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Lv 32,462 points

The Horse N' Rider

Favorite Answers15%

The Horse N' Rider here. Follow me on twitter!! @TheHorseNRider . Im a BIG ANON. Here to answer YOUR questions. Im a country girl. I have an old outlaw typed soul! I LOVE TO PARTY! I know ALOT about horses too!:) Including: various disciplines, training, anatomy, psychologically, and health.

  • Should I change barns ?

    Okay, so I currently have my American Saddlebred boarded at an Equestrian Center thay has only Arabians. Hes the only Saddlebred! I'm thinkin' I should switch, because she got my old Saddlebred/Saddleseat instructor and trainer to help her with him. She doesnt really know much about the breed and how to train. I want to ride so bad, but she always wonts to be there, & i never do anything myself even when I ask numerous amounts of times. She gives me a lesson a week (if that, cause shes always bisy or not answerong me when i do wont to come(. When i wont to do somethin',shes got other pkans and does it on her time and her watch. All this is getting old, & im sick of it. Shes a nice girl and all, & seens to know a great deal of information .. but not the kind i need. What to do?

    ****** AND P.S FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! :) @Saddleseat88

    Please. & thanks guys ! Always love your help.

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • My horse had an accident in his stall .. MAJOR HELP!?

    I bought a Saddlebred on October 6, 2012. I've had him 3 months. Hes also 5 years old.. hes a bit of a whinny boy. Kicked the stall when we first brought him in, and will whine when you leave. Hes very loving, and sweet .. i havent found a mean bone in his body.

    Yesterday, he had an accident in his stall. The girl I pay board to, who works/rides and trains him called me yesterday, and said he was "spewing" blood every where, He cut is mouth, and it went through an artery . I'll show you picture of his stall, it pretty HECTIC & GRAPHIC so need I say dont click on his stall pictures if you cant handle it. And the last picture is his stitches and mouth,

    So hes a show horse. He wears a double bridle (2 bits). And I was wondering if he'll recover and be able to be a horse again, seeing his mouth is badly injured. Saddleseat requires close contact, and bit pressure. What do you guys think? Will he recover and be able to show again?







    8 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • My new horse Chase! Critique him &' my riding.?

    I just got him a month ago. Hes a 5 year old American Saddlebred. I just got back into riding english. I went from Saddleseat 6 years ago, to rodeo and western til up to this year I've found my true love is for the " peacocks of all show horses! " The Saddlebred horse(:

    Anyhow, I think he has potential to be a 5gaited horse! Due to being so tall, and fast. But right now, were just staying in 3 gaited pleasure classes. If any of you guys knows who Supreme Sultan is, then good! Cause my horse has his bloodlines in his pedigree TWICE. From both, his Dam &' Sires side! So his a magnificent horse. Very bold and beautiful. Any how here is my video I made of us, and then the next link will be my channel to view all videos of him. Please critique us, and critique him as well. (:


    My channel-

    Supreme Sultan-


    2 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Youtube ? ( 20 characters )?

    so you guys please !.. help me out. rate, subscribe, * thumbs up*:), and comment my videos ! I don get nearly enough. ill watch yours, and do the same (: promise *

    & also im gettin' a new horse.. *finally*

    watch the two videos that say "saddlebreds i like" and " dream& nugget" please. and tell me what you think?

    1 AnswerHorses9 years ago
  • Videos . What do you think of these horses ? (:?

    First one is 2 saddlebreds I like. One needs work, the other not as much . What yall think .

    Then heres 2 others in the same video, a Saddlebred &' then a Morgan .

    Ohhh, and PLEASE rate, comment, subscribe, and such ! Please (;

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Well, do any of yall ...?

    Do any of you guys play ? If so, look me up ! My name is *born4horses*

    And if you dont, you should totally sign up ! Its a real fun game, you buy, breed, sale, train, run your own stables, and much more. If you guys make on PLEASE make sure you put *born4horses* in the box that says " Your sponsor " . (: Thanks! And post her if you have one, Ill look you up, or you look me up. Post here if you also make one. Thanks! Please help me out horse people.

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Trouble deciding what breed?

    So, currently I have an Appendix (Thoroughbred x Quarter Horse) and shes alright. She 23 now, and not to much spunk.. not not the best trail/riding horse. But shes my baby, ya know how that is !

    I am horse huntin.. and looking for a new horse. I've always been for walk, trot, and canter all the way! NEVER wonted a gaited horse. But i see so many TWH's,, and Rocky Mountain horses and their so beautiful and moves so swiffly ! I've been watching videos of them.. of course i also ride Saddlebreds. So I have experience with them. But I have been thinkin checking a few of them out . What do you guys think? I really wonted a saddlebred to practice on when Im not at my barn, since I plan on showing again. But I also wont a trail horse, Im so confused. What should I do? Something just makes me want to go and try and possibly get a gaited horse~ Ahh.. what would yall do?

    6 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Ughh, boyfriend trouble.. what to do?

    Ok, well we started dating two mondays ago. We talked everyday, and hung out. Well Friday i texted him and was like do you wanna make this work or not cause your not actin like it. He said I do your the one not actin like it. I said iv liked and tried to get you for 4 damn months, dont even say that now. He never texted back, well he called later that day asked what i was doing later i said im not sure probably nothin. And i had to go cause my pawpaw was beside me he said hed called me back. he never did, now he wont, text me nor call me what do i do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guess what! Found me a Saddlebred:) What yall think?

    Hes nine, Registered American Saddlebred, Walk/Trot/Canter, Good with kids, Been shown, Goes western or english, 16hh, used as lesson horse for 4years, and used in a summer camp for 2. $1,500.

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • which horse?(please help:))?

    blah, posted it in wrong section.. dangit but go to this one please you guys, and answer. thanks soo much. xoxo

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • lookin for a horse, which do you like?(please help:))?

    i do believe im goin to hold off on rodeo for a while, and continue saddleseat. im lookin for a saddlebred, i found a rescue in NJ. her are a few horses i like, but im not sure. what you think(read my description and horses, need to have a good match)

    im about 5'2 or 5'3. i can walk, trot, and canter. i know my diagonalsls, leads etc. i can handle a horse pretty well. lol i just get nervous arstrangege people=/ or around a horse iv never met, nor no. lol but once i ride i ride it like im showin it. lol

    i have experience with saddlebreds, iv been takin lessons awhile now.

    so this first saddlebred is 16.1hh-- watch!

    this gals older and 16.1 hh, but im just lookin for a mount to ride, not show. my barn will give me a horse to show until i find my own, or we will show this one. cause my barn is very experienced.

    and i like this girl but she chokes down and has trouble breathing when she canters for extended periods. what do you think, yay, or neigh?


    12 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Aww:( Help! I always worry about this, ugh!?

    well as some of you may know that about 3years ago i showed saddleseat for a barn. well since then hes got 2 new riders and the show now, and they are good. but i gotta keep in mind, i am also good. lol. but i went back for 2 lessons about 2months ago, i loved it! it felt so right, haha... then i had to stop me and my mom had a problem,, she just went crazy on me, lol and i couldnt take lessons. but its all good now, and after winter im takin saddleseat again, and my usual rodeo lessons! im so excited, but i wanna feel family again when i go back. they all seem happy, idk if i wanna go back. like i deff. do.. but what if i feel outta place when the other 2 girls are there?

    ohh and check this out on youtube its my dog tell me what yaa think of her,, and what breed:]

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • well, yall love hores right? tell me what you think of this video:]]?

    its just a little video i made. these horses live behind my aunts house,, i love the paint with the white eye, and the brown younger mare with her mane to the right:]]

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • question for a friend,, please read! serious!!?

    my friend doesnt have yahoo, so i told her id ask on my account.

    but she had sex with this guy that could possibly have stds. he kinda ya kn ow, has sex with anyone thats sexy, and hes on drugs so theres a possibility from transmitting diseases through needles.

    any ways, a week later she noticed she has green/yellow discharge EVERY day.. and theres an awful smell. she looked it up and its an std called "trick"

    what do you guys think?? its been going on for the past month..

    3 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • Ohh noo!! Infection ,, wat to do? Picture Included..?

    Here ya go, just look at the picture! Im thinkin pop it?!? But just wanted to make sure you guys thought the same,, this is a place where she had stitches from a previous home.

    17 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • how much u think this car is worth?

    Its a 2000 Honda Civic EX.

    -186,000 Miles

    -Skunk, 2 CoilOvers(color)

    -AEM Intake

    -New Exhaust from header back

    -Magnaflo Exhaust

    -New Struts

    -5 Speed

    -All power


    My cousin sold it to his paw-paw, and his pawpaw is my great uncle. Ive been in love with this car for 4 years now, and now I have the chance to buy it!! Since Im family I do know that it has a brand new tranmuission, and its been wrecked atleast once(just hit the side of a little bridge nothing bad.) The only thing I dont like is the mileage. Should I get this? I freking cried over it(long story) Im a big motor head. But If I should get it, what should I offer? They wont $3,000 OBO!

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • horse job question...?? and life?

    well i wanna b a horse trainer and have a job on the side. but i dont wanna go to college cuz wit horses i learn better by teachin myself . wen people try to teaxh me it doesnt make since it goes in one ear and out the other. lol i already no alot about trainin, medical, i can ride very good. i have horses. i got my place where im livin figured out im already stayin wit my nanny and ik goin to help them out til they pass then the place is mine. i grew up here, i kno everybody round cuz we all family. im jus curious does this sound like a good plan? ive thought hard. and i makes a and b n the report cards. but sumtime i make ya kno c d or f on stuff i dont get but never on the report card. helpp?

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • 7 questions im confused on...?

    1) well, i know alot about the horse itself, and training and such. but nutrition. im a little stumped on. lol, like i have a 21 year old mare i took er wight today shes 1225lbs. shes about 15.3hh, shes been limping so thats why we havent got much excersise in. shes a little on the heavy side, but her limp is gone now!! so ill be working her. we just give her plain ole' sweet feed. she seems to like it. i been thinking bout senior feed. wat do u guys think about s for senoirs.

    and i have a 5year old mare. i dont give her grain at all since shes pastured, and shes boarded(my old mare is at home wit me) my 5 year olds poop isnt "balls" its kinda a ball but it splats out when it hits tha ground. its not runny or nething, it doesnt looks like meshed up grass so i dont think shes sick. im just curious wat kinda grain should i get her, since shes young and all and im training her.

    does anyone kno a website, were they have a chart for feeds and hay nd such??

    2)im confused on when a horse drops its shoulder. why does a horse drop its shoulder? and how to you ask a horse to drop its shoulder, and when you do ask it to? whats it do? like more support or sumthing? tell me everything?

    3) jumping question! how do u set your horse before a jump? what does the horse do when u set him?(lengthin stride or wat?)

    4) i know you ride the gallop in 2point position, any other tips? i been thinking bout gallopin my older mare. its my first time on her gallopin

    5) How do i cue for the gallop. isnt it like when im canterin i extend my arms, and get in a 2point position and cluck and such?

    6) and last!! how do u clean a geldin sheath? i kno u gotta get tha "bean" out but any other things?

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • horse poopin alot.....?

    wel this past month i bought a 5 year old quarter horse mare. she had a foal bout a year nd half ago. wen she poops its not in balls. its kinda runny some days and others its mushy looking and splatters out when it hits the ground. shes pastured all day, i think shes eating to much hay.? any ideas wats wrong and how shud i improove her diet?( feed nd such, rite now were not giving her grain.)

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • ok, guys! im worried!!?

    3 years ago i took saddleseat lessons. well saterday, at tractor supply(my old insructor works there) we got to talkin and hes givin me a bit to help me out with my new horse(she green, but wont turn nor move) well he also said i can ride. and im kinda nervous. but not bout the ridin part, its about the other girls hes goin to have up there ridin(the started after i quit) and the show! im affraid they are goin to find tons of stuff wrong with my ridin since i rope, barrel, and pole bend now. and i member everything from my lessons im just worried what the goin to think, and how they goin to react. anyways to calm myself down and just have fun with it!? haha, idk. and also what do you guys think i should do with my 5year old mare that is broke(green) will ride with another horse. but wont move, or turn alone. and she wont lunge, we are finally getting her to. but i think i get more of a workout t hen her!! lol thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago