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Social Gatherings - where/how to find?
I am a little socially awkward. I have been for some time. The problem lies within that I lack confidence in myself and my actions. How might I change this?
I live in a very small town and not too much goes on here. I am not a drinker and never have been. I have very few friends but would like to expand my friend base, specifically, GIRLS. I have been attempting to make friends through facebook and other means, but it just simply is not working.
So, where can I go to meet and talk with other people? All the people I work with are over 40 and I am in my 20s.
1 AnswerSociology8 years agoGoing back to school? Explaining to my employer?
I want to go back to college.
I decided this months ago but with my parents and all my loved ones forcing me out into the job market, I finally luckily found a job in my IT field. I am grateful and thankful that I have been awarded the opportunity to work. It was a tough journey to find it, and I am blessed.
The pay starts at around 10-17 dollars an hour and the benefits are good. I want to go back to college, but the problem is this employment is full time with no budging. I want to start college in about 7 months, Fall of 2013 for a social work degree. I hear it is a messed up job and this and that, but ultimately I want to pursue my education even further. The college I chose is great because it offers a degree program for a very cheap cost, however, the degree program is not virtual or on-line at all. I am certain it would not be possible to attend part time university and work full time as I would have to be physically in class, and this job is dayshift, 9-5.
I only have an associate's degree in IST and I honestly feel uncertain about it. I don't want to stop at the associate's degree in IST, nor do I want to further my education for more IST. I want a completely different field for my Bachelor's and Master's degrees. I would love to teach at the University level and have my own clinic to help people...I have a passion for it. I am a little socially awkward but I feel like I could overcome that. I have an admiration for helping and changing people's lives for the better!
What do I do :(
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoPotential Employment vs. going back to school?
I applied to several jobs and registered with an agency to help me try to find a job. I am an IT guy but want to get into another field. I have a 2 year IT degree I just recently earned in Spring of 2012. The lack of work combined with the constant learning curve is horrible. I want a less scientific field and eventually pursue a Psy.D. degree.
Job hunting was a challenge. I had multiple interviews but they never turned into anything more. Recently, I was forced to go to this one interview and I do not even want the job! Funny thing is, I am under the impression that they want to hire me, and this is a nightmare.
I want to go back to school for another 2 years to get my B.A. in Sociology minoring in Social Work. That is my goal at this point. How can I reach that goal if I have full time employment in the IT field?
Just because they are calling the references does not mean that I am hired correct? They are just narrowing down the candidates for the job and I do not have much experience.
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoShould I go back to college?
Well, a messed up situation is about to be read. So brace yourself.
I graduated high school in 2008. Immediately after, I enrolled into a university to further my education. My major was Computer Science. Well, it was a great school, but I suffered depression (not clinically proven, but I could tell), and wanted to be closer to home. I transferred to ANOTHER university, about 1 hour closer to where I lived. I was about to continue my major in Computer Science, however, the advisor really messed up my initial schedule which immediately caused me to change my major otherwise I would have failed out. I was enrolled in Secondary Education Mathematics for 1 year, took classes like calculus 1, 2, 3 and Mathematical Foundations (proofs & theory) courses, as well as a few psychology courses and courses focused on education. I took the Praxis I and was prepared to become a math teacher.
But, my mind wouldn't settle with that. I transferred for the second and final time to a school only 1/2 hour away. Well, now here I am, I have a 2 year degree in Information Technology & Sciences with a concentration on networking. I work for a company that forces an independent contractor agreement down my throat every 6 months, and I only average only about 1,000 dollars a month.
I owe 20,000 dollars in school loans and start paying in November. I don't know what aid and etc. I am eligible for. I live in PA. I am currently not enrolled in school but basically have been to school for 4 years and only received a 2 year degree, but it is my fault. I have a high GPA (3.7+ on a 4.0 scale) and I desire to enroll and earn a Masters degree in any field, but I've considered Mathematics because I really like Math. I've also considered becoming a dentist, and I know what work I have to do to get there. I just need money and aid. What would be the best thing to do at this point?
2 AnswersFinancial Aid9 years ago"Brighter Day" "Higher Plane" lyrics, please help. Sounds like Katy Perry?
I heard a song on the radio but I didn't get the song, now it's driving me crazy.
It repeated something that sounded like:
"Take me to a higher plane, a higher plane, higher plane"
"Take me to a brighter day, a brighter day, just a brighter day"
The song was really upbeat, and wasn't screamo or anything like that. I could have the lyrics wrong but I will tell you it sounds like brighter day or higher plane.
I don't think it's katy perry though, unless its some techno remix.
HELP. 10 PTS to winner, guaranteed.
2 AnswersLyrics9 years agoAre there any Documentation Programs out there besides MS Word?
I am about to enter a class that requires an extreme amount of documentation.
Are there any programs that would greatly aid in documentation of all errors, updates, and problems with Windows Server 2008 R2? It would have to be able to accept screenshots and provide a form to fill out providing solutions and etc.
Help Please!
5 AnswersSoftware9 years agoA suicidal kid basically told an adult he would kill himself....and I overheard it...?
OK, first and foremost, this kid is suffering from severe autism and other mental disorders. At this moment, he is with his parents and safe.
He stormed through the door of my fiancée's parent's house...wanting to use the phone to call the hospital. He plops down beside me and my girlfriends mother sits on the other side of him. He explains that he basically wants to kill himself by shooting, or using some other weapon to 'get out of this [life].' He asked if she had any guns, but she was very calm about everything and we all were like
He said not to let his parents in the house. We did anyways and to make a long story short, he just started crying and felt bad that he put us all through it. He is mentally challenged and I feel bad for him.
My question is the following: Let's say this kid offs himself. NOW, will I be responsible for overhearing the conversation and not picking up that phone to call the police?? Everyone in the house including my fiancee's sister, mother, father, and this kids mother, sister, and grandmother, all knew he was "suicidal" at that point, but will the law come after all of us? I am quite worried, and I'm glad I wasn't involved...but it's on my mind...he said it..I heard I'm paranoid.
What do? Help.
4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoHow to link wordpress, a database together?
I am stuck and in the middle of designing a basic website for a movie rental store.
It is for an assignment but I want to go above and beyond what is required. I want to modify a wordpress theme to design the site the way I want it to look. That is the least of my problems. I need a plugin of some sort or a way to view, modify, and query(search) the database using advanced options. I want to show what movies the store currently has and have written all of the code for the database in phpMyAdmin.
What plugins/recommendations do you all have? I just want it to look nice and I'm new to wordpress. I could code a site in php/html but in my opinion, that would look a little worse than an wordpress in my opinion.
Thanks everyone!
3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoI don't know what's wrong with me.....?
This past week I have been feeling a little under the weather....I got a really bad cold and fever that lasted for about 6 wasn't fun.
Anytime there is something wrong with me or my body, I get anxiety. To make it clear, I am always having this follows me wherever I go. Does it go away? Rarely. Sometimes, when I am really happy it tends to die down...a lot. Unfortunately, I have anxiety problems so bad that it causes diarrhea symptoms.....and I am going through that right now. Wouldn't be the first time it happened....I'm not sure what to do I don't really feel happy at all I cry a lot....and I feel like I can't do much because I'm too afraid I might have to use the restroom.
Right now, I feel like I am dying of some horrible disease like cancer but I know it's probably far out to think such bogus things....what can I do to help myself??????
Thank you...
1 AnswerMental Health1 decade agoBecoming a Technology Tester?
I want to know how to be a tester for various technological tools such as cell phones, iPhones, iPads, printers, routers, etc....
How would I go about even trying to get a job like this? Who do I contact?
2 AnswersTechnology1 decade agoDifference between a DSLR and a Point & Shoot?
I'm trying to convince my friend that they are NOT the same. You get much better image quality with the DSLR.
He has owned a DSLR and sold it because he couldn't get clear landscape shots, now I picked one off of an on-line auction for only 150 dollars! What a deal. It may not be the newest and greatest, but it still takes a great image and has a sensor the size of the Canon XSi, CMOS.
NOW, I want to know hardcore evidence as to why the two are not the same to prove the point. A point and shoot camera is for beginners, this is why you will never see a point and shoot image on the cover of a magazine. Give me some websites or whatever needed to show the differences. Thanks a lot, I need some good sources.
4 AnswersCameras1 decade agoA question I should ask a veteran in class?
With all due respect, I hold the military and armed forces very high. I appreciate their service.
For a basic college assignment, we need to develop some questions to ask a veteran that is in our course. I do want to know more about the experiences he has had and would love to ask an intelligent question. HOWEVER.....I am the worst person ever to come up with any questions!
What questions do you think I should ask? I am horrible at developing questions like this. I don't want it to be stupid. Helpppp!
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWisdom teeth start appearing, hello worries.? today I was just rolling my tongue around my mouth and I felt something quite strange. It felt like my gums were different or weird in the back of my mouth. I was at school at the time, and when I came home I looked in the mirror.
To my freakin lovely surprise, it's another tooth. I feel like I'm 5 again, developing teeth when I'm 20 years old. Kidding, I know...they are wisdom teeth.......
My real question I going to have to get this stupid thing removed? I'm petrified to find out, I know a lot of horror stories about wisdom teeth and I really just would like to keep them if they are this unnoticeable. I don't care what my dentist may say, he probably just wants to make money....unless they are causing significant issues. I never noticed it before - and I personally think this process has been going on for about a year now.
It never bothered me until I found out I had it. I've probably had this bad boy for months, not even noticing or caring. Now I know it is there I constantly think about it, like its my soul mate or something....bah! Why me. It does not hurt ONE bit, and I mean all.
I know it doesn't really matter but I've never had braces, retainers, none of it. My teeth are naturally straight. I'm not being conceited. My jawbone isn't puny, I have a pretty defined jawbone and it is, in my opinion, large enough for this sucker to move in. I'm so worried though. I don't want to have this mouth surgery.!
5 AnswersDental1 decade agoAm I a little crazy or what?
Well there comes a time in everyones life where they feel a little anxious, not too sure what is going on at that point. I'm 20 years old and going to college for IST. School is a bit stressful but I know there are harder majors out there.
I guess you could say this............I am absolutely terrified of being sick. Every day it crosses my mind. I hate going to the bathroom and wish I could just stop, but realize this would be unhealthy. Also, there probably isn't any way to do this without getting sick, so I never really thought about doing it. I have, however, fasted and gone a few days without eating. I'm not anorexic or something, I still eat food, but just not in quantities that I used to eat.
I work at a small store as a cashier and rarely can take a restroom break. I feel like I have the urge to go, and I almost run to the restroom, but when I am actually in there, nothing happens. I probably use the restroom (or attempt) about 15 times per day. This is abnormal, and it all stems from anxiety attacks.
Speaking of Anxiety Attacks, I have them. Every day, right this second. What causes my anxiety? I have no clue. I worry about practically EVERYTHING, including the weather. I feel that everything around me triggers immense anxiety and stress. I always worry about school, even though my grades are stellar. Hopefully this anxiety goes away at some point in my life, but as I get older, like anyone else, your health degrades. Of course, this would also cause anxiety.
As you can see, I worry about every little thing in the world. I have a girlfriend and a supportive family, yet the anxiety is still present almost every moment of my life. I suppose the only time I am not that anxious is in the Summer. I have no clue why but I never had this problem of using the restroom 15 times, I worked full time. Fall '10 it started to go downhill and more anxiety. This isn't the only year, either. It has been going on since 3rd grade.
What do I need to do?
6 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoJust bought a car, basically OCD about everything....?
First, let me point out that I am a college student that commutes on a daily basis. I never really had an "OK" paying job until this past summer, it was minimum wage but way more than what I got paid to help a local guy up the street with his yard work, etc.
In any case, I have went to many universities. My mind isn't concrete, it is more like a piece of pliable rubber that always changes. I had my heart set on Computer Science, but then changed my mind when I went to a school closer to my home. I changed schools mainly because I missed my girlfriend who lives at home, a bad idea, but a good one in a way because I was severely depressed.
This past summer, I tried finding a vehicle many times. My girlfriend purchased a vehicle for a very cheap price, I became a bit jealous, it was in perfect shape, had only 60k, and was rather cheap. I began driving my dad's truck that he basically discarded due to the fact the door did not close. I broke down once or twice because of a flat tire, a blown radiator, overheating problems, etc. Also, I got about 15 mpg in that thing. Trust me, it wasn't much to look at but I was happy that he let me drive it to school.
I continued to work my job and look for a vehicle. I definitely looked hard on local classifieds, and etc. and even went to check out some vehicles. None really fit my interests....untilll.....I saw a real nice Pontiac Grand Am GT at a local car dealer, it was on 02 with only 57k on it, a real deal for 5 thousand dollars. It started right up and did not smoke or have ANY problems. I went ahead and took it for a ride, no issues found! I looked under the hood, again, no issues seen or heard there.
I take it home about 3 to 4 days later. When I got it home, I popped the hood. I looked at the engine and found 2 holes that were empty, but threaded. I immediately panic and feel real bad that an idiot like myself would buy a car like this. I look online constantly to see what it could be. I see many pictures of the engine on google images and these holes ARE empty, they are probably used to separate different parts of the engine, and are meant to be empty holes.
Then, I notice something that looks like an oil leak on the right side of the engine. I am worried because I have found that the LIM head gasket may need replaced, the lower intake manifold. I think I've read that these cars have these issues. I have no money, I owe my parents about 600 bucks, and when commuting today, a rock flew up and nicked the windshield. So I'll have to have that replaced soon. Why do I have the worst luck ever, and why did an idiot like my buy a car like this??? Am I overreacting or what. I'm almost afraid to drive it...
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoSexual Assault or a Threat?
First of all, I'd like to say that I am 19, my girlfriend is 17. We have been together for 2.5 years and counting. We did a few things together, never had full blown intercourse though. In fact, everything but intercourse. Because she is 17 she would be perfectly capable of giving consent to these things, which she did, and I had never forced, raped, or held her down in any of the times we did things (yeah, it happened a lot during the course of a year.)
So, I recently threatened to break up with her and stop talking to her. Cold turkey. Done. So I thought...because at that moment, she threatened to "call the cops" on me for what she believed was "sexual assault". Immediately, I flip out. I know women have more rights than men in cases like these and although every time was consensual, she still could stick a victory flag right in my chest very easily.
So after talking to her and promising we'd be together, we were alright. We both agreed not to do those things anymore. Then one day later, she is texting me saying that she was only extremely mad and she wouldn't do that to me. Also, she said that she wants to do those things again, while admitting that I never forced her or anything like other guys would/have. Obviously I locked those messages for my own good, so is it "safe" to re-initiate these types of things with this particular girl after these threats? I don't want to have a Sexual Assault charge against me, I'm sure no one does. It'd ruin my life.
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWhich of the following is the best GPS unit?
Garmin: Nuvi 205w
TomTom: XL325SE
TomTom: GO710
TomTom: ONE 125SE
Garmin: Nuvi 200
NavCam: 7000
TomTom: ONE
TomTom: XL330s
Which of the following is the best GPS? Price does not matter. I want the one with the BEST features, the best reliability, and the one with the greatest amount of features when on the road. My father is in need of one because he is going into the truck driving profession. Thanks a lot for your opinion!
3 AnswersCar Audio1 decade agoWhat's wrong with me? Am I going psycho?
Okay, so I've got a few issues in my life beginning with my family behing financially challenged. It makes me think differently about the world because I'm one of the unfortunate people who belong to an "unemployed" family. My father lost his job recently.
Since then, I've been very anxious. Sometimes when I lay down to sleep, I have to get back up again because my stomach feels upset and I feel really warm. I also feel very anxious, as if some huge bear was about to kill me. However, my mother talks about money to me a lot, which is okay because I am about 20 years old, but I feel that she is going over the line when she explains it all to me and makes it clear that we are going to "run out of money".
I cant stand hearing those bad things, and I wish my father could find work or my mother. It seems impossible at this point. Therefore, I am falling into a state where I am having the following symptoms:
**Very anxious
**Meditate constantly over little things people say(awkward situations or if I did something wrong)
**Sad songs make me upset to the point I meditate over the lyrics and the beat of the song to the point I am crying(this usually happens about 3 or 4 hours after the song)
**I'm very clingy, and I feel the need to be doing something constantly or else I am feeling sad.
**I'm quite moody, I am very easily offended
**I feel very awkward at times, especially when a lot of attention is on me.
**I'm getting thoughts of what it would be like if my parents, brother, or anyone else(girlfriend, friends, etc.) would die. I not only think about what it would be like without them, but what it would be like if they died from cancer or another health problem. I worry a lot about all of them, and if they are sick or appear to have even the littlest thing wrong with them, I get the thought that they may die from it in my head.
**Lastly, I feel so emotionally torn. Sometimes I diagnose myself with horrible diseases such as cancer, I worry a lot. My blood pressure was borderline high at the doctors office. I want to change so that it will go down, I want to live stress free just one time. I can barely sleep at night anymore, find that alot of people around me became very annoying/depressing to be around, and songs squeeze out sad emotions to the maximum.
I get intrusive thoughts of death on a regular basis, however I never think of suicide. I just think and fear the idea of death to a very high degree. Or any bad disease. I believe I'm a hypochondriac with depression. Sometimes I cry, but not too often I guess you could say. I am the type that holds everything in. About a month ago I bawled my eyes out, but I can't justify why. I'm not very social, either. I'm just full of leads to another.
6 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoWhen I listen to techno at seems way better than in the morning?
Serious answerers only, if you understand this phenomenon, please let me know your thoughts and why this happens?
I get Tiesto's Club Life radio show, and absolutely enjoy and love this music before I go to bed? But why, when I listen to it in the morning, is it not as effective as making me happy or putting me in the "trance" state?
3 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoOnline Classified question?
the HTML Tag < B > is always filtered when trying to post an ad on this website:
What can I do to make it bold or highlighted? Thanks!
3 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago