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Australia should have another Election?
Since the 21/08/10 Election. There has been a lot of bull shitting going on and even ballet paper miss count!s. This is another stunt by the Gillard Government so she can start her republic, Kevin Rudd knew that Australia is not ready for this massave expense to change Australia into a republic and Gillard got inpatient of waiting.for the change over to happen its why her party got rid of K.Rudd Now if gillard is made PM we all will be paying for it for many years to come. STAND UP and DEMAND an RE:ELECTION before its to late. I do expect The yanks to be negative about this as always.
5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWe all know that God owns the earth and us.?
Who gives the U.S Government the right to want to control the world? It seems that the U.S have tickets on them selves, I still remember what the U.S army done in the Veit-con war in 1968. Rapping women and children before cutting their Necks with their bayonet's The U.S will denie this as it is the unspoken truths that I saw when I was over there in 1968. I!d rather be dead then to be under control of the 666.
3 AnswersEarth Day1 decade agoFor the Australian!s only!?
Why vote for Gil lard? When we know the following.
She has never been married and has no children. She wants to make Australia into a republic witch means we loose our rights under the Commonwealth. We loose Centre-Link and this will increase crime and homeless. The Bible says that no woman should be in charge of a Church or a Government but Gillard is not a Christian but a Communist. Do we really need to be like the U.S were people are dieing on the streets due to hunger and being homeless? This is the hidden truth of Gillard and her party. No more payments for people on a pension,no more payments for people on the dole, no more old age pension. Its this the type of Country that you want?
6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoDo I look that ugly? No women in Australia wants to know this bugger..........................................?
I am a 51 young at heart,family man, been every were done this done that now retired. Out of all the dating sites I am on not one of them respond or reply.
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoDating sites! how do we protect our self?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDating site!s. is there any soft-ware to protect our self from these low-life?
I!m on a number of dating sites is there any soft-ware to download that will help to tell us their real location? and how they really are? It seems that I can use any pics and any name and location that I want with out getting pinched. The number of these low-life is getting out of hand and we need to protect our self from these low-life.
These low life may in fact be men in our own back yard in Australia even the person that lives next to you?
One lady lives in the U.S? but could live in Scotland or Baghdad may be even on the moon. It could even be Jack the Ripper.
lava life is your classic site men get flooded with women from Africa or are they? It may be the person that lives in the house next to yours.
5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago