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  • I have a boyfriend of 4-5 months and depressed. I don t know what to do to help anymore.?

    When we first met everything was fine, it was the honeymoon period I guess and he chased me for 8 months. Then when we made it official everything changed. His moods would change in a second by me saying one thing he s taken the wrong way. I ask him what s wrong and it takes me hours. He sits with a face on and says he s fine. He stayed st my house last weekend but there was a question of whether he was hungry or not, I offered him food but none of it seemed good enough and he ended up snapping at me infront of my mum. I m sick of the moods, it s all the time. And he thinks an apology is fine and then goes home. It s wearing me down because I ask the questions and get nowhere. I feel like I can t actually say anything and I m walking on egg shells with him. He takes most things I say the wrong way and it s starting to depress me. I m trying to help, but getting nowhere and were only 4-5 months in! We ve got a holiday booked in June that I m absolutely dreading, he puts himself down a lot about the way he looks, what I think etc. He even said to me while we re on holiday, if I see someone he thinks is more attractive than him, he doesn t mind if I go and flirt. It s like he s waiting for me to leave. There s no intimacy because I don t want to sleep with someone who s been on a mood all day. I m trying my best here, I m very outgoing and honest but I m feeling like I have to watch what I say. He s not a bad guy, it s just his moods because they bring me down. What do I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why is my poop black, runny and lumpy?


    For the past 6-8 months if not longer, my poop has been free flowing. I'm 22, and it causes extreme pain and growling when I need to go and it has to be immediate. It's runny and feels like water, sometimes it's lumpy. It's been black, yellow and green and I have to go either 4-8 times a day or not at all.

    I have had a couple of accidents where I've not made it. I'm really worried it's something serious and I thought it would pass but it's not easing. Please help, my doctor found nothing to be wrong after blood tests.

    I can't deal with the tummy pains or the smell. It's like something's died.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Why am I having night terrors?


    Recently I've been having night terrors/nightmares and its always around the same theme. I'm always in a dark room with no windows or doors and I become aware of someone there. It then goes into that either myself or someone in the same room is raped.

    What can I do to stop them, its every night now!!

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Parents splitting up after 26 years of marriage, I don't know what to do?

    Hi, long story short my mum and dad have 'called it a day'. Now I moved out in 2013 under a terrible storm cloud and it damaged my family. I moved back in and did what I could to put things right, so far its gone fine. I've taken full responsibility for my actions and we talk about what I did. Dad announced he is no longer in love with mum, after 26 of being in the army life.. We've moved around a lot and dads always been on tour for months on end and now we're in 'civi' street he cant cope. He's gone back in to the army but is only doing recruitment.. I'm 22 and at a complete loss as to what to do, I know I shouldn't get involved but me and mum are closer than ever and it tears me apart seeing her so upset and not being able to do anything about it. She wont eat, sleep and just drinks soft drinks. I'm terrified when i'm at work she'll do something stupid, she's not as strong as she used to be and i'm at a loss as to what to do. Being there is a given, i'll always be there, but what do I do? Its cutting me up inside seeing her so low and broken..

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Chest pains and shortness of breath whilst I'm sleeping?

    Hi, I smoke and it would come to no surprise to anyone that I have severe chest pains through the night. But recently it feels as though I can barely breath and swallowing is not an option. Its pain, and it lasts for anything between a few minutes to more than 10. It wakes me up during the night its that painful. I am in the process of giving up and have only 10 a day or thereabouts. However that is dwindling, mainly because I want to. These pains are getting worse, please advise on what it could be. Its only within the last week or so but as I say, its waking me up early hours of the morning!

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Radio is speaking to me??!?

    I'm not sure if it's a fault but recently my radio has been telling me directions without me imputing anything.

    My phone is off and my sat nav is in the glove box turned off. I've pressed every button going and can't find where it's coming from. Help? Is this a fault. Car is a vauxhall corsa 53 plate with no problems as I know of. But I can be driving and it'll tell me to turn left?? Help. It's doing it more by telling me where I am and where I need to turn.

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • I've got an oil leak?

    I drove my car to Tesco which is about 10 minutes drive. All OK, seemed a bit juddery but no more than usual. Finished in Tesco, turned it on, oil light came on. Checked the oil as the car was relatively cold and theres loads of oil, nothing to suggest concern.. Oil light persisted to stay on. Drove it a couple of miles then pulled over. Checked underneath and there was a puddle of oil. I felt it thinking it may have been a rain puddle but it was black so suggested to me it was oil. Looked underneath the car and the whole underneath is covered in oil, theres not one point where its not soaked. My question is, why is the oil light on when theres oil in there, pretty much full. Why is the underneath of my car covered in oil and what could be wrong with it? The oil hasn't really gone down since the last time I checked it. WHAT IS GOING ON?!!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Can I be pregnant?

    Ok. So. I've had the implant for 3 years, recently my doctor told me it expired in July. Panic.

    I've had every pregnant feeling going.

    Took a clear blue test which said I'm not pregnant, and I've just had my period. But I've put shed loads of weight on and I get a new implant Wednesday. I'm just a little concerned. Or am I being silly and need to exercise??

    Also recently I've been getting heart burn every sodding day and I've read it could be linked to pregnancy. Concerned. Need advice.

    I have to do a pregnancy test at the doctors anyway but I'm concerned. After a period and a negative test can my implant have failed??

    I don't want to think it's in my head because I worried either, it's a genuine question.

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • I have Troj/CidoxVBR-A on my computer at work. Help!?

    Kind of bricking it, I opened an attachment in my personal emails and it shut all programs down. I realised after that it was a virus and closed my computer down. Then i restarted it and all went well.. I ran a scan and its been quarantined..

    Is it dangerous now?? People get sacked for this sort of thing so i dont want to say it came from my emails!! ahh!

    Now its quarantined i have NO authorisation to get rid of it so please help! Will it harm my computer?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers7 years ago
  • I have fallen for a scam and need help!?


    I fell for the Raspberry Ketone and Coffee Bean scam! I have contacted my bank and got 'we cant stop payment going out until its actually gone out' - Not helpful

    I'll effectively be so overdrawn by the time i get paid i wont have any money left! How can i stop these 2x £95 from going out of my account?

    I have received 2x goods and sent them straight back, i then rang a number and they said my account was now closed and no future payments would be taken out

    I odered them on a Monday and sent them back on the Wednesday therefore sticking in the 14days..

    The payment has NOT gone out yet but i'm anxious and causing myself extreme stress after finding all this out. I cannot financially or mentally afford for this amount of money going out.

    I know you shouldnt believe everything you read on the internet but i've read some peopel have cancelled but payment has still gone out.

    Has anyone been through similar? Or the same? Can you guarantee me the payment wont go out or advise on what i can do..

    I have changed bank accounts but i'm still waiting for the transfers to happen and its taking a long time. If the bank account isnt open and theres no payment going through, AND i've got proof i cancelled my account surely thats enough isnt it?

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam7 years ago
  • How can I train for a 10k?

    My 10k is two weeks away. I can only just run a mile in 15 minutes and it nearly kills me. How can I improve on this? I haven't been training anywhere near as much as I should and the motivation is lacking the closer I get. Like I say I can't run far without stopping :( need some tips please

    2 AnswersRunning7 years ago
  • how to tell a shy guy you like him?

    I like this guy at work but he's excruciatingly shy.. I've shoved my number in his pocket with a note (because he lends me cigs all the time) to text me when hes ran out. So sad i know but i didnt know how else to write it. Plus saves going out when he needs them there and then. He talks to me and he smiles and we have a good laugh but it doesnt seem like its for long enough..

    He always sticks around if i''m around and he'll go where i;m going to talk to me and stuff

    He'll literally stop what he's doing sometimes to talk to me.. But then other times he'll just smile and walk past me, mainly when hes finished work (we work in the same building)

    So i guess my questions are:

    How do i say i like you without the thumping in the chest because he's gone red and embarrassed

    Does he like me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My boyfriend is so closed off?

    Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years in August but i'm finding the relationship straining and to be honest i could do without the bother, but at the same time i kind of want to work at it too.

    We've been through tough times, hes gone through my phone, i've gone through his and so it goes on, past it all now. But if i ask him what he's up to he just says out with mates. So me being me i think ok, just so i seem interested i;ll ask who, not that i know who his friends are but i've met most of them. He seems to pluck friends from nowhere though!! And it ends up with an argument. I've nearly ended it with him because i said the other day 'do you even want to be with me anymore? you just dont seem arsed anymore' he flipped his lid and so it went on. But i sent him a message saying, right i've had enough, i wish you well with your new job and whatever. i nearly put leave me alone but for the sake of not having yet another argument i didnt..

    Main problems seem to be he's not arsed about anything anymore, i talk to people in work and he talks to his friends, we have no friends in common and for me its an issue because i've seen things on his phone from 'friends' and was not happy. What is going on?? We're constantly having argumnts and of course, they're always my fault. I've thought i'd be better off on my own but then i dont want to throw 2 years of putting my all into something...

    Am i doing something wrong? Is there something fundamentally wrong with me??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is it right to involve social services?

    It's constant screaming, shouting, thumping, banging and stomping. I have emailed everyone I can think of and written to everyone. We are at the end of our tethers. Is it right to email social services now? The kids don't go out and there's no input from the mum or dad regarding discipline and we're worried when they turn into teens. It's not an exaggeration we can't cope anymore!! We've tried asking them nicely and confrontationally but nothing works!! They say we're harassing them when we ask them to quieten down at 10pm onwards. I know we have to expect a certain level of noise but being woken up at every hour in the night is unreasonable. Even now as I'm typing this, they're slamming doors. We've tried doing it back but they're completely oblivious and really don't see it's them making the noise. The other neighbours we don't hear anything from them. I've written to the firm that built the house and waiting for a reply. At what point is enough enough?? We've had things thrown over the fence, the oldest shouts out his window, if the youngest one starts crying, the eldest tries to go above and beyond. We've called the police and they say it's a civil matter and to take them to court but we can't afford to do that. The mum sat outside revving her car at 11.30pm. Waking us all up. Tell me what to do next we've had enough! There's no break from it.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • What to do with noisy neighbours?!?

    Our neighbours are honestly the worst in the world. We've been to the council, rang the police and NOTHING works. They constantly thump, bang and the kids scream at the top of their voices with no input from the mum or dad at all hours. They wake us up at all hours in the morning. Recent one being at 3am this morning with a loud bang followed by thumping for about 2 hours after. I don't know what they do!!! We've been round, we've tried the nice approach. We've tried the nasty approach. We're not confrontational but it makes our blood boil when we can't sit without being shaken due to the thumps. We've tried banging back and other noise outside including when we know they'll be asleep. Nothing works!! Help!!! What else can we do!!

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • What to do with noisy neighbours?!?

    Our neighbours are honestly the worst in the world. We've been to the council, rang the police and NOTHING works. They constantly thump, bang and the kids scream at the top of their voices with no input from the mum or dad at all hours. They wake us up at all hours in the morning. Recent one being at 3am this morning with a loud bang followed by thumping for about 2 hours after. I don't know what they do!!! We've been round, we've tried the nice approach. We've tried the nasty approach. We're not confrontational but it makes our blood boil when we can't sit without being shaken due to the thumps. We've tried banging back and other noise outside including when we know they'll be asleep. Nothing works!! Help!!! What else can we do!!

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Does anyone work for uk modelling?

    I've had a missed call and wondered what their like to work for?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Why won't my car go faster than 10mph?

    I've got a Skoda Fabia 55 plate and i've had NOTHING but issues with it. I've had a new mesh thing put over the flexi pipe, brakes cleaned, brakes replaced, handbrake cable replaced, new spark plugs, new air vent, new light, new thermostat and a new trye.

    This morning i was driving it, the engine light started to flash and then it just started to shake and slow right down.. I revved and revved but the more i did the less it wanted to do anything and it was really growling!! After then it wouldnt go faster than 10mph and sometimes felt it didnt even want to do that. It was doing the thing if, you rev and put your clutch down at the same time you get that jolt, it was doing that constantly!! I drove it about 20 minutes like this because i HAD to get to work. The current fault on the car is 'fuel mixture too rich' but we thought by changing the thermostat it would alleviate it.. This has come from nowhere, i had feelings before like it didnt want to move but it carried on.. I need help, i'm stranded at work with a faulty car..

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • What is silent hill film all about?..?

    I've seen it. I've rewatched it. I sit get ANY of it. Anyone know what's going on??

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago