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  • What should one take away from high school relationships?

    I'm a freshman in college (19) hoping to finally start dating sometime soon. I haven't even been on a date with a girl before. I consider myself to be a late bloomer...I was socially awkward and really shy throughout most of high school. As a result I really didn't have many connections to girls and I really wasn't ready for a relationship. Now I think I finally have the self-confidence and the drive to seriously pursue a relationship.

    My question is, what are some of the learning experiences that I missed out on by not having a high school relationship? The "rookie mistakes" I should avoid making when dating? I'm worried about my inexperience when it comes to these things and want to prepare myself the best that I can. Thank you!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How common are random hookups in college really?

    College freshman here. I have no experience with hookups or anything like that...grew up pretty sheltered. Noticed that a lot of people were hooking up in my dorm and I'd like to try it once. Initially I thought people mostly hooked up randomly...they get drunk on a Saturday night,meet someone new at a party and then hook up later that night. Are random hookups like this really common? Or do people tend to hook up only with people they've known for while?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • What's up with music "explicit ratings" being so inconsistent?

    Why is it that some songs that contain multiple "f bombs" do not get put under the explicit status, while some songs with mild language get the explicit status? I've noticed that the system is severely inconsistent. What's up with it? The music rating system seems pointless due to hazy guidelines.

    1 AnswerOther - Music7 years ago
  • Dating advice for a newbie?

    Hi! I'm a 16 year old guy, just starting junior year in high school and I'm interested in dating. I've never been on a date before or really had much experience with girls. I guess this makes me a late bloomer, but not because I didn't have the desire. The opportunities just have not been there.

    Long story short, I'm pretty nervous that time is slipping away from me and before I know it high school will have gone and I will have remained single, not have attended prom, ect. ect. I don't want to get to college and be crippled from a lack of experience dating and all that. Being able to have a special person in my life means a great deal to me, so missing out would be devastating.

    Anyway, if you could go back in time and give yourself advice when you first started dating, what would you tell yourself? What are some things beginners like me should know? Thanks in advance! *Repost 2*

    Singles & Dating7 years ago
  • If you could go back in time to when you first started dating, what advice would you give yourself?

    Hi! I'm a 16 year old guy, just starting junior year in high school and I'm interested in dating. I've never been on a date before or really had much experience with girls. I guess this makes me a late bloomer, but not because I didn't have the desire. The opportunities just have not been there.

    Long story short, I'm pretty nervous that time is slipping away from me and before I know it high school will have gone and I will have remained single, not have attended prom, ect. ect. I don't want to get to college and be crippled from a lack of experience dating and all that. Being able to have a special person in my life means a great deal to me, so missing out would be devastating.

    Anyway, if you could go back in time and give yourself advice when you first started dating, what would you tell yourself? What are some things beginners like me should know? Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What is a gear pattern for automatic?

    Question for driver's ed class. The teacher explained absolutely NOTHING to us about this and expects us to fill this out. What is a gear pattern for an automatic (in my case a 2008 Honda Accord). Where do I find it? What does it even mean? I've searched all over the internet and can't find any answers. HELP!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • What to talk about to a high school girl I like?

    I like a girl in my English class. We are both sophomores.

    I've been sitting next to her every day for the past two weeks and I've managed to talk to her and become acquainted. During the writing unit, I had lots of time to talk to her...mostly about our stories and schoolwork while cracking a couple jokes. The good news is that I have managed to get to her to laugh several times, and she actually thinks I am funny.

    But now that the writing unit has ended, I'm running out of things to say. One can only joke so much. I want her to know that there is more to me than just that, but I'm not sure how. I've tried to think of excuses to turn to talk to her, but all I can think of is "this worksheet sure is hard, isn't it?" and lame stuff like that. Our interactions are turning dull, from her side too. What do I say to pick things up again?

    I'm nervous to make any sort of "move" yet, like asking her number or anything, because we still don't know each other too well. I'm not sure if there is any interest from her side yet. She hasn't really asked me anything about myself, and I'm almost certain she's never addressed me by name (or if she even knows it!!??). Honestly, if our conversations continue to be dull, I'm not sure I'm interested in pursuing this further myself. I'm hoping by getting to know her more, I'll either spark interest or realize I need to let it go.

    What should I talk to her about? How do I learn more about her?


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Cheap cell phone plan for single phone?

    I'm in need of a new cell phone, and a plan. I'm totally starting from scratch. I've never had one (it's ridiculous, yes). I would just like the find a cheap phone and plan that would allow me to 1. Text unlimited 2. Make an occasional phone call. I'd be the only one in the plan. That's really all that I need for now. I'd like additional perks (internet for example), but they aren't necessary. As you can probably tell, I'm really clueless about all of this. Help would be much appreciated! I'll try to clarify if need be. Thank you!

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago