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Crabby Patty

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  • I am trying my hardest not to freak out about this, but my anxiety is through the roof! What would you do?

    My boyfriend (32) and I(30) have been together for almost 6 years and we recently moved into a 2bd apartment of our own after a few years of roommate living situations. When we were looking for places my bf's best friend who just cant get his life together was urging us to rent a 3 bd or a house so he could come along with us. We decided to go with a 2 bd so that he would not move in and we'd have a room for my 2 boys when they come every other week.

    A bit of background about this friend:

    - He is 35 yo former marine with PTSD

    -He cannot keep a job longer than about 3 weeks without being fired for something stupid. We live in Nebraska which is a right to work state and jobs can be terminated for any reason any time.

    - He has been fired for trying to start a union, calling other workers "retarded", causing scenes with older coworkers (saying ' I cant wait for all you old a** baby boomers die!") Basically he doesn't play nice with others.

    -He and I have been in heated fights that have been on the verge of throwing fists

    Anyway... Now this friend has a shot at a good job in our city and needs a place to stay instead of commuting 2 hours each way. We agreed to let him stay while my kids aren't here, in their room with the understanding that it'd only be until he can afford a place(4wks) My bf works nights so after he leaves this friend starts telling me that he's staying as long as he wants because bros b4 hoes. I've tried talking to my bf but he makes excuses for him. UGH!!

    4 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • 38 weeks pregnant and having pains in my sides as if I've been running... normal?

    I'm 38 weeks pregnant with my second boy and I'm having constant pain in my sides as if I've been running. It doesn't go away with any stretching but doesn't get worse either. I was just wondering if this is normal or not. My first pregnancy was smooth and uneventful but this one is almost completely different. Also when I have bh contraction they are starting to hurt everywhere but my back. They are kinda scattered about still but happen about 6xs an hour. Could that mean labor could be coming on?

    I was induced at 41 weeks with my first and ended up having an emergancy c-section so I don't really know what to look for. Thanks!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What would you do if you were in my situation?

    My mother in-law has had a drinking problem for a while now and had been sober since Thanksgiving. I have a 17 month old and I am about to have my second child in 12 days. My hubby is leaving the state 2 days after the baby is born, (for 2 weeks) and I am going to need some assistance with my older boy. i had originally planned on letting my mother in-law take my son while my hubby was gone but i recently found out that she was drinking again. To boot my hubby bought it for her! I don't want to cut her off but she has lost my trust in caring for my son. She claims to not have had anything to drink except for 2 days ago (the day I found out) She and my hubby say that she only drank because my father in-law was out of town and that she won't do it again. Am I wrong for not wanting my son to stay with her? What would you do?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I need some suggestions on a name for baby #2?

    My hubby and I are having a hard time agreeing on a name for our second son (due 3/3) Every time we even begin to talk about names we always end up arguing and giving up. We had no trouble naming our first son Hayden. We both loved his name from the beginning. I want something that is unique and not as common and he wants something that isn't 'dorky' yet modern. We both want something that goes well with Hayden but can't think of anything that we like. We need some suggestions. What names do you suggest? You can even through in a middle name as well. Thank you for helping. :)

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • 33 weeks and carrying too much amniotic fluid?

    I went to the doctor on monday and he said I was measuring big again ( I measured big with my 1st) He had me come back yesterday for an ultrasound to see how baby was growing. After we left they called us saying that i was carrying too much amniotic fluid and that I had to come back in on monday again and do a non-stress test.Well it got me thinking about a gal I used to work with. Her doctor told her that she was carrying too much fluid and she ended up loosing her baby. :( I looked up stuff all night about what causes it and what can happen and it has me pretty scarred. I'm not worried about going into labour early seeing as the baby is far enough along that he has a good chance of surviving. Im just worried about him. I got checked for gestational diabetes and didn't have it so I'm worried about him having something wrong with him that can't be treated. Like if he has a neural tube defect. I just need to know of some cases where everything came out ok and everyone was fine. If you had this happen to you please share. It would help me alot. Thanks.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Lower left back pain that goes down my leg?

    I was walking around the mall today with my friend and my lower left side of my back began to hurt and over the last 2 hours it has been hurting more. It is a constant pain and feels worse with movement. I have been laying down to try and ease the pain but nothing seems to help. Im 32 weeks along with my second and never felt anything like this with my first. Im not having any contractions besides irregular BH contractions. Anyone have any clue as to what may be causing this pain and how to ease it? Thanks!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy pains, any advice?

    Im 32 weeks along with my second and it has been rough. lol I didn't experience anything like this during my first pregnancy. Back in October I started to have a pain in my lower back and down my right hip and leg. Turns out it was sciatic nerve. I was sent to physical therapy and it helped a little but not in the long run. Recently my left side has been doing the same and I keep up with my physical therapy exercises but nothing seems to help. Sometimes it hurts so bad that I limp when i walk or just want to say f**k it and not go anywhere. I have tried taking hot showers, tylenol. and getting a massage from my fiance but still I have this pain. Another thing i didn't experience with my first pregnancy was what seems to be my pelvis or pubic bone 'popping' when I get out of bed. It hurts for a little bit after Im up and moving but its more annoying then anything. I've tried stretching before getting out of bed but this too doesn't help.

    So my question is : Have any of you moms ever experienced either of these and how did did you cope. Also can you offer any tips that may help with the pain? Thanks so much!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • So you think you may be pregnant?

    Whether you missed a pill, fooled around, or simply didn't practice safe sex.... There is a chance that 'yes' you could be pregnant. If you missed your period, feel like puking your guts out, or are feeling 'odd' due to possible pregnancy, TAKE A TEST! If you are still not satisfied wait a day and take another. If you get a positive seek a doctor.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I stop spoiling my child?

    I have a 1 yr old little boy who has been spoiled his whole life and now we are having a second boy in March. If my son doesn't get what he wants he screams and cries. He doesn't stop no matter what. Hand him a toy or cup, put on his favorite movie... nothing! I want to break not only my cycle of giving in but his too. I won't be able to handle him and a new baby when he acts like this. Any tips and personal experiences are welcome. I just need some HELP! Please and Thanks!

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Waht is your opinion on these names?

    My fiance and I are having a tough time coming up with names for our second child. We don't know what we are having yet so we have a few ideas going for both. We have a little boy who is almost a year named Hayden.


    Hazel (my pick)




    Arson James (fiance's pick)


    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What kind of long term BC would you recomend?

    I am 14 1/2 weeks pregnant with my second child and I want to start thinking about birth control. I originally wanted to get my tubes tied but my husband wants more kids so we agreed that a long term birth control was a good idea. Any suggestions or experiences with a certain type? I know there can be positives and negetives to any kind but please tell me why you like or dislike a certain kind. Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What was being induced like for you?

    Im 40 weeks tomm. and Im most likely to be induced and want to know what to expect. Anyone with this experience is welcome to tell me and don't leave out any details please!

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is my corn snake about to start shedding?

    My corn snake just got transfered to a larger tank (55 gal) from a small (10 gal) tank a week ago and now it is getting milky eyes and dull colored skin. We have only had the sanke for a little over a month and he wasn't very aggressive when we got him but he was extremely aggressive the last couple of days. Is this normal? When snakes shed do they get grumpy? How can we make him a happy snake again so that we can hold him with out fear?

    7 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Was that a contraction or the baby moving?

    Last night I was sitting on the couch relaxing when I got this pain in my lower back and in my pelvis but it was not constant and only happened when the baby moved. It kinda felt like he was pushing down every few minutes.My stomach got hard like a bh contraction and then soft again but this went on for like 10- 15 mins then stopped.It hasnt happened again after that but I am 38 weeks with my first. So I dont know exactly to look for cuz everyone is different. Please tell me what you felt and if you think it could be early labor.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How soon could I be going into labor?

    I am 37 to 38 weeks pregnant with my first (a boy! :D) and I have been feeling more gassy, constipated and bloated then normal. I have a bad lower backache and increasing feelings of fatigue and dizziness. I have had braxton hicks contratction more and more (up to 6 an hour while resting) Could I be going into labor soon?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Should he tell them or should I? Or not at all?

    I am 7+ weeks pregnant and my fiance hasn't told his family yet. The problem is, is that none of them like or care for me and have made it clear. I would like for him to let them know so when I have the baby it wont come as a shock and them end up hating the baby or my fiance. I dont care that they dont like me but I still want our baby to be loved. I have thought about telling them myself because he will not tell them. what should we do?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How should I handle this issue? And would you consider it cheating?

    I have been with my guy for almost 2 years and over that time he has been caught texting a girl ( his sister's best friend) who I consider a threat to our relationship. I first caught him in October of 2007 and then again in November of 2007. After that it hasn't been a problem until he got back from his basic training and AIT for the ARMY. On New Years eve they were texting and he sent her a text saying " Ben's? I wish I could be with you at midnight!"

    When I confronted him about it he said ' I didn't send that to her'. No one else uses his phone! I told him that that was strike 3 and to get out of my house and leave me alone. He then grabbed me leg and sat on the floor and refused to leave saying that he loves me and wants to be with me forever, but to me his repeated actions say otherwise.

    We are engaged and are currently living together. How should I handle this and what actions should I take? And do you consider texting someone that you want to be with them, cheating?

    37 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have any tips for conceiving? Are there cetain tricks to getting the sex you want?

    I am wondering if there are any tricks to getting pregnant. I thought for sure that it would be easy, but as it turns out its not! I was also wondering about any personal tips about how get the sex you want.Please let me know.Thank you much!

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Looking for a 1992 Honda civic dx hatchback, can you help?

    I am interested in getting a 1992 Honda Civic DX hatchback, With little to no rust and sunroof,pl/pw.5 speed. If you have one or know of one for sale please let me know.Thanks tons!!!

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • When and how much blood comes with implantation bleeding?

    My fiance' and I have been trying for a baby for the last month.About 2 days ago I got what seems to be my period, but heavier and it is a week early! We were wondering if that is normal or not and if we should still test for pregnancy.Any insight or person experiences would help us greatly.Thank you.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago