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  • Al Gore Speaks....could he possibly be promoting eugenics?

    “I think, first of all, scientists now know that there is, in human nature, a divide between what we sometimes call ‘liberals’ and ‘conservatives,’” Gore told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “And it gives an advantage, you can speculate, to the human species to have some people who are temperamentally inclined to try to change the future, experiment with new things, and others who are temperamentally inclined to say, ‘Wait a minute, not too fast, let’s make sure we don’t do anything rash here.’”

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Who are the 'Sneaky people' here? 'CDLs Required for US farmers'?

    Recently, many 'Farm families were alarmed to hear that CDLs (commercial drivers license) were going to be required for all persons operating 'farm machinery' on public roads.

    When questioned directly,Mr. John Porcari, Deputy Secretory, U.S. Dept. of Transportation responded, “Let me say this as bluntly as I can to the agricultural community, there is no new regulation coming down the pike requiring commercial driver’s licenses for operators of farm equipment,” said Porcari. There’s not any regulatory requirement coming down the road, it is a rumor that has kind of taken off on its own, I’d like to put that to rest.”

    That was 08/04/2011 at the Ohio State Fair.

    On 08/12/2011

    MADISON - Wisconsin farmers are happy the U.S. Department of Transportation is backing away from its plan to reclassify agricultural machinery as commercial vehicles.

    The move would have required farmers to have a commercial driver's license to operate tractors on public roads. Farmers would have to log their mileage and get a medical card that shows they're fit to drive.

    State Agriculture Secretary Ben Brancel says it wasn't clear how the new regulation would have increased public safety.

    The Journal Sentinel says the DOT backed off after hearing from 21 senators and receiving 1,700 comments.

    Again, we see evidence that our government is comfortable 'lying to our faces' and 'playing with words' in order to enact 'harmful' legislation that would not be tolerated 'in the light of day'!

    Federal DOT steps back from requiring agricultural CDL

    1 AnswerGovernment10 years ago
  • Is the 'Global Warming' hoax continuing to unravel?

    So 'Global Warming'/'Climate Change' alarmists, how do you respond to these admissions from your 'climate change god'?

    During a recent Q & A between the BBC and Dr. Phil Jones, the leading authority and 'poster boy' for 'Global Warming' proponents, admitted that there has been "no significant global warming since 1995" and the actual global average temperature has cooled slightly since 2002.

    Also, he admitted that there is 'no consensus' among scientists' as to the existence of 'man made climate change'!

    Will these additional 'revelations' persuade the 'climate change' alarmists to 'rethink' their position!

    For the full interview view the link below.

    Phil Jones momentous Q&A with BBC reopens the "science is ...

    14 02 2010. Professor Phil Jones unwittingly(?) reveals that the ... 14 02 2010. stephen richards (05:33:02) : This feels very much like an attempt by Harabin ...

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain where 1 billion dollars went in the' Cash for Clunkers' program?

    Seriously, ! am an educated individual, but shamefully deficient in working in numbers of this scale.

    When I take 1 billion (1,000,000,000,000) and divide it by 4500 (max for clunker) I get 222,222,222.

    If this number is close, are we to believe that over 200 million 'clunkers' have been changed into 200 million new care sales?

    It appears the American are owed some 'Explanation'!

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama is not an American or is a Criminal?

    In a document released April 2009 under court order from Occidental Collage.

    A student 'Barry Soetoro' applied for student aid as a foreign student from Indonesia.

    Based on documentation provided to the school, 'Barry Soetoro' was awarded a Fellowship form the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship Program.

    To qualify for this funding, a student must provide documentation that they are a foreign student!

    Barry Soetoro and Barock Obama are one and the same.

    This indicates that either Obama is not an American Citizen or that he committedd 'grand larceny' and is a criminal!

    Take your pick, either way he is noteligiblee to be President of the United States!

    Check out this link: http://www.thetruthseeker.../

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • If, as our President says, America is no longer a Christian Nation.?

    If this is so, why would 86% of Americans responding to a 2006 NBC poll object to removing "in God we trust" from the Pledge of Allegiance?

    A current NBC poll is running 88% object to removing "in God we trust" from our currency!

    Is it possible that the American 'Supreme Leader' is out of touch and mistaken with over 86% of the American people?

    31 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I am curious as to how most people feel about David Letterman's comments/jokes about Bristol Palin?

    I am stunned and ashamed at the disgraceful double standard that has developed in our country! It is perfectly acceptable to degrade, vilify, and slander any Conservative without ramification or consequences while the slightest hint of criticism of a Liberal or Minority brings a chorus of outrage or cries of racism!

    Examples: Miss California

    Sarah Palin/family

    Nancy Pelosi and CIA

    'The View' any time E. Hasselbeck speaks

    The men's collage lacroos team/ rape dancer

    Don Imus/woman's collage basketball

    The press coverage of Obama and Bush

    44 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I am curious as to what people think about the answer Miss California gave in The Miss America Pagent.?

    She was asked a question regarding her feelings on 'Gay Marriage' and she gave an Intelligent response. Now we hear of this 'judge' publicly ridiculing her and calling her the most vile sexist names.

    She lost due to her response, is this what we expect from the people running The Miss AMERICA Pageant?

    If you can't respect a persons opinion, DON'T ASK FOR IT!!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago