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Free Spirit Mommy.

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All my life has been leading up to this point and beyond. Love being a nurturing, happy mother, supportive and loving wife, and feeling good all time and feeling even better everyday :)

  • Does your area have a Compost Program/ PIckup I have a few Questions.?

    My Area may be starting on a compost pick up program, (biweekly) But I already compost for my Garden as do most of the residents in my area, . I would just like to hear what other people think of their programs, I have a pail under my sink that needs to be emptied every day or every other day. but we are a rural area so i Anaerobic compost ( not really turning just letting it sit to break down) Some residents in town like the idea of a compost bin because they say they have no where to take their grass clipping, but I can't see a bi-weekly compost program helping with that in any way unless the bins a HUGE. would like to know how other people like their compost program. thanks :)

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • My 4 month old only will eat a max 2 oz. Every 3 hours during day, and during night 6oz. 2 times?

    ... Nights are awful, I have given up breastfeeding because I can get him to eat as much as 4 oz. with a bottle some times. But now he wakes several times a night , sometimes I can just ettle him and he goes back to sleep, other times he is starving and ill eat 6-7 oz. please help this all backwards and my poor 3 year old wakes up screaming in the night when ever my 4 month old cries at night.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Please help me, my 3 year old cries hysterically whenever my 4 month old cries. Which is all the time!!?

    Whenever my 4 month old makes any little peep, hungry, tired, sick whatever my 3 year old loses it! He cries and cries and cries uncontrollably , it dosent end. I've tried sitting and talking with him, he gets louder, I tried just sitting cuddling and listening, it doesn't end, I've tried tme outs , I've tried making him sit in his room until he stops crying, it dosent end. My 4 month old has a hard time eating during my other sons crying fits so I end up with 2 screeching kids and then the 3 year old gets even more upset. He is fully pitty trained but when he starts crying like this he wets himself ,It gets to the point where after 3 hours of crying I start to get aggressively angry, today I spanked him just e cause I was so angry, and now I hate myself. , I don't know what to do any more, I am thinking of just putting him in daycare and going back to work because I feel like a failure , and now a monster for getting wat i believe to be inappropriately angry with him. Please someone tell me they have been through this.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • I am just getting over the flu and breastfeeding my 4 month old, he has started crying while eating ?!!?

    He screams and squirms when he is eating , I don't know why, he doesn't have a fever, i also think his suck is a bit weaker then usual because sometimes i wont feel my let down, or if i do its a bit later in the feeding, also with the flu I have had a fever for about 3 days and my body would sweat a lot, could my breast milk taste off to him?, ear infection? Anyone with this experience before? What was it?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Please help my newborn never wants to sleep!?

    My son is 8 weeks now, but since he was 1 week old, he never wants to sleep during the day. He is a great night time sleeper. I feed only about twice at night and he goes back to sleep after each feeding nicely. But allllll day long he will not nap. I borrowed the book the baby whisperer from a friend and it seems to help a little I can get him to daily sleep 3 , one hour naps but it is not easy and come night time, at 7 when it is time to put him down to sleep. He will not sleep, he s very very tired, during his day time naps he often won't even close his eyes unless I cover them with part of his blanket. At night time he cries and cries forever he never falls asleep on his own. If I pick him up, he stops crying but his eyes are wide open and again he will not sleep while I am holding him, he likes to be cuddled and walked around but he won't fall while being walked around, I am so frustrated as I also have a 3 year old, he was such an easy baby and I never had a problem like this with him, I used the babywise method with him but it dosent seem to work for my new baby. What can I try what should I do?. Please help.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 4 weeks pp , still light bleeding ranging from red to brownish....concern?

    This is not my first baby, I don't recall how long I bled with my first. Is this normal?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Almost 4 weeks pp and can still see stitches from tearing.?

    Little one will be 4 week this weekend, where I tore has been itchy for the past 2 days, I have a toddler so I haven't had time to soak. But on inspection I can see stitches. With my first I remember healing right away, but they cut me with my first, they did not have time to cut with my second babe and I tore badly how long should they take to heal? Should I be worried that they are not gone yet?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 37 weeks with third pregnancy, 2 am really bad cramping ......?

    My 2 year os is sick, so I got up to comfort him, I am getting really bad cramps but on only on the right side of my lower abdomen , so they don't feel like contractions. Yesterday was at the OB. 2 cm and she sad I was still thick and babies head wasn't moved down a lot.....sooo I would assume 0% effaced. What a this cramping, it is persistent and has not stopped so it can't be timed... Is this the babies head moving down? I have not had this before it is very painful.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • please help 2 and half year old was potty trained for the past months he takes his diaper off at nap/bed time.?

    , like i said he was potty trained, no diaper only at nap times and bed time, But lately he has regressed and for about 3 weeks hasn't gone in the potty, What is worse, is he hates pooping in his diaper, so when i put him down for night or nap , he poops, then takes his diaper off in his room, and continues playing with his toys, and the mess is making my furious this happens nearly EVERY DAY! and its been going on for months. I don;t know what to do, I just want to scream and cry every day. I tried putting him down for a nap in his undies and leaving his potty by his bed, but he will still go in his undies and not the potty. I've looked online and some people say for babies that take their diapers off you can try duck taping the diaper tabs so they cannot be removed but I don't know if this will be confusing for him because he CAN use the potty he just won't I don't want to force him to go in his diaper, I do wish I could get him to use the potty. PLEASE PLEASE help me I am going insane.

    ALSO- His nap time could be anywhere between 1:30 and 3 pm, depending on the day , it won't matter the time of day he always poops at nap time, Today i put him down at 3 and he had already pooped in the potty so i figured there is no way he needs to poop later, but NOPE he did it again. I have also tried checking in on him every couple minutes to make sure he wouldn't poop, but when i do that he doesn't poop and he also dosen't have the opportunity to sleep as i keep disturbing him.

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Please help Toddler 2.5 years. Becoming very difficult, and aggressive :(?

    My sweet little boy for the past few days has been becoming a handful. If he does not get constant attention he will start to act out, throw a tantrum and now has started throwing toys and hitting. we try to do lots of activities together and then we have some quiet time, it used to work great as he would enjoy alone time inbetween olaying with me ,he usually starts to get angry in the early afternoon, but a nap will help. But lately he has stopped napping and after coming out of his room he's even more angry. I am due with my second child in 12 weeks. So I am becoming very conserned with this behavior. For when our second baby is born, i am not to sure how he will react, We do time outs but they not seem to work and he gets angrier as he sits. this afternoon he was watching cartoons, I sat on the couch with him on the iPad, he tried to grab the iPad ( which he has come to believe belongs to him) and I explained to him that he had to wait his turn ( I'm not too sure how else to handle this ). He threw a tantrum screamed and started to throw cushions off the couch ggressivly. So I put him in time out. It is my understanding that it is 1 minute per year of age for time out, 2 minutes he is till screaming his head off, 3 minutes still yet, and 4.5 minutes he has started to calm down but is intermittently yelling at us. Was I supposed to let him sit there longer until he has completely stopped his behavior? any advice would be grateful thank you

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Left root veggies in garden over winter...what should I do?

    I am a beginner gardener. My husband and I wanted a garden last year but it wasn't in our budget ( new house non-matured yard). Our main concern was the lawn. I chose a very small sheltered spot to throw some seeds in to see what would happen. We got squash, beans and leaf lettuce easy. But I also tried for beets and carrots. The soil sucked and was not deep enough, so all the carrots were too small, not surprised. Here's the problem, this year we have budgeted to make a few raised gardens but the patch I have I still wanted to try and plant some squash or possible peas in there. ( it is against the lattice of our deck , so good for climbers) But I never cleaned it out before winter and there are still root vegetables in the ground ( plus lots worms now I presume)

    Do I need to dig them all up ?

    Or could I just add more soil , bury them more and forget abut them ?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • My 2 year old may have a wheat allergy please help with wheat free toddler snacks.?

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    My 2 year old might have a wheat sensitivity please help.?

    We are on day 3 of no wheat, I am from. Alberta, I went to Nutters on the weekend and stocked up on a bunch of different bulk snacks, he hates all of them. We have made wheat free cookies and today will try to make muffins. what can I do for snacks, I don't have a whole bunch of flours either, I just bought brown rice flour, corn flour and I have been grinding up rolled oats to use as flour. What can I do for snacks? We go to many play dates and I need to make sure he is more interested in his own healthy snacks rather then the other kids crackers and goldfish.

    8 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    We are mostly looking for things like crackers, in our area we have a Safeway, Nutters, Extra foods and a sobeys.

    6 minutes ago

    Is Costco a good place for wheat or gluten free?

    6 minutes ago

    Sorry I had to copy and paste from my iPad which is weird to do. Wasn't getting much response inthe allergy section.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • My 2 year old might have a wheat sensitivity please help.?

    We are on day 3 of no wheat, I am from. Alberta, I went to Nutters on the weekend and stocked up on a bunch of different bulk snacks, he hates all of them. We have made wheat free cookies and today will try to make muffins. what can I do for snacks, I don't have a whole bunch of flours either, I just bought brown rice flour, corn flour and I have been grinding up rolled oats to use as flour. What can I do for snacks? We go to many play dates and I need to make sure he is more interested in his own healthy snacks rather then the other kids crackers and goldfish.

    1 AnswerAllergies9 years ago
  • This is my 3rd pregnancy. it is very uncomfortable, and my belly is really sore. I am only 17 weeks.?

    My first pregnancy was still born at 21 weeks. my Second was my son and he was a very easy pregnancy went through it like a breeze, natural delivery very healthy. I am 17 weeks with my next and I am in pain all the time. First off, I had a threatened miscarriage at 5 weeks, but luckily all went well. I have been having problems with my bowel movements and also bladder control. (warning Too much info) My bowel movements are very soft and frequent someday I can't leave my house in the morning and they really hurt ( It is as if I can feel it moving in my lower intestine feels very painful and i bolt for the bathroom) for my bladder there had been a few times where my bladder was completely full and I would go to the washroom and I cant urinate. I have to rock my self back and forth on the toilet to get a trickle. I thought this was due to a tilted uterus but I was told by my OB that I dont have one at my last checkup. But My biggest problem is just that my belly is very tender and sore. When the baby moves it is painful. My OB told me That with each pregnancy organs get shifted around and muscles and uterus gets stretched , so with each pregnancy it gets more and more comfortable. I am currently on Antibiotics to see if it helps with my bladder and bowel problems.

    SO, my question is WHO else out there is on their 2nd or 3rd pregnancy and feel like their bodies have been put though a meat grinder?? Is this really normal?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • starting seedling indoors Alberta , not much sun right now.. help?

    I have some seeds that i really need to start indoors. I am a beginner gardener I have all the supplies i need and my seeds ready. But here in Alberta it is still snowing off and on and now rainy days as well, the forecast looks dreary for the next couple of day , So i was concerned that the seeds won't get enough sunlight , and heat. Should I wait a few more day or does it matter how much sun light they get for the first 2 days. ??

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • How do I paint a piece of furniture that is just press-board with plastic panels.?

    I don't know how to explain it. It is a childrens bed. but it is essentially cheap furniture with those plastic sheets glued onto it ( think like a cheap shelf thats faux wood paneling) .But It is white. I wanted to paint it blue and then trees and little characters around it.

    Where do i begin, do i need to sand some of the finish off the plastic and then prime?

    what type of paint can i use?

    Can i paint the base with latex and then the characters and trees with acryllic?

    please help this is a spring project to get my son into his new room before we have our next baby. so I want to start it right away. :)

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • 17 weeks pregnant, when the baby moves I can hear it, it sounds like sloshing liquid, could I have lost some..?

    amniotic fluid?? It is possible I could have leaked some fluid and not known.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Can I drink Aloe juice while pregnant to ease bowel issues? TMI but please read.?

    I am 17 weeks along, and since about 6 weeks I had bowel discomfort, most women will get constipation I am the opposite. As soon as I get up in the morning I am in and out of the bathroom all morning. It is not diarrhea but it is soft movements and they are quite painful. This is my 3rd pregnancy, never had this problem before . My doc said it may be pressure from the pregnancy, I also have bladder issues, and was told by OB that it is NOT a tilted uterus. It is uncomfortable and kind of scary. I am currently on antibiotics to help but we are unsure what is wrong..

    will aloe help with my bowel discomfort?? will it make it worse?? In your opinion/experience is it safe to drink in pregnancy??

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • please help, I cant get my 2 year old to eat anything!?

    He has always been so good and not at all a picky eater. Over the past 2 months he has stopped eating vegetables. and this past week I cant get him to eat anything I make, lunch or dinner. Our pantry is low to the ground so through the day he can go in there any time he likes and mostly just eats things like crackers, dry cereal and raisens . ( I keep all the fruit snacks and cookies in a separate cupboard) . But the past week. all he has eaten is crackers and dry food. Not a lot of fruit and not 1 vegetable. AT this very moment he is sitting at the dinner table crying in his spaghetti I don't know what to do. He has had diarrhea since yesterday morning. ( from not eating properly as it consists of mostly raisins ...eeeeeeww) I have tried giving him veggies with dip. no luck, i have tried giving him chopsticks and different utensils to use, no luck I don't know what to do. He never ever used to be like this, He used have no problem trying new food just all of a sudden he wont eat anything. please please any suggestions will be grateful. I have left him at the dinner table and told him he cant come down till he has 1 bite , but he has not budged. Do i put him in time out . I cant MAKE him eat if he is not hungry but if I let him down he's gonna go right to the cupboard and pull out gold fish crackers... AHHHH I want to scream.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • I like the name Lydia Lynn for a girls name but it reminds me too much or Loretta Lynn help me find .?

    This name sounds too much like a country singers name. But I like the flow of it.. I was thinking Lydia Wynn But I know my husband won't like the name wynn. Last name is Austess. Help me find a middle name that will flow nicely.

    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago