to pitch me some ideas?

    1 AnswerTechnology2 years ago
  • Metal bands for people who don't particularly enjoy metal?

    For people who aren't exactly fans of metal, what are some metal bands you can think of that you actually enjoy despite not being a big fan of the genre as a whole? I'm writing an article for my website and I need some responses.

    8 AnswersRock and Pop2 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Linear Algebra homework help?

    Here is the question me and my study buddies are having problem solving. If any one can help us, I'll proudly award best answer!

    1 AnswerMathematics2 years ago
  • How to prove that set E (even numbers) and set Z (all integers) have a bijection?

    Me and my homework friends are having trouble figuring out how to prove that a set of all even numbers (E) and a set of all integers(Z) have a bijection and the same cardinality for our discrete math class. If anyone can help us out, I would proudly award best answer!

    2 AnswersMathematics2 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Proving Cardinality of Sets?

    Hello math people. Me and my homework friends are stuck on a couple of problems for our discrete math class. If we can get some help on either one, or both, that would be awesome. Will proudly award best answer! Here are our problems:

    1 AnswerMathematics2 years ago
  • Finding the number of scalar products?

    Me and my math buddy are having trouble starting this question:

    The product of three matrices A, B and Cc an be computed in any order. In other words ABC=(AB)C=A(BC). One of the orders for multiplication often requires fewer calculations than the other. Suppose that A is m by n, B is n by p,and C is p by q.

    How many scalar products must be performed to compute AB? How many for BC?

    Will proudly award best answer!

    3 AnswersMathematics2 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Linear Algebra Homework Help?

    Me and my homework buddies are having a difficult time figuring out this question for our homework. If anyone can give us help that would awesome (giving out best answer!)

    1 AnswerMathematics2 years ago
  • Prove or disprove (R, +, *) is a field?

    Let R be the set of positive real numbers and define addition, denoted by ⊕, and multiplication, denoted by ⊗, as follows. For every a,b∈R, a⊕b=ab, and a⊗b=alogb. Please prove or disprove (R,⊕,⊗) is a field.

    Can anyone make sense of this problem and help me get started?

    3 AnswersMathematics2 years ago
  • what would the effect of every day objects if placed at absolute zero?

    Trying to write a short essay for homework. Can anyone help me get started?

    2 AnswersPhysics3 years ago
  • Physics homework help?

    You push a 150 kg crate along a smooth horizontal surface a distance of 100m. The crate starts at rest and ends with a speed of 2.2 m/s. Hence the crate gained...

    I'm having trouble including the speed difference in the equation. can anyone help?

    4 AnswersPhysics3 years ago
  • Unintentional weight loss...?

    Apparently I've lost 10 pounds in the last 2 months. My only change in lifestyle has been more hours at work and inconsistent working out schedule. Is this healthy? Should I go see a doctor or something?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • What is this song called?

    I heard it on the radio a while back. The chorus was "Hey Straight Shooter!" with multiple singers. It's a very catchy rock song and I'm sure it was a love song. One of the other lines I remember was "You weren't smiling when you took me home last night". Google is not helping me what so ever so if anyone on here can name the song that would be great. Sorry for the very vague description.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop4 years ago
  • Why have I only been sleeping for 2-3 hours everynight?

    Every night this past week I have only been getting a limited amount of sleep. I usually go to sleep around 11-12 at night and wake up between 9-11am. But lately I have been getting up around 2-3am for some reason and I can t get back to sleep after I wake. Any sleep experts willing to help me out? I work as a night audit (overnight front desk) at a hotel if that helps, but I ve worked there for over a year and never had this problem before. I am a 20 year old male if that help.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • How does the Legislative Branch and The Executive Branch tie into the policy topic of Abortion?

    I have write an essay for my Political Science class on this topic and I need some help. I understand the Judicial Branch (Roe v Wade and others) but how does the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch tie into it?

    Best answer that helps me the most will receive the usual ten points!

  • Anyone have any suggestions on how to get over the plateau? (weightlifting)?

    Over the past month or so I ve been at the gym and have not been able to increase weight. I ve been doing the same amount of weight for the past month and I want to improve but it has been challenging. Anyone have any suggestions to overcome it.

    I m 6 3 and weigh 190 pounds if that helps.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years ago