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Lv 2510 points

Shyla R

Favorite Answers18%
  • Will our dog recover from hypothermia?

    Our parents' outdoor dog has severe hypothermia. We took him to the vet and they kept him for a few days with warm fluids and heat blankets but we took him home today as there is nothing else the vet could do. His temp is back to almost normal 99.4 the last time I took it. He is just laying on the heat pad in blankets and occasionally making grunting or a deep whine noise. He hasn't eaten at all but I have forced some chicken broth into him. He has urinated once. He has stood a few times and walked about a foot. Do you think he just needs a long time to recover? I had just hoped for more energy at this point, but I don't know what to fully expect.

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Will our dog recover from hypothermia?

    Our parents' outdoor dog has severe hypothermia. We took him to the vet and they kept him for a few days with warm fluids and heat blankets but we took him home today as there is nothing else the vet could do. His temp is back to almost normal 99.4 the last time I took it. He is just laying on the heat pad in blankets and occasionally making grunting or a deep whine noise. He hasn't eaten at all but I have forced some chicken broth into him. He has urinated once. He has stood a few times and walked about a foot. Do you think he just needs a long time to recover? I had just hoped for more energy at this point, but I don't know what to fully expect.

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • My 4 year old hates having small changes or not getting his way!?

    My 4 year old is very smart, fun, funny, kind, ect...the problem I am having is that he has a very hard time dealing with the smallest changes or not having something be exactly the way he wants it. For example - having to sit in a blue chair at school when he wants to sit in a red chair = meltdown. Getting the milk carton with a regular cow instead of the laughing cow = crying and yelling. Sitting by dad instead of mom in a restaurant. Moving from an activity he enjoys to something he doesn't feel like doing. He doesn't ALWAYS have tantrums when this kind of stuff happens, but on a day when he does he is a beast. What practical things can I do to help him adjust to small changes without giving in to him?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Does the previous homeowner have a case?

    We live in Illinois and we bought our house in February 2010. At the time we were looking for a home we found this one and the guy was asking 150000 for it. We told him we could only afford to pay 130000 top dollar. He originally said no, but a few days later called us back to say that maybe we could do something like pay 130000 on paper and then pay him more money under the table. We talked about it and told him that we really didn't know how we would be able to afford that, but we could try making payments to him as time went on. He said let's just go ahead and go to the closing and then we can write something up afterwards. So we closed on the house, signed all the contracts and everything saying we were paying 130000 for the house. A few days later he called and wanted us to sign a contract stating we would pay him an additional 10000 plus interest, but that we didn't really have to pay him interest, but that he had to put that in the contract because if he got audited he would have to claim the 10000 as income but if he made it look like he loaned us 10000 and we paid him back with interest he would only have to pay taxes on the interest. I told him at that time that I was not going to sign a contract that was illegal and also that would obligate me to pay him interest. He told me that was fine, that he would just open a savings account at a local bank, he would bring the deposit slips by our house, and that we could just deposit money in that account as we had extra. I told him that was ok. He never brought anything over and I didn't hear from him until today (3 years later). He called me to say that he noticed we hadn't put any money in his account. I told him that he never brought me any deposit slips and that was 3 years ago. He said he put them in the mail 3 years ago. I told him I never got anything and have never had a problem getting mail at this address. He said some stuff about how he was being charged by the bank for never using the account he set up. I then told him I had to go because my baby was screaming (that was true). I'm wondering, if he decides to sue me for this money, does he have a case? We signed a legal contract that we were paying 130000 for the house. Does he have an oral contract with us? We didn't set a date for payment or an amount. If so, does an oral contract override the written one we have? And since he wanted us to pay him illegally, should we even take part in that? I'm on an anxiety high about all of this, so any advice would help. Thanks!

    7 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • What guidelines does a doctor have to follow before deciding to give you a c-section?

    I'm getting ready to have my second child within a week (my first was delivered vaginally). One of the on call doctors in my office I have heard is "knife happy" and has a high rate for c sections. I'm afraid if I end up with her and she doesn't think I'm progressing quickly enough for her standards she will decide to make me have a c section. Are there any guidelines doctors must follow before they make that decision? Like is there an amount of time that must pass, a rate of dialation, anything like that? I want to be well informed going in and I'm having trouble finding answers online (I think I'm just not wording myself correctly). Thanks!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • What size furnace do I need to heat a 2000 sq ft house?

    We looked at buying a home, 2 stories, older house, average insulation, and it's furnace is only 66000 BTU with a 53000 BTU output. The home inspector says its small to heat that house, and our HVAC guy says you probably need a 90000 BTU to heat that house (it has old duct work as well). The seller's HVAC guy (a friend of theirs) is saying the furnace is sufficient to heat the house. I am just trying to get some other opinions. Thanks!

    8 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Is it ok for my 4 month old to cry himself to sleep?

    I have a 4 month old baby, and up until now he has always slept in his carseat (with a blanket underneath him) and the carseat sits right in the bassinet which is next to my bed. He sleeps so well in the carseat, I think because he isn't lying flat on his back. Now, I am trying to get him to just sleep in the bassinet without the carseat, because I want to move him to his crib soon. But he literally wakes up like every 30 minutes and cries and cries. I'm not getting any sleep! Should I wait until he can roll over off his back to put him in his crib so that he can roll himself into a comfortable position? Should I just let him sleep in the carseat?!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can I sue my videographer?

    When I got engaged, my cousin's husband offered to do my videography for my wedding. I told him I could pay him and he said that I was to consider it my wedding gift from him and that I did not need to pay him. I said ok. (He did videography on the side). He showed up the day of the wedding, taped my wedding, but skipped out before the reception and did not record anything other than the actual wedding ceremony. Then he and my cousin got divorced. I called him probably 50 times in the months after my wedding, sent him a ton of emails, left him comments on myspace, and he never once responded to me. I ended up seeing him at his work one day at the mall and went in to talk to him, and he told me his dvd burner was broken so that was what was taking so long. I told him that I understood and I would do whatever it took to get the video. I also offered to pay him for it again, because I knew we were no longer "family" and thought maybe he didn't want to do this as a gift for me any more. He told me no, he wouldn't take any money from me, and that it was still a gift. Then I couldn't get ahold of him for a couple more months. Every time I have seen him in person he gives me excuses about why he doesn't have the video. Then he was doing video for another wedding that my parents were at and he told my mom the video was all ready to go, and she offered to pay him, which he said no, and he said he would bring the video to the reception, which he did not do. And that couple did get their wedding video about 8 months after their wedding, and the bride said she had to call and call and email and show up at his house numerous times to get it.

    My question is how can I get this video from him? Can I sue him to try to get it, even though I'm not out any money?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Yo, Patrick Swayze, Imma let you finish...?

    Kanye: Yo, Patrick Swayze, I know you just died and all, and Imma let you finish, but Michael Jackson had the best death of the year! The best death of the year!

    Booya. I know it might sound disrespectful but I think it's funny =)

    15 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Kanye West is a douchebag!?

    Did anyone else see what Kanye did to Taylor Swift at the VMA's last night? What an idiot! Beyonce was obviously not impressed by him, and I thought it was so nice that she let Taylor do her acceptance speech when she won her award later.

    27 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Obama's speech to students?

    In my town, the local high school decided not to air Obama's speech to students during school. Half the town is in an uproar over this! My question is, why are they so furious that the school didn't force the students to watch a presidential speech? What the president should have done was say, I'm going to make a speech to students, its going to be at 8 pm on whatever date. That way, the parents could decide whether or not their minor child watches the speech. The parents who wanted their kids to see it could make sure their kid saw it, and parents who didn't want their kids to see it could make sure they didn't, and the school wouldn't be put in the middle. It just seems like the school is damned if they do, damned if they don't. Does anyone else agree with me on this? Or do you think the school was out of line by not making students watch the speech?

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • My baby has very dry skin on his head?!?

    My baby has horrible dry skin on his head! It flakes off constantly and I don't know what to do about it. I use a baby wash for dry skin, and I use Aveeno baby lotion on his head. I only give him a bath every 3 or 4 days because I don't want to make it worse. Does anyone have any suggestions on something I can use on his head to get rid of this dry skin? I'm afraid it's going to get worse when winter comes around. Also, is it ok to kind of scrub his head with a washcloth to get the dead dry skin off when I do bathe him? Or do you think that is making it worse?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Need help with an anniversary gift or idea!?

    My 2nd anniversary is coming up, and I want to do something special for my husband. We just had our first baby in June, and I have been off work until recently, so we don't have a lot of extra money to spend. But he is a great husband and a wonderful dad and I want to do something very special for him!

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Who started the assault?

    If I throw a drink in someone's face, and they punch me, and I hit them back, and we both get charged with assault, who would be the one who is considered to have actually started it? It could be me, for throwing a drink, but I think whoever actually puts their hands on the other person first is considered to have assaulted and anything after that is defense.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever had their doctor dialate them with her hand?

    I am 39 weeks pregnant, and today my doctor used her fingers to dilate my cervix while she checked me. She said she "forced it" to help move things along. Has anyone had that happen and if so about how long after that did it take to start having contractions? I've heard it can take several days and I've heard it can put you into labor that same day!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago