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  • Help with 15 year old daughter?

    I have noticed a huge change in my 15 year old daughter for awhile now.She is tired a lot, doesn't laugh much anymore, seems upset a lot, grades falling badly, doesn't do hw until last minute if at all. asks to stay home from school but she always liked school before and got A's and B's all the time, was very athletic, always in sprots and loved it, laughed all the time, always told me how her day went and was honest about everything, etc. we were very open and close.

    Now she is lying, not doing hw tired all the time, grumpy as heck, not interested in sports, grades are horrible, and wanting to stay home from school a lot. I am worried and I called the doc and he is seeing her today to talk to her to see what may be going on. I am scared about this and fear there is something really wrong, she rarely even goes to her friends anymore, she always spent a lot of time at her friends, not much anymore. I ask her what is going on and what happened, she says nothing, but then cries about little things and she talks to my 17 yr old son about it and he seems to cheer her up.

    I am at a loss of what to do here. But I am taking her to talk to the doctor and see what he suggests doing about it.

    Does anyone else see this in their kids or are there any kids around this age who can relate to this?

    She does not smoke, or drink or do drugs, I know this for a fact, had her tested for drugs first thing.

    And I know where she is most of the time, except for when she lies and tells me she is at a friends house and I find out shes not there after I dropped her off.

    What is going on with her, any idea's and how can I help.

    I love her she is my little girl and I feel like I am losing her, but why?

    Our line of communication was always great and she and I used to have fun being together, not anymore, its always a fight or lies from her.

    Please help give me idea's of what she may be going through, is it her age? Is this normal?

    What can I do to help her?

    I try to talk to her but she will not open up and it kills me to not know what is going on and how to help.

    Thank you for any suggestions and advice.

    12 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago
  • I need some good home cooking recipes!?

    I have used cookbooks, but want some good home cooking recipes that will make my boyfriend say WOW!

    I am not the greatest cook and have tried to find some good ones in the books but want something that someone has tried and knows is great!

    Please let me know how it tastes and where you got it from.

    I also need some dessert ideas too.

    Thank You!

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • my 15 year old is sick?

    My daughter has mono and got it form her boyfriends, but she got it last year already and has been sick for awhile with the symptoms, I took her to doc yesterday again, and he said she may just be a carrier, and occassionally get the symptoms. I am worried about her and do not know how to help, she is home again today from school still sleeping at 1p.m. and sleeps on weekends until like 2-3 p.m. and I wake her at that point, how much sleep does she need, and what else can I do to help her get over it? She hates missing so much school and doc said she may return now, but she is just so tired and feels ill a lot from it. And idea's on what I can do to boost her energy? She used to play sports but has no energy to do so. I am worried

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • cost to get license back in pa after losing it for 6 mos.?

    How much does it cost to get your license back after a 6 month suspension for medical reasons?

    I have been trying and trying to call the medical dept at pendot for days now to ask, due to the fact that it is about an hour from my home, I do not want to get there and find out it costs a ton to get it back.

    A friend told me it can cost up to $100 or more?

    is this true?

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • What do you do in your free time?

    I am at home right now,as I am most days, due to being off work from an injury and I have no one to talk to, they all work and do not know what to do, so I end up being on the computer most of the day and it is getting addicting, I do not like to read much, and do not like to be alone much either.

    Any other idea's for weekday entertainment, I try to think of things to do and just get bored so easily, I am used to working and being with my kdis, but they are working too,and my daughter is at camp this week.Just need some idea's of things to do, already cleaned whole house and walked the dog, so what else can I do to keep busy?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What do you do in your free time?

    I am at home right now,as I am most days, due to being off work from an injury and I have no one to talk to, they all work and do not know what to do, so I end up being on the computer most of the day and it is getting addicting, I do not like to read much, and do not like to be alone much either.

    Any other idea's for weekday entertainment, I try to think of things to do and just get bored so easily, I am used to working and being with my kdis, but they are working too,and my daughter is at camp this week.Just need some idea's of things to do, already cleaned whole house and walked the dog, so what else can I do to keep busy?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What type of test do you take for post office jobs?

    I want to work at the post office because they say it pays really well,and I need first shift work. I need to know where to go to take the test and what is the test like?

    What is the average starting pay for a postal worker?

    I am a single mom and need to be home in the evenings and they said you only work first shift and some Saturdays, any info on this subject?

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • Why do people feel the need to cheat on their significant others?

    I just want to know why people cheat? If you do not want to be with the person, then break up or divorce, do not cheat, it is so wrong.

    I just want to know what makes people want to cheat? If you are so unhappy with who you are with, then why are you with them?

    Please indulge me a little here and just let me know have you cheated, and why did you cheat, and how did it make you feel afterward? I love my bf and would not ever do this to him and he would not do this to me, ever. Why do you cheat? Do people not have morals or do they just find it too hard to be faithful even when they say they love someone? How can you look them in the eye and say I love you after you cheated on them?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I need apple pie recipes?

    Does anyone know a good apple pie recipe?

    I have one recipe and it just did not turn out like I wanted it to, even though I followed it to a t. Please help me out, it is for a lunch for my bf's co workers, so it has to be a good one.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Hoe does the diabetic insulin pump work?

    I am looking into getting the insulin pump and want to know exactly how it works? How does it attach to you? How do you use it?

    Does it really help control your diabetes better? I am a little nervous about getting it, and want to know if it really helps. How much does it usually cost?

    8 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • math question?

    how is 6 5/16 expressed as a decimal?

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • math questions?

    How is 1/8 expressed as a decimal?

    14 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • surrogate mothers?

    My bf and I want to get married and have a baby, but I cannot have anymore, due to health reasons, I am a diabetic, and his friends wife said she would be a surrogate mom for us, does anyone know the cost of this,if we already know who is going to carry the baby and what other costs are involved with it?

    What are all costs involved? Is it a risk for any of us?

    Do we still need a lawyer involved if we know the surrogate mom? We want to do it no matter what, but need to know about how much it may cost so we can save for it or get a loan to pay for it.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • do you ever feel there is more out there for you?

    I often wonder if I am to be doing some awesome great thing in life,but do not know what, and for a long time, I always wanted to make a difference in peoples lives and do not know where to start, I help people when they need it and try to make peoples lives better,but feel there is some reason I am here other than just an existance.Do you ever wonder what your real reason for being here is?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • can you change?

    can youo change who you are?

    I mean there are so many negative, nasty people in the world and if people actually made an attempt to be nicer,kinder, helpful,caring,and loving, maybe this place we call home would not be so bad to live in.

    We are rasing our kids in a very unsafe, cruel world,and if people just tried harder to get along and be kind to others,maybe this would not be so bad

    It starts with the parents, kids learn what they live and I see and hear so many negative, nasty parents putting others down and judging others in front of their kids and it makes me so sad to see this.

    Be kind, share,love,help others.

    Are you able to be this way?

    I mean seriously to help the world be a better place for the future generations.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is your dream job? why?

    My dream job would be to help the less fortunate, and mostly to help them get ahead and succeed in life and get out of the rut they are in that keeps them down. I used to want to be an actress growing up because it was the only way I knew of at the time to make enough money to help the less fortunate.

    What is your dream job?


    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • any doctors on here?

    I had roator cuff surgery a year ago, and this past Friday, I had a cortisone shot, after being diagnosed with frozen shoulder a month ago, and I came home and went to bed after the shot, and woke up three hours later in such horrible pain, and it was swollen so bad that it doubled in size, and I went to the ER and they said it was impinchment, not sure what it means, I was pretty muchout of it after they drugged me all up for the pain, but it is still very swollen and very painful. Any idea's on what this might mean? what could it be? I am supposed to go to my doctor,but they just will not listen to me when I tell them something else is wrong in there, and I just cannot live with this pain anymore, and I only had 70% of my range of motion back as of a year after surgery and months of PT,and work hardening, and now I have almost no range of motion at all, and when I do try to move it, there is excruciatiing pain, and it swells so badly. What else could be wrong?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • my 15 year old daughter,OMG!?

    I just found out that my 15 year old daughter had sex with 2 guys,and she has been smoking, and got the smokes from her cousin, and has been texting really inappropriate things to guys when with her friends, her friends text sexual things to boys saying it is my daughter, we always had vey good communication, and she tells me I guess almost everything,and did tell me she smoked,and had sex,but only with one guy, and told me she tried alcohol. We have always been close and she trusts telling me things, I do not want to ruin this, how can I handle talking to her about all this and how do I keep her close so that she will still trust telling me things without losing her trust?I am worried about her and her one friend was sexually abused at 13,and just told us she was having sex,drinking, smoking,etc,same as my daughter,and I am worried it may be something wrong or someone did something to my daughter,she says not,but how can I find out?

    30 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago
  • Where is a trustworthy modeling agency for my son?

    My son is 17 and has been told he should model, he is not so sure about it, but said if I check around, he may be into it for a little while to earn some money for a new truck,

    But, my daughter did it a few years back and they were all just money hungry and wanted her to move to Florida to model and we cannot do that, due to money issues.

    They bugged and bugged her to move to FL to model there and we cannot do it, so where in Pa is a good trustworhty place to take my son to try modeling? Somewhere that will not rip us off, that will actually get him modeling jobs where he makes some money, not just them. He is interested, but not quite sure yet, so I want to check into it, and go to him and see if he still might want to do it. And no, I am not pushing him to do it at all.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Where is a beautiful place to go for a honeymoon?

    I want to find a place that has the clearst water, trees,and plenty of flowers all around for my honeymoon.

    I do not know where to even begin to look for a place like this, does anyone have any idea's that might be close to this?

    I want it to be very secluded and just plain beautiful.

    If you have any info on anywhere,please add the link,thanks!!!!

    14 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago