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  • Significant amount of blood in stool?

    I just went to the bathroom, seeing as how I was on my period I didn't think too much about seeing blood on my toilet paper, especially after a bowel movement as it often pushes more out... However after cleaning myself and doing a final once over I noticed there was still blood coming out, though not from my Vagina. It was coming from my rectum... This has happened to me once before and I didn't think too much of it. However I got up and flushed and there was a lot of blood... I can only guess it came out with my stool as I have never seen so much blood in the toilet bowl during my period (I wasn't even on a heavy flow.) All I can figure is it came out with my stool. It wasn't a little bit like making the water pink, the water was RED. It looked more blood than water almost... I had absolutely no pain while passing the stool, and have had no abdominal pain at all. What could this be? I plan on seeing my doctor as soon as the office opens tomorrow.. but I'm pretty shocked... anyone have any issues with anything like this before?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • No appetite, no libido, possible causes?

    I ve had virtually no libido for about a year now. I credited my depression for it but even while on Wellbutrin and not actually feeling depressed I still notice it s non-existent... I ve tried everything else, recently however I was diagnosed with an inflammatory joint problem (Still testing to see exactly what it is. I ve had this problem much longer than my low libido issue. Just recently I ve been getting frequent migraines and went from eating more food than I should to having no appetite within the course of two days, I don t feel sick or weak, just full a whole lot sooner. I really don t think I m pregnant, just got off my period and take hormonal birth control religiously. Could any of this be linked? I d like to get an idea of what the issue could be to bring it up to my doctor on the next visit and see if it fits the bill.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • 22 year old female with no libido?

    So before we begin I was tested for hormone imbalance and thyroid problems and everything came back normal. It s not my birthcontrol. I was prescribed Wellbutrin, it did nothing, even at a higher dosage. My boyfriend is 29 and we ve been together for roughly 3 years and living together now for a full year. I m still attracted to him, still in love with him, and a year ago everything was fine, we did it all the time. A little over 6 months ago my drive started to drop pretty dramatically which has devastated my boyfriend ( Who has always had a very high drive) and our relationship. He feels rejected and unloved and no matter how often I tell him I love him he still feels like I m not attracted to him. I ve had clinical depression for most of my life and it s never affected my drive before. I get a little less exercise than I had before, but even when I was horribly depressed and didn t go outside for months I still had a drive... Now literally nothing does it for me. Not porn, not masturbation, nothing. I don t check out guys, I don t wear sexy clothing anymore, I don t even try to make myself up. I don t feel unattractive necessarily... I really feel nothing about sex.... It s unnerving. Has anyone else experienced this? What should I do?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Lettering on Massachusetts driver's license red?

    While working at Staples a man came in for a return, it is believed by my manager and myself he had stolen the items, however there was very little we could say or do due to our the customer is always right and do everything you can code. So we gave him instore credit, which he had to give me his license for. Upon checking his license I noticed that all the writing was red. I had never seen that before and I'm wondering what that meant? I'm not sure if it is Mass specific or not, my osn license I received recently had black lettering and every customer I've had to check ID's for has had black lettering. Does the red signify something bad I should have caught on to?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Making a small pond, wondering how quickly do koi grow and...?

    So I bought a huge planter the other day and I plan on turning it into a pond. The actual pot is roughly 2 1/2 ft wide and again, roughly, 3 ft deep. I was planning on putting small koi maybe just 1 or 2 and possibly a bottom feeder of some sort, I plan on moving everything into an inside tank when it gets too cold in winter (I'm in mass and the winters would be far too cold to leave them outside.)

    My actual questions are, how quickly do koi grow? I know I will need to get a bigger container eventually, but how soon would that be? Also what would be a good bottom feeder to keep the algae off? Catfish? I heard plecos aren't the best match because they might clean the mucous layers off of the koi, will catfish do this too?

    Also I plan to put pond plants, like lillies in there to give the fish oxygen and maybe even attract some frogs. How long should I wait after putting in the lillies to put in the fish?

    I've had plenty of fish before but only in tanks. So I'm not sure about a pond environment. Ive also never had koi.

    3 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Not sure what to do, situation involving future step son?

    So my fiance has a son turning 3 tomorrow, I'm not sure how to talk to my fiance about him...

    His son I think has a learning disability, he only says, Daddy, Mommy, Hey, and No. He says a couple of other words but you can't understand him. He does what you say, but he literally cries about everything and will sometimes mimic you. He doesn't really say anything in his own just baby talk.

    I have never met his mom, but everything I've heard from friends and family, has not been good. Of course I know they are probably bias, from what they told me she can't be alone with her child, she sits him infront of a tv and never talks to him. I don't know how much of that is true, all I know is what I see.

    He tries to cry to get what he wants, he is not potty trained, he doesnt say anything besides the bare minimum, he sometimes comes to us seemingly not bathed in at least a few days, wearing the same clothes as days before.

    My fiance and I don't get to see him often because we both work. However my fiance has had to call out of work on several occasions because he gets a text at the last minute that he doesnt have a sitter because she apparently never even looked for one.

    My fiance is very sensitive about his son and I have been trying for months now to get him seen for a possible disability or anything, I've tried being nice about it, even being stern about it, I can't get him to do anything, he says he will but never does. How do I convince him to do something?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years ago
  • When you change your driver's license to a new address and state, does it change your credit address as well?

    I've lived in Alabama my entire life, and just recently (Feb) moved to Massachusetts. All of my credit information is based in Alabama, so I'm wondering if I can change my driver's license and mailing address to Massachusetts and my address for my credit will come with it, or do I need to contact a place like Transunion or Equifax to have my information moved? I'd really like to be able to put in my new Massachusetts address when I apply for something and not be rejected because I needed to use my Alabama address still.

    5 AnswersCredit6 years ago
  • Where to get Goldenseal seeds online?

    I am a Botany major looking for a place to buy Goldenseal seeds for personal use. I don't want the rhizones or the pre-established plants, just the seeds (Mostly because the rhizomes or pre-established plants cost more in shipping and handling. Most of the places I've seen are tiny more mom and pop stores, which all sold the rhizomes or rootlets or plants. I'm looking for just seeds. Is there anywhere that might sell them?

    I'm looking for a price under $10 if possible. I know they're a rare herb, and protected but I wanted to start my own garden with them and cultivate them. I live in zone 5b which is -15 to -10 (F) (MA) I am building a greenhouse this summer so I'm hoping I can get some and begin cultivating them before the greenhouse (I know I will more than likely need to start them inside.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • I know there are no Zaxby's in New England but is there anything equivalent?

    Like Crystals and White Castle? My boyfriend had never had Zaxby's because he's from New England and I'll be moving there soon, I wanted to know if there was anything equivalent up there? I tried asking Cha Cha but all they did was tell me "There are no Zaxby's in New England." Which was NOT what I was asking at all. I want to know if there is anything LIKE Zaxby's in New England? Does anyone know?

    3 AnswersBoston6 years ago
  • Who tried to change English into a love language?

    When I was in 9th grade I had an English teacher that informed me there was a King responsible for why English had so many crazy grammatical terms and obnoxious words like read having two meanings that make it harder to learn for non-native speakers (Even for native speakers some time.) She was going to look it up and tell us but she never did and all these years I've been curious but my searches online can't find anything. (I type in any form of "King" and "English" all I get is the King James Bible. I look up any combination of "English" and "Love Languages" I get that book The Five Love Languages.) I'm just wondering if anyone knows?

    3 AnswersLanguages6 years ago
  • Will having sex even though your vagina is sore from sex help build up a tolerance where it will be less sore the next time?

    I don't get to have sex with my boyfriend often because of our long distance. However, every time we have sex more than once I begin to get sore. I know why this happens, because of lack of lubrication. I've heard the more often you have sex the better it gets, but does that apply to having sex while it's irritated? Or is it ok to take a break? Or do I need to just use a lubricant when it starts getting irritated to help it along.

    I'm moving in with my boyfriend very soon so it won't be an issue to have sex more often. I'm just not sure if I need to take a break whenever it gets irritated or use a cream for pain or a lubricant and have sex even while irritated.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • How soon could you give oral sex after a tonsillectomy?

    I may have to have a tonsillectomy. I don't really like giving oral to my boyfriend quite honestly but I want to know how long of "peace" do I have before he can start expecting me to give it? I know the recovery is usually anywhere from 1-3 weeks, but would you need to wait longer for something as abrasive as oral sex?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Bad taste in mouth similar to when I have tonsil stones, but I can't see any?

    I have spent the past 3 days, coughing, poking, and brushing my tonsils because I feel there is a stone in one of them. I have a nasty taste in the back of my throat that is like when I've had visible stones in the past, however I don't have any bad breath, and no amount of mouthwash, saltwater, or any other rinse will get rid of the taste in my mouth. Sometimes it feels like there is something lodged in the back of my throat but it will go away for awhile when I eat or drink a lot of liquids, it's like when a pill gets lodged in the back of your throat. I have scrubbed my tongue (there was a slight white film over it) completely pink, under and over, and gargled listerine at least 3 times a day. Is it still a tonsil stone, I've never had one last this long and never had one not visible?

    3 AnswersDental6 years ago
  • My friend's daughter might be epileptic or have autism?

    I was with my friend in her car and she asked me to watch her 2 1/2 year old daughter while she ran to return something to a store. The 2 year old cried because her mother had left and so I was tickling her and playing with her and then all the sudden she stopped laughing, she made this grimacing face, squinting her eyes, and not responding to anything I did. I grabbed her hand it went limp. Minutes later when her mom walked up to the car and opened the door, the sound seemed to jar her out of her "Spell" and she was fine. When I told my friend she brushed it off, saying she made faces all the time.

    I had a love one recently pass due to a brain tumor and he would scrunch up his face much like the child did whenever he was having a seizure.

    Some of our friends seem to think the child is autistic because she sometimes doesn't respond when spoken too. She hasn't really started speaking yet, she can say a few words and she can understand what you tell her. I think the lack of speech could be due to what I think are seizures. It could also be because my friend is divorced and she is always going back and forth and hasn't been socialized with children her age.

    I've never dealt with this before, and my friend is having a hard time believing me. I was wondering if anybody had experience with children with these problems, does it sound like one of them to you? I want her to take her daughter to the doctor and have her checked, but she needs more convincing.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years ago