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Lv 44,222 points

Evie's Alter Ego

Favorite Answers8%
  • Honest question for all participants...?

    Be honest now. Would you consider voting for a third party? It seems as though a large constituency from both sides are saying that they are voting for the 'lesser of two evils". Why are we afraid to vote for a third party? Are you afraid to waste your vote? Or too afraid to admit that a vote for a third party is nothing more than exercising your duty as a citizen to elect the BEST POSSIBLE CANDIDATE to run the country.

    No fighting amongst each other please. It really is just contributing to the political dream of dividing the citizens and keeping them oppressed.

    25 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • "One person can change the world." Where do you start?

    I am personally disgusted with the major parties and their divide the people and conquer them philosophy. I want to start a movement that will unite people against our unjust govenment in a peaceful atmosphere by informing and encouraging citizens to research other candidates as well as point out the daily metaphorical raping of the citizens that tends to go unnoticed. My question is, where do you even begin? Who do you talk to? Can I really make a difference?

    Be kind, please. I'm not attacking you, so don't attack me.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • "Lois, I am only going to ask you this one time. Do you or Do you not...?

    Know that the BIRD IS THE WORD??????

    Family guy RULES!

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • Relocate to Switzerland from the USA?

    Has anyone relocated to Switzerland from the USA? Is it hard to find employment? Is there a huge culture shock? Does everyone hate Americans? Is the cost of living outrageous? I am trying to convince my husband to relocate, but he's not convinced at all. Does a US Bachelor's Degree count for anything, or do you have to retake university?


    2 AnswersOther - Switzerland1 decade ago
  • Goldman Sachs to oversee Bailout funds?

    Now, if you can't see the HUGE corruption here, I've lost faith in my peers. Paulson, a former Goldman and Sachs CEO has placed a former Goldman and Sachs exec in charge of the bailout money. Wow. How does it feel to have Washington collectively give us the finger?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Sure, my question about "Michael S" gets deleted, but?

    He continues to spam. I love YA!!!

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can anyone provide me with factual proof that Obama's proposed change will save the middle class?

    I know that everyone keeps telling us that he's all about change, and he will save us. I have yet to see any definitive proof that his take on policy will do anything for the middle class. This is a serious question, and I'd love serious answers that I can research to make my own decision. Aren't we all just kidding ourselves? When the election is over, will it not go back to business as usual in Washington?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How would you handle a 9 and 7 year old not caring if they are punished or not?

    I am at my wits end, and I need some ideas. My 9 year old step-son and 7 year old step-daughter have had severe issues lately. They grab each other's private parts, then lie about it. They were recently with a group of kids at their mother's house and were involved in some illegal activity (breaking and entering, burglary and assault.) They did not commit the crimes, but were with the group who did. The problem is, they don't seem to care. It doesn't matter that all of their privileges are taken away at both houses. It scares me, because if they don't care at this age, what will they be like as teens and young adults? We have worked very hard in teaching our children values and right and wrong. The other two children are fine. They never cause any issues at all. But these two are going to be the death of me. Do you have any advice as to what I can do as a parent to get their behavior under control and make them care?

    Yes, we do exact punishments and are very strict with our children, as we feel that our job is to teach them to be good, productive adults.


    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago