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Deidra Y
Is it bad to lean against your tattoo?
Okay. so I have five tattoos. One on my ankle, both wrist, on behind my ear and I just got one on the back of my shoulder. I keep forgetting about it, so I'll lay down or something and my roommate will get on to me saying its bad. /BTW, I got the tattoo Sunday monday, late saturday night/ She says it is starting to already scab up.. So,, my question is.. Is it bad to lay on my tattoo? It doesn't hurt at all..
1 AnswerTattoos7 years agoLooking for a unique and different ear piercing.. Any ideas?
So, okay.. I have my left inner conch pierced, one of each lobe, and had two cartilage piercings on my right ear.. I had to take one out recently because it wasn't pierced properly. So, as of right now, thats all I have.. I am wanting to add more but I want them to be unique.. Y'all have any ideas?
Inner Conch
One Lobe
One Cartilage
One Lobe
5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years agoShould I transfer to University or stay at the Junior College leave for another year?
Okay, so I love my College but I am getting tired of the people on campus and I am ready to leave. I know it is cheaper to stay at my college and get the associate's, but I am just so ready to get out of there. I have been attending it for one year, and at the end of the summer I will have 37 credit hours.. I am automatically accepted into my college no matter what, so getting in wouldn't be an issue. What would y'all think or do in this situation? I love the campus, the town and everything about it.
Thank you,
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)7 years agoTatto ideas? in between two different ones and not sure of placement.. opinions?
So, let me start first, I have tatttoos on both wrist, two words. I have stars behind my left ear and a small quote on my left ankle. Now, my knee tattoo is either "Fly to the Max" a tribute t my favorite book series, Maximum Ride by my favorite all time author, James Patterson. (Im an aspring writer, so it fits) then the other one is "I can paint with all the colors of the wind" from pocahontas. My childhood movie. I love them both and haven't decided which one.. ideas? Also, placement! What are yalls opibions? Ideas? Decisions? Thank you for all yallshelp!
1 AnswerTattoos7 years agoHow do i become sober from cutting/slef harm?
Okay, so I've been cutting for nearly 9 years, and July 2011, I decided I wasn't going to cut anymore. So I stopped. However, past few months have been extra hard and I've relapsed. Several times. I move in August 21 to go to college, but till then I am at my mothers, which is not a good place for me and I don't have the money to move. So, I am stuck here.. I've started cutting again and I am devastated. I'm in such a terrible place and so many things going wrong, its hard not to. So, what do I need to do to stop completely? I'm 21, I've never seen a professional, nor have the money to.
Thank you
3 AnswersMental Health8 years agoDid i relapse on cutting?
Okay, so I got addicted to cutting myself when I was much younger. I am 21 now and have scars all over my arms, thighs and legs from years of self harm. When I was 19 I decided not to cut again and stopped cold turkey. It was hard, but I did it. I recently flunked out of college and had to move back in with my mom. Things are difficult and extremely difficult with her and my stepdad.. The past week I've been having urges like no other and last night, I took a razor blade and slid it across my skin, not breaking the skin but enough to cause a red, elevated slice. Did I just ruin almost two years of being clean? I cried for hours last night afterwards. I'm moving in August, so I only have two months here, but I'm scared with what I did. Thank you. Oh, and I never got professional help. My mom and dad blew it off and no one really cared or knew when I did it.
3 AnswersMental Health8 years agoI am 21 and getting streaks of gray hair?!?
Okay, so in my family most the women have gotten gray hair by time they were 16 or so, but I am 21 and haven't gotten any.. Till I found about 5 strands on my right temple. Ugh. And I have a whole streal of gray now.. Could it be my age or just genetics?
12 AnswersHair8 years agoDip Dye hair Color? How do you do it?
Okay, so I have this awesome job and I have always wanted to dip dye hair.. Now that its back in style, how do you do it?! haha. My hair is finally long enough for me to do it.. And it is also naturally dark brunette with natural red highlights.
1 AnswerHair8 years agoMy job allows me to dye my hair different colors, should I? I am 21 years old and going to college in August..?
Okay.. So I got this awesome job at a Yogurt place here in town.. They allow us to dye our hair different crazy colors and I am considering doing my hair pink or green! I have dark brunette natural hair, (which I have been trying to grow out and is now the natural color) It is very thick and coarse. However, I almost feel like I will be acting childish since I am going to College in August.. I will plan on changing my hair back before then, so this would only be a summer thing.. Any ideas? Thank you!
2 AnswersHair8 years agoIs my weight the main cause for my left knee pain?
Okay, so I started to have pain in my left knee when I was about 16 when I started Colorguard (Marching Band not ROTC) in High School.. Since then it has gotten worse. Back then I weighed about 160ish pounds.. Give or take and now I weight about 190-200 pounds. I gained a few pounds since graduation. I am 5'4" and a female.. Also, I am starting up Colorguard again in College after a two year hiatus and started to practice past few days, my knee has been killing me. Could my weight be the cause of it? Its only my left, not my right,
Thank you,
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years agoHow can I lose 30 pounds by mid-August?
I am trying to get in better shape for College starting in August and I am planning on trying out for Softball.. I want to lose about 30 pounds or more by August.. That gives me all summer.
Thank you for your suggestions y'all,
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoIs it safe to lose 30 pounds in 2 1/2 months? How would I do it?
Okay, so I am moving to my college in August and I want to lose at least 30 pounds by then.. But is it safe? And whats the healthy way to go about it? No crazy diets, or starving myself. I don't want to run the risk of passing out or developing heart problems or something cause of it.
Thank you,
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoHow to lose 30 pounds or more over the summer?
Okay, so in August I am moving to college and going to be in the Marching Band/ Colorguard, however, I am not confident right now and am about 40 pounds over weight. Practice starts at the beginning of August and I want to drop at least 30 pounds.. The healthy way. No fab diets.. Or starving myself or anything like that. I can't afford to be at practice, passing out or anything like that.
Thank you, I appreciate your opinions!
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoWhat is something I can do to prepare myself to do the best I can my freshman year at college?
So, I am moving to my college dorms in August but want to do everything over the summer that I can do to prepare myself.
Thank you for your ideas,
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoHow do I become a published, well known, professional author?
Okay, so for my entire life I have always wanted to become a published author.. Like James Patterson. It is my dream to be number one on the "New York Times Bestselling List". But the only problem is, how do I go about it? I just need some guidance in getting this started.
Thank you,
8 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoWhat should I do till I go to college?
So, I am moving in August, late to go to College but this summer is moving so slowly! I live with my parents and pay rent.. I plan on getting a part-time job to pay rent but other than that.. What is something that I can do to help the summer pass by? I just need ideas! Thank you!
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoI want to become a dancer, but I am 21 and never taken any classes..?
I am 21.. I am a bit over weight, maybe 50 pounds or so.. When I was four I had to have surgery on both of my ankles to length the achilis Tendons and ever since I regularly walk on my tippie toes, but I try not to, Also, I have pain in my left knee when bending down and stuff like that. I know that I have all the odds stacked against me, but I want to at least give it a shot.. When I was younger i wanted so badly to get into ballet classes, but my parents never had the money to afford it.. Also whenever I see the someone performing or getting an award, I get overly emotional.
Thank you.
3 AnswersDancing8 years agoI want to become a dancer, but I have never taken any classes?
I am 21.. I am a bit over weight, maybe 50 pounds or so.. When I was four I had to have surgery on both of my ankles to length the achilis Tendons and ever since I regularly walk on my tippie toes, but I try not to, Also, I have pain in my left knee when bending down and stuff like that. I know that I have all the odds stacked against me, but I want to at least give it a shot.. When I was younger i wanted so badly to get into ballet classes, but my parents never had the money to afford it.. Also whenever I see the someone performing or getting an award, I get overly emotional.
Thank you.
4 AnswersDancing8 years agoThe guy that I like plays Hockey.. I am a huge sports fan but I have never seen Hockey..?
I want to know the basics.. he plays hockey but I have never really known anything about it.. Help?!
4 AnswersHockey8 years ago