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Should i stay with my girlfriend?
some background info. I have been with my gf a year and love her. We met working together, before season ended she really wanted to keep seeing me so i saw her throughout winter often. She had new job looking after horses, and has a horse so really made effort to see me. I went back to same job and she would pick me up everyday and i spent nights ther and saw her on my days off. Season ended, she was selling her horse and we were ment to be going away for weekend somewhere but didnt mention it or want to see me in the day time, i spoke to her she made time for me, and said she couldnt go away as needed to sell horse so didnt have time. She ordedred and took pregnancy test, didnt tell me till it was all clear. Got new horse, night befor i told her i was upset not going away and not wanting me to know bout pregnancy test untill all clear, she crys when i express concern for stuff like this :(, told her i didnt want to spend the night. She removed me as BF on FB and only messaged to say night for 3 days, saw her for 1 hour she was in horse gear her boss had given her all afternoons off i got 1 hour and lost my temper. Saw her a few days later for few hours and spent last night there she says she loves me and will make time for me, im seeing her tomorrow. She spent 5 hours at her horse rather than go to work early then back to horse, i get 2-3 hours before shes asleep. She will have lessons soon and conpete, i feel she gives 100% to horse im just part time hobby, any advice pls
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago