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Lv 1232 points

Terry Bradley

Favorite Answers14%
  • 2008 pontiac grand prix v6 3.8L what could be causing my interior light Panel to go out then come back on?

    I have a 2008 Pontiac grand prix and having a issue with it been a great car but I was wondering if someone could help me or tell me what could be going wrong with my interior lights for my high beam and turn singal indicators light to not work but my singal lights work and high beams just no indicator lights to tell me there on it comes and goes it work one second then not the other so what could be doing this. I don't want it to get worse to way the light don't work at all in or out of the car please someone help me it's a 2008 Pontiac grand prix V6 3.8L

    1 AnswerPontiac9 years ago
  • changed temp sensor but engine light won't go out 2008 pontiac grand prix 3.8v6?

    ok took car to Auto Zone due to engine light being on. At first they said it was the Temperature sensor the one that tells the fans to go on and off. But now the light still on. I disconnected the battery but light still stays on. So took it back to Auto Zone were they tell me it something to do with my Cat converter or my Oxygen sensors are giving bad reading. But before took it to another place I had them put there computer on and two errors came up. CAT converter and temperature sensor. They told me not to worry about the CAT converter and go ahead change the temperature sensor and the light should go out but that not the case. What do I do. I don't got munch $$$$ right now. between paying bills. should I take it to the dealer I bought it from since I am still paying on the car? They have a shop. Bought the car the car 1 year ago this coming January. Can anyone tell me what the most common thing that goes out oxygen sensors or CAT converter? The car only 4 years old with 70,000 miles on it.

    5 AnswersPontiac9 years ago
  • my check engine light won't go out 2008 pontiac grand prix 3.8?

    I have a 2008 pontiac grand prix 3.8 and the tempertioner sensor went out and I changed it now the light is still on and won't go off. can anyone tell me how to reset it?

    6 AnswersPontiac9 years ago
  • my uncle got a ticket?

    My uncle got a ticket when he fell asleep at the wheel while coming home from work. My uncle has gotten a ticket before from the same cop same car my uncle was driving too. Now there some question on the ticket. One my uncle wasn't driving a convertible he was driving a four door sedan. Now I was wondering if that is anuff to get it thrown out of court (dropped)? Now another question is that is it normal for someone to get a ticket after totaling there car? My uncle was driving a Sebring sendan four door. Now my uncle already plead not guilty to the ticket due to it not having the right info about the model of the car. so if you all be nice and give me some pointers on what can and can't be done to get this ticket dropped. My uncle is short on money with doctor bills and Ect.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago