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Lv 59,746 points


Favorite Answers15%

1. I'm in love with music... don't know when or how that happened but somehow I did; it's complicated... xD 2. my fave Disney princess is Belle. Don't ask why because then you'll have to deal with me doing a rant on Disney princesses 3. I have an obsession with anime :P 4. I'm really into videogames. But like, I've only played Streetfighters and a lil bit of Call of Duty; i need to play some new games... but anyway, i started to get into videogames after playing some with my dad. I eventually got addicted and we'd play until midnight.. 5. um, i like dogs? okay no wait, scratch that. i ADORE them<3 6. I'm a tri-and-a-quarter-lingual... :P it means that I can speak 3 and a quarter languages: English, Korean, Spanish and I'm currently learning Chinese Mandarin.. :) 7. I have this dream where I want to learn a lot of languages so I can go travel to many countries so yeah.. Anyway, thanks for reading all that--bye bye

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