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I've studied various martial arts- with a favoring towards Chinese arts primarily- for approximately 21 years. I've studied Tae Kwon Do (2 yrs), Wing Chun (5), Tiger Style Wushu (2), White Crane Kung Fu (2), Dragon Style Kung Fu (briefly as part of the 5 Animal/Crane), Kickboxing (2), Kali (1) and various oriental weaponry. I do favor the nunchaku and Katana. ;) I firmly believe that Bruce Lee was right when he said to take what you can from a martial art and leave the rest. So I continue on the quest to build my own style from the branches of others. My next step is towards Aikido to compliment the circle style of White Crane Kung Fu (which i highly recommend!) I've played guitar for the past 16 years as well in various styles- Funk, Blues, Punk, Rock, and Jazz mostly. I believe that nothing externally can be mastered until you have mastered yourself... and that is the hardest opponent i will ever face.

  • Question about an unemployment hearing in Indiana...?

    I have submitted all my supporting documentation in an unemployment hearing scheduled for Monday. Both the DWD and my previous employer have received it. It is questioning firing me for just cause due to a rule violation. Is my employer required to send me anything they have submitted to the DWD in regards to their evidence? I am required to make sure both parties received my evidence- which they have. But i haven't received anything from my employer (i.e Employee Handbook, disciplnary action, etc) Aren't they required to get that to me if they plan to use it as evidence in the unemployment hearing??? I would assume that I have that right just like a regular trial to see their evidence beforehand. Please help!! Thanks!

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Help with unemployment appeal in Indiana!?


    I worked for a company for 6 years with an excellent track record as a performer. I have several awards and commendations for my efforts. I was recently fired over a call I made concerning an FDCPA violation. The company has FDCPA violations daily and the regular staff was normally given a progressive discipline regarding these occurrences. It normally took 5 violations of the SAME policy in order for an employee to be terminated. I, however, was fired after 1 violation with no previous warnings. My training there was non-existent for my position- I was basically thrown to the wolves to learn what I needed to do. Both my immediate managers were always telling me I was doing an excellent job. Then out of the blue, I get pulled into HR and told i was being fired. They fought the unemployment claim stating that I was fired for "knowing violation of a reasonable and uniformly enforced policy". Unfortunately, this policy is far from "uniformly enforced". I was often told to use my "second line", which was unrecorded in order to make calls as a way around these rules. What can I do, with my appeal coming up, to prove my case for being fired without just cause if valid? Any help you could offer would be GREATLY appreciated!

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Car Insurance question!?

    Apparently Indiana had something passed in June to prevent any insurance from being cancelled due to non-payment because of the flooding that happened. I sold a car to a friend, had the title transferred and everything- and they are saying that I owe them money for the premium, since they couldn't cancel the insurance, even though I didn't own the car?! I can provide a copy of the transferred title to them if necessary. Can they charge me for a car not even in my name?? I called and a rep told me that if I didn't pay they would cancel it regardless- then this flood thing prevented that so they are charging me for those months!! Please let me know where I can find this info- or the law that prevents them from doing this. Help!!!!! I feel like they are totally trying to screw because of a natural disaster! :/

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Pondering on the philosophy of Tyler Durden...?

    Why DO we work jobs we hate to buy stuff (*cough*) we don't need???

    7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Will America as we know it crumble with this current financial crisis?

    All great civilizations have repeatedly fallen to different things in history. Do you think America is going to be able to recover from all these things happening at once? (hurricane disaster, mortgage crisis, ongoing war, gas prices, financial giant falling left and right) And why is it so hard for the government just to admit we ARE in a recession?? They keep talking about how we *might* enter one??? Please... Thoughts?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do you think people feel the need to judge each other??? ?

    Why is it so important that we find some way to "categorize" each other?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Advice your mother gave you?

    Please share something that your mother used to tell you that turned out to be great advice! :)

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How/Where do you find peace among the chaos of the world?

    What do you use as your catharsis to cleanse your soul of burdens? Where do you find you release and your "sanctuary"?

    6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • How do you help yourself let go of long held anger??

    Had you ever found yourself very pent up with hostility without knowing where it came from?? What did you do and how did you let it go to become more at peace??

    Just curious... :)

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Why do people say "How are you?" when they really don't care??

    And it's not like you'll say anything besides "oh, great!" even if your miserable. It's almost rude to say how you are ACTUALLY feeling... I find it pretty odd. Thoughts??

    27 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Aikido practitioners out there only please-?

    I'm curious about Aikido- I understand that is completely void of striking. However- with Aikido principles- have you used them in a streetfight?? (The redirection and submission) Did you find it effective in a real life situation? Just wondering... And before anyone posts something about Aikido sucking, etc (seen it before) please move along.

    I am interested in the redirectional applications to accent what I already know. Please let me know if Aikido's method has been found effective for you. Thanks!!

    9 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • In your opinion as a fighter-?

    Can it be said that the outcome of ALL fights cannot truly be determined til after the fight?? Is there always opportunity for an opponent to overcome you no matter your skill set? Is there always that chance you can be beaten regardless of time spent studying but due to shear luck of your opponent? What do you think personally?? What kind of impact does this have versus the "my style is better than your style" arguement? Does the ART make the fighter better or does the FIGHTER make the art better by training harder?? Is it ever the style you take that makes you overcome an adversary or is it your own personal drive?? I would just like some opinions on these questions from experienced fighters.

    15 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • When is the MMA train going to end??

    I'm so sick of hearing from everyone on this boards about how they would just whip everyone's butt because they are in MMA. You guys act like this is something that hasn't been around for hundreds of years. Constantly there is nothing but fan-boys on here talking about how they would kick the crap out of every great martial artist that ever lived because they have a decent record. Where is the respect that was taught in your "disciplines"?? Whatever happened to respecting the cultivators of the arts that you practice?? This is what happens when you americanize anything. Egos explode all over the place. So go ahead and tell me about how you'd beat the crap out of me too, right? Because that's what martial arts are all about- beating everyone up that looks at you funny. Just ask yourself why you even bother studying something in complete hypocrisy.

    12 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What does it take, in your opinion, to be considered "TOUGH"??

    In the context of: "That is one tough person". Let's hear it...

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Soon to be step-dad, When is it appropriate or ok to say I love you and the like to my step-daughter??

    It's one of those taboo things I think. I don't want for her to think I'm just saying it, that it's too early, etc. Teenage girls are very strange! hahaha She's really cool and we get along great- We play tennis together, I'm trying to teach her guitar. But when would it be ok, do ya think, to start saying I love you?? It's just a little awkward to just start doing it. I hope this makes some sense!! Help!!! :)

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What, in your opinion, is the most effective martial arts style??

    Please explain why you think so??

    13 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago