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What happens with Contempt of Court For failure to /Drug/Alcohol Program?
I have a dear friend who got a simple possession charge for a roach. My friend smokes as she has cancer n HIV. She pd her fines it was a 1st time offense, has never been trouble and in all honesty is quite embarrassed w/the entire ordeal. The judge ordered her to the drug n alcohol program. Judge knows nothing of her illness. Well because she was unable to complete program due to being sick not keeping down any food/ financial hardships, as she was unable to drive due to license suspension at the time. She now has that reinstated, but her illness is legit with what she is going through, she has been charged now with contempt of court for not finishing program. She had a warrant out for her. Her fiance pd that, so she can go to work and get this behind her. Her court date is set May 1st. What can she do being as though her medication is making her very ill on top of not being able to keep down food. Cancer patients and Hiv patients have a hard time eating, which is why the Marijuana is prescribed under some state law for certain health conditions. she honestly has a hard time eating. Mississippi doesn't recognize medical marijuana. However she has a medical chronic/ terminally I'll disease. Will she have to get the court in her privacy???? I feel so sorry for her. She is already sick, trying to hold a job, medical bills out the roof n now this. I wonder what else she can do????
Never ever been in trouble with the law always worked as well as a good citizen.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years agoDo you think it is wrong to give these beautiful black labs to a shelter, rather than, letting them run wild?
My self and a neighbor found two beautiful abandon puppies on a rd. The puppies are a boy and a girl. Between me and this elderly man we have been feeding them, but we are in a rural area with wild cats and deer, and cars that speed up and down the rd. I am afraid of them getting hit, eaten, killed. The old man has a 44yr old son who lives with him and now he is claiming he will take care of them. They have been on our rd for 6 weeks. He hasn't got a pin or tie out for them leashes, collar...NOTHING, and when they are hungry they leave from under the old man's house in run up the rd to ours to get fed. I have a friend who is the director over a shelter where they will give them shots, flea tick baths and food and other health/medical treatments. I am giving the pups to her. I feel it is the right thing to do.
They are not going to be able to care for these puppies financially he is on a fixed income and the 44yr old son is a leach living home with him. I just want what is best for these sweet pups.
3 AnswersOther - Pets7 years agoHow do you explain to a friend that her marriage needs counseling without her getting offended.?
I have a friend who's marriage is going down hill due to her lack of employment, and her
elderly father that lives with them. I think her husband is selfish, but to a degree his
points/attitude are valid because she isn't working nor really trying hard enough to seek
employment to assist with paying the bills that the small check she gets for caring for
her father will not cover. I have said it to her in so many words, but she doesn't get it.
I personally would want my own money, not every dime that my husband makes going
into paying all the bills, that is just stress and a divorce waiting to happen in my opinion.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoWhy would a person change their cell phone every 3 months?
I have a dear friend who changes their cell phone # faithfully every 3 months.
Rumor has it that they have a warrant out for arrest. I am kind of scared to answer
this persons text as they will never call me, only text me. I have heard of people
changing #s for "stalkers" but this is ridiculous. They update me with the new# faithfully.
Can the government track your text?? Especially if a person has warrants. I care for
this person and maybe I am being paranoid, but it is really strange.
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years agoHow to handle your husband's insecurities?
My husband and I have been together 14 years and married 12 years. He has recently started with in the last year anxiety meds with being under stress at work. Lately my husband snoops around like CSI Miami looks thru my cell phone, which I have nothing to hide as there are no codes on my phone and it sits on my dresser for him to have access to it. On Saturdays if he has to go in to his office and work or run err ans our 2 children and I will have a fun day. He will blow up my cell phone demanding where I am at, who I am with and what I am doing. I have never had this problem with him,but this smothering feeling is taking me over the edge, and I refuse to get on meds for my anxiety because he is causing me panic attacks. If he see's that I am having fun with our kids and other friends(who are also married) he gets angry at me and starts swearing saying I don't do S*#*T, when I work full time pay half the bills, involved in extra curricular activities with my kids and when not doing that, I am cooking, cleaning and housework. When he is not being in secure, we have good conversations our bedroom is still spicey, and he is just perfect, but then he flips and does a rambo on me. I just don't understand his behavior I love my husband and have cried over this, but I don't think I can continue living this way.
signed help...Good and Plenty
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoA guy friend I dated 14 yrs ago has expressed intrest.?
However his interest has been strictly platonic. We didn't break up on bad terms,
in-fact he was a great guy to date.
Timing was wrong though and he needed to still find himself as well as I. Once he contacted me we spoke as if 14 yrs never came in between us. I let him know that I am married now and have been for 12yrs this August 2013. I could tell that he was really disappointed, but of course he accepted it as he has 2 more children himself but never married. We have never spoke out of turn to one another, however there is still this attraction between us. He lives in another state, so seeing him never even entered my mind, however lately I find myself thinking about him often, and he has admitted that to me too. I really am happy to catch back up with him, but deep down I have to stop all communication with him because I am afraid of these certain feelings, and I love my husband. Why ??? is this happening after 14 yrs.
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoHave any of you lost a dog? I am so heartbroken right now.?
I am so heartbroken with the lost of my dog last night.
The night before I brushed him and sprayed him and
talked to him for about 30mins. He would not go in the
house with me but wanted me by his side and the next
day he was gone. It was like he knew..Im am still crying
over my black 8yr old lab.
1 AnswerDogs8 years agoWhy would an Ex boyfriend, whom I haven't spoken with in years be disappointed because I'm married.?
I got to speak with a ex boyfriend from 13 years ago.
I happened to have a friend on my facebook page who knows him.
I told her to tell him hello not thinking anything else about it.
My friend said he ask if I would call him. I said sure.
We caught up with old times and it was great, however I could hear the
disappointment in his voice after mentioning my marriage.
After 13 years why would a person think that
life doesn't go on.
I didn't feel that way about him and his new woman and children.
I don't get that. He is really a nice guy too. Hard to believe his behavior.
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoLooking to move next year to Bremen GA. Does anyone know how the lifestyle and neighborhoods are there?
Does Bremen GA have nice neighborhoods and schools? How are the jobs within that community?
1 AnswerAtlanta9 years agoHas Anyone Ever Heard of Hoarders??
I have a dear friend who lost her significant other
a while ago. They were a older couple and kept
a beautiful home. Since his passing her house
has literally became a garage of junk. The entire
house has tubberware bowls stacked to the ceiling
laundry that hasn't been done in months. I mean it's
sad is there a place that helps people like this.
It is truly unhealthy and I want to help her. Her & hubby
never had children. Please help!
3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agoWhy are some women always looking for inmates?
My cousin is always on line looking for inmates and I ask her why? are you doing that she can truly meet a nutty buddy. Don't get me wrong I have a very good friend that I am in contact with but we were longtime friends before his incarceration. This is serious and I am scared for her even my friend thats a inmate ask why is she doing that????
3 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoWhy do so many people have extra marital affairs?
I have a friend who continuously cheats on her husband but says she will never leave her husband. I don't get it?
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago