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  • dominant women only - can u help?

    Im 21 and there is a woman who I have a crush on. she is 33 and she is my friends sisters friend. She seems very dominant and I know I appear submissive and shy to her. I think she likes me because she always flirts with me and is always touching my thigh when we are chatting. She's always looking at me and smiling for no reason. She rubs against me to sometimes and looks me in the eye when she does. How do i let her know im available?

  • Only dominant women please. What looks in a girl turn you on the most?

    just trying to find a dominant woman lol. Need some tips!

  • Women only - How do I find dominant women?

    Hi Im a 21 year old lesbian, submissive and new to the scene. I've been to a few bars, but how do I attract dominant women for one night stands and no strings attached fun?

  • Women only please. Is it common for some women to be dominant in lesbian relationships?

    I'v just started my first sexual relationship with a dominant woman. I'm 20 and she is 35. We are both feminine and I think she's really hot. When we have sex she always initiates it and is always actively on top. She uses a strap-on on me regularly and I love it. Is this common within lesbian relationships?

  • Since America loves Israel so much, why do they not give Texas to the Zionists?

    Maybe we should find a final solution to the Jewish question. Maybe Israel should be relocated to Texas to save further bloodshed in the Middle East? I mean Americans love Jews so much, they should give their land to them, no? Oh I forgot, America is already controlled by them! lol

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is it true that Israeli soldiers have been raping Palestinian women in Gaza?

    I've heard this from many sources. So many it must be true!

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Are Hamas right in their actions?

    Let me clarify my position. I'm simply asking this question due to recent developments in Gaza and stating facts concerning the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.

    This is the situation. Since Hamas were democratically elected by the people of Gaza, Israel has enforced an embargo on that territory that is illegal. Gazans have severe limitations placed on trade and Egypt has not helped by colluding with the Israelis on the matter. Gazans cannot leave the strip without permission which is, incidentally, nearly always denied. So, people in Gaza are without adequate food, fuel and medical supplies. These are basic human rights that the US purports to uphold, being the self appointed standard bearer of freedom throughout the world. For example, in the case of Afghans, Iraqis and, more recently, Zimbabweans, the US has railed against these regimes. Why the double standards? There is widespread malnutrition amongst Gazans due the blockade, especially amongst children.

    During the ceasefire between Hamas and the Israelis, Israel has repeatedly assasinated Hamas leaders in the strip via the use of rockets from drones. Obviously, Hamas have viewed this as a violation of the ceasefire and have responded with symbolic, largely ineffective rocket attacks on Israel. These are the events that have led to the disproportionate use of force by Israel and the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Gaza. Remember the stats: hundreds of Palestinian civilians as a pose to ten Israelis.

    All this has led many observers to declare that Gaza now resembles a ghetto, not necessarily to the same extent as the Warsaw ghetto, but a ghetto nevertheless. We also now have recent developments to take into account. For example, a UN school that was targeted with the death of many civilians (UN observers deny there were militants in the building or that rockets had been fired from that location). Secondly, it has been confirmed that around a hundred civilians were rounded up and told to stay in one building by the Israelis. That building was then shelled repeatedly killing at least thirty civilians. Some would compare that act to similar acts by the Nazis when they tricked Jews into entering gas chambers with the promise of a shower. The Gazans were promised safety; the Israelis then shelled them. Lastly, a clearly marked UN vehicle was destroyed by an Israeli tank. Doubtless, many other war crimes have been comitted by the supposedly civilised Israeli "defence" force.

    To conclude the facts, the US would not tolerate a trade embargo enforced by Canada and Mexico. The US would not tolerate it's citizens being ordered not to leave their country and widespread malnutrition amongst it's children. The US would not tolerate it's leaders being assasinated in peacetime, so why should Hamas? Therefore the question still stands. Are Hamas right in defending their people, their land, their soveignty and their state, tiny though it may be?

    P.S. Intelligent answers only. Too many people going: "Israel should nuke Gaza" and "Israel is Gods chosen land" bla bla bla! We're talking genocide here, not American pipe dreams.

    Regards from the UK xxxx

    25 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • So Hamas were firing rockets from a school were they? We all know thats another Israeli lie?

    In actual fact, john Ging, the director of aid operations in Gaza for the UN has confirmed that there were no Hamas fighters in the school and no rockets were fired from it.

    So the question must be asked, why did Israel target the school if they are not targeting civilians? Don't say its cos they thought there wre Hamas fighters in it because that is just not good enough!

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Girls only. My boyfriend admitted he was bi recently. What should I do?

    I found out recently that he had a previous relationship with another man. This was 2 years back. I found pictures on his computer of some guy doing him from behind. He is submissive with me and thats fine, but this has come as a shock! I love him tho and Know he loves me and our sex life is great. Give me your opinions please, what should i do?.

    14 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How can Hamas defeat the Israeli army in Gaza?

    The Israelis are a modern, well equipped army. However, Hamas are well used to getting stuck in and have years of experience. They seem courageous and, god willing, they will defeat the occupiers. Where there is will there is a way. So what tactics do they actually need to employ to defeat Israel? It would be good to see the underdogs win for a change

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Will the israelis be defeated in Gaza just like they were in Lebenon?

    I ask this because Hamas fighters are now very experienced in urban warfare. They have also learnt from Hezbollah and have recieved training from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard who are themselves considered crack troops. Moreover, Israeli tanks are useless in built up areas because Hamas are adept at disabling them in this environment. Also, every civilian that dies increases the pressure on israel to withdraw.

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Is there such a thing as Jewish Nazis now?

    Im sorry if some find my question a little offensive, they rally should not. But judging by Israels most recent attempt at ethnically cleansing the Palestinians, I feel it is valid.

    Ethnic cleansing, murder, ghettos, propaganda, intolerance, blitzkrieg. Remind anyone of the German Nazi's in the Second World War?

    I would have expected Israelis of all people to not commit the same crimes as their former oppressors! Is it the abused child syndrome where the victim can become the perpetrator?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How much longer can the U.S. prop up silly little Israel?

    As a declining world power, how long can America keep up this blind backing of Israel. When it stops, what happens to Israel? Do the Iranians, Iraqis move in to take over the area?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If a foreign force tried to invade the U.S. would it defend itself?

    Fact: The land which Israel calls home was Arab before the second world war.

    The truth is that what the Israelis have been doing to the Palestinians is akin to what the Nazis did to the Jews in the holocaust. Gaza is comparable to the Warsaw Ghetto during that era. The Palestinians have been forced into an area that is hardly sufficient in size to support their population. Due to this, they are largely dependent on trade and imports for their day to day needs. However, the Israelis have enforced a blockade that prevents these imports. As a result there has been hardship and starvation in Gaza for years, even during the ceasefire. This has obviously led to resentment. Would the American people tolerate this if it were happening to them? Are Israel using the actions of Hamas to ethnically cleanse the indiginous Palestinians? Despite the fact the Israelis are "targeting Hamas", why are so many women and children being killed by their bombs. Perhaps it is because Gaza is so densely populated, there is no where for them to hide?

    Happy new year Israel. Shame on you Arab nations for not supporting your people! If Israel bombed Spain, Greece, Armenia, Italy or some other Christian nation, we would conduct a Crusade against it! Where is your Jihad? Where is your pride? What they are doing is wrong, oppose them!

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is the killing in Gaza necessary?

    I previously posted the same question and was called a Jew hater! That, indeed, is the problem. In a democracy like the USA, I would have thought that to be a perfectly reasonable question. Fortunatly for me, critical thought and opinion is welcomed in real democracies like the U.K and the rest of Europe lol.

    Well on to the issue of the day. Why has Israel killed over 400 people in Gaza, a large proportion of them civilians? Is it because Hamas have fired a few rockets over the border in the last few months and killed a small handful of Israelis who have Gaza under siege and its people starving? Or is it really because they are as bad as Hamas and want to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians and are using the rocket attacks as an excuse? The truth is, is that if Hamas are terrorists then so are the Israelis. It does not make them less so just because they are backed by the U.S. America is not God and, as such, has no authority to declare who is right and who is wrong in this conflict. But I need no authority to state the following fact of history: The whole of Israel is sitting on Arab territory and was stolen from the Palestinians.

    Am I to be branded a "Jew hater" again for stating the truth? lol

    20 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is this killing in Gaza necessary?

    Whatever the dispute over lands in Gaza, is this indiscriminate targeting of civilians in Gaza necessary? The firing of rockets into Israel is also wrong, but why does a nation like Israel, that is always going on and on about how it is so civilised have to stoop this low. They say they are only targeting Hamas but look at the carnage. They say they are allowing in aid. Well their hearts must be brimming with the milk of human kindness! They have lost their moral compass now, weakened themselves and their cause and possibly lost their struggle with Hamas because of this.

    Let's congratulate them for their humanity in the new year and let's hopoe they never have to suffer like they are making the Palestinians suffer right now! Happy new year Israel, hail to your "democracy" and "civility".

    "Oh lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do" - Jesus of Nasereth

    14 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Palestine and Israel - the facts. Who's land is it?

    1918 - British expell Turkish Ottoman forces from Palestine - Arab territory

    1937 - Britain recommends partitioning of this territory into a Jewish state and an Arab one. Palestinians reject the partitioning of their land.

    1948 - Jewish and Arab armies stage attacks on each others territories. Jewish forces seize areas allotted to Jewish state and declare state of Israel.

    1967 - Six Day War - Israel occupies the West Bank, Golan Heights, Arab East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip - these territories were allotted to the Palestinians as part of the deal!

    1993 - Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arrafat shake hands on the Oslo accords, allowing limited Palestian autonomy

    2005 - Ariel Sharon and Mahmood Abbas declare a ceasefire. Israel pulls troops and settlers out of West Bank and Gaza

    2007 - Secular Fatah is democratically voted out in Gaza. Hamas is elected. Israel intensifies economic blockade.

    2008 - Hamas agrees six month ceasefire with Israel.

    Continued sanctions against the Palestinians have kept Hamas alive with new recruits. Starvation, malnutrition, lack of aid and medicine to the Palestinians is used by Hamas to justify the continued firing of crude rockets at Israel.

    Those are the facts. So having read them, who does Israel belong to. That is the timeline of the history of the troubles in Palestine between the Israelis and Palestinians. That land was Arab and then the British partitioned it after the war because they felt guilty about what Hitler did to the Jews. The question is, why did the poor Arabs have to pay by having their land seized? And why does America support this unjust situation?

    Iv'e tried to do Americans a favour here. Iv'e told them the FACTS, something that their government has been unwilling to do, ever! Maybe those who read this can now have an informed opinion based on the truth and not more spin from the White house and lies from their Jewish controlled media.

    13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Can advice please. English lawbreaker moving to Texas, can anyone help?

    My boyfriend and I are moving to Austin, Texas to start a new life. We both have jobs arranged and a swell house. However, my boyfriend is a criminal and whilst I love him, he's always in trouble. He's been involved in drug dealing, drug trafficking, violence, theft and fraud. I must say he's good at what he does. I just dont want him to get into trouble in Texas. How can he beat the laws while still providing a luxurious lifestyle that im accustomed to over here in England?

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago