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Lv 1170 points

Zephyr (=^w^=)

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  • I literally hate where my life is going?

    Well, I'm 14. Lets start there. I'm biologically female but identify as male. This alone is just ruining me every time I look in the mirror because I hate what I see. I'm '5"3 and weigh 120-ish pounds. I know thats not so bad, but the problem is that I have curves. And not small curves but like CURVES. Thats why I want to lose weight, but I'm extremely lazy and I think thats because I'm also not motivated at all and have already given up. My moms never there for me, but is for some reason fighting for me to stay with her when I want to move away with my dad to California. Shes extremely emotionally abusive and uses "gas lighting" a lot (its a type of emotional abuse). I want to become a musician when I'm older like a lot of the people I look up to, but lately I've been thinking that that's probably never going to happen 'cause I don't think I'm good enough at all. I don't get the best grades in the world but I am passing with a A-B major and I think that's pretty good, but my teachers are always scolding me for not trying, when I'm actually trying as hard as I can. I don't find myself physically attractive at all and I don't think anyone ever will. I see all these people out there who are got straight A's in school and obviously could do a lot by my age, such as play the guitar really well as well as many other instruments. I''m not rich, but I'm not poor. And thats also kind of what makes me hesitant. Its that, this whole "transition" thing costs a lot and I honestly don't know if I can ever have the money for it. To me it seems as if, I need to start hormones and T when I'm at least 16, or else I won;t be able to do what I want to do, like be a musician or whatever. The huge problem though is that I'm literally not going anywhere with how my life is now and i honestly don't see how its going to get any better any soon. I mean, why spend your time struggling and living your life when you dont even have anything to look forward to in the future? Why do all that and go through so much trouble, when you could just not even bother and just die? I usually never think like this but today i started reflecting on a lot of things and eventually it turned into an existential crisis of some sort. I just hate how I'm living and where my life is headed and I want to change that but I don't think I can. I'm pretty sure my destiny has been sealed and thats to be a worthless piece of **** that can't do or change anything to help out the world or just even get a good job that I will actually LIKE. I just dont know what to do about it. And please, please, please dont say things like "Well other people have it harder." 'Cause believe me I know they do, but Just because I'm not withering away with no home starving and fighting to be alive doesnt mean I cant be extremely upset and/or depressed about something. I just don't know what to do.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Transgender Bathroom Use In Texas?

    I'm a transguy and I was wondering if its illegal or prohibited to use bathrooms that accommodate with your gender identity it the state of Texas or in the city of San Anotonio. It'd be nice if you can add whether or not this is also the same with San Diego, California. thanks.

  • Why do public school teachers suck nowadays?

    why do they? I mean, most of my teachers don't even put an effort into teaching. I live in texas and we have these things in math called "Show Me Videos" in which you go home, watch the lesson and take notes, go back to school tomorrow, show the teacher the notes, get handed a packet and work on that the rest of the period whilst the teacher sits at her desk. My history teacher is also a very sucky teacher. She just wants to be "in-control" all the time. Whenever I hand her a paper or test that i finished, she ROLLS HER EYES. Kinda like she's thinking "UGH this dumb kids gonna fail...stupid kids..." and one time, my friend Kennedy told this teacher, Mrs. Bryant, that we "finished this paper yesterday". She NEVER EVER talks back or uses a tone to anyone, especially teachers, so it was simply stating that we already did this. BUT mrs. Bryant just turned around and said (with a very bad tone as well) "I KNOW Kennedy but we're gonna go over it AGAIN okay?!?!" like she wanted to kill someone. Also, one day i didn't have a paper because I accidentally left it at home and I said "I'm sorry I don't have it today." and she responded and I quote "You might as well say you didn't do it and that you don't care so you'll at least be honest with me." and i said "I did it I just don't have it I'm telling the truth." Another thing happened similar to that. She was going in order picking on people to read the answers on this packet thing and when it came to be my turn she skipped me. I then asked why and she said "Oh I thought you didn't do yours, let alone bring it." And I was like ".... so you assume I'm stupid?" I just wanted to say that so bad but I didn't. And she's ALWAYS like this. Same goes for most other teachers too. At times I just wanna stand up and say "You know what? This isn't right. I come here to get an education, not to be ruled over." but then I remember that they get mad and look like they wanna throw you out even if you correct them with something or ask to go to the bathroom. So why is this? Im especially angry and caught up on Mrs. Bryant rolling her eyes at me and seeming so unimpressed with her students and thinking were all stupid drones that have no life. Im starting to see that school and prison have A LOT in common :/

    5 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • Gender Therapists in San Antonio, TX?

    I am looking for a good gender Therapist in San Antonio Texas because I'm a trans guy and my mom finally is on board with me going to therapy. If any of you have good recommendations, I thank you.


  • how much should I jog?

    So I'm looking to slim down my hips and legs and butt so I can pass as a guy. I was wondering how long i should jog each day or whatever in order to achieve a smaller butt, thighs,and to get a gap between my legs. I eat pretty healthy and i jog for 20 minutes a day which started 3 days ago (I'm a newbie at exercising btw). Any answers are welcome :D thank you <3

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • how to fight dysphoria?

    Hi so im a trans guy and i HATE my hips and how curvy I am :( I'm only 14 but I've been like this since I was 7 and I came out to everyone i know last year in june-ish... I'm still very new to actually dressing the way that makes me feel happy. I have a binder and wear it all the time... but as i said ... my hips and butt :( and it doesn't help that me friend, who's really skinny and i just would die for her figure, always says "why would you be unhappy?You have a HUGE butt and guys drool over that!!!" I just hate it so much that I'm actually crying right now and I just don't know what to do D': Ill do ANYTHING to get rid of my curvy-ness and get a little taller(if thats even possible) Im just really unhappy about how I am :( thanks in advance <3

  • how to become a successful musician?

    So I have a utter OBSESSION with music. I play the Ukulele and listen to bands like Black Veil Brides, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, and Never Shout Never and I dream of being like one of them someday going on tours, being interviewed, and just having fun whilst doing an amazing job. The problem is, I'm so used to the Ukulele that guitar just feels weird and is very difficult for me to learn. Also, I can't write songs. I know how the structure of it is, but its hard for me to think up lyrics and a good tune without thinking it sucks in the end even though friends say its good. So basically, what can I do to make it in the industry, are there ANY ways to learn guitar a bit easier than how I am, and HOW DO YOU WRITE A SONG I JUST.... I CANT. xD thanks

    3 AnswersSinging8 years ago
  • how can I make my voice deeper(with a rasp)?

    So I'm 14 and a trans guy and I'd like to make my voice deeper when talking normally AND singing as well. My voice is already pretty deep regarding the fact that I'm biologically female... and I mean about 2 or 3 notes higher than Andy Biersack's voice, which is VERY deep. I'd be very proud if I made it that deep but It'll probably never happen xD So if anyone knows how to make your voice deeper and raspy naturally then I'd like that :) thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerSinging8 years ago
  • How can I slim down ALOT?

    So, I'm a trans guy and let's just say I have the most feminine figure ever. I'm 14 years old and my hips are as wide as Canada. My legs are really big too and my friends always say they'd KILL for my figure and that I'm really curvy and I should appreciate it. BUT as I said, I'm a dude. So how can I quickly and easily remove my butt and legs? As a warning, I'm not too patient nor do I stick to diets all that well. Any answers are appreciated and thank you so much <3

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How can I look like a gay boy? PLLEEAASSSEEE?

    So i'm a trans guy (so ima girl that wants to be a dude) but I'm not lesbian or anything. I need to know how I can look more like a gay guy (=^u^=) I already have a binder (from UnderWorks) and i wear it. But I NEED to slim down my figure!!!! I'm 14 and I have a sorta kinda big butt :( and my upper thighs and legs are touching... i need to slim them down and I'm willing to do ANYTHING. I've been mistaken for a guy sometimes but thats good. The reason I wanna look like a "gay" guy is because...well... you have to admit they're ******* adorable Cx hehe. BUT for clothes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't say "wear baggy clothes" because I ADORE my skinny jeans c; so my only dysphoria is from the waist down xC PLEASE any help will be greatly appreciated and I'm sooo thankful that you took time to respond to this ;) thanks bye bye