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Natwest Loan?
Hello I've recently got a Loan with my current bank Natwest
I set up my repayment dates to be the 8th of every month because I get paid on the 7th of every month..
but now I'm starting a new job does anyone know if you can change the repayment dates?
1 AnswerCredit7 years agoInterview tomorrow, help is this outfit ok?
Hello, well im attending an interview tomorrow for the same job as im doing now but being a home carer not working in a care home and for a different interview
I havn't had much time to prep myself for this interview im currently going to wear
black trousers, a blouse and a leather jacket I got from new look with black pointed flat shoes
Thanks x
4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years agoPregnant or not? Help please!?
Well on the 6th May I went to my gp because I was feeling very stressed and had high blood pressure he told me to come on the pill for one month and to go back for a review on the 11th June
Well since then I've still felt stressy and tired and I've missed my period by 2 weeks but I'm still constantly ovulating! could this be the start of me being pregnant?
I have done a clear blue pregnancy test today and it come back not pregnant!
Is it still early days?
2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting7 years agoCould I be pregnant?
Well on the 6th May I went to the doctors because I was on the pill and he thinks the pill is causing me high blood pressure and he's told me to come off the pill for a month and to go back on the 10th June for another review.
Well normally if I miss a day on the pill my period would normally be here the next day! my period is 2 weeks late and I'm worried I could be pregnant, I'm constantly feeling hungry, tired, moody and my stomach is a little hard.
1 AnswerPregnancy7 years agoFord KA petrol prices?
Yesterday I passed my driving test first time! I went out and brought myself a Ford KA 1.3 2002
I also got insured (costs a arm & a leg lol)
My car has about half a tank of petrol at the moment and i will properly need to fill it up again pretty soon.
Have you got or had a KA?
Roughly how much petrol will it take when empty?
Ford7 years agotips on how to grow my hair fast?
Well, how can I grow my hair fast?
I had bleached highlights in my hair for about a year but they have almost grow out (thank god) it caused soooo many problems with my hair my hair kept breaking its above shoulder length! It made my hair dry and thin! I've managed to maintain my hair well and its now in a nice condition by using different argan oils.
I straighten my hair once a day or every other day.. My hairdresser told me I need to stop straightening my hair if I want it to grow? Recently I just been blow drying it using heat protection and putting it into a bun! I can't stand having it down without straightening it's really bushy and wavy!
Any tips on how to grow my hair? Should i stop the heat altogether?
Many thanks x
5 AnswersHair7 years agoHow to care for my hair?
Well before I start I know I've wrote a few questions about hair and everyone has told me I need to get my split ends cut due to heat and bleaching,
Well I no longer bleach my hair it's back to its natural colour, I got my split ends cut off by my hair dresser on Wednesday this week, she straightened and blow dyed my hair, from when I have bleach I've still got the short bits of hair around my face! yesterday I straightened my hair and bits of hair were still falling out onto my leggings.
I want my hair to grow!! ( I didn't use straightens only blow dyer on my hair for one month and I saw a growth difference also using vitamin e argan oil and I was my hair only twice a week by using dry hair shampoo) i use to wash it everyday.
How can I encorage my hair to grow?
I guess I will have to stop the heat again..
Can I buy any products to help?
4 AnswersHair7 years agoDo I have a abscess? :(?
Since Saturday late evening I've had a mild tooth ache it only hurts when I put my tongue over and around the tooth or if I eat while pressing on the tooth, it's really hard to look because it's a tooth right at the back of my mouth!
It's only a mild pain I'm taking no meds because I feel there's no need to yet.
1 AnswerDental7 years agoWould u class my hair as split ends?
Are these split ends? This is my natural wavy hair.
2 AnswersHair7 years agoWould coconut shampoo & conditioner help?
I have dry and damaged hair my hair is now only shoulder length i use to get bleached blonde highlights but I've let them grow out but I want my hair to start growing again i use argan oil every other day after I've washed it. I use to straighten my hair everyday but I only straighten it on occasions but i do blow dry my hair after washing (I can't stand wet hair)
Everyone is telling me that coconut oil will help my hair condition and growth? But will coconut shampoo & conditioner work instead?
1 AnswerHair7 years agoHair washing question?
My hair hasn't grow in ages due to bleaching well i let the bleach go by itself and now my hair is back to my natural colour i use to straighten my hair everyday but I only do it on occasions now! my hair is shoulder length and hasn't grown in months, i use to wash my hair every night but now i wash it every 3 days and use dry shampoo.. Will this help my hair grow?
3 AnswersHair7 years agoIs it healthy to pass stools everyday?
For the last few months I've only been having a stool movement 2-3 times a week but since this Monday Its changed I've been everyday so far and my diet has changed ive started to eat more fruit/veg and less chocolate/crisps.
Is it healthy for this to happen?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoHow can I make my hair grow?
I use to have bleached blonde highlights but they have now grow out my hair kept splitting due to heat so I have really short bits of hair round my face it looks horrible!
Is there any products u can recommend buying?
Would anything like FAST shampoo & conditioner work? or Lee Stafford hair growth mask?
6 AnswersHair7 years agoMy body temp is 34.9?
Well since 28th Dec I've been feeling slightly ill I've had a cough, abit of a sore throat on and off, and I feel quite sleepy and feeling cold a lot even when covered with a blanket. My temp is showing 34.9
Is this just a virus or flu? :(
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases7 years agoDoes Lee Stafford Hair Growth Mask actually work?
My hair is stuck at shoulder length due to hair bleaching and heat, I now only straighten my hair on occasions i use argan oil after every time I was my hair, I have short bits of my hair around my face looks like layers but it's were my hair had been splitting and breaking off.
So do you think the Lee Stafford hair growth treatment work?
5 AnswersHair7 years agoCan anyone recommend any hair treatments?
Hi well I am looking for suggestions on hair treatments for my dry, damaged hair.
I use to have my hair bleached blonde but it's caused damage and caused me to have split ends. I've had my hair dyed back to my natural colour (which has helped) but I am looking for treatments that I can buy to help my hair get back to normal condition and stopping it being dry etc..
2 AnswersHair7 years agoHas anyone use Lee Stafford Hair Growth Cream?
Hiya just a quick question to see if any of you have used this product and to know if it has worked for you?
I have short bits around the front of my face that look extremely terrible due to heat and hair breaking off due to bleaching and my hair is still quite dry but I am only using argan oils at the moment. I do only blow dry my hair now because it makes it kind of straight so i just keep my hair up, I only straighten my hair on occasions until my hair strays growing.
Do you think this hair treatment will help?
This is the product name
'For Hair that never Grows past a certain Length', Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment.
2 AnswersHair7 years agoHas anyone tried the Lee Stafford Hair Growth Mask?
Hello, i am writing this status to ask if anyone has used this hair mask before i am really interested in buying this product after reading the reviews on the link above, my hair is in quite bad condition at the moment due to having bleached blonde highlights for about 7 months it made my hair dry and i have bad split ends. Now my hairdresser dyed my hair back to my natural colour (dark brown) because i wanted to get rid of the blonde and start fresh.
Ive been using a full restore shampoo and conditioner L'Oreal Paris Elvive which is helping my hair a little. I use argan oil everyday but it doesn't seem to be helping with the condition of my hair.
If anyone can recommend any other masks or deep conditions please let me know..
3 AnswersHair7 years agoCan anyone recommend anything for damaged hair?
Well last month I was having bleached blonde highlights for about 7 months, my hair has got dry and I had split ends till it got cut last month and I decided to have my hair dyed back to my natural colour because I wanted to get rid of the blonde so when my roots come back threw all my hair will be my natural colour (which has worked) my hairdresser also recommend this.
My hair is still dry and thin but is getting thicker! My hair is only shoulder length which I dislike I'm use to really long hair.
I am looking for a deep moisturizer or conditioner that will help with my hair condition and hopefully encorage it to grow? A few people have said try 'Lee Stafford Hair Growth Cream' have any of you used this product?
Sorry for such a long status.
Thanks for your time x
6 AnswersHair7 years agoI want to grow my hair fast?
Hello everyone
Well i use to get my hair bleached blonde but last month I decided to stop and went and got my hair dyed back to my natural colour as my hairdresser suggested.
My hair is in a ok condition it's still a little dry but it's getting better by using argon oils and full restore shampoo & conditioners, the only problem I have is that my hair is very short due to it being cut because of bleach damage & split ends, so I am looking some products that will encourage my hair to grow?
I've spoken to a few people and they've said try ''For Hair that never Grows past a certain Length', Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment' from boots or a horse shampoo & conditioner called 'mane n tail' but I am wondering whether anyone can recommend any products? I am still not sure of the recommend products will work so have any of you used either?
Thanks x
2 AnswersHair7 years ago