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  • Student Loan default that is now clear.?

    Well in 99-2000 I went to college and got a student loan, only went for a year and had a $5000 bill, well 10 years of tax offsets (working for family didn't exactly help me pay things off faster either) Last month it was $1150, well my tax refund was set at $4544, EIC and Child Credit, helped me out ALOT this year. So my taxes offset yet again, paid off the rest of the student loan and I got a little over $3k back, yay for me!

    Tricky part, I want to go back to school (crazy huh) to become a doctor, first order of business is to be an RN, but I can't even get student loans because of the previous default, my question is now that the tax offsets have paid the student loan off, how long does the default stay on my record, in terms of reapplying for financial aid, if I were to apply now in other words, would I get denied even though it's now paid?

    PS: I plan to talk to my loan servicer in the morning as well, to let them know the tax offset took place and to pay the collections fees on my account, so I can be back in the green in terms of student loan.

    Anyone have any insights into this?

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • HP P6313W - Memory upgrade question?

    Those are the specs for my PC, now I'm wondering, I know it says max ram is 16gbs, is it max at 16gbs because of the system limitation or because of Win7 Home Premium limitations. I saw something that Enterprise, Ultimate Win7 editions can support up to 196gbs, not that I want that much but I'm just curious if the 16gb max is because of hardware or software, does anyone know for sure?

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Why can't Square/Enix make a normal FF game?

    I've been an avid fan of FF since NES days, I've played every game from FF1 to FFX (even that crappy Mystic Quest or whatever that had you walk a linear path) among other SE games. Yet with all the bugs and problems and god knows what else wrong with FFXIV, why can't SE just admit they suck at making MMO's and leave it to the WoWs and Everquests and just make a normal RPG like the ones that made them so famous in the first place? Now they're giving away a free month on top of the original month, which just screams "We screwed up, here's a month of time so you can play while we fix our mistakes" A company like Square SHOULD NOT be making those kinds of mistakes!! If they made a normal RPG like they normally did I would snatch it up in a minute, why would I want to sink my time into yet ANOTHER MMO?? When a normal RPG suits me fine, they save money by not having to worry about server costs and constant product updates. People say "Oh the 2 million FFXI subs would disagree!" Fair enough 2 million is respectable, but seriously, if you made a great RPG, and then sold it to those same 2 million people and then some (people like me) would they not make MORE money by not having to deal with the costs associated with maintaining servers??

    It's just sad for me to watch a company that I felt could do no wrong, with games I adored, and still have great childhood memories of, to go down in flames like this. Make a new Vagrant Story or something, instead of rehashed ideas for MMOs.

    Am I the only one that thinks like this??

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Would getting gov't help hurt my wife in any way?

    I am an american citizen born and raised in S Florida. About 3-4 years ago, I met a lovely woman from Southampton in the UK. We grew close and a year later I left the US and went to England for 6 months, after 6 months, I came back to Florida with my girlfriend. We both weren't planning on staying here, we were planning to go back to England, but decided against it and we wound up just staying here, around June of 2008 we were married. I love her more than I could ever explain. Never got help with anything, lived out of a truck, out of my mom's den, you name it we've been there. Well recently we had a little girl Kateri on 9/10/10, we've now finally got our own place. But being that she is from the UK and though we are legally married, we haven't been able to start proceedings for the Green card because frankly, I just can't afford it, between rent, power and food there is literally nothing left except maybe 10-20 bucks and I do need gas to get to work. I am the only income earner at the moment, since she can't work legally, and I don't want her to get in any trouble doing "under the table" jobs.

    My question is, I'm trying to apply for foodstamps, I could care less about medicaid and all that, frankly I don't trust doctors, but that's another issue, I just need a bit of help with food for me, my wife and newborn child. If my wife doesn't eat enough she can't produce enough breast milk, which affects my daughter. So! I'm wondering if anyone had some insight into this? There is no sham, she's not from Mexico, and if the US gov't ever tried to deport her I would go off the rails, and would probably renounce my citizenship and just move to Canada or back to UK, I will not have my country tell me that I cannot have my wife by my side. I've worked since 17, between repossessions, snake-handling, door to door vacuums, desk jobs, you name it I've probably done it to make money to keep us alive. But with new baby, my expenses are growing between diapers and wipes and creams and clothes for baby, I'm coming up short. It's a battle month to month just to make ends meet.

    Anyways, long story short (I know too late) I just don't want this to backfire, technically my wife came in on the VWP (Visa Waiver Program) we weren't planning on living here permanently but it somehow happened that way, and we were just barely able to get ourselves into a mobile home, we pay $615 a month and in 10 years it will be ours. No, admittedly not the best situation, but I need a place to live and obviously my credit sucks or else I wouldn't ask for gov't help.

    I just need some food stamps for food for my wife, my daughter and myself, but at the same time if this hurts my wife in any way, I'll back out now.

    Don't give me any crap about illegal this or illegal that, because I AM a citizen, I was born here, I've worked here, paid taxes and have a right as an american citizen to allow my wife to be here with me, if my wife was able to work she would as she was the one who supported me for 6 months in England when I couldn't work. She doesn't work because it would be illegal, she's already technically here illegally because we can't get the paperwork sorted due to financial issues, if I had the money she would be a resident in a few months, but I don't and I need help. My mother, father and I don't see eye to eye and her family lives in England. Don't give me crap, because I am a repoman and we don't take to kindly to crap......

    6 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Democracy or Constitutional Republic?

    Which one do you think portrays the US government accurately?

    The reason I ask is I see so many people in news forums referring to our country as a democracy, so I was just wondering how many others think the same.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • In regards to Tyler Clementi.....?

    Now don't hate on me yet!! But am I the only one who thinks it's stupid that he killed himself over having a sex video made about him? Sure I get it, he was gay and was having a gay sexual encounter, no problems with that believe me. I am in full support of homosexuals being who they are and not being ashamed of themselves in anyway, as I tell everyone, be free be happy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    But I don't know it just seems such a waste for an 18 year old boy to kill himself over a video of him having sex with another guy. Like alot people say if it was boy/girl, no problem, so why is there a problem when it's boy/boy??? Are we still living in dark ages where homosexuality has to be behind locked doors, and shaded windows? If love is freedom, and god knows we see more violence on TV than two people making love and being intimate, why is gay intimacy seen as bad?

    So my question is, am I the only who thinks it's stupid for him to have killed himself over a video? I understand he was going to be a musician and sure this may hurt him, but come on, this is life, it doesn't go according to plan and to kill yourself just because of an internet video, to me is not only wasteful but just flat out dumb.

    Any thoughts on this?

  • Breast milk vs Formula?

    Now my wife recently had our little girl and we are breastfeeding her, but this got me wondering, since every doctor also says it's the best milk for baby. But one doctor told me (Shand's at UF) that they're doing a study into the effects of breast milk vs formula (cow's milk), she said there's been a noticeable increase in intelligence, and immunities with babies that are breast fed as opposed to formula. Which got me thinking, since humans are the only animal to drink another animal's milk, is drinking cow's milk detrimental to brain development because the milk is meant for the calf, essentially turning a human baby into a cow, at least mentally.

    I ask because when the doctor said they were doing a research study into it, it seemed to click in my head and it would also explain alot of adults that though smart just seem to be a bit distant.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Has anyone purchased anything from

    I see a PC on there that I want, the main site I used before wound up cutting the deal off, before I was able to get the PC. I see the same PC on, but I'm not sure, I've read some good reviews and some bad reviews. Has anyone had any dealings with them or could vouch for their quality. The website looks professional, albeit a bit simplistic, but like every business they're there to make money, so how good are they really?

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago
  • Why is Florida law requiring me to have a 2br apt for me, my wife and our newborn?

    I keep hearing about 1 heartbeat per room BS, and it doesn't make sense, why does my soon to be born little girl, need to have HER OWN room, when she will be sleeping in our room? I have very little money, barely able to hold on to my job, and I'm forced to find a 2br apartment and most leasing companies want the 2.5 or 3 times rent for income, and I'm not able to show that, my wife can't work, I make $8.50 an hour and am living out of a room in my mom's house till we can get our own place, but that can't happen because now Florida law requires such stupidity. I broke my previous lease because I was unable to pay the rent, so I gave the keys and said "Here it's as clean as when we moved in" You would think that would be a good way of leaving a place but apparently not. So my question is, why is this in effect, why is Florida much less the country against honest hard working people like me, who are just trying to get by with the meager living they have while trying to establish a future in something. I just don't get it......

    I'm a smart guy, fairly good looking, my wife is sexy and smart, I'm a very hard worker, hell I did repossessions for nearly 12 years, yet no matter what I do the state holds me back, I can't go back to school because of past student loan issues, my credit is shot, and because I only make so much money, I can't even pay back anything I owe which makes my credit slowly get worse and worse, is this just a way to keep good people down? I have never given up, and I will never give up, but all this stupidity around me, just drives me insane and makes NO SENSE whatsoever. Why is the state telling me how to raise my child?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • GPU Overheating? Aspire 7520-5757 w/ nForce 610m/7000m?

    Ok here's the deal, I've installed nvidia System Tools and can overclock my processor and everything else fine, gives a nice little boost as well, but can't change settings for my GPU, fair enough, but when I loaded the system monitor, it read my GPU (yes GPU) temp at anywhere betwenn 95-100C, I've tried asking Acer but they just tell me to buy the Restore CDs for $20 and to restore my system, which is completely NOT the question I asked them but whatever. I just want to know if this is normal range for this laptop with this video card. I do have 4gbs of ram, maxed out and it's the Athlon 64 1.8ghz dual core - TK55 CPU, you can look up the rest of the specs online if you want. I plan on taking it apart and cleaning the dust out, as that is fairly simple, but I was thinking of reapplying some Arctic Silver 5 on it, but I don't want to do that, if those are normal operating temps you know? Does anyone know enough about these laptops and video cards to be able to answer this? I just want to know if this is normal or not, my laptop doesn't freeze or shut down randomly and I've never had any trouble with it, but I'm preparing to play Starcraft 2 and would like to test out some performance perks and overclocking before I actually buy it.

    Is 100c too hot for this 610m/7000m card in an Aspire 7520-5757 (not G) If so would reapplying thermal paste and cleaning the inside solve this problem? I don't want to overclock my GPU if it's at borderline temp you know?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Starcraft 2 System Requirements?

    I know it's a laptop but I'm curious if my system could run Starcraft 2, haven't bought it yet, and my laptop is my only gaming machine, so I'd rather know upfront then pay $60 for the game to find out I basically need a new computer just to play it. I've checked and most of my specs are within parameters, but there's still some gray area, between the processor and video cards.

    My Laptop is an Acer Aspire 7520-5757:

    That's the direct link to specs on my laptop. Some of you may have the game already and have a better idea if it would work on my laptop or not. I would love to play the game, but don't want to waste my money, on a game I can only look at in the case you know?

    Thanks for the help!

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why are people always seeking reassurance for baby names?

    Every other night, I see someone asking; "What do you all think of (insert name) for a boy?" Why do people need to validate their child's name with others or get acceptance from the community at large? Can you not just be happy with the name you and your partner have chosen? Can someone shed some light on this for me?

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Magic Online Triggered Ability Problem?

    Have no idea why my question was deleted. =( Ok on my desktop I have a problem playing Magic the Gathering Online, every so often, it will show the window for triggered abilities and it will be blank, at that point the game won't go anywhere, so I have to concede and repair the game. This never happens on my laptop, what causes this? I've upgraded directx since, this only seems to affect the triggered abilities and nothing else. What is causing this and what do I need to do to sort it out as I prefer to play on my desktop than my laptop.

    2 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago