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Lv 44,700 points

Jason M

Favorite Answers18%
  • Is not Gov Romney following precedent concerning Tax returns?

    Considering Every President except 1 has released just the years they were in office since Pres Nixon with the exception of Pres Obama, isn't Romeny following the example of Presidents, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Clinton, and Bush W.?

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Debt and Tax possible solution?

    The IRS has issued out total refund of 324 Billion Dollars(2008). If my math serves me right then in 10 years that is 3.240 Trillion Dollars (approximate numbers).

    I personally have always gotten more back at the end of year compared to what I pay into.

    (2010 payed in 1800 received 10K I was active duty military deployed to tax free combat zone 8 months of 2010)

    Question is, would you be willing to not get any money back from IRS to help solve the issue? To have the IRS receive but not payout?,,id=102886,0...

    4 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Seventy percent (70%) say most members of Congress are more interested in their own careers?

    than in sincerely helping people.

    Eighteen percent (18%) of voters say Congress is doing a good or excellent job, while 46% rate its performance as poor.

    These are the people that write the bills signed into law and the American people trust them less than a used car salesman? Are we ever going to learn?

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • So here it is, My wife and I are friends with another couple,?

    I am Active military currently out on a field exercise as well as the wife of the other couple. We have been fairly good friends have had total family outings(with the kids) and also have just gone out as couples as well. So today my wife finds out that the other wife who is on the exercise as well, has been calling everyone around talking smack about my wife, as well as accusing her husband of cheating and my wife as trying to get him. He and my wife have not been alone together at all as he has 3 children(one is 15 with CP) and I have 2. Apparently she is trying to get a restraining order and is constantly calling my wife's cell "checking: where she is, and then gets mad cause my wife doesn't want to deal with the BS and jsut refues the call. The problem is the others children are constantly trying to get my wife to take them places and hang out(she took the one with CP to the mall to help her buy a dress). This is my first marriage(14 years) it's their 2nd each. Is there anything to do when one couple has trust and confidence in their relationship but the other apparently doesn't?

    I am set to deploy again soon, so I need my wife to have a good support system back here while I'm away.

    I can't approach the wife because I am in a higher position of authority and have just kept it professional at all times lest I lose my bearing.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Hey Pot my name is Kettle how are you?

    Does anyone else see how the arguments have been the same on here over the last year, just the political party using them have flip flopped?

    Actually kinda funny if you think about it.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been asked to participate in a national political Poll?

    I see a lot of polls being used throughout the years on various newspapers and websites and have yet to find anyone who actually gets to vote on them. Like Rasmussen's or something along those lines. I know people who do the volunteer polls on Yahoo and Google or on the news websites and whatnot, but never just out of the blue. So regardless of affiliation in what party, have you done a poll with one of the large "polling" companies that was not solicited by you? Is this a true snapshot on how the American people really feel?

    I put this in politics because both parties use these for their own benefit and they usually contradict each other

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If you are young and not liberal, then you have no heart?

    but if you are old and not conservative, then you have no brain,"

    this is a quote attributed from either Disraeli or Churchill.

    Is this an accurate quote?

    Or does it not sustain the mold of what we often see.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When the Liberal Congress and Senate Don't achieve its promises. will they be voted out?

    The past few years everyone has run against Pres Bush, using his unpopularity to gain sway with the voters. Who or what will be blamed in 2010? 2012? Or do you believe that the promises made will actually be delivered as promised with lower taxes to all but 5%?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do we need a President willing to be Bipartisan and work with the opposing side of the political spectrum?

    Sen McCain voted 90% in 2007 up from 77% in 2005 with the Republican party

    Sen Obama last 3 years was 97% in 2005 and 2007 and 96% in 2006 inline with the Democrat party

    What is your opinion on having a willing Bipartisan in office? Try and stay positive and try to not use party soundbites from either side.

    starts with Sen McCain's record

    Sen Obama's record is approx 3/4 down the page

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should we instill term limits on the Senate and House?

    should we impose term limits on our "representatives" that seem to go to congress and then forget who voted them in? Please remain bipartisan as both sides go to Washington for their own ideals or that of the party lines, NOT for WE THE PEOPLE

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Anyone else thinking of buying a house and not paying on it just to get the Governmental help?

    Why should those of us that try to use good spending habits and did our research on mortgage and lending policies bail out those that didn't do the research and signed onto ARM's and other mortgages that they couldn't afford in the long run?

    Am I that wrong to feel that is you dig the hole you can lie in it?

    what happened to personal accountability?

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • If John McCain is over 90% in line with Pres. Bush,Why isn't Barack Obama taged with his over 90% with Pelosi?

    Seeing as Pres. Bush has a higher approval rating than Congress and its a Democratic Congress wouldn't it be better to be with him than them? Maybe its just me but I see Congress as worse being the legislature and if we go by the polls so do alot of others. Isn't it just as bad to vote in line with Democrats?

    Let the Bad mouthing begin.....

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago