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  • How long would it take to learn College Pre Cal if I only know very basic math, such as solve for x?

    I struggled in High Scool very badly when it comes to math. And the highest course I did before graduated was solve for x. Nothing beyond that since I was really behind on math. But I want to enroll in College to get a degree, now unfortunately Colleges will not exempt you from the required math classes to graduate like my High School did since I struggled with math so badly. That being the case, how long would it take someone to go from someone who only knows the very basic math, only up to solving for X all the way up to Pre Cal College Courses? Since that is what I would be required to pass in order to get a College Degree that I am persuing?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 months ago
  • My 2016 Honda Civic Maintenance Minder goes on saying I need new oil after only 3k miles. Is this normal for a car that takes synthetic oil?

    So I got a brand new 2016 Honda Civic from a while back ago that has a Maintenance Light that comes on every 3k miles saying I need to change the oil. Is this right? Or is something wrong? Because I only had the car for less then 3 years with only 16 miles on it and this would be the 4th time I believe I would need to change the oil. I get the oil changed at the dealership too with the synthetic Honda Oil they use. So I can t understand why it would need oil changes this often? Is it possible something is wrong with the car? Because I thought you can get much further on synthetic oil then 3k miles

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 years ago
  • Does an ambulance know how to pop in arm back in place? (Basically dislocated shoulder)?

    So I was playing basketball with friends and dislocated my shoulder, which basically means my arm popped out of my socket. Was extremely painful, my friends drove me to the hospital because I couldn’t drive. I was slapped with a $200 bill for the ER visit. For something so simple, they just pushed my arm in place and discharged me in like 10 minutes. Is it possible just to call an ambulance/met, have them do it on sight? Maybe it’s cheaper that way? Maybe it’s free if they don’t transport you to the hospital? Not sure how emt’s are trained on dislocated arms, but sure they see it commonly. Just don’t know if they charge you if they don’t transport you?

    12 AnswersInjuries2 years ago
  • Does anybody know of any good extended car warranty companies that have great customer service, and stick by their word and isn't bad/a scam?

    So I am thinking of getting an extended warranty for my 2016 Honda Civic, the reasoning being is it's been a nice car for the most part since I got it. But the display unit completely failed two times out of the 2 years and 6 months that I owned it. Looking to get an extended warranty so I'm not stuck with a car that has no display unit, since the display unit controls everything including the climate control. What are good extended car warranty companies some of you may recommend? And why?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 years ago
  • Is it possible to dual major in Information Technology and Criminal Justice? (Dual Major NOT Double Major)?

    So I wanted to know if I can Dual Major in Information Technology & Criminal Justice. Would that be possible? Or would I have to get pursue a Double Major to get a degree in both of those fields of study? I was hoping to just Dual Major if it is possible to save time and money.

  • How do Lyft & Uber drivers track their miles for their tax deductions? Along with their data usage on their phone?

    Does Lyft/Uber app track your miles for you when you are on the way to pick up & drop off passengers? Or no? If not what do you use to track your miles for taxes? Also, how do you manage your data usage for you tax deductions? Like how do you track the data that you are using for business related expenses such as using the Lyft/Uber/Waze/Google Map app?

  • I have a question for people who majored in Finance?

    My main question to you would be dud majoring in Finance help you as an individual on being able to manage your own Finances quite well? Or no? And did it help inform you about 401k's, stock market, and other things that might actually benefit your personal life and not just your career life?

    My second question would be did you major only in Finance? Or did you do a Double Major with Accounting? If you did both, which job/degree do you like best and why?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance2 years ago
  • Is taking a Dual Major in Accounting & Information Technology (NOT Information Systems) Related to each other enough to be a Dual Major?

    So I was torn between getting a degree in Information Technology & Accounting. So I was thinking of getting a Dual Major for those two fields of study. But my question is are they related to each other enough for me to be able to Dual Major in them? (Vs needing to have to take a Dual Degree which takes 1 or more years extra time to complete.)

    How many credits would that Dual Major be if I did go along with that idea? Would it be close enough to the 150 credits required for the CPA exam in the event I want to lean for the Accounting field more?

  • Have anyone ever done a Double Major in something? If so, how is work/life/school balance go? Is having all 3 of those completely impossible?

    I was torn between a job in IT because I love computers & how technology works. But at the same time, I love making budgets for myself, examining my income/outcome on my bank accounts, seeing where cuts have to be made. So I was thinking of double majoring in both Information Technology & Accounting because I have completed 6 College credits anyway that I can transfer over for the Information Technology degree, and it might stand out more when applying for jobs, and provides better job security since if I loose my job, I'll have plenty of opportunities that I could turn to for a new one, or if I find that I am getting tired of IT or Accounting job then I could just easily switch since I would have a degree in both. So those are my main reasons I was highly considering both degrees. However, I am trying to figure out how much that can cut into a life/work/school balance. Would it still be possible to hold a part-time job at 20 hours a week, and have a social life at least one day of the week, and stay on top of school work? Or would that just be completely impossible? Looking for advice from someone that has done a Double Major before, and how it worked out for you.

  • Does a dual major in Information Technology & Business Accounting make sense? Is it a good move to make?

    I was torn between the two fields of what I might like more since I definitely do enjoy computers and how they work. But I also like budgeting, and managing money, and where budgets need to be made, and where to cut spending is needed. That being the case, I was thinking of dual majoring in those two fields. I think it would bring me peace of mind if once job field doesn't work out so well to my liking I could just jump to the other, and that it might give me very good job security since I'll have more career opportunities available, and it might look appealing to private accounting jobs that I have a degree in IT as well, because it will show them I know how to use the computers for the accounting stuff with ease, and might be able to fix whatever computer problem I would have all by myself. Is this a good move to make? And not really sure how dual degrees work, could you still earn the bachelor's in 4 years? And do all colleges provide dual majors? Or only certain ones? Because I plan to attend a community college for two years, then transfer over to a main college.

  • Is an Associate Degree in Accounting good enough for getting a good accounting job after putting in some experience at an entry level job?

    So I am currently 24 and will be turning 25 soon. I have made the decision that I want to really want to get out of my dead-end job and go to College for accounting for some better pay. Since I'm already gonna be turning 25 as it is, I was thinking of just quiting my job completely, move in with family so that I can eliminate any bills/finance problems, and just take school on at a Community College for two years and earn an Associates Degree in Accounting. My question is would that be enough for a good job in accounting? I know I would have to look for an entry level position, but does this career field have room to grow with job experience? Or will the better paying jobs and companies care less about your job experience, and only care about how fancy the piece of paper in your hand is? If anybody in this field has advice, please let me know. Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • Was thinking of canceling my landline phone and just use my cell. After I cancel my landline phone will it still be able to make phone calls?

    So I wanted to replace my landline phone with my cell phone since I hardly use my landline at all. However, in the event of an emergency, I know that if I call 911 with a landline they have all the information they need on where I am as soon as I call them. But if I had to call them, and couldn't speak for whatever reason, on my cell phone I don't believe they know exactly where I would be, especially because I have a pre-paid cell phone that isn't registered to an address or anything. That being the case, will be landline phone call still be able to make phone calls to 911 after I stop paying and cancel the service? I know if you call 911 on an old deactivated cell phone the call will go through, but not sure if that's the case with landline phones.

    9 AnswersLand Phones2 years ago
  • How many mg is in a 10mg Adderall XR? Is it 20mg or 10mg all together?

    I am currently taking two 10 mg IR Adderall everyday, however I been getting crashes. My pharmacist at CVS recommended that I switch over to 10mg XR. Saying the 10mg XR has 20mg all together. 10mg instantly gets released when taking, then the other 10mg 4 hours later in the day. He said that is why the Adderall XR only goes up to the legal prescription of 30MG in one pill. Because the IR would be two 30mg pills. (because the highest dosage that a person can legally take is 60mg per day). But my doctor says that Adderall 10mg XR only has 10mg all together in it. I am so confused. Was hoping somebody with experience with this medication can actually tell me how much mg of Adderal is in a 10mg Adderall XR pill. Because I did take one once that my doctor precribed from a while ago, then haven't took it for so long because I had a panic attack. And now I think that panic attack might of been because it was a 20mg Adderall XR (so 40mg all together) Which is 20mg higher then my normal dosage for the day. Please if anybody with experience with this could help me, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so very much!

    5 AnswersMedicine2 years ago
  • Does anybody know the Blue Bloods episode where Frank had 2deal with a racist Politician that he got his revenge on at the end ofthe episode?

    I remember there was a Blue Bloods episode, where Frank had to dealWith a racist politician that kept talking about white America. So Frank had a meeting with him that did not go so well, and at the very end of the episode when the politician was ready to make his speech, Frank bring in the police force that was black Asian. I thought it was a good episode. Does anybody know this season and episode that was?

    1 AnswerDrama2 years ago
  • Does anybody know the Blue Bloods episode where Frank had 2 deal with a racist politician coming into his city?That Frank got him at the end?

    I remember there was a Blue Bloods episode where Frank had to deal With a racist politician who was talking about white America. And at the very end of the episode, he bring in the police force for his speech. But the police force that he had to bring in where is black, Asian, and etc. What episode was that? Thought it was a real good one

    1 AnswerDrama2 years ago
  • Is there peanuts in peanut butter?

    So I was grocery shopping and saw peanut butter at the grocery store that says it is peanut free. What does that mean? What is it then?

    37 AnswersOther - Food & Drink2 years ago
  • Could my Amazon Kindle have a hardware problem or software problem?

    Okay, so I have a 3rd gen Amazon Kindle black & white version that when on a full charge won't turn back on when the screensaver activates and says the battery is dead when I try to wake it from the screensaver screen that shows up after not using it for 10mins after just taking it off a full charge with the solid green light. It does this every single time, once it gets to screensaver and I try to wake it, it will say my battery is dead. However, after I diabled my Kindle's screensaver from turning on by itself after not touching it for 10 mins I noticed I can use it for 4 hours or longer. It seems that once the screensaver activates it just says my battery is dead even though it's not. What could cause this problem? I thought it might of been software related, so I installed all necessary updates from Amazon, that did not work. So then I wiped it completely, restored everything to factory defaults, and again installed updates from Amazon. But this problem still continues. Why might this be? I am so confused if this is a hardware problem or software problem.

    3 AnswersSoftware2 years ago
  • What does it mean when you enter a room and hear a couple of slow beeps for a good 30 seconds, then just a solid beep?

    So I went to my classes at my College early one morning to get studying done and I noticed the alarm pad randomly just started to beep for 30 seconds, then there was a solid beep the entire time while I was there. I came super early right when the college opens there doors at 9am. When I walked though the door the lights were still kinda off for the most part, and the guard was not at the door like he usually was. Was the alarm calling the police or how does that work? When the alarm pad does that?

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden3 years ago
  • Does anybody else think that Pokémon ripped off Bon Jovi?

    The reason I say this is Bon Jovi s song "Runaway" sounds very similar to the Pokémon theme song. Does anybody else realize this? Here are the two Youtube links to the songs you tell me what you guys think...

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • If you have a cash back Credit Card and make a purchase but return it later do you still keep the cashback earned on that purchase or no?

    I have always wondered, but never really looked into it on the fact of if you purchase something with your cash back credit card and earn cash back on it but return it later do you still have the earned cashback from that purchase or does your credit card company take the cash back you earned away? Also, if they do just deduct the reward points with a return, then my curious question is what happens when you already redeemed your rewards points? Then what happens?

    5 AnswersCredit3 years ago