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  • badminton horse trials 2011 ?!?

    I don't have tv and I really really want to watch the badminton horse trials live on the internet.. does anybody know where i could do that ?

    thanks a lot :)

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • horse canter problems?

    So I have a 6 year old mare, and we got her not too long ago. We had to completely retrain her, so my mom had been riding her a lot. Now, I'm the only one riding her, but I have problems cantering with her. I get nervous easily, and lately we've been cantering after a jump only, but not cantering around and asking her to pick it up properly. Whenever we would ask her to canter, she would kick, or act up.

    I know it's not even that bad, but I was used to a pony and she's a big change. I know confidence is partly my issue and I'm working hard on it too.

    She's really not the type of mean mare, it's mostly that she doesn't understand something when she gets nervous, and she's a pleaser :)

    I think she might have balance issues, and we're working hard on getting her to work with her hind end !

    does anyone know any exercises that might help to get her better at the canter or more comfortable?

    thanks so much ! :)

    p.s. I know how to canter on other horses.

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • show name for my horse? please help!?

    I have a 16.2 bay, dutch warmblood mare.. and I would love to show her next year. I can't really think of any show names. Her name is Allegra and if I dont find anything else I guess that will just be her show name but if you think of anything let me know. I'd like it to have some similarities to her name atleast. not something random out of the blue preferably.

    She is a super sweet mare, with some personality. She's really curious and playful but relatively quiet

    and willing to work (most of the time).

    Thank you so much! :)

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • your stories, please? or encouragement?

    Hi, I was just wondering, it would be nice to heaer some of your horse stories? like things you went through, and overcame?

    I'm going through a rough patch with my new horse, we just don't work well together and always fight.

    I'm hoping it's just a rought patch and we'll get through it.

    Do you have any stories like this? please tell me :)

    12 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • show name for my mare? any ideas?

    My mare's name is Allegra.

    she's 16.2, has quite a lot of character nad really curious.

    do you have any idea what i could do for a show name?

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • my horse is head shy, anyone know what to do?

    I got a new horse a few months ago. he is a young gelding and my mother is training him for me at the moment.

    I am now starting to ride him also, and he started trusting me more.

    whenever i try to touch his head, he mostly puts his head up really high, so that i cant reach (im pretty short too).

    so I was just wondering if you had any tips and tricks that might help me?

    thank you :)

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • first horse show!!! PLEAASE HELP!?

    ok so I have my first horse show in 1 week. I've done one show about 2 years ago but it was an in-barn show with only like 10 people.

    This year at my new barn I'm doing the whole season.

    The thing is that I was away for a few weeks, so I missed the in-barn show and the schooling show. Now that I'm back, I want to do all the others. The horse I ride is amazing at shows but I'm a little bit nervous because I've never jumped a full course on him (I'm doing equitation at 2'3 btw). My trainer said I could only do the flat if I want but I really want to do the jumping too. My parents say I should do it but I only have 2 more lessons before the show. I'm going to ask my trainer what she thinks. but do you guys have any advice? things to rememeber for the first show?? please help

    thank you so much! =)

    8 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • new moon fliming locations?

    where exactly are they filiming new moon in Vancouver do you have any idea for the exact locations? stanley park and surroundings? please let me know


    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • show name for cute pony!?

    need help finding show name for black mare named Bijoux, preferably with the word Bijoux or Bibi or similar words in it!


    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • NEED ADVICE!!!!!old horse...almost abandponed???

    what should i do?

    Me and my friend went to a stable...nice wonderful place.

    WE found a little pony named Peanut...totally adorable and cute, 22 years old, foster horse. He's just there as a one ever grooms him or anything, we did...we're allowed to come more often now, we want to get him into good shape, any advice?

    we'll probably fix his stall, there was almost no shaving and lots of manure, i feel so bad!

    This pony Peanut is so cute...please help me help him...

    15 AnswersHorses1 decade ago