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Lv 42,721 points

Pearly Sweetcake

Favorite Answers7%
  • How long after Obama takes office on Jan 20, 2009 before he....?

    captures and kills bin Laden? It took 7 long painful years after the attack on Sep.11, 2001 even after the warning about the attack that Bush was given on Aug 6, 2001. Obama was ridiculed by McCain when Obama said he wanted to go to Afghanistan and capture and kill bin Laden. How long do you think it will take for this to happen? Do you think that when the Bush family has no power in the White House do you think Al Qaeda will back down? Personally, I think it was a planned attack and a planned war for profit. $$$ What do you think.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you think Barack Obama will give George W. Bush a 30 day eviction notice to leave the White House?

    Do you think Bush is going to leave the country now that he realizes that he and the rest of his neo-conservative party will be tried and convicted of war crimes by Vincent Bugliosi and his team? Its about time, huh?

    26 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How badly does it hurt you that McCain lost?

    Does it hurt that:

    1. You really don't understand the policies but you voted for McCain out of being a loyal republican?

    2. You want to stay in war and have the same policies that we are currently having to follow and you don't want the change?

    3. You voted because of race?

    4. You are afraid that because his middle name is Hussein and that just scares you beyond belief?

    5. You voted for McCain because someone told you to?

    Reading some of the questions being posted on Yahoo Q&A seem so redundant because the sore losers don't know what new changes that America will incur. If they did their homework, they wouldn't have those worms of anger chewing on their intestines. They would not worry.

    40 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I'll be at the Democratic Headquarters tomorrow, will you miss me?

    Would you be willing to help Obama get elected? If you can't volunteer somehow, will you vote? It is vitally important that you get your vote out because the McCain campaign is trying to suppress the vote AGAIN! Yes its true that it seems that Obama is winning like a big dawg but the truth of the matter is - its ain't over till its over...

    Its sort of like what I learned in CPR/First Aid class- Senerio: An old person falls and is unconscious - the street is busy, several people all over. No one rushes to help because everyone assumes someone else did something. ========== well, in order for Obama to win is to make sure you vote. SO VOTE PLEASE!!!!! NOVEMBER 4, 2008

    Will you help get out the vote? Will you do your part?

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you find this to be a true political funny thing?

    Ok, I was watching "The Daily Show" the other night and there was an interview with the supposedely mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. As I was listening, I couldn't help but laugh becuase I thought it was so funny. At first I thought it was a joke-------- ok, here is the video link:

    then I thought I'd do a little research to see if this was in fact a gag. Here is a link to what I came up with- I don't want to send several links because it would just bore you; but anyway her name is Mayor Dianne M. Keller

    Comparing the video with this website, the pictures are identical, so she isn't an actress. Please don't think I am disrespecting her one bit because I'm not. This is for verification alone- to validate my question.

    She was asked to describe her job- what she does. My question is this: Since Sarah Palin was Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, does this job description qualify to be on her resume for the job of a Vice President?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did you know that "McCain Suppressed Info on Fellow Vietnam POWs Left Behind"?

    Pulitzer-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg released info today about how "John McCain buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam."

    "McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents."

    Has anyone listened to his report on Democracy NOW! This afternoon? I heard this and I busted into tears. I think for two reasons-

    1. He would not say anything about the POWs left behind and 2. POWs have been there for so much longer. I wonder, they are about the same age as John McCain- do you think they are still alive? If they are, do they feel abandoned? Oh God, I'm crying again!

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between Bush policy and McCain policy?

    I don't mean who is a Mounds Bar and who is an Almond Joy either.

    John McCain says his policies are different but I don't see any difference whatsoever- can you "talk me down"?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do you think Sarah Palin is causing hate intentionally among Americans?

    Sarah was a member of the AIP (Alaskan Independence Party) before she became mayor of Wasilla in 1996 and even though McCain denied it, she was at the conventions in 1994 and 2000. She also addressed the AIP conventions in 2006 and 2008. Todd was a party member 1995-2002. Joe Vogler was founder of the AIP and Sarah Palin at the 2008 convention said that she shared their vision. Understand so far? Joe Vogler stated some very disturbing terrorist things. He said, "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." And again, "The fires of hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government." And she shares his vision. Do you realize what Palin is doing now at her rallies? She is creating mobs and creating terrorism in our own country. Do you realize that this will destroy America? You don't have to take my word for it. You can hear both Joe Vogler say these things and Palin says she shares AIP's vision.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Governor Palin pays people $150 to kill wolves but charges..........?

    women for the rape kits used to prove they've been raped. Is she anti-womens' rights? Does she kill the wolves for food? I'm sure she doesn't - I'm disgusted!

    CNN Covers Palin Rape Kit Story

    "Multiple newspapers have confirmed reports in blogs that Sarah Palin's town charged rape victims for their forensic exams while she was mayor. Now CNN has covered the story, interviewing the sponsor of a law aimed at ending the practice. He finds it hard to believe this practice could go on without the mayor's knowledge."

    Brutal: Sarah Palin's Record on Aerial Wolf Hunting

    I do give thumbs up/down and I do give best answer for 10 pts.!!!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • If Al Gore was president instead of George Bush....?

    Where do you think the country would be now? Do you think we'd be free of energy dependency on foreign oil? Do you think we'd still be in Iraq? Do you think we'd have this $11 trillion deficit? .............. If Obama comes into office, where do you see the country going? If McCain comes into office, where do you see the country going? NO SMART A$$ answers please.

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • I felt it very offended that John McCain.....................?

    dismissed and discredited the health and life of a mother when Obama said he would support a ban on partial birth abortion unless it caused the death of the mother. So, where does that leave the mother? And what about daddy? Is he saying mama dies daddy got off and he can live? HMMM - I have a huge problem with that. I don't believe in abortion except in the case of rape, incest or if it were to take the life of the woman. Does this bother anyone else?

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why would Sarah and Todd Palin be members of the AIP?

    Joe Vogler was founder of the AIP and he hates America! Why would Sarah Palin share their vision as she speaks at the AIP convention in 2008?


    "Alaska Independence Party officials claim Sarah was a member before she became mayor of Wasilla (in 1996). Members say she was at conventions in 1994 (denied by McCain), and 2000, as well as addressing its conventions in 2006 and 2008. Todd was a party member 1995-2002."

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • How can I hint to my upstairs neighbors that I can hear them having sex?

    I like my neighbors but ALL THE TIME at different hours (morning afternoon, night and the wee hours of the morning) they start having sex. Their bed, I can tell is now broken because its noisier than her now. Its really embarrassing when I have company over and it really bothers me when my grandkids are visiting. They are small and I don't want them to hear it. They are both mildly mentally disabled. Very nice folks and I don't want to cause any friction between them and me. Any advice? 10 pts for best answer- and I'm so serious about this. Please help me.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Politics: Why does Sarah Palin share Joe Vogler's vision?

    Do you think she's really loves America? Is she power thirsty?

    "Alaska Independence Party officials claim Sarah was a member before she became mayor of Wasilla (in 1996). Members say she was at conventions in 1994 (denied by McCain), and 2000, as well as addressing its conventions in 2006 and 2008. Todd was a party member 1995-2002."

    "Vogler's expressions of hatred of the USA and its flag probably go FAR beyond anything Ayers ever said."

    "Salon says: Sarah tells AIP conventions she shares their "vision"; AIP members don't believe in working within US political system; they claim USA is "fascist" (all from this year)"

    Among the colorful Vogler quotes now in circulation are "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." And again, "The fires of hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government."

    You can read the entire exerpt at:

    Where does Vogler rank on the list of terrorists? "He wants to rip one of the stars off the American flag", Keith Olbermann commented,- comparing Ayers who wound up on a volunteer anti-poverty committee in Chicago. Palin's "dude" buddies up with terrorists who would target their own country. What country does Palin mean when she says "Country first"?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If McCain and Palin took office, would you feel safe?

    Would you feel safe if McCain/Palin took office? After learning about these issues I'm going to share with you, I'm afraid- I'm very afraid! How do you feel? Pass this around if you so desire to do so.

    Philip Butler (a former POW with McCain) says McCain is known by his classmates "as a very volatile guy and he would blow up and go off like a Roman candle at any possible time- he is very sensitive and touchy and just easy to anger; but the world is such a dangerous place and he has shown himself already to be bellicose with regard to making other wars in other places in Iraq and threatening Iran. And John McCain is not somebody that I would like to see near the red button."

    "Former POW says McCain is "not cut out to be President"


    Charging rape victims to prove they've been victimized :

    CNN Covers Palin Rape Kit Story

    "Multiple newspapers have confirmed reports in blogs that Sarah Palin's town charged rape victims for their forensic exams while she was mayor. Now CNN has covered the story, interviewing the sponsor of a law aimed at ending the practice. He finds it hard to believe this practice could go on without the mayor's knowledge."

    You can watch the video at:


    Alaska Supreme Court takes up 'Troopergate' case


    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- The Alaska Supreme Court will decide whether to block the findings of an abuse-of-power investigation due to be released next week that could be potentially damaging to Gov. Sarah Palin's vice presidential candidacy.


    Sarah addressed 2006 (as well as 2008) convention and a member says of the experience: "As I was listening to her, I thought she sounds like what we've been saying for years. I thought to myself, 'My God, she sounds just like Joe Vogler.'"

    Salon says: Sarah tells AIP conventions she shares their "vision"; AIP members don't believe in working within US political system; they claim USA is "fascist" (all from this year)

    Among the colorful Vogler quotes now in circulation are "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." Then there's "The fires of hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government." And "The problem with you John Birchers is that you are too damn liberal!"

    Where does Vogler rank on the list of terrorists? "He wants to rip one of the stars off the American flag", Keith Olbermann commented,- comparing Ayers who wound up on a volunteer anti-poverty committee in Chicago. Her "dude" buddies up with terrorists who would target their own country. What country does Palin mean when she says "Country first"?


    Thomas Muthee Sarah Palin's Favorite Witch Hunter

    "What is Thomas Muthee doing when he isn't annointing politicians? He's hunting witches - or, to be more accurate, persecuting women that he accuses of being witches, using them as scapegoats in order to establish political power for himself."

    Preacher Thomas Muthee, the witch hunter, who laid hands on Palin was given some credit for Palin becoming governor. He was the one who declared that a woman in Kenya was a witch then had authorities run her out of town by shooting her pet snake and threatening her. I have to consider that to be terrorism in the first degree!

    I have to say I've never seen such hyporisy in my life.


    Sarah Palin is a real Cruella Deville - This sadistic, blood-thirsty witch has no compassion for anyone or anything. This video makes me want to vomit. The words that perfectly describe her are vulgar - I cannot believe how cruel and heartless she is. Sarah Palin is EVIL!

    Brutal: Sarah Palin's Record on Aerial Wolf Hunting


    I thought I'd pass this NEW RELEASE video to you regarding KEATING ECONOMICS- McCain and the Making of a Financial Crisis

    Check it out, it WILL pi$$ you off:


    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Privatize the profits, socialize the losses?

    This is not a good thing- what do you think? Help me understand this because I don't want to believe what I think its saying.

    Republicans always say that they don't support socialism yet here they want corporate welfare. Is this hypocrisy?

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How do I convert a cassette tape onto a CD?

    I have a cassette tape and I can't find it on CD. I don't have any equipment to convert it. What type of store or place can I take it to get the job done?

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Why won't Mc Cain talk to our allies?

    McCain said that he won't meet with Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero. Why did he say that? Spain is our ally!

    10 points for best answer!!!!!

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What sort of republican is worse?

    Which is worse, a rich, greedy republican who has no conscience, a poor, stupid republican who falls for the fear factor or a misinformed middle-class republican who doesn't realize they would be supporting policies which are against their own best interest ? And why? I don't expect any republicans to answer this since all they know how to do is beat around the bush (pun intended) like Palin does- as she has no answers for anything.

    REMEMBER, I don't expect republicans to answer this question, alright? AGAIN the question is: Which is worse, a rich, greedy republican who has no conscience, a poor, stupid republican who falls for the fear factor or a misinformed middle-class republican who doesn't realize they would be supporting policies which are against their own best interest ? And why? AGAIN, I don't expect any republicans to answer this since all they know how to do is beat around the bush like Palin does. So, if you are a republican, please don't try to answer this as you would just be making an *** of yourself by showing your ignorance - Thank you very much.

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago