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Lv 55,606 points

John B

Favorite Answers22%
  • Why is it that questions are deleted after one writes out a sometimes lengthy answer?

    Once in a while I answer something, sometimes after much thought, and when I click "Preview" it comes up that the question has been deleted. Or that YA is "down for Maintenance", or something. Why can't YA just take my answer and at least let me feel like my time hasn't been wasted. Couldn't there be (is there) a popup to tell one these things before one gets into a serious answer?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this poem?


    I saw the Sun


    over the sand,


    cloud barr'd.


    Shimmering in a tidal pool.

    Glinting from the empty Beer cans.

    Sparkling on the broken glass.

    I watched gulls gliding


    on the salt tanged morning breeze.

    Landing gracefully at a trash barrel.

    I heard them


    with mournful sounding joy, at

    the overflowing plunder.

    The languid sea shimmers

    with raimbow patterns as it


    sluggish with its coating of oil, and

    once living organisms.

    The Sun,

    climbing higher,

    reveals an abandoned car

    slowley rusting behind a dune.

    Turning the sand


    I climbed the dune and passed an old campfire


    by empty cans of Schlitz.

    At the crest I sat

    amid the sparse grasses -


    At Noon, the sun, a brilliant yellow orb',

    beat down, burning

    without mercy.

    Giving stark reality to all suroundings.

    The wind is still,

    the air hot,

    heavy with moisture and

    the putrid taste of rotting


    The ever moving Sea,

    slowly eating away the shore,

    is laden with bottles, and cans, and driftwood, and


    As the Sun sets, the shadows


    The rusting hulk sinks into darkness.

    The cans, and bottles, and litter, cast shadows of their own

    as they, too, fade into the night.

    The Gulls,


    wing their way to roost.

    The slivered Sun gives a final gleam,

    sending red tinged rays


    into the darkness.

    The stars are mirrored

    in a tidal pool:

    and, the Night enfolds


    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Why, when correcting a typing error in mail and in answers,?

    sometimes typing the correction causes the next character or space to disappear. Then, when I try to replace that one, the next disappears, and so on. Anyone else have this problem, or know what to do about it - beyond not correcting the errors. Running XP, SP3 with IE7 and this has been going on for years. Just finally getting tired of it.

    I have run virus scans and found nothing.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What is the problem with Yahoo member directory?

    I can't upload, or delete a photo in My Profile. When I try I get either a 999 error message or I'm taken back to My Profile page - sans changes. Have tried this at all times of day and night with the same results.

    When I try to access Yahoo photo gallery, I'm told access denied because I don't own the account??? Like to know who does.

    I did diagnostics with my ISP & found no problems. Ran anti-virus, no problems. ran spyware check, no problems.

    I have 2 computers. Win. XP. IE 7. on each. Anyone else having this problem

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago