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  • What contributes to apples still being slightly hard in apple pies? ?

    I just made a homemade crust and apple pie filling and some of the apples are still slightly crunchy. Why would this happen? I cooked it at 175 degrees celsius until the crust was golden brown.

    Why would the apples still be slightly hard? They were Granny Smiths.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • My 7 month old hates the taste of formula.?

    I have breastfed him exclusively, but I just started working a few hours during the week. During that time, he needs to drink so me formula. At first, he wouldn't drink out of a bottle at all, but I've worked with him to at least drink out of a bottle. Now that he will, he won't take formula. He will drink apple juice/water. I would like to give half breastmilk and half formula at this point. He is eating lots of foods as well.

    Is this common for breastfed babies to hate the taste of formula?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 6 mth old cruising and falls?

    My 6 month old son is pulling himself up to a standing position and cruising along furniture. He falls a lot when doing this, but I can't catch him every time he falls. What do I do?? He usually doesn't cry when he falls, but I can't imagine it's a good thing for him to fall!!!

    What do you do??? Kids grow up too fast... Is it just part of being a kid and he will have some bumps and bruises?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding my 6 mth old - debating whether or not to stop ?

    My son is 6 months old. He's 29 inches long and 20 lbs. I have started giving him 1 meal a day of baby food. Lately it seems like I can't feed him enough milk. He is breastfed exclusively, except for the new addition of foods. He is always wanting to eat and I am starting to hate feeding him. He gives me the stiff arm when he eats, meaning that he pushes away from me but is still sucking, thus just about ripping off my nipple. I really hate feeding him now. He also started crawling 2 weeks ago, so it much more active. I can see him slimming out a lot. Considering how big he is for being 6 months, should I stop breastfeeding and give him formula, bump him up to 2 meals a day, or what?

    I used to enjoy breastfeeding because it was so convienent, but I really don't like it anymore. I know it's best for him, but it's not fun for me at all.

    Please give advice. What would you do? My 2 concerns is that he is thinning out which kind of worries me and also I am not enjoying it anymore.

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How much of one food should I give to my 6 month old?

    I am beginning to feed my 6 month old son 1 meal a day to work pureed food into his diet. I usually give him about 3 tablespoons of food a day.

    I want to know what is considered a meal for a 6 month old because I know that 3 tablespoons is more like a snack.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How do you make imitation maple extract, if possible?

    I live in a country that doesn't have maple extract and I want to make my own maple syrup.

    How do I make maple extract?

    If I can't make it, does anyone have a good recipe to add real maple syrup to the sugar/water mixture to make fake maple syrup? My husband only likes the fake kind...crazy I know!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Cooking a steak in a frying pan?

    Hi everyone. I don't have a grill so I have to cook my steaks in a frying pan. My husband likes them well done. On a standard stove of medium heat, how many minutes on each side should give me a well done steak? I'll be cooking it with a little butter, salt/pepper, and garlic, if you wanted to know.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Weight Watchers and breastfeeding?

    I am asking this in the baby section because it has to do with breastfeeding and losing baby weight.

    I am on WW to lose 10 lbs. from recently having a baby. I am breastfeeding and currently weigh 153 lbs. so I get 34 points a day. I get 8 activity points a day from exercise. I never use my bonus points. Has anyone had experience of breastfeeding and being on WW? How did it help you? I'm wondering if I will even lose weight due to the fact that I am supposed to eat more for producing milk.

    I really only want good advice. I know all the information about being healthy for my baby. Thank you!

    46 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have experience with getting a baby adjusted to a new time zone?

    My husband and I will be moving in 4 days to a time zone that is 6 hours ahead. Do you have any experience with getting a baby readjusted to the time zone? My son is 4 1/2 months old. Also, we are currently having a problem with him waking up every 2 hours in the night. We want to fix this problem at the same time as getting him adjusted to the time. He used to wake up once a night and then we went to my in-laws for the summer and every time he made a noise we picked him up so we wouldn't wake everyone up, which has led to a major problem for night time sleeping. He doesn't wake up to eat, just to be put back to sleep. We live in Austria but spend the summers in New York. Can anyone give me some advice?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is this a sign that my son will start to crawl soon?

    My 4 1/2 month old son gets on all fours like he wants to crawl and he rocks back and forth like he's trying to move but he hasn't figured out that he needs to move his hands and feet also. Sometimes he tries to go forward and does a face plant in the carpet. Is this a sign that he will crawl soon? He's been doing this for a week now. How long do you think it will be before he starts to really crawl?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 4 1/2 month old wakes up every 2 hours

    Yes, it's true, my 4 1/2 month old wakes up every 2 hours in the night. I tried giving him cereal, hoping that he'd sleep better on a full stomach. Didn't work. He is breastfed. I tried having my husband rock him to sleep because with me, he screams really hard until I feed him. This also didn't work. What can I do? I really need some advice.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Stay at home mom' you work?

    Do you have any part time job? If so, what is it?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I need help with my 4 mth old's sleeping pattern.

    My 4 month old was born at 9.1 lbs and 21.5 inches. Now, he's 18 lbs and 28 inches. He is breastfed and I've always had a good supply. For the past month he has been waking up at night 6-8 times. For two months prior to this, he was waking up once a night. I'm beginning to think that he needs something more to his diet, like rice cereal.

    I used to let him cry back to sleep, but my husband doesn't like this, so I pick him up and nurse him back to sleep. Now that I'm doing this, he expects me to always nurse him to sleep. Things are getting worse and I need help!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What makes pancakes fluffy?

    I want my pancakes to be like Aunt Jemima's. Is it extra baking soda that makes them so light and fluffy? I've tried a million recipes that turn out good, but too dense.

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I need a great pancake recipe that makes them as fluffy as the box kinds (Aunt Jemima, etc.).

    I've tried a ton of recipes but none seem to be fluffy enough. I don't like pancakes dense and heavy.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What are the signs that your baby is ready for cereal?

    My son is 4 months old. For 2 months, he was sleeping through the night, and waking up once to eat. For 2 weeks now, he's waking up around 6 times a night. It's usually just to get put back to sleep, not so much to eat. He is starting to teeth, as I can see a few white bumps and feel some hardness on his gums. He can steadily hold his head up, roll over both ways, and bats at objects (and very frequently me!)

    I am breastfeeding and he is growing very well. He was 9 lbs 1 oz when born and is now 18 lbs at 4 months.

    What are the signs that he is ready to eat cereal? I know it's recommended to wait until 6 months.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to want another baby when your first is 3 months old?

    I hated being pregnant because of gaining the weight (I felt enormous, because I was!) but now that my baby is 3 months old, I already want another one. I know I won't try for about 2 more years, but is this a common? I think I want another baby because I see how fast my son is growing up. I wish they could stay small forever!

    60 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I need help finding a health insurance for my family.?

    My husband works in Europe so we get free health care, but we are in America for 3 months out of the year. We live in New York State. What is the best short term health care to get?

    I want a service that will make up pay about $20 per doctors visit and will make presecriptions cost, at the most, $8. I had BlueCross when I was under my parents insurance and this is what we paid for their service.

    I know nothing about health insurance so I need help. It would be me, my husband, and our son covered.

    5 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Sudden change in sleeping pattern for my 3 month old?

    The last 1.5 months: My baby goes to sleep at 9 pm, wakes at 4 am to eat, then up at 6 am, and then up for good at 9 am.

    The past 4 nights: Wakes up 5-6 times a night (AHH)

    The past 4 nights we have been at my in-laws house. The house is very cramped, so whenever he seems fussy, I would pick him up to get him back to sleep. I think he's realizing that I will get him every time he makes a noise.

    Literally just now, he woke up after being asleep for 2 hours, started crying, so I left him. He cried for 7 minutes and is now back asleep.

    Should I have him cry himself back to sleep until I know he needs to eat again? I have been picking him up because I don't want to wake anyone in the house, but I don't care anymore. I want him to have a good schedule and obviously he is fine since he just fell back asleep on his own.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago