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Hiyaa :)

  • Goodbyeeee!?

    Hi everyone :))

    I just wanted to say im deleting my account

    I'll miss y'all and thanks for all the help n stuff :)

    I'm sure ill see you around here again sometime, even if you dont know its me so yeah byeeeeee xx

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Do you think i sound like an annoying person?

    Im getting kind of worried that maybe my friends find me annoying. So can you tell me if you think i sound like an annoying person?

    -I'm kind of a 'dumb blonde' sort of person, it takes me a while to catch on to things and i sometimes say really dumb things without realizing how stupid i sound like somebody says 'my leg hurts' and i say 'i have legs!' and then i realize i sound like a total idiot

    -I have quite a high pitch voice which i think annoys some people

    -I talk a lot

    -Sometimes when im talking i just ramble on about stuff nobody cares about

    -I'm quite hyper and excitable

    -If people are talking about a secret im always the last to know, or i never find out at all

    -My friends text eachother way more than they ever text me, and they skype eachother and play gta together but since i dont have skype or gta i always get left out

    -Sometimes it feels like my friends dont want me around but i think thats because i kind of overreact

    -If were on group chat im the one who everyone ignores and then everybody else leaves the chat and im just there like 'what?' 'did everybody die or something???' 'why is nobody answering me?' 'fine bye then'

    I'm not a total loser by the way, i do have good things about me too but i just wanted to tell you the bad things so you could tell me if im annoying :)

    So what do you think? Do i sound annoying? Does it sound like my friends think im annoying? How do i be less annoying??

    8 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I think im a hypochondriac?

    I keep taking online tests and diagnosing myself with personality disorders. Omigod i just diagnosed myself as a hypochondriac too! Help!

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Am i the only person who isnt affected by violence?

    When i watch a violent movie i dont find it disturbing at all, usually i just find it funny or interesting or i criticise the scene for being inaccurate or not gory enough. I tend to freak people out by talking about torture and decapitation and dismemberment and stuff like that. In school we were learning about how the population is growing and there are too many people in the world so i suggested an elaborate method of killing off people who dont need to live. Everybody was just looking at me like 'Whats wrong with you? You cant just kill people!' I like violence and i like drawing gory pictures but everyone else thinks im weird. People act like im crazy and it makes me angry. I dont like it when they call me crazy. Im not crazy. Maybe i am a little bit but not completely crazy, just a bit. Am i crazy? I used to hear laughing when i was little, evil laughing all the time. I didnt like that. I always feel dizzy too, like im going to faint. And its like i have two personalities. My mum said im like a psychopath except that i cant be because if i was a psychopath i would be able to hide it. Sometimes i get really violent for stupid reasons like i feel too hot and it makes me want to peel all of my skin off with a potato peeler. Sometimes i get angry with someone so i plan out how to kill them. I also like knifes. I dont know why, i just always have. Theyre so... pretty :3

    5 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Is it still good if i only came second?

    Today i had an 800m race. I was coming first the whole time and then i got overtaken in the last 20 metres. I tried to sprint faster to catch up with her but i was so tired i just couldnt do it. I came second in the end but i feel satisfied because i know i did the best i could. I gave it 100% and im proud of that. Did i still do good even though i only came in second?

    BQ. I felt like i was going to faint by the end, is this normal? Maybe its more of a personal thing though because i kind of have a history of fainting and all i ate before my race was an apple and a few crackers. I've also heard that 800m is the furthest you can sprint without passing out so maybe its not that uncommon to feel faint.

    3 AnswersRunning7 years ago
  • What does this mean?

    When someone asks 'Do you want me to chum you?'

    Hes Irish but he also lived in Scotland for a bit so it may be Irish or Scottish. I live in England and ive never heard of it. I was with some of my friends and i said 'ive got to go now' and a friend of a friend who i just met today asked 'Do you want me to chum you?' I figured it meant do you want me to walk with you so i said 'im alright, my cars just over there' but now thinking back on it im not sure if thats what he meant. Also why would he ask that? Was he just being nice? Thanks for your answers :))

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Im going insane?

    Or im a super-introverted socially retarded freak. Either way i have a problem. Its like there are two versions of me. Theres the chatty, hyper, happy me - the one i put on for other people - thats who i am most of the time but every so often something happens and the other me escapes. Thats the real me: the quiet, awkward, easily offended me who is absolutely terrified of society. Whenever that happens i mess things up. My problem is that i take things to heart too much. I think that everybody hates me so i distance myself from them which makes them think i hate them when all i really want to do is cry and tell them i wish i wasnt so f*cked up. I try to stay away from people because im scared of screwing up. I always think up conversations in my head where i explain everything and then my friends accept me for who i am but then when i try to talk no words come out. Now i have no friends AGAIN because i messed up AGAIN. I just hate myself.

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • I have to write a short story about smuggling :/ any ideas?

    Normally i wouldnt ask for help with my homework but this is an emergency! I have to write a short story (about 500 words) about smuggling and i have no ideas at all. I think it has to be set in my town a few hundred years ago. Please can you let me borrow some ideas?? I really need help, its due in tomorrow. Dont say i should of done my homework earlier, it was set on friday and yesterday i was busy so i havent had time to work on it.

    Please help me!! :3

    4 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • Going on a school trip alone..?

    At our school we get to go on a trip for the last day, they put on about 50 different activities and everyone gets to pick one. Both of my best friends chose to go to the water park but i thought it looked kin of boring so i signed up for the trip to the high ropes centre. I love heights and theres an obstacle course too so i thought it would be really fun. I kind of assumed i would be alright by myself but now im starting to worry that im going to be bored out of my mind. What can i do?? I wont have anyone to sit with on the coach and what if we have to pair up?? I'm getting scared nowww T_T mnnnn help!!

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Is 11.22 seconds a good time for 100m?

    We did sprinting in school today and my time for 100m was 11.22 seconds :)) Is that good or bad or average?? I'm 14 if that helps :)

    BQ: if i run 100m in 11.22s does that mean i'll run 200m in about 23s? Just wondering because im doing the 200m for sports day

    Thanks xx

    8 AnswersRunning7 years ago
  • I want to learn to throw knives?

    Firstly i know the category is a bit random but this is what yahoo suggested and i had no idea where to put it so i just went along with it. I need someone to tell me about how to learn knife throwing. It's something i've always wanted to do. I've always liked weapons in general, especially knifes, so i think it would be a good thing to start. I asked my dad if he would help me but he jut told me i couldnt use his knife and then kind of avoided the subject. Its a bit surprising that he doesnt want to teach me, he's pretty good with a knife and hes been throwing since he was a kid. Its not that he's opposed to his daughter using a knife either, he taught me to make arrows and let me play with a bow when i was about 7, he's always encouraged me with things like that. Anywaay, since my dad isnt going to teach me, can someone give me some tips?? I just want to know things like how to hold the knife, how to aim, etc.

    Thanks :))

    3 AnswersOther - Sports7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Whats my eye shape?

    Okay i know i look stupid but i think this photo is probably the best for showing my eyes :p

    So yeah i was just wondering what would you say my eye shape/type is?

    Thank youuuu :)

    9 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • I dont know if i should be upset about this or not..?

    Alright this might be hard to explain. I have two best friends, lets call them laura and kyla. So its lauras birthday on friday. She told us last week that for her birthday she was going to archery on monday (today) with her parents. Yesterday she texted me and told me she isnt allowed a sleepover with two people so kyla was going to stay at hers this weekend and i could sleep over next weekend. They put a ton o pictures and videos on facebook today and i think kyla went to archery with them too. I dont know if i should be upset about it. I mean im kind of offended that she chose kyla over me but i also dont really mind because laura and kyla were friends for a long time before i was friends with them. But i cant help being a little bit jealous of them. I dont really know what to think. Any ideas??

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • What can i give my sister for her birthday?

    Her birthday is in a few weeks and i have no idea what to get her! Shes going to be 11. Usually i would buy her makeup or clothes or a bag but my mum said she isnt allowed any more makeup or bags until she uses up what she already has and she already has a load of new clothes. So now im kind of out of ideas. I wanted to do something kind of special, like something homemade but i dont know what. I'm going to bake her a cake anyway so dont suggest that. Thanks for your help :3

    6 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • I keep feeling like im going to faint?

    It happened twice yesterday and then twice again today. Its really scary. I get this horrible feeling in my stomach and everything goes dark and blurry then a few minutes later i go back to normal with barely any memory of the last few minutes. Its really strange. I've fainted twice before, the first time was because i didnt eat anything all day and the second time was because i was ill. Maybe im coming down with something. I dont know whats happening. All i know is it keeps happening and its really creeping me out. Any ideas whats going on?? Its just kind of scary. I havent told anyone in my family. Yesterday when it happened at school i told my friends but they just looked at me like 'wtf are you on about!?' I dont know what to do :(

    I cant tell my family so dont suggest that, i just want to know whats wrong with me!

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • How can i get stronger?

    My dad is a builder, he has his own business and he's taking on my cousin for a job in a few months. My cousins getting £150 for a few days work. My dad said i could help too and he would pay me but he said im not strong enough. I want to get stronger so i can work for him :3

    So how can i get stronger without weights??

    Thanks xx

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • I want to live in a different world?

    I know thats a statement not a question but still. I just really wish i lived in a different world, like in a parallel universe. It's kind of hard to explain. I hate this world. I dont understand anything here. Sometimes i feel like i belong somewhere else. I wish i lived in a world where life was more simple. No technology, no money, no fancy houses, no desire for material objects. I dont care about things like that. If i had my way i would be living in a shelter in a forest somewhere. I think that would be nice. I cant really explain where i want to be but its not here. Maybe its just because i dont understand our way of life here, maybe its because im just a stupid 14 year old, i dont know. I dont even have a question for you to answer. Thanks for reading anyway :3

    14 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • What is this beeping noise?

    I'm the only one awake still and this stupid beeping is keeping me awake. Every 10 seconds or so i hear a faint beep. I was a bit worried at first that it might be a fire alarm but a fire alarm would probably sound a bit more urgent. It could be the smoke detecter saying it has low battery maybe. Wdyt? Don't tell me to go check, thats too scarey :3

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Hi there :)?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Is it just me or is my mum really immature?

    I know this must be the hundredth question i've asked about my mum but i have more to ***** about so listen up :3

    She is so immature, whenever we have an arguement (which she starts) she acts really b*tchy and childish. It's ridiculous. Today i was reading a numerology book and she said 'your looking at the wrong number! Your looking at 18/9, you should be looking at 9!' and i explained to her 'no mum its 18/9 because my birthdays the 18th.' And she got really stressy and started shouting at me saying i was wrong so i kept explaining it over and over and she refused to accept that i was right. Then she said that i'm horrible and i always have to be right and im a control freak. Then she said to my sister really loudly 'i'm glad i dont have two horrible bossy daughters, i'm glad i have one nice child' I have to say that's a bit childish. I can't even be bothered to write the rest of our conversation but it was basically about me being a brat and how i was always feeling sorry for myself and i was like hitler and you get the picture. She also tends to blame me for things that are her fault. I told her she was being immature but she wouldnt listen. She never listens. Even now she is still b*tching about me to my little sister (very loudly). Even my numerology (though i doubt you believe in numerology) said that i had a judgemental parent. I just wish i had a normal, kind, supportive mum who doesnt b*tch about me at every excuse she gets. Ok i'll stop complaining now :3 thanks x

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago