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  • How do I have a credit score when I've only had a card a few weeks?

    After making A TON of bad financial mistakes regarding credit as a young adult, I avoided having any type of credit card for many years. I recently decided to try to rebuild my credit, so I decided to get a secured card. I figured I'd make a small purchase each month, & pay it off in full, & maybe after a few years I'd have an at least not terrible score. I've only had the card maybe 2 weeks. Fast forward to today, I find out that somehow I have a somewhat fair score now (674). How is this possible? I haven't had the card long enough to have any type of payment history, & also, when I looked at each report, there were no mentions of things in the past (for context, this is stuff that was from 15-20 yrs ago, don't know if that matters). From what I understand, they don't count utility bills & they weren't on any of the reports. I'm just confused at how they calculate this over 1 card that's too new to have any type of history. Sorry for the wall of text lol

    1 AnswerCredit3 months ago
  • As far as building or improving credit, if you charged a small amount & paid it off each month, does that really do anything?

    I'm getting a credit card with a small credit line-the reason is just for building credit only. I was thinking about just using it to charge a very small amount, like $20 or so, then paying in full each month. Am I wasting my time doing this, in other words does it matter how much you charge or do they care more about payment history.

    3 AnswersCredit4 months ago
  • Just did something completely embarrassing on the phone with a supervisor at work, not really sure what to do (please read details)?

    So earlier this morning, one of my supervisors at work calls me to ask about coming in this one day that I'm not scheduled. Usually when it comes to friends & coworkers, I communicate via text messaging, & as far as actually talking on the phone usually the majority of the time it's with my boyfriend, family, & very close friends. So as we're wrapping up the conversation, just out of I guess habit, I accidentally say 'I love you, bye'. And for the record, I don't have any sort of subconscious feelings for this person, it was just like I said I guess because of habit for when I'm on the phone, plus on top of that, I was distracted. But anyway, I feel completely MORTIFIED now!

    So I'm not sure what I should do next time I see him at work. Should I explain what happened? Or should I just not bring it up at all & pretend it never happened? I just feel so embarrassed by this!

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships4 years ago
  • Horrible cell reception the past few weeks, but strong signal?

    I live in an area with good coverage, I have 4 bars, internet speed on the phone is fine, but the reception is so horrible lately. Is this most likely that my phone just needs to be replaced (It's several years old)? Or possibly something else

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans4 years ago
  • Question about men's swimsuits in olympics....?

    In the past few olympics, the men seemed to wear alot of variations of swimsuit-some were the half pant like they wear now, some were full pants, some were half pants with a connected top, or full pants with connected top, & occasionally there would even be full body ones that looked like wetsuits. But this olympics, I noticed that all the men are wearing the same half pant style ones. Now, I heard that a certain material (I think it was polyurathane?) was banned, but did they also make a rule about the style or cut of suit it had to be?

    1 AnswerOlympics5 years ago
  • Question about books for kids & teens-if you re a kid or teen, or parent of one, I d appreciate an answer!?

    I work part time in a bookstore, & though I love to read, I m not as familiar with kids & teen books (obviously I know what I liked at that age, but there s many new ones that have come out since then plus times have changed). If you re a kid or teen, what are your favorite books or series, & please tell me your age & why you like them. If you re a parent, what are your kids favorite books or series, & their ages please. Thanks!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Any American Horror Story fans out there? Question about season 1.....?

    Up until recently, I had never seen AHS Season 1 (Murder House) but got it as a gift & just finished the season. One thing though I can't seem to understand though is that why could some of the ghosts leave the house, but Violet couldn't? Like for example the scene where she didn't know yet she was dead & was trying to run away from Tate & kept ending up back in the house, or the part where her father dragged her to the car & thought she must've jumped out at a stoplight because she disappeared, but it was because she couldn't leave the property. Yet there was the scene where Tate was at the beach & the one where he ran away from the ghosts of the kids he shot. Or Hayden went to the bar with Ben as a ghost, & then the one where when the security guard arrested her, she didn't disappear from the car until they'd gotten all the way to the police station. Was this explained at some point & I just missed it?

    3 AnswersDrama5 years ago
  • Why would two packages of the same size & weight mailed together & picked up at the same time not arrive on the same day?

    I ordered a couple things online that got shipped separately. They re the type of items that would be in the same size package & weight. According to the tracking, they got picked up at the same time on the same day, yet one arrived today, & the other not only hasn t arrived, but hasn t had any updates since 12/4.

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance5 years ago
  • I have 2 job interviews on the same day, at 2 very different types of places. Not sure how to manage this as far as how to dress...?

    I have a job interview coming up in a couple days, & I recently got called for another interview where the only day they had open was on the same day. Now, fortunately the one is at 10am and the other is at 1pm, and these two places just so happen to be within about 3 blocks of each other. But the thing I'm concerned about is that these are 2 very different types of places & I don't know how to manage this as far as what I'm wearing, makeup, etc. The first place is somewhere I'd be better off looking more conservative, but then the 2nd place has a more trendy, edgier image. I'm probably not going to have time to go all the way home & change. I'm not sure how to handle this, & would appreciate any advice.

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • If a photographer sells a photo for a huge sum of money, does the buyer get the negative as well?

    Recently read an article about a photographer who sold a photo for $6.5 million, making it the most expensive photograph ever sold. But what I'm wondering is what would stop him from just printing more? I mean, I know things can be numbered, but if you paid $6.5 million for a photo, wouldn't the buyer want to be sure they had the only original copy? Is it customary for them to get the negative as well?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance6 years ago
  • On a bank statement, what exactly does 'converted ACH' mean? I know it stands for Automatic Clearing House, but what exactly is that?

    I still pay my bills with paper checks (it's old school I know lol but I avoid convenience fees that way), & I've noticed that some companies it'll just say that whatever # check was cashed, & then you can click on a line that says details, & it actually shows you a copy of the cancelled check. But then for other companies, it'll say the company's name, that a bill was paid, & then 'converted ACH', but you don't have the ability to click on details & see the canceled check. I was just curious as to what the difference was.

    3 AnswersCorporations6 years ago
  • Will it cause any major issues if I shorted my mortgage company a little bit of money on a payment?

    I still write checks for my bills, & today I noticed that my bank account had a little more money than it should have. When I went online to investigate, it turns out that I made an error on my mortgage payment this month-I put the correct amount, $1123 in the little box, but then on the line where you actually write everything out, I mistakenly wrote 'One thousand twenty-three...'. So I guess they cashed it for the $1023 instead of the $1123. Am I going to get into any sort of serious trouble for this? Should I just write to them & send a check for the $100? Or will it be safe to just wait til next month & send the $100 along with that month's payment?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Best budget laptops?

    I will be buying a new laptop in the next month or so, & my budget is around maybe $400, but I'm willing to push it to $500. I know it's not as cut & dry of a thing, as people have different needs & priorities when it comes to computers, but my uses are very general-mainly stuff like web browsing & general research, paying bills, watching videos, casual photoshop use, shopping, social media, just basic stuff. I hear SUCH conflicting things about various brands & models, & reading forums generally isn't very helpful because like pretty much most internet forums, they just wind up being contests on who can sound the most pretentious & people all claiming to be experts & calling each other idiots. Most of the computers in my price range tend to be pretty similar, in that they tend to have 15.6" screens, 4GB memory & 500GB hard drives, but if there are any particular brands that give you more for the same money, or are more reliable or just better in general that anyone could tell me about, that would be great. Currently my laptop is an HP Pavillion, about 3 yrs old, & is having overheating problems. The main ones I've been looking at are HP Pavilions, HP 15's, Toshiba Satellites, & there's a few models Asus makes I've seen in my price range though I can't recall the exact models. If there are any out of these brands & models that are better than the others, or something else that would be better anyone could tell me about I'd appreciate it.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • In figure skating, do they zambone after each skater?

    I mean in major competitions like the Olympics, World championships, Nationals, etc., does the zambone (I know I'm probably spelling it wrong) come out & smooth over the ice in between each skater's (or pairs team's) routine? Because I would think if they didn't it wouldn't be fair

    6 AnswersOlympics7 years ago
  • Are there hotels that are so exclusive they don't even have a sign on the outside?

    Someone once told me that in major cities like NY for example, that there are some hotels that are so exclusive that they don't even advertise or have signs on the building. I was curious as to where celebrities & people like that stayed, or if a person has a ton of money, was there any particular ones they often pick, like the Plaza, Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons, etc. I was naming well known ones, & that's when the person told me that there were some way more exclusive than that that regular people don't even know about or would probably just pass right by not even realizing it was a hotel. Is this true? If so, can you name any specific ones? I'd just be curious as to if this is true, how a place like that would compare with the well known 5-stars besides the whole privacy issue.

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations7 years ago
  • I have a hypothetical question about divorce settlements, any lawyers or experts out there?

    Now this question is based off something I saw on a fictional TV show, so it's not something I actually saw happen to real people, so maybe it was just for TV. But anyway, I was watching an old episode of Sex and the City, where the one character, Charolotte was getting divorced. She had signed a prenup, & of course since it's a TV show, it didn't go into great detail, but it's implied that the guy came from a really rich family that always had prenups. In the show, when they get divorced, her husband gives her their apartment & says he'll move out. Later on, it's found out that the apartment wasn't technically his to give, it belonged to his family, but not to him, & her former mother in law was very careful never to put her name on the deed. So of course the former mother-in-law tries to get her out of the apartment. Later on, it shows the both of them w/their lawyers, & the lawyers are going back and forth about this apartment. The mother in laws lawyer points out what the prenup says, & that it wasn't his apartment to give. It looks as though Charolotte will loose the apartment. At the very last minute, they get a telegram from Trey, her ex-husband, who was out of the country. The telegram said 'Charolotte was a wonderful wife, nothing was her fault, give her anything she wants, etc.'. So Charolotte winds up getting the apartment.

    So what I want to know is how is that possible, & why would a telegram like that make a difference? I mean, of course the ex mother-in-law tries to make it out like she was some bad person who hurt her son terribly, but I don't even see what that has to do with anything being that the apartment wasn't his to give. Now I know it's a TV show, & not real life, but if this hypothetically happened to a real person, how would a telegram like that be the catalyst to them getting an apartment, & why would it make any difference in a divorce settlement that had a prenup anyway? Or would it not make a difference, & this was just for TV?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • When you buy a bond, does the interest rate stay the same over time as when you bought it?

    I heard on TV how back in the 80s, bank accounts, money market accounts, CDs, bonds, etc., had really super high interest rates, 10% being the norm & some even 12 or 14%. I was wondering, when you buy a bond, & it's a certain interest rate, does that rate stay the same the whole time, or does it go up and down with the market? Like in other words, say you had bought a bond back in 1988 or something, and the interest rate was 10% at the time and you decided to let it sit til now to cash it. When you went to cash it, would that mean you'd get the 10% when you went to cash it? Even though the interest rates have dropped? And vice versa, if you bought a bond today that had a much lower interest rate, but things got better, would you possibly gain more interest on it in time? Or do bonds stay exactly the same the whole time. I hope this makes sense how I'm wording this.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago