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Informatica PowerCenter GUI, tool performance has not improved in over 20 years. Why so ? Anyone has any thoughts.?
Informatica PowerCenter GUI, tool performance has not improved in over 20 years. Still no auto refresh/refresh option on
a folder in Mapping Designer or Workflow Manager.
Why so ?
Anyone has any thoughts?
Programming & Design1 month agoVitamin D & inflammation, what is the link ?
Inflammation causes low vitamin D or low vitamin D causes inflammation.
Is it normal if vitamin D levels keep going low (when stopped using supplements) in early 30s age ?
Other - Diseases6 months agoVaricella zoster & varicocele?
My friend situation
Varicella zoster in childhood
and now varicocele & pain in scrotum
He feels not so refreshed even after good amount of sleep, joints pain, rashes/ itching on face, chest, hands, nerves tingling overall, occasional back pain, nausea & headaches, muscles twitching involuntary, fatigue.
Doctors not able to treat varicocele pain, loose scrotum & only vitamin D pills seems to make feel better. & foods like turmeric, ginger, garlic , lemon, fruits, protein foods make feel better.
Do you think varicocele(which is essentially vein related damage) could have reactivated varicella zoster?
Mumps antibody found, but doctor says its not mumps infection.
What else can we do to get permanent solution? This seems to be life threatening or at least life time disturbance to quality of life.
Please help.
1 AnswerPersonal Finance6 months agoIf you are infected with varicella zoster in childhood and later on in life(say in your 40s) infected with other virus like mumps.?
Does it reactivate varicella zoster virus?
2 AnswersInfectious Diseases6 months agoIs there a way to know if antibodies found in blood test are because of virus or vaccine ?
I do not remember I got vaccine in childhood or not.
2 AnswersInfectious Diseases7 months agoMarriage & Kids?
In the past, I had few arguments with some of my roommates/friends for not so big things, either because I am too tired at that moment or I feel like the other person is not giving value to my opinion. I am a reserved person and takes a lot time to understand new people.
I am unmarried.Do you think marriage will do good for me or will it make my life worse?At the moment, I am interested in marriage but not in kids/taking care of them(because of certain reasons - health mainly- not a physically very strong person - I get stressed out/tired easily). What do I need to do ?
Do you think anyone will marry me?
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 months agoWhy some doctors don’t take seriously what patients say about their symptoms?
They just say ‘Its nothing to worry’ when patient clearly says that the symptoms were not there before.
For e.g., I had UTI like symptoms and also told I am not getting any erections. UTI symptoms gone after medication but erections are not happening. I told the same to doctor. Even if I get erection, it is not holding for long, hardly 30-45 sec when I take my hand off. It wasn’t like that earlier.
They just seem to not care about it. Should I go to another doctor?
4 AnswersMen's Health9 months agoChest muscles ?
Why do my chest muscles don’t grow? I have grown weight from 54 kg to 62 kg in 6 months. But after reaching 62 kg I am finding it hard to gain weight. Why so ? 5’9”, 33 yr old.
When I eat well, take good rest, don’t worry about anything... I gain muscle in arms, thighs, stomach . But chest & buttock muscles don’t grow at all. My body structure is a bit weird. It has always been like this. Why ? I eat all kinds of foods. Carbs, protein(meat once a week), fruits, vegetables.
If we do right exercises & train in gym, does it correct your body structure? In my case increase chest muscles. Does gym work for all body types? Lean, hairy, soft muscle, soft skin.
Please provide your answers.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 months agoWhy do I feel like my heart is racing even when I am not doing any physical activity? clearly feel my heartbeat in my neck & stomach.?
Usually I feel that way after I eat food, and sometimes for no reason. I can clearly see neck muscles & stomach beat in sync with heartbeat. Is it normal for lean people?
Sometimes I feel Bad facial pain like below the eyes, inside the nose, behind & below the ears.
What are reasons for these?
1 AnswerOther - Health9 months agoLife, age, responsibilities, work, stress?
As age increases living beings physical and mental capacities go down after a certain point. Humans are no exceptions.
But for humans why is it that the responsibilities, work and stress increase as age increases?, like Job, marriage, kids, their education, financial support for everything, taking care of them, their food, bed, cloth, home/rent, entertainment, basic necessities, education, career, medicines, car, cooking, cleaning, shopping, bills, satisfying your wife/husband in every matter, taking care of your spouse expenses too, Making ends meet blah blah blah etc. despite we know that physical and mental capacities go down as we grow older.
If divorce, then most likely you lose 50% of your financial assets.
I feel like it should be the other way around- as age increases, responsibilities & stress should go down. Why can’t it be like that?
How about remaining single for whole life ? Your opinions?
Problem I see is who will take care when we get too old like 65-70 yrs.
How about get married, have a kid and then let your spouse know that you are not interested/willing in responsibilities related to kids? Your opinions?
How about get married and then let your spouse know that you are not interested in having kids before having any kids ? Your opinions?
1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 months agoI am 33 yr old now. Male. For last 2-3 years, I am not feeling so good.?
Getting tired easily, mild abdominal pain, constipation, nervousness, occasional anal tear pain, buttocks pain(can’t sit for long) Sleep disorders. 6 months ago diagnosed with low vitamin D and a bit low testosterone. Is this part of natural aging? Or is it because of masturbation which I had been doing since I was 16 or 17 till 31(weekly once)?
memory issues, forgets few things quickly.I am 5’9”, good looking, lean compared to many others. Job since last 9 yrs(IT), financially I am good.Nature: good person, Hygiene, reserved, but occasionally gets frustration when things don’t go well or as expected, but not for long. No intention to hurt anyone.okay to help others if I can & someone asks for it. Likes music,tennis,scenic locations,maths,romantic,comedy,emotional movies, video games.I don’t exercise, I go for walks. I have super fast hair growth.Recently I was diagnosed with varicocele in left side of scrotum. Stopped masturbation. Used antibiotics(as per doctors)even though no stis found, felt good improvement in pain reduction. Swelling didn’t go away completely.
main problem-if I stop taking multivitamins & vitamin D supplements I feel extremely tired & sleepy. Also not feeling interested in marriage, kids, responsibilities etc, as I feel like these are too much for my brain to handle, but not lost interest in sex, games, music, healthy diet.
How to permanently solve vitamin D issue? How to deal old age if I don’t get married ?
Good responses are appreciated.
7 AnswersMen's Health9 months agoWhy ATP or ITF is not punishing, not taking any action on rafael nadal ?
rafael nadal goes violates time rules, gets illegal coaching during the matches, uses performance enhancing drugs. But no punishment or ban on rafael nadal. Why is it so ?
and pls don't argue that nadal is not taking drugs etc.
3 AnswersTennis7 years agoDell New Battery not working ?
Laptop : Dell Inspiron 1545
Battery is damaged and needs a replacement. When adapter is unplugged or power goes off my laptop shut downs immediately. I went to Dell store(in bangalore, India), the people there tried 3 new Dell Inspiron 1545 batteries, but nothing is working. They are saying something is wrong inside the system.
In task bar, battery icon always show - plugged in, charging ... but always 0%
when adapter is unplugged system turns off immediately
What could be the reason for this ? What is the solution ?
Please help. Help is much appreciated.
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoWhy Australian open surface changed in 2008 ?
In 2007, it was fast, flat and low bounce(green surface)
In 2008, it was slow and high bounce(blue surface), this is worse
3 AnswersTennis9 years agoWhy rafael nadal always makes excuses and cheats ?
come on, don't argue that nadal is not cheater... it is very clear and evident that nadal cheats and makes excuses.
6 AnswersTennis9 years agoWhy rafael nadal always makes excuses and cheats ?
why nadal always talks about his knee and makes excuses almost every time ?, why nadal cheats by taking illegal coaching during matches(e.g US open 2010 final), time violations ?
if he is so worried about knee why play so many tournaments ??!!, why doesn't he talk about his time violations or his taking of illegal coaching during matches ?
nadal also insulted Sampras for his serve & volley game, nadal is arrogant.
Sampras is a very great tennis champion and we all know that
10 AnswersTennis9 years agoATP wrong calculation in 2003?
Some people are saying ATP did mistake in calculating points in December 2003, if they had done it correctly Federer would have got rank 1 in 2003 december and would have broken Sampras record of 286 weeks rank 1, because of wrong calculation Federer had to wait till Feb 2, 2004 to get rank 1
Is this true?
Please give comments.
3 AnswersTennis9 years agowhy nadal insulting Federer?
nadal said like Federer is not supporting players in the issue of big length of season, nadal said like he(Federer) thinks about only himself and not others
Nobody forces anyone to play all tournaments, every player can chose his/her own schedule, only some tournaments are mandatory, not all
ok, Federer didn't complain because he is fine with it, when he feels like his body needs rest, he takes rest... so what is problem in that, there is nothing wrong in it
why nadal wants to drag Federer into this problem ?? and nadal is not showing any respect to Federer, nadal also insulted Sampras once for his serve and volley kind of game... nadal is very arrogant
nadal and many other players are so jealous of Federer, why can't nadal change his style of play or cut a few tournaments from his schedule.... there are a few solutions(other than strike) but nadal opts for only strike.... that makes no sense, nadal is such a sore loser
nadal's is clearly jealousy of Federer's achievements, nadal greedy of money
5 AnswersTennis9 years agorafael nadal not giving credit to Somdev for giving a good fight?
“He didn’t play well, but I played terrible in the beginning,” said nadal.
nadal did like this(not giving credit to his opponent) some times in the past as well
this clearly shows arrogance of nadal, nadal sucks.
nadal just can't accept the guts of Somdev, a qualifier sweating, troubling him.
5 AnswersTennis1 decade ago