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I'm Dennis. 19 years old from New Jersey. I'm a college student and I'm working on getting a Bachelor's Degree in Business Entrepreneurship. My friends and family tell me I give great advice so I'm here to help out anyone and everyone.
Is it possible to go through graduate school WITHOUT getting a loan and going into debt?
I know this ia a question probably better suited for the Financial Aid office but I figure there's smart people with knowledge here so why not: I'm applying to the graduate program at the college I got my bachelors from and I'm doing my FAFSA, which I know obviously won't cover the full tuition and etc. but my question is is it possible to go through graduate school WITHOUT having to get a loan and going into debt or is it inevitable? Thanks in advance!
2 AnswersFinancial Aid6 years agoDNS Server not responding error?
So I have a modem that I connect to my wireless router which connects to my laptop thusly I get wired and wireless internet. Everything works perfect but every once in a while something happens(idk what because I leave everything plugged in correctly I just unplug the extension from the outlet before I sleep and plug it back in when I wake up and need it). but I get the DNS is not responding error. I try everything to fix it. I flush the DNS cache,release and renew the IP and everything. I even use the Google DNS and so on and that doesn t even work. Idk how I always fix it other times but it s annoying so any other suggestions on how to fix it without having to call ISP(and that s not the problem either) Thanks in advance.
1 AnswerComputer Networking6 years agoKeep getting the "iTunes has stopped working" message?
Every time I plug my iPhone 5 into my computer I get the same message all the time "iTunes has stopped working) and it says "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I have been getting this message for he last couple of months, I uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes and it has not helped. HELP!
1 AnswerSoftware7 years agoHow can I download a Youtube video to my camera roll(iPhone5)?
I'm trying to download a Youtube video to my phone but nothing I do works. I tried third paper apps like iDownloader, Titan Player, and so on but they seem to have been patched to where you can't download it to your phone because of Youtube rights so is there any app that still works or another way to do it?
2 AnswersYouTube7 years agoWhat type of job should/can I get with a Bachelors Degree in Business Entrepreneurship?
So I recently graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Entrepreneurship and now I need to look for a job but the problem is that I don't know where to start. I don't want a long term 5-10 year job where I would be locked down and work for the man cause I know in the end I want to open my own resturant or coffee type of store but I'm not sure at this point I would be able to afford it since I just finished school and the government can only help you with so much so I would most likely have to get a job but idk where plus I don't want a crappy job that I don't like and won't pay well cause with a degree I can get more than minimun wage so any suggestions would be helpful. :) Thanks
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)7 years agoWhat type of job should/can I get with a Bachelors Degree in Business Entrepreneurship?
So I recently graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Entrepreneurship and now I need to look for a job but the problem is that I don't know where to start. I don't want a long term 5-10 year job where I would be locked down and work for the man cause I know in the end I want to open my own resturant or coffee type of store but I'm not sure at this point I would be able to afford it since I just finished school and the government can only help you with so much so I would most likely have to get a job but idk where plus I don't want a crappy job that I don't like and won't pay well cause with a degree I can get more than minimun wage so any suggestions would be helpful. :) Thanks
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years agoHelp with PS3 DNS Error 80710102?
Everytime I try to connect to the PSN I get the error 80710102 I tried everything in Network setting I turned off the Media thing, my router(NETGEAR N600) is connected correctly and I have Internet Access and the signal is 100% (excellent) I entered manual DNS and that didn't help and I tried all different kinda of settings, reset the settings and everything and nothing worked :/ It can find the IP adress and says Sucessful but the next step when testing the connection(can't remember what it is) takes forever and brings this error. Idk what else to do and everything I read doesn't help
2 AnswersPlayStation7 years agoHelp with "DNS not responding" problem(Windows 7)?
I need help with this problem I am running Windows 7 and when I try to connect to the wireless network(s) that are installed in my laptop I can't and when I run the troubleshoot I get the "DNS not responding" message and EVERYTHING I try doesn't work! I've Googled it and everything I read doesn't help. I put in Google DNS and others and it doesn't helped. Can't find a Microsoft Fix it for it. Cleared the DNS Cache EVERYTHING!! This happened before and lasted a while but either I fixed it and I forgot or it fixed itself I'm not sure but any helped is appreciated :) P.S. it's a WireLESS problem not wired. The apdaptor drivers are up to date and all
2 AnswersSecurity7 years agoHelp with "DNS not responding" problem(Windows 7)?
I need help with this problem I am running Windows 7 and when I try to connect to the wireless network(s) that are installed in my laptop I can't and when I run the troubleshoot I get the "DNS not responding" message and EVERYTHING I try doesn't work! I've Googled it and everything I read doesn't help. I put in Google DNS and others and it doesn't helped. Can't find a Microsoft Fix it for it. Cleared the DNS Cache EVERYTHING!! This happened before and lasted a while but either I fixed it and I forgot or it fixed itself I'm not sure but any helped is appreciated :) P.S. it's a WireLESS problem not wired. The apdaptor drivers are up to date and all
1 AnswerSoftware7 years agoHelp with "DNS not responding" problem(Windows 7)?
I need help with this problem I am running Windows 7 and when I try to connect to the wireless network(s) that are installed in my laptop I can't and when I run the troubleshoot I get the "DNS not responding" message and EVERYTHING I try doesn't work! I've Googled it and everything I read doesn't help. I put in Google DNS and others and it doesn't helped. Can't find a Microsoft Fix it for it. Cleared the DNS Cache EVERYTHING!! This happened before and lasted a while but either I fixed it and I forgot or it fixed itself I'm not sure but any helped is appreciated :) P.S. it's a WireLESS problem not wired. The apdaptor drivers are up to date and all
1 AnswerOther - Internet7 years agoHelp with "DNS not responding" problem(Windows 7)?
I need help with this problem I am running Windows 7 and when I try to connect to the wireless network(s) that are installed in my laptop I can't and when I run the troubleshoot I get the "DNS not responding" message and EVERYTHING I try doesn't work! I've Googled it and everything I read doesn't help. I put in Google DNS and others and it doesn't helped. Can't find a Microsoft Fix it for it. Cleared the DNS Cache EVERYTHING!! This happened before and lasted a while but either I fixed it and I forgot or it fixed itself I'm not sure but any helped is appreciated :)
1 AnswerComputer Networking7 years agoHow do I fix this problem?
So last question I posted I asked how to get rid of the Windows Fixed that and today I was asked by my computer tp turn on Windows Defender and I get the message that says This Operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this cimputer. Please contact your system administrator. So how do I fix this? Thanks in advance.
1 AnswerSecurity8 years agoIs this legit or not?
So a few of my Facebook friends have posted it and it's on Twitter but there's this website called The Youth Pay(although they changed the name of it to The Referral Bonus now) that when you register you get $25 and for every time somone clicks your link you get $10 so what I want to know is is this site legit or not? I'd post the link but then the question may be taken down. Thanks!
2 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing8 years agoHas anyone else been having this problem?
So I have an iPhone 5 and I update to iOS 7.0.2 a few days ago and I've noticed that now my phone doesn't make any noise whatsoeve when I get a notification. For example when I get a ReTweet or Mention or something normally it makes the Tri Tone npise but now it doesn't. All my sound notifications are on and my volume is all the way up. Anyone else have the same issue?
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years agoIssues with Yahoo Mail?
I'm having a problem with my Yahoo mail: I am not recieivng any emails at all(I should be) and when I clck the refresh botton on the inbox it says It seems there was an error communicating with the external POP server Please check your settings for Dennis Stansfield in Mail Options and try again. and when I go to POP and Fowarding this shows up, What can I do?
1 AnswerAbuse and Spam8 years agoIssues with Yahoo Mail?
I'm having a problem with my Yahoo mail: I am not recieivng any emails at all(I should be) and when I clck the refresh botton on the inbox it says It seems there was an error communicating with the external POP server Please check your settings for Dennis Stansfield in Mail Options and try again. and when I go to POP and Fowarding this shows up, What can I do?
3 AnswersNotices and Errors8 years agoHELP ME PLEASE!! Need opinions?
So I attend Berkeley College(New Jersey) and this is my last quarter before graduation and it is manditory that we have to do an Internship for 12 weeks(25 hour minimum per week) OR a 40 page paper if we chose but for that we need a good reason and to be approved by the school Board. I didn't think of it until I was walking tonight but my mother is 72 years old and my Godmom is 69 and has systemic LUPUS and can't do much. My mom goes shopping quite a bit and needs my assistance to carry heavy bags and do other things around the house but I wouldn't be home to help and we can't hire anyone to help her or nothing like that so my question is would this be a good enough reason to where I don't have to do the internship and do the paper? Thanks in advance and I'll answer yours in return. :)
4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years agoNot sure what to do and need help?
So about a month ago I came here asking if this girl who I like and likes me and we're kinda together deactivated or deleted her Facebook(link to that question will be below). So a couple of weeks later I get a call from my friend and the girl was there so we talked and she told me the reason she said she deactivated it was because some girl(I believe she said her cousin) had told her that I was messing with another girl and that I had sex with her which isn't true at all, Funny thing is that girl doesn't even know me and lives all the way in the Bronx so idk where she got that from. So she told me I'll reactivate it after you take care of it and confront the girl. The only problem I have is that although I'm pretty sure I know the girls FB but I don't want to inbox her accusing her and asking lots of questions and it not even be her and it would be easier if I can get my girl to reactivate it to just give me the link to her page so I can do it but I haven't heard from her since the middle of May(part of it though is because she is doing modeling in California so she is quite busy) and I have no idea when I'll hear from her next and I don't wanna break up with her or nothing but I don't wanna wait to find out that she thinks I did it and didn't fix the problem and I'm left with nothing and missing on girls who may like me but I tell them I have a girl. SO what should I do?? Thanks in advance.
Link to old question:;_ylt=AvxRe...
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoNot sure what to do and need help?
So about a month ago I came here asking if this girl who I like and likes me and we're kinda together deactivated or deleted her Facebook(link to that question will be below). So a couple of weeks later I get a call from my friend and the girl was there so we talked and she told me the reason she said she deactivated it was because some girl(I believe she said her cousin) had told her that I was messing with another girl and that I had sex with her which isn't true at all, Funny thing is that girl doesn't even know me and lives all the way in the Bronx so idk where she got that from. So she told me I'll reactivate it after you take care of it and confront the girl. The only problem I have is that although I'm pretty sure I know the girls FB but I don't want to inbox her accusing her and asking lots of questions and it not even be her and it would be easier if I can get my girl to reactivate it to just give me the link to her page so I can do it but I haven't heard from her since the middle of May and I have no idea when I'll hear from her next and I don't wanna break up with her or nothing but I don't wanna wait to find out that she thinks I did it and didn't fix the problem and I'm left with nothing and missing on girls who may like me but I tell them I have a girl. SO what should I do?? Thanks in advance.
Link to old question:;_ylt=AvxRe...
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago