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  • Should I tell him I know about him being called gay?

    My best (guy) friend, who I happen to be very close to, in both the friendly sense and also approaching the romantic sense, isn't the most "manly" guy.

    But he's super sweet and I love him exactly the way he is.

    Unfortunately, there's been a rumour going around about him being gay which really irritates me because he's unequivocally straight and the only reason people - who don't even know him- would say otherwise is based on stupid stereotypes.

    I know he's feeling a rather dejected due to the unnecessary gossip and I want to comfort him, but at the same time I don't know whether it might be a little humiliating for him for me to bring up this topic of conversation.

    What should I do?

  • Does being popular with guys make you a wh*re?

    I really don't think I'm easy. I've never had sex, and I've only ever had one proper boyfriend.

    However, in the more recent months I've been getting quite a lot of male attention which is a little unusual.

    The thing is I'm really worried that people are going to start thinking I'm a flirt and a sl*t because I have numerous guys chasing me.

    Please don't think I'm arrogant, because I've really always been the shy girl and I'm concerned..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Does being popular with guys make you a wh*re?

    I really don't think I'm easy. I've never had sex, and I've only ever had one proper boyfriend.

    However, in the more recent months I've been getting quite a lot of male attention which is a little unusual.

    The thing is I'm really worried that people are going to start thinking I'm a flirt and a sl*t because I have numerous guys chasing me.

    Please don't think I'm arrogant, because I've really always been the shy girl and I'm concerned..

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Does being popular with guys make you a wh*re?

    I really don't think I'm easy. I've never had sex, and I've only ever had one proper boyfriend.

    However, in the more recent months I've been getting quite a lot of male attention which is a little unusual.

    The thing is I'm really worried that people are going to start thinking I'm a flirt and a sl*t because I have numerous guys chasing me.

    Please don't think I'm arrogant, because I've really always been the shy girl and I'm concerned..

    4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Am I a ****? What's wrong with me?

    I have a problem. I feel like I can't really find love because I have a bit of a **** complex.

    It's not like I'm dressing in short skirts or anything; I wear pretty "innocent and cute" clothes.

    But I get infatuated SO easily! It's like I'm in 'love' with a new guy every month or two. It's really annoying because I don't mean to be this way. I meet a guy and I honestly believe he and I could be really good together. I treat him right, obsess over him, but then I end up falling out of 'love' and moving on.

    In the past 4 months, I've gone through 4 guys and it makes me feel so bad because I don't mean to lead these guys on! I know it's selfish and I have to contain myself from chasing another guy because I know this is going to end up happening again.

    Why can't I love?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Should I play games or just tell him straight?

    Before you judge me..

    There's a guy who I believe I've really truly fallen for. He and I met a few months back and there was definitely a spark, we get on so well...

    It's killing me not knowing how he feels about me, but I'm too proud to be the first to confess my feelings.

    So, would it be weird if I sent him a text like "Oh, but I really think I've fallen for him" and then pretend that it wasn't meant for him? Like I sent it to the wrong person?

    I know it's childish, but I don't know what else to do! Suggestions anyone?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Should I play games or just tell him straight?

    Before you judge me..

    There's a guy who I believe I've really truly fallen for. He and I met a few months back and there was definitely a spark, we get on so well...

    It's killing me not knowing how he feels about me, but I'm too proud to be the first to confess my feelings.

    So, would it be weird if I sent him a text like "Oh, but I really think I've fallen for him" and then pretend that it wasn't meant for him? Like I sent it to the wrong person?

    I know it's childish, but I don't know what else to do! Suggestions anyone?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • If a guy makes sexual jokes...?

    I really like this guy. He's intelligent, genuine, funny, awesome and we get along so well.

    When we're together, it feels like there's no one around and it's just perfect.

    Recently, he's been subtly making sexual jokes. He's not the kind of guy that brings it up with girls in general and he's not a flirt so I'm a little confused.

    If a guy talks about sex a lot around you and talks about kissing, does he like you?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • He never texts first... Is this a problem?

    I really really like this guy.. But I'm not sure about his texting habits.

    In person, we get on really well and we kind of flirt, but when it comes to texting he never initiates the conversation! I'll text him something and he'll reply almost instantaneously, but he never starts.

    We've had some pretty long and deep conversations, and we're 16 and 17 so.. Can someone interpret this behaviour please?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is tickling a form of flirting?

    When a guy tickles a girl... Is it flirting or just.. Being a guy?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Is tickling a form of flirting?

    If a guy always tickles you and pokes you in the ribs is he flirting with you?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Guys: Would you be able to pick up these hints?

    If there's a girl who you've been getting closer and closer to recently.. Would you be able to pick up these hints? Can you tell me whether his reactions show he likes me back as well?

    - She always smiles at you across a room when you make eye contact and you always smile back

    - You spend at least 75% of the time you're together laughing and joking

    - She always finds little ways of touching you and you tickle her back

    - She'd rather be alone with you than with her friends sometimes

    - You often find yourself very close to her while you're both leaning in

    - Somehow you have almost everything in common

    - She compliments you all the time


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Guys: Would you be able to pick up these hints?

    If there's a girl who you've been getting closer and closer to recently.. Would you be able to pick up these hints? Can you tell me whether his reactions show he likes me back as well?

    - She always smiles at you across a room when you make eye contact and you always smile back

    - You spend at least 75% of the time you're together laughing and joking

    - She always finds little ways of touching you and you tickle her back

    - She'd rather be alone with you than with her friends sometimes

    - You often find yourself very close to her while you're both leaning in

    - Somehow you have almost everything in common

    - She compliments you all the time


    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • His dress sense is too good for him to be straight?

    There's a guy who I kind of like. He's extremely attractive, unbelievably smart, really kind, funny and nice, but there's something about him...

    I can't tell whether it's just because he's a nice guy, or what? He says he likes the hunger games.. Which struck me as quite interesting. I don't want to make assumptions based on stereotypes..

    Is he gay or just a little effeminate/sensitive?

  • Poll: Do you pee in the shower?

    Yes or no?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • I really like him in real life, but online...?

    There's a guy who is super attractive, super nice and a real gentleman. He has good humour, he's smart and altogether proper boyfriend material.

    The problem is, we don't see each other very much as we don't share any classes and most of the times we talk, it's online or via text messages.

    My problem is, he's not great when it comes to online communication. He's not very flirty, (I know, I know) he asks plenty of questions but we never really have many proper conversations..

    Will this be a problem in the future? Is online communication as important as I'm making it out to be?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why can't I fit in. .?

    I try so hard to fit in and to make friends, but I have basically no good friends anymore. The people I hang around just seem to say mean things that are actually really hurtful about me, like calling me an idiot or stupid.

    My one 'best' friend constantly puts me down and makes fun of me, criticizing everything I do. I'm trying so hard to work on my self esteem but it's hard when everyone around you just makes you feel awful.

    Why can't I fit in? Why are people always so negative towards me? I've never received a compliment from those 'closest' to me that actually seems genuine and sometimes it really hurts.

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why don't I ever fit in?

    I try so hard to fit in and to make friends, but I have basically no good friends anymore. The people I hang around just seem to say mean things that are actually really hurtful about me, like calling me an idiot or stupid.

    My one 'best' friend constantly puts me down and makes fun of me, criticizing everything I do. I'm trying so hard to work on my self esteem but it's hard when everyone around you just makes you feel awful.

    Why can't I fit in? Why are people always so negative towards me? I've never received a compliment from those 'closest' to me that actually seems genuine and sometimes it really hurts.

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Why don't I fit in anywhere?

    I try so hard to fit in and to make friends, but I have basically no good friends anymore. The people I hang around just seem to say mean things that are actually really hurtful about me, like calling me an idiot or stupid.

    My one 'best' friend constantly puts me down and makes fun of me, criticizing everything I do. I'm trying so hard to work on my self esteem but it's hard when everyone around you just makes you feel awful.

    Why can't I fit in? Why are people always so negative towards me? I've never received a compliment from those 'closest' to me that actually seems genuine and sometimes it really hurts.

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I think I broke his heart and I feel pretty good?

    So there's this jerk who I've been semi-dating. Nothing serious; he's got commitment issues.

    He drunk dials me all the time, messes me around, then finally says he can't see me being his girlfriend because of what his friends will say, adding that he'd happily "get off with me" though.

    So, even though I actually really like him, I took what remained of my dignity and told him: "Thanks for the offer :) but I just don't think you're what I'm looking for. No hard feelings :)"

    Was that the right move? He called me really upset.. It felt good. D:

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago