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  • Am I right, or am I wrong?

    So, my daughter lives in another state. Her boyfriend is here in my state. She wants to come out to visit him, and asked me if I could pick her up at the Airport. Her flight comes in at 1:30AM. I , of course said I would pick her up, and drive her over to her boyfriends house. After sleeping on it, I thought to myself that to pick her up at the Airport, I would have a 90 mile round trip to be able to drive her over to the BF. The BF lives less than 10 miles from the Airport. I have a feeling she is going to be pissed at me for not picking her up. She mentioned that to be picked up at the airport at 1:30 AM..that everyone she knows has to work, and that it would be a burden for them. However she is not even planning to visit with me, just come get her and drive her to the BF house. I feel, that since her BF is less than 10 miles away, he should pick her up so I don't have a 3+ hour trip back and forth. I would be driving alone, and if something happened, I drive an old car, I would have no help. So, should she be pissed at me for backing out? her flight is not until end of next month so this is not a last minute thing.

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Coowrker who is training me...talks non stop when I am trying to focus.....?

    This person at my job, who is training me....who I really like but.......she starts to show me something, and goes off in 5 different directions never finishing the last thought or sentence. I find it very hard to follow her looking for a simple answer. I have to summarize what she is saying...when I go to do the nthing she showed me...she NON STOP chatters in my ear while I am trying to focus and understand what I am doing. I ask a simpleq uestion, and I get a 10 minute diatribe that does not really answer my question....what is wrong with her? I go home exhausted from having to listen to her ALL day talk!

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Am I right, Or am I wrong?

    Over the years, my sister and I have always helped each other as best as we could. A couple years ago, I needed car work done and asked my sister for a 1000 dollar loan (she had just got a law settlement). She wired me the money. I started to pay her back, which I had already sent her 300, and she called me and said that to NOT pay her the rest, that I had spend a lot of money shipping my mothers things to her out of state, when my mom died. I told her no, your going to throw this in my face someday and I don't need that. She insisted I forget the "debt" and thanked me for sending all my moms stuff. She said "now we don't owe each other nothing, we are even". So I said ok, and thank you. I decided to move back to her state and said I would pay for us to get another place, she was getting evicted for the umpteenth time.....During this decision of mine, I became increasingly disturbed because of my decision to move back. I couldn't sleep, eat etc. I knew I was probably making a bad decision. I tried to contact her to tell her this, but you could never get ahold of her, and she rarely answered my texts. I suspected she was using drugs again (heroin-speed) and decided I should stay where I was at, and pay off some debts, and get my teeth fixed. She after 2 years, wants me to apologize to her for not helping her, she said "You knew I needed that money"...we agreed that she pay her half of the new place expenses, and I would pay my half and we would sign an agreement as to who was responsible for what, she refused by not answering or talking to me about the agreement. I just wanted everything to be clear when I made the move. Anyway...she is now posting stuff on FB saying I will live with regret, I will be sorry, it will never be the same between us, and for me to do the right thing. I did what I thought was in my best interest. I didn't want to pay out all that money so she could get us evicted by not paying bills which she is famous for. She thinks I should apologize to her, but yet our relationship will never be the same....What????? I did apologize to her just to stop the BS, and she told me that my apology was a half assed apology and she wanted another one.....What???? Anyway now she is homeless because she chose dope over responsibility and I feel bad for her, but I did not do this to her. And I do not have any money, I am out of work and have 0 income. I tried to tell her this, but she will not talk to me until I apologize the way SHE wants me to apologize. I think that this is sick, and humiliating to ask me to do that. What is her deal????

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Am I being too sensitive or what?!?

    A family member was going through a very rough time with her hubby. She contacted me and I stood by her for over 2 weeks, non stop 24/7 texting and phone calls to support her. I was myself, going through a rough time, unemlployed, not knowing where my next meal was coming from, and would I be homeless by the end of the month. But I pushed aside my situation, to help her with hers. Only ONCE did she ask me how I was doing, did I need anything...I am glad I was there to support her emotionally, But feel a little put back because through this whole time, she was only concerned with her situation. And now that she is doing better, I thought she would have at least contacted me to see how I was doing. When she does, it is all about her. I feel like, "wow, I thought we could support each other through our bad time, but it is always about her, her feelings, her thoughts, her situation, her doing this her doing that......Just now I texted her and told her that I didn't want to text her because I knew she had a busy day, but I hoped she was well, and that everything would be ok, and that I was still there for her. She texted back she was fine, she was getting her new apartment keys, and never even asked how I was doing. WTH???? Should I feel left out ? That she only needed me when she was at her lowest, and now that things are looking up for her, she has no concern for me?

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • HOW DARE HE (stepfather after my mothers death)....?

    I moved back to my hometown and after about a month, my stepdad asked me to move in with him and my mother because she was ill, and needed 24/7 care. She passed away after two weeks. She was cremated. After about a year or so, I asked the stepdad what he was going to do with her ashes. He told me that on his birthday (This conversation was about 2 months after he did this) that he ALREADY took her ashes up to a place they used to camp at, and put the ashes on a pond she liked. I was stunned, but said nothing because he allowed me to remain in the home (I had no place to go at the time, just got there). Two years go by and last night I asked him, where did you lay my mothers ashes. He said "why" ? I said I just wanted to know where she "was". He said " I don't think you need to know that".........I was like WTF ???? I said very respectively that I had EVERY right to know where she was, that she was MY MOTHER, and she gave birth to me ! He relented and told me, but what I want an opinion on is....What the hell was his problem ? THAT WAS MY MOTHER !!! I I came here to help HIM so he didn't have to take time off of work, and although he has money, he said he couldn't afford to pay for outside help from a nurse, so I stepped in and moved here to help him, and he says I don't need to know where her ashes were layed ? Like, seriously ???? Also, he informed his family that he took her ashes at the time, but never told me.....What kind of a person does that ?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Will these help a 54 year old woman, looking to lose weight, and get healthy ?

    I'm NOT tripping on fad diets any longer ! I want to combine good health, and natural weight loss by drinking Fruit Smoothies for breakfast, and Vegetable smoothies for lunch, Fresh Wild caught fish for dinner, or Lean chicken, turkey. So today I started and my food for the day is as follows...

    Breakfast: SMOOTHIE

    1 banana,

    handful blueberries,

    handful strawberries,

    dollop of Greek nonfat vanilla yogurt,

    splash of Vanilla Soy milk,

    Ice cubes.


    Lunch: SMOOTHIE

    1 Apple

    1 Beet

    Handful Fresh Spinach Leaves

    Handful Fresh Cilantro




    Fresh Wild Caught Salmon w Dill sauce

    1 Whole Wheat Grain Bread-Toasted (dry)

    Bowl Fresh fruit

    Snack: Sun Chips dipped in Organic Fresh Garlic Hummus

    Please tell me this is a healthy way of eating....Yes ?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Sore spots after new denture....HURTS !!!?

    Got a new lower denture last monday (6 days ago). I have kept them in day and night, except to take them out, clean, and replace them back in my mouth. It has been 6 days and I have sore spots. Can I take the denture out for a couple hours and give my mouth a rest from the sore spots > Will my gum swell, or are they pretty muh not going to swell becasue I have had the lower in for 6 days now ? I just need a break from the soreness, everything else looks good, no infection. I just need a break from the pain. I had 4 extractions to finish the process for the denture, so It was NOT an immediate denture. I just want to know that my lower gum will not swell and cause more problems, or back in they go, just need a break. I am rinsing my mouth with warm saltwater, and aloe vera juice to aid the pain, and healing.

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • What was the crappiest car that you drove from coast to coast, and how did you do it?

    Wondering how many OLD run down, crappy cars, bad transmission, oil leaks, bad tires and front end cars have been driven across the country and actually made it ! Tell me your story !

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago
  • I am moving to Mesa Arizona....?

    Im looking for the good areas of Mesa, and not the Barrio or the Hood, can anyone give me an idea on the best areas of Mesa to live in by zip code ? Is it better in West, North, East, Or South Mesa ? Thank you ! I am a mature female age 54.

    3 AnswersPhoenix8 years ago
  • Driving from Michigan to Arizona?

    Ok, I have an old mercury sable, 4 door, almost 200k miles on it...and I want to drive it from Mich to AZ...I put new tires on it, change the oil regularly, and it has never given me a problem in the two years I have owned it. It starts right up, never stalls, smokes, shakes, rattles etc...I NEED to get to AZ and want to do so safely. If I pace myself, and take it easy as far as NOT driving at like 85 miles per hour, can I get there safely and maybe the car would last me a little longer until I can get to work and buy another one ? I intend on getting an oil change, tune up and road worthy before I leave, but Im a little nervous with an older car. Can someone give me some positive feedback to help my nerves ? Thanks !

    2 AnswersOther - United States8 years ago
  • Employer wont tell me the amount he is paying me....WTF ?

    Ok, i got hired by a real estate apprasial company. He said he was paying between 8-10 dollars per hour. He had me come in the next day to start work, I asked if he wanted me to fill out my tax forms, and I-9. He said, well, we will discuss that tomorrow. I came in the next day and he did not discuss the rate of pay, or have me fill out the forms. The second day I came in there was a new girl that said he did the same thing with her, he didnt discuss what amount he was paying her, and did not have her do the tax, and I-9 either. I think this guy is trying to see which one of us he likes better, or feels can do a better job. When he figures out which one of us he likes better, he will pay the one he dont want on a 1099 basis, and let that person go. Ok for him, but is this legal, and what should I do ? This will be day 3 for me, and I cant even tell you what I am making ! I want this job, I NEED this job, but I dont want to get ripped off after working for next to nothing while he uses me to support his office staff, and perhaps replace me. What if I got hurt on the job, I would not really be an employee would I ? I would not be able to get medical care if I got hurt because I am not on the books. I really like this position and would like to stay...But I just dont get his "process"......What do you think ?

    6 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Employer wiont tell me how much he is paying me.....WTF ?

    ok, i got hired by a real estate apprasial company. He said he was paying between 8-10 dollars per hour. He had me come in the next day to start work, Iasked if he wanted me to fill out my tax forms, and I-9. He said, well, we will discuss that tomorrow. I came in the next day and he did not discuss the rate of oay, or have me fill out the forms. The second day I came in there was a new girl that said he did the same thing with her, he didnt discuss what amount he was paying her, and did not have her do the tax, and I-9 either. I think this guy is trying to see which one of us he likes better, or feels can do a better job. When he figures out which one of us he likes better, he will pay the one he dont want on a 1099 basis, and let that person go. Ok for him, but is this legal, and what should I do ? This will be day 3 for me, and I cant even tell you what I am making ! I want this job, I ened this job, but I dont want to get ripped off after working for next to nothing while he uses me to support his office staff, and perhaps replace me. What if I got hurt on the job, I would not really be an employee would I ? I would not be able to get medical care if I got hurt becasue I am not on the books.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • I spent the equity money from a client...THIS IS WHAT A FRIEND DID....?

    He spent the money in an equity account for a client (38k)-said he "needed" it, He was sued and was told to pay back the money or he would get a judgment. He signed a stipulation as to the payment amounts, but he cant pay now, it would be a hardship, Does this mean he is a thief, and what will happen if he gets the judgemnt ? He dont own his house, or car, so what will happen to him. Who did he think he was to spend that money ? Was he THAT hard up that he resorted to that ? Is this ILLEGAL ?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • she was just a fling in my absence?

    so why is she trying to taunt me on facebook. my man is back, and I dont get all crazy over the fact that in my absence for the last year, he had a over it, why cant she get over it ?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Does love REALLY make a comeback after long time apart?

    Long story short, met and dated a man for over 3 years. In April of 2011 I had a lot of problems with work, survival and just life issues so I decided to come back to my hometown. We stayed in contact but last April 2012 he found him a honey and got all serious. Facebook page had him and her all over it. I knew nothing of it becasue he just all of a suddden stopped talking to me. I looked up his page and there they were. So, I moved on and got over it. I was happy he was happy, but I still loved him very much. His relationship with the cookie did not last, it lasted for a whole 4 months. After about 2 weeks of that breakup, he calls me and says he realizes that he wants what we had, he misses me and loves me. He says that me not being there in his state drove him to lonliness, and quite honest, he needed sex, hence his realtionship with her. I get that, but Im wondering if Im making a mistake by being ready to uproot from here, and move back to be with him. my question is: Can love make us lose one another, only to find that we really do love one another ? Can this not be a rebound for him, or is it ? I always had in my mind that he would get over this thing with the cookie and return to me. I just let him play it out and waitied to see if he would return. So, im wondering if Im not making a mistake and if I should break it off, and move on without him. Can love test us, and make us stronger ? BTW we started dating in 2008, I moved out of state in 2011, we kept in contact than the thing with his cookie started in april 2012, ended this past september.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • PORN PICS...How the Heck did they.....?

    I think someone hacked my cell, took personal pics of me, and posted them on a porn site, how can they do this ? how did they hack my cell ? The pics were me, but with a little difference as if to look slightly like me, but not exactly lest they get caught..they could say "thats not her" but you can tell when you know the pics you took of yourself. Also, when I would look up a site, any site, they seemed to im thinking they had my PC optnized to go to the site they posted my pics on, is this something someone with good PC skills can do ?

  • Did i "F" up the possability-Looking for mans point of view....?

    So ok, i started talking to a man online and we semed to have hit it off. We talked about me not wanting just a sex hookup. We agreed to meet and than....BAM.....he was "busy" and stopped talking to me. So I left it alone and moved on. Months after (recently), he saw my personal ad on a site, and responded to me asking for another chance. He posted on the same site months before reconnecting asking me to have dinner, and for that second chance. I responded to him saying that i would consider, and we started talking again. We got together, and yes, I slept with him. He was amazing, and we hit it off. He told me I was much more than he expected, and he really enjoyed spending time with me. He asked if we could get together on the weekend, and just wanted to spend time with me, having great sex. I again told him I wanted more than just a sex hookup, becasue he was talking about nothing but sex. i tried to open up to him, and said perhaps we wanted differnet things. He said he didnt know where I got the idea and he didnt know what to say. I think I scared him off, I didnt say I wanted to get married, just that I felt like his focus was only on sex, and that if he stopped with all the sexual inuendos, he would probably get more sex than he could, he stopped texting me after awhile and I dont know what this means. What sould I do ? I thought perhaps I came on too strong, and sent the wrong signals. I didnt want to scare him off, just wanted him to appreciate me out of bed and know where and how I felt. Is not communicaing a good thing > Anyway guys, what should me next move be ? This guy blew me away with his "tenderness" in bed, and I was blindsided. I want this guy, so what do I do ?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Follow me on this and tell me your thoughts....?

    Guy gets married. guy and wife are not doing so good so he gets himself a GF. GF and guy are not doing so good so he sleeps with her freind and gets her pregmant. he divorces the first wife, and moves the pregnant GF in with him the day his wife moves out. he says he did that for his kids sake. things are going good for awhile so he marries the pregnant GF. things go bad within less than a year of him marrying the baby mama, and he gets yet another GF while still married. he breaks up with the wife who had his kid, and stays single for awhile. he meets me and we begin a 3 year relationship. he finally divorces the wife with his kid, and wants to be with me. he is all lovey dovey, than completely stops talking to me and now has another new "love". he changes his phone recording, wont take my calls and basically dumps me cause he is "off the market" with his new "love". What kind of a guy is this ? why do i feel jilted and lied to ? Becasue i was ! but, what is your opinion of this guy ? BTW,,he is no kid, he is 48 ! Now he is putting his and her pictures on his facebook, as if to rub it in my face. do you think this relationship will last with his new girl ? what kind of a guy is this ? I dont want him back.

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • he constantly critizes me and starts nit pick arguments....?

    I give credit scores to outside field reps for my company. when this one person calls, he constantly starts nit picking me and draws me into petty arguments. for instance he asked me for a score from a certain rep, the rep had just called me so i thought he meant the current score, not a score from earlier in the day...when he said did the person have a 618 score, i said no he just got a 579, this guy proceded to get testy with me and when i said no he just got a 579, he says to me he got a 618, why did you say no ? i said i thiugh he meant the current score and he says than why did you say no ? i get tongue tied because all i wan to do is give him the score and get it over with, this guy is so sour and do i respond to him without causing an argument ? im too busy to justify myself on a constant basis only to get nasty retorts.....????