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19. INTP. I like tons of things. Yeah.

  • Writers! Do you hate having to kill your characters?

    Or do you just let them all live? Or kill them all (particularly the favorites)?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • I'm writing a story and I would like to know if these characters seem interesting?

    This is a fantasy genre novel, but I'm not including details or physical descriptions because I just want to see their initial character and future development, so few plot details included, if any, and it's mostly just pre-story timeline events that shaped them into where they are now.

    Tali (21)- she is outgoing, extremely guarded in her feelings, definitely a head over heart person, isn't callous or cold-hearted but she isn't the best with empathizing and doesn't really think about others' feeling before she acts. Rather impulsive. Promiscuous. She is an inventor, a bit on the eccentric side, open-minded, a bit "rebellious" do to her lack of interest in social norms, very independent, clever, and quick-witted.

    Aeron (20)- Very timid, shy, and quiet due to his abusive childhood at the hands of his father. He is artistic and kind. Heart over head kind of person which leads him to make some bad decisions. He is realistic but easily swayed by his emotions. A bit on the moody side. Concerned with others' opinions of him and wants to be well-liked but he is genuinely caring for others and still extremely naive. He holds in a lot of anger and resentment toward his father.

    Alex (21)- optimistic, jovial, and seemingly carefree, but this is just partly just a show to hide his wounded past. Intelligent, but still rather naive. Kindhearted, loves adventure, and is extremely charismatic. Lived in a single parent home with his mother, who died shortly after his 18th birthday from the flu (she had AIDS which caused complications...she used to be a sex worker as means to pay for her and her son's living expenses).

    Byron (19)- She is reserved,but not shy. Spontaneous and carefree. Lives on her own and provides for herself due to her parents throwing her out at 16 because she came out to them as transgendered. Independent, helpful, and wishes to help teenagers in a similar situation to herself.

    Aneirin (23)- Charismatic, energetic, powerful leader of a rebel group, organized, passionate, and while he is not callous, he is willing to do anything to get his view across. Proud, but not arrogant. Brother of Aeron,not abused by their father.

    Balthazar (25)- Another of Aeron's brothers. He is impulsive and reckless and on occasion belligerent, but is a genuinely kind person. Skeptical of Aneirin's cause. Thrill-seeker.

    Erian- (22) Aeron's sister. She is soft-spoken, shy, kind, much like Aeron. Except she is more resolved and has a stronger will than her younger brother. Very stereotypically feminine and lady-like, but this is her strength in the sense that she uses this femininity to her advantage.

    Belinda (17) Aeron's younger sister and the youngest of the brood. She is cold, callous, manipulative, and cunning. She is perhaps the most dangerous character in the novel. Great actress. Which comes in handy.

    Lord Bledri (55) Aeron's father. Cold, callous, and takes joy in seeing others in pain. Not too bright but like Balthazar is impulsive. Main villain.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Can anyone give me more details on this person's personality?

    Sun is a Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp born Nov. 21

    Moon in Libra

    Leo Rising

    Venus in Capricorn

    Mars in Cancer? Thanks in advance ^_^!

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Are these compatible?

    Leo sun, Leo moon, Cancer rising, Cancer Venus, and Libra Mars


    Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon, Leo Rising, Capricorn Virgo, and Cancer in Mars?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What are some aspects of American culture that other cultures find objectionable?

    Ugh, I need help picking a subject for my APHuG class D: I would like a different topic other than ads and acceptance of pre-marital sex

    Thank you in advance! :D

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Brief analysis (two sentences) on this political cartoon?

    I just need help trying to figure out the symbolism in this cartoon -_-

    kthx :D

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Do you thnink SMeyer ruined Jacob Black (READ DESCRIPTION!!)?

    Yeah. I'm not a Twilight fan, but personally I though Jacob was the only bearable character in the whole goddamn series, and he was the sole reason I kept reading it. He had more character and personality in him and wasn't shallow and flat like the rest of SMeyer's atrocious creations. Also he didn't fall in love with Bella because she smelled or good or because she was pretty. He fell in love with her because of her personality(?), as flat and boring as it may be. That is up until Eclipse. Where he turns borderline rapist and in BD where he becomes a pedophile.

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Anybody know what insect this is?

    I saw a bug outside of my house yesterday. It was bright fluorescent green with thick frosty wings. And when I put my foot on it to see it it was something else(Didn't kill it) It kind of lit up. It's not a firefly. I'm sure of that. Thanks in advance ^_^

    1 AnswerBotany1 decade ago
  • ****C&A****Some questions for y'all?

    Mood: Un-Nyappy (bored)

    Yeah, I got really bored and decided to make a survey o(≧∀≦)o

    1) If you and three of your favorite anime/manga characters decided to make a band who would you have in the following positions and what would your band name be?






    2)Which anime character died, but didn't deserve to die in your opinion?

    3) Best anime eye/hair combo?

    4)How would you react if your favorite anime character was stalking you O_O?

    5) Which characters have the cutest outfits? (include pics if you can ^^)

    6) Which shinigami are better? Death Note or Bleach?

    7)Which anime character would you choose as your roommate in college (Note: They must be of your same gender.)

    8)Which two animes would make an awesome cross over?

    9)If you could travel to a certain anime dimension, which would you choose?

    Bonus: Would you ever admit an anime character of your same gender as being hot? (Random and awkward XD I know)

    I is done for now o(≧∀≦)o Nyappy face!

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Have you Given any Anime Characters nicknames?

    So, Hopefully I'm not the only one?
















    5 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • I need help deciding? (POLL)?!?

    So I'm making polls for here and YT, who do you think I should cosplay tommorow? Please and Thank you ^^

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Where to get free music downloads?

    I've been looking everywhere for the following Jrock bands:

    Hime Ichigo

    The GazettE

    Dir En Grey

    Alice Nine

    Maximum the Hormone


    NO LIMEWIRE PLEASE! Limewire had totally screwed up my last computer.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Which Jrocker should I Cosplay as?

    I'm thinking about cosplaying as a jrocker and I don't know who >.<

    I'm 5'4 and have shoulder length hair that's shorter in the back and longer in the front, If that helps. Getting wig and clothes shouldn't be a big deal. :D thanks for your help in advance!

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Any new anime/manga suggestions?

    I didn't like Eyeshield 21 either

    12 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Whose the most hardcore anime person?

    There you have it, who's more HxC?

    I'd say Soi Fon from Bleach. Not just anybody would cut their arm of like she did. If there's ever a zombie invasion, I'm teaming up with her ;)

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • What do you think of my AMV?

    It's Lelouch x CC

    Please tell me what you think. Criticism is appreciated!

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Anime poll survey thing 2!!!!!?

    1] If you had to pick 4 out of your 5 favorite characters to go on a ninja spy mission thing, who would you pick and who would you leave out? Why?

    2] Who is the prettiest (cute, hot, whatev) male anime character ever?

    3] Gundam or Code Geass?

    4] Best crack pairing(s) ever?

    5] Which anime character do you love and hate at the same time?

    6] Which two crossed-anime characters should hook up and why? Can be Yaoi, Yuri, or Straight...(ex: Light and Naruto for example O_O don't want to imagine THAT one though,) Pick as many as you want...

    7]Would you rather have a Death Note, A Zenpukuto or a Knightmare frame?

    8]Ouran or Vampire Knight?

    9]What's the worst thing about Shoujo? about Shounen?

    10] Which character would you like to see in a Sailor Moon outfit? (Don't say Itachi....that scarred me for life >.<)

    11]Who has prettier eyes Lelouch, Grimmjow, or Ulquiorra? Prettier Hair?

    12. Who has the prettiest eyes out of any anime? prettiest hair?

    6 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Which of these amv's should I make?

    I'm thinking of doing an AMV but I can't choose which!

    Lelouch x CC: Don't trust me- 3OH!3

    Ulquiorra x Orihime: Dance With the Devil- Breaking Benjamin

    or Vampire Heart-HIM

    Code Geass: Psychosocial-Slipknot

    Wolves at the door-Senses Fail

    Lelouch Tribute: Waking the Demon- Bullet for my Valentine

    Requests are also kindly accepted if the music falls under the alternative, rock, or metal category, or techno is also accepted.

    Keep in mind that they may be short because I use Sony Vegas for my vids and it's a lot of work!

    I'm not asking you to view my vids, but if you want to:

    The 3 newest were made with SV....

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Where should I start watching Final Fantasy?

    I want to watch the anime of it, but I don't know where to start because there's FF VII, V, Etc...

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago