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Lv 618,686 points

Cassie-Dane & Bully Breed lover

Favorite Answers10%

Hi! I'm Cassie and I am 20 years old and you will see me primarily (if at all) on the dog section My breed of choice is the Great Dane, with American Staffordshire Terriers running a close second. I support ear cropping and tail docking, and am pro prong, shock collar and choke chain *if used incorrectly. headcollars have also been known to harm dogs by causing spine injuries* I clicker train my dogs and have had great results with it PLEASE message me before adding, or you WILL BE BLOCKED I have VERY strong views with dogs. And I DO share them. I don't always cushion my answers either with pets...ignorance is NOT bliss!! idiots should not own animals.

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