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  • Gender and Age of my budgies (pictured)?

    Hello everyone.

    I just received two budgies as an anonymous gift so I have no way of tracing their source and no way of knowing their age, gender, or genetic information. I've read a bit about budgies and caring for them. From what I've read, I believe my blue budgie is a male due to the blue cere and the yellow/green budgie is a female due to the tan cere. Also the blue budgie has a darker purple patch on its cheek while the yellow budgie has a light purple color patch on its cheek. Regarding their age, I also noticed that they still have bars on the tops of their heads but the bars seem to be fading. Furthermore, they seem to have iris rings around their eyes but the rings are not bright white. Both birds are about 15 cm tall from head to tail. From these observations, I estimate their age to be between 4 and 6 months. Can you please confirm my estimate or give me a better estimate regarding the sex and age of my budgies based on your experience? I've attached some pictures of my birds.

    Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

    2 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • Rough Feasibility of a prospective village sewage treatment plant?

    Hey Guys,

    I would like to know how you would go about ball-pointing the feasibility of a sewage treatment plant at the get go. In other words ,before anyone decides to spend any money on a thorough feasibility study. Namely ,I'm interested in bare minimum space requirements (rough cost) for say sewage treatment of a 10,000 population town for reuse in irrigation .I know there are many factors at play here but I'm speaking in very general terms .

    Any input would be appreciated and stating some helpful resources would also be appreciated.

    1 AnswerEngineering7 years ago
  • Dimensionless parameters affecting cooling tower performance?

    I'd like to know the dimensionless parameters affecting a counter-flow induced draft cooling tower's performance, or if someone could direct me to an adequate resource .

    I'd also appreciate if I could be directed to some good comprehensive resources on cooling tower design

    Thanks guys

    1 AnswerEngineering8 years ago
  • Ideas for a male photoshoot theme?

    im looking for creative ideas for male photoshoot concepts .

    ive done mechanic, junk yard and so many other ideas.

    im lookin for a theme for one of the guys im photoshooting this week, this is the guy , what do u think suits him?

    1 AnswerPhotography8 years ago
  • material separator for recycling?

    for my senior project in mechanical engineering .I'm thinking I'd like to design a machine for recycling .Basically ,different kinds of garbage can be thrown into it and separation of the materials for recycling is done by the machine .I'm not sure how to go about it though .I'm thinking the separation process is done by the weight of the materials. How feasible is this idea and how do you guys think i should go about it .

    Thank you

    1 AnswerConservation8 years ago
  • Engineering student who wants to become a Vet ?

    Hey ,at the end of this year ,I will get a bachelors of science degree in mechanical engineering with a maximum GPA of 2.5 ,with some debt to pay off .In Lebanon, I will have to do 2 more years( masters of science in engineering) to become a fully accredited engineer. But I definitely don't want to be an engineer .What I really love is working with animals and I would love to become a vet.Can anyone tell me how I should go about it and if it is possible at all .Does anyone know the process of becoming a vet in Lebanon. I'm 22 by the way.Any information is appreciated.

  • What role can mechanical engineering play in free range farming? (problems free range farmers face)?

    I'm in my third (final ) year in my Bs. in mechanical engineering .( we do a 3 year Bs. and a 2 year Ms. which is the equivalent of the 5 year BE. degree) .Anyways ,I have to present a senior project this year and I want to do something that is related to stuff i care about .

    My question is this: What role can mechanical engineering play in making free-range farming more attractive to potential farmers( of course not mimicking factory farming) keeping animal welfare in mind?, Or stated differently ,what problems do free range farmers face that can possibly be solved through mechanical engineering .

    2 AnswersAgriculture9 years ago
  • an arabic( or english ) poem about socially active women?

    i want to give a girl a birthday present with her picture enscribed in burned wood , i want the back to have an inscription ,i'm thinking a poem about socialy active women (preferably for mahmoud darwish ) ,any ideas? , the picture is of her holding a slogan in a protest, other ideas are very welcome

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • how is land surveying related to irrigation ?

    I've seen some land surveyors go on to specialize in irrigation .I want to know what the connection is and what the surveyors role would be .Is'nt irrigation more geared to mechanical .I'm asking because i'm studying mechanical and am interested in irrigation

    2 AnswersAgriculture9 years ago
  • i'm studying mechanical engineering but i want to be a landscape architect or agriculture?

    Next year I will graduate with a bs. in mechanical engineering, what advice can you give me if i want to become a landscape architect or an agricultural engineer( courses i can take ,or ways i can squeeze into these fields etc. ), note that I know a good deal about both fields due to my interest in them .Detailed answers are appreciated (but others are welcome )

    2 AnswersAgriculture9 years ago
  • how to Deal with angular momentum of rigid bodies?

    I'm taking dynamics of rigid bodies, I'm having some trouble with impulse and momentum.

    Basically ,I know that angular momentum abt. a point ,is the linear momentum multilied by the moment arm .

    BUT ,I'm not feeling at all comfortable appliying it

    For example , When is H abt. a pt. p = (moment of intertia abt. p )(w) and when is it m*V*d ,and when is it Ig*w +mVg *(d) ,i'm very confused about the whole thing and when to apply what so any clarification on the subject would be very helpfull , preferably I would like the most general case stated and explained,than when to cancel out terms and why to get to more specific cases .....

    ANY clarification/comment can be helpfull


    2 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • switching careers with an engineering background,PLEASE take time to read ,any info is helpful and appreciated?

    next year is my final year before earning my bachelors of science degree in mechanical engineering (note not bachelors of engineering degree ,bs. in eng is 3 years as opposed to 5 , and the equivilant of the b.eng degree is a masters of science in engineering ),anyways ,I realized mechanical eng. is definetly not for me a while ago but I decided to suck it up for now and fix it later(my grades paid for it ,my transcript is not pretty ) .I will list some of the careers i'm interested in and if someone can please tell me if it's possible to get into them somehow (graduate school or further studying even another bs IS an option ...but the less schooling i need the better...have enough debt and wasted enough time as is )...the list is

    -environmental engineering

    -landscape architecture

    -Veterinary (yeah i know ...just giving it a shot )

    -agricultural engineering

    any information you can give me will be very helpfull .....I need to know there is a future in finishing this damn degree

  • Windows XP restarting suddenly. Any help is appreciated.?

    Hello everyone.

    I've had my desktop computer for almost a year now and in the beginning, I installed Windows XP x64, Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 32 bit all on the same hard disk and have never re-installed any one of them yet. Everything was working fine but a few months back, the Windows XP operating system began to restart suddenly when I reached the login screen or just after logging in to Windows. This only happened occasionally and when the computer didn't restart, Windows worked fine after that, with no slowness or any other effects. And this only used to happen with Windows XP, never with Windows 7 or Ubuntu and so i figured it was most likely to be caused by some malicious virus or a driver problem in Windows XP. I checked the computer with Avira Internet Security and checked all drivers and updated them but it still happened. I was fine with it for a while because it didn't use to happen that often. But now, it is happening much more frequently. It has happened 4 times in the last 2 days (3 times consecutively) and unlike before doesn't restart suddenly, but instead gives me a blue screen . So now I want to try entering Safe Mode(to attempt a System Restore and such) but I'm not sure if I can since I enter XP using the Windows 7 boot screen. So my first question is, Is there a way to enter Windows XP safe mode from the windows 7 boot screen?. And secondly, Do you have any suggestions concerning how to solve this problem? I know this is a common question but I find it strange that it only occurs in Windows XP. And it didn't use to occur so frequently. I haven't installed any new programs or drivers lately and I have checked the system for viruses many times but found nothing.

    Finally, sorry for the long narration and thank you in advance :)

    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Name ideas for my blog ?

    Hey ,I've decided to start a blog ,generally it's about my views on certain things I find important ,,generally on the deep side of thinking including my thoughts on the social situation in my country, politics, activism,music, art , some philosophy etc......., but I've been stuck on the name of the page for a week, the best I could come up with was thought projection .......any ideas???????


    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities9 years ago
  • Computer restarts suddenly sometimes. Please help.?

    Hi, I am running windows xp professional service pack 2 x64 edition and when i first installed it everything was working great. Then after a while, my computer began to restart suddenly when it reaches the logon screen or when it is logging on and even sometimes when I am restarting it. It doesn't happen that often but it does happen and I want to know why. No blue screen shows up. The monitor and windows just resets by itself. This never happens when I am using the computer, meaning when I successfully log on. It only happens either when I am logging in, logging out or rebooting the computer. The error report stated that it might be a virus but I am doubtful. i ran avast on my computer more than once and no infection was detected. I used some online scanners like e-set and bitdefender and still, no virus was detected. I have always had my antivirus and firewall up-to-date and besides, the computer seems to be working fine when I get to the desktop. It is not slow, does not get stuck and it shows no unusual behavior. In the report, Microsoft also said that it might be a problem with my drivers. I think that they are all correct but I can never be sure. Please, can you suggest what this might be, from your own personal experience perhaps, and can you explain to me how to fix it. If it is a problem with the drivers, can you tell me a good program that will check my drivers and make sure that they are all correct and up to date.

    Thanks a lot-Any help would be immensely appreciated :)

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Can I download comodo firewall without the comodo antivirus?

    I am running avast free edition and unfortunately, it does not have a firewall. i heard that comodo has one of the best firewalls and so I wanted to download it but it seems I have to download the antivirus with it has well. Is there a way to download the firewall only because avast antivirus is much better than comodo.

    Thanks a lot

    9 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Can a virus on a virtualbox windows virtual machine affect my host linux system?

    I have an ubuntu host system set up and I have installed a windows xp guest virtual machine on virtualbox. I am using the same network on both and I was just wondering, if a virus infects the windows virtual machine, can it affect the host in any way?

    Thanks a lot

    Any help would be appreciated

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • In javascript, how can i use a variable inside document.getElementById to cause an opacity effect?

    I am still new to javascript so this might sound a little weird. Anyways, for the last few hours, I have been trying to make a rather nice image effect by increasing the opacity of the image steadily till it reaches its maximum at one second. I tried:

    function show()


    var op=1/10

    var t=100



    setTimeout("document.getElementById('image' ).style.opacity=op", t)





    but when i ran the function, the image remained at its original opacity, at 0. I played around with it for hours yet it would never work. I need a way to make it work without using the foolish way by simply writing a thousand timeouts after each other and i need a way that will make it short and flexible so that i can easily change the rate at which the opacity increases and such . Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can't figure out how to get Mandriva grub bootloader to recognize Ubuntu and display it as an option?

    Hey, I previously had ubuntu 10.04 installed on my system and today i just thought it would be interesting to install a KDE desktop environment linux system beside the gnome based Ubuntu. So, i heard that mandriva is the best of kde(even though its also good with gnome) so i installed it unto a separate partition and on startup, i no longer get an ubuntu menu but instead the mandriva Grub loader. The windows 7 system i have installed is detected by GRUB but unfortunately ubuntu is not.. I guess that is because ubuntu uses Grub2 as its default bootloader and mandriva uses legacy grub. Do you have any suggestions on how to make this work. If you can make it work on either bootloader it will be fine for me so long as i have the options to run both of them and not only one. I'm still new to all this so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • I just updated my Ubuntu linux version but after I did, I get 2 different ubuntu options on my boot menu? Why?

    Hi I just updated Ubuntu 10.04 and after the update, the system works fine, even better actually than it used to and all my files and settings are still in order but there is one problem. Before the update, when I turned on my computer, I used to get a boot screen showing some 5 options, and the first one being something like "Ubuntu with Linux generic", the natural option for loading the system. Below it would be the same option but with recovery mode. The last 3 options have nothing to do with booting the system, just some memory checking options and one windows 7 boot option. Anyways, after the update, the first two options didn't disappear and the updated system and information didn't replace these as I would have expected. Instead, 2 new options were made for the new updated Ubuntu 10.04 system right at the top, in exactly the same form but it is now "Ubuntu with Linux generic" instead of ".21 generic" at the end and there is also a recovery mode option and eveything. For now, this does not affect anything and I can simply load the newer version but for the future, it might become very unelegant, having about a 100 options on my boot menu. Does anyone know how to fix this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago