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I can't braid my own hair?
This is sad... I'm a 31 year old woman with thick red wavy hair, and I can braid it into one or two braids, but cannot do intricate braid to make certain styles. Any tips? I see to be "all thumbs" and others love styling it, but I can't, and I'm sick of wearing it down every day.
1 AnswerHair8 years agoHow should I end this friendship?
There's this other girl that I'm friends with (well, we're both in our 30s). We became friends about three years ago and spent a lot of time together. We had quite a bit in common. About a year ago, she started distancing herself from me. She never returns my calls, texts, or emails. Whenever I ask her about it, she just says that she's busy, which I understand, because I both work full time and go to school full time. She only wants to see me if she wants something. This is a complete 180 from the friend who used to be there for me no matter what (and I was there for her too). We haven't seen each other in almost six months, and even then was because she wanted to borrow something. It makes me really sad, because I used to count her as a sister. I asked her about it a few times and she acts like nothing is wrong. She told me that our friendship was just "changing." Try as I might, I can't think of what I did to offend her. She I gradually distance myself (which she'd probably not even notice), or send her an email as a last ditch effort to save our friendship?
3 AnswersFriends8 years agoTired of being asked when we will have children?
I am a 30 year old female that has been married for almost ten years. My husband and I are both professionals. I come from a large family and am often asked to host baby showers. I often get the question, "So, you and your husband must be next, huh?" I hate to be rude, but I am tired of being asked this. We haven't decided whether will will have children yet. We may not. This is our choice. In my family, if you don't have at least one to two children by age 30, there must be something wrong, yet we are one of the few couples left that are still married. What should I say to these people (my relatives) that ask this? I don't want to be rude, but it's growing a little old. We want to focus on our marriage and travel, things of that nature. I'd love to have a few zingers to throw their way. I don't think my sex life or my body is any of their business. Please help.
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoWhat are some songs about mental illness?
I'm writing a novel about a woman that suffers a mental breakdown/fugue and want to get into her head. I use song as inspiration for a lot of my writing. Can anyone suggest some songs or lyrics about mental illness, or written by mentally ill musicians?
Thank you.
8 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoHas anyone ever had a spinal fusion reversed?
Back in 1997, at age 14, I had a full spinal fusion for scoliosis (curvature of the spine) because it was causing a lot of pain and other problems. They took bits of bone from my hips and fused my vertebrae together, attaching titanium rods from my shoulder blade area (around T-4) to the lower hips. Everything was fine until about 2006 when I started having major upper back pain. The surgeon removed a few screws and a crosslink from my spine and I felt better again. The pain returned a second time, in the same spot, a couple of years later. I've tried physical therapy and pain management. I am trying to stay off drugs/narcotics. It's rough, though. I'm only 29 and some days the pain is unbearable. Going back to my surgeon again tomorrow. I'm not sure if he'll recommend another surgery to remove more metal. I almost want all of the metal removed. The bones would still be fused, but at least I wouldn't have metal rods jutting me in the back and causing major pain. I'm afraid, though, that my curved spine would return and I'd have to go through this all over again. Has anyone been through any of these surgeries and can offer insight? I can't deal with this for the rest of my life, and I refuse to become a junkie.
2 AnswersOther - Health9 years agoWhich baby names do you like best?
We are thinking of having a child in the next year or two (I'll be 30 this year and solid marriage, etc). Which names do you like best?
Mary Margaret (combo of grandmother's names - nickname of MM)
Anna Lucille (perhaps call her Lucy)
John Randal (hubby's dad and hub's middle name)
Thomas Randal
David Kellar (hubby and my dad)
Which male and female names do you like best?
5 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoTips on hammering on (guitar/bass) when you have short fingers?
I am trying to learn to play guitar and bass. I am a female and have tiny hands and short fingers. Right now, I'm using an acoustic bass with large frets. That may be part of the problem. I don't know if I lack the dexterity or coordination, but hammering on is almost impossible for me. I want to pluck each string with the same finger! I also have trouble with bar chords because of the strength of my fingers. Any suggestions?
2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoWhat's going on with getting hubby on board?
I am a 29 year old woman. My husband is 30. We have been married for nine years and originally said we'd try to conceive (TTC) after five years. Well, that has passed. I am really ready. There is nothing I want more. We are financially stable. He wants to, but he keeps putting it off. One day, he will tell me that he wants to TTC soon, within the next year, but then the next day he'll change his mind and act like he doesn't want kids at all. We've even chosen our child names. I've been on the pill for almost ten years. I'm ready to let nature run its course, not to try, but not to "not try" either. I'm wondering if his lack of commitment is just fear (he's great with kids and a wonderful hubby) or if he just really doesn't want them. His answer changes almost daily. I don't want to be 40 with an infant.
PS- before anyone says anything, I would NEVER quit my pill without us agreeing to it. I would never trap him into something he doesn't want. I have far too much respect for that, and I've seen too many people divorce over such things. I'm 100% transparent with him.
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years agoAny artists similar to Tom Waits that I can check out?
I own almost all of his albums and am slightly borderline obsessed. I know he has a really unique, experimental sound and a cool voice. Any recs for other artists? I also like Mojo Nixon and Daniel Johnston. Please answer only if you're into or at least familiar with these artists :-)
2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoHas anyone ever taken Requip for restless legs?
Requip (ropinirole) is a drug that was originally marketed for Parkinson's disease, but it is also prescribed for restless legs. I've had SEVERE restless arms and legs for several days now. It literally keeps me up all night (and then I have to go to work). It is the worst feeling in the world. It's like getting electrical zaps all over your body, or being slightly burned all over. You toss and turn but can never make it go away. I was prescribed Requip for it... anyone ever taken it for RLS? Does it work? Will it make me drowsy/loopy feeling that night or the next day? Thanks for the info ... I'm taking it tonight for the first time.
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years agoBlacked out but still conscious?
I had an incident about one year ago. I was at work and taking my lunch break in my car. I usually move my car closer to the building at the end of my break. I didn't do that. I lost about 5 minutes of time. I blacked out. I don't remember leaving my car (large lot) or going back to my desk and clocking into my computer. By the time I "came to," I couldn't remember my own name or where I was. It took almost 30 minutes for me to get my bearings and remember how to do my job, where I was, etc. I was conscious the whole time. I didn't faint. I just don't remember moving back to my desk or leaving my car. Could this be some sort of seizure? I'm not sure what it is. I'm 30 and in good health. I don't think I fell alseep because how could I sleep walk back to my desk and clock inn like that? It was really scary. Anything like this ever happen to anyone else?
1 AnswerOther - Health9 years agoI sleep too much and I have no idea why.?
I work the evening/night shift at my office (3:15 PM-12:15 AM). I find myself sleeping at least 9 hours a night, up until about 2 PM, and still being extremely tired. I usually have to take a nap on my dinner break at around 8 PM. On my days off, I can't make it through a day without taking at least one nap, despite getting a full night's sleep. I do not do drugs or anything like that, nor do I have a sleep disorder. My bloodwork has been processed and all of my levels (thyroid, etc) are normal. No one can explain why I am always so tired. I take vitamins. If I could, I'd sleep 12 hours a night and still nap. I've been like this for years. When I'm awake, I have a lot of weak/faint spells. Anyone want to take a stab at my problem?
I've been diagnosed as depressed. Could this have something to do with it? I all want to do is sleep and go to work. I never go out anymore. I'm 30 years old and should be in the prime of my life. I feel like I can never get enough sleep. It's embarrassing. I don't think I'm narcoleptic. I don't just randomly fall asleep in the middle of the day, but I NEVER turn down the opportunity for a nap. It's really starting to mess up my life.
1 AnswerOther - Health9 years agoWhat is your favorite Tom Waits album?
I personally like Rain Dogs, Mule Variations, his new one - Bad as Me, and Closing Time. He just has so many albums and different sounds! Which are your favorites?
7 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoI have had diarrhea for several days and I'm on birth control pills?
Recently, I started bleeding between periods (this has lasted for two days). Does this mean my body is not absorbing the pill because of the diarrhea, and in that case, is it possible I can get pregnant?
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoSymptoms of bipolar disorder?
I think that I may suffer from bipolar disorder. I can go weeks or months at a time with no symptoms, but I do suffer from occasional anxiety attacks. Then, without warning, I will go for days at at time where I frequently have a manic episode that lasts 30 minutes to an hour, which often includes extreme rage (but I am not violent). I will yell at anyone in sight and fabricate reasons to be angry where none really exist. This period ends with me crying and being very worn out feeling. I've been told that manic phases usually last longer than that. I also have more manic phases than depressed phases. I almost just cannot control my anger sometimes. Does anyone think this is bipolar disorder? I am currently prescribed Klonopin and it helps a little, but not much, because by the time it kicks in the episode is usually over.
I am 27 years old and otherwise healthy.
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoHow does having a spinal fusion affect childbirth?
I had a full spinal fusion when I was 14 and now I'm 27. My husband and I are thinking of having children soon and I wonder how having metal rods and a full fusion will affect childbirth. I have already been told I cannot have an epidural. Anyone else have a spinal fusion that has been through this? The fusion was for scoliosis and is from T4 to L4 (shoulders to hips).
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agowhen will my wisdom teeth come in?
I am 27 years old and my wisdom teeth have not come in. I have had xrays done and they are positioned in the correct direction, but refuse to come out. I have one that has barely broken through my gums but hasn't moved in about five years. Should I just give up? Will I need to have them removed? Is this common?
2 AnswersDental1 decade ago