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  • What to do with a sister-in-law who hates me?

    My brother's wife has a problem with other women. It's a fact that she has admitted to but apparently does not want to change. She also has a history of mental issues and often is not consistent with her medication.

    Last Thanksgiving she decided to pick a fight with my parents (right before she was supposed to go to their house for dinner) for not respecting her enough. I intervened and tried to smooth things over because it was a holiday but she called me some unpleasant things and accused me of trying to destroy her family. Then, she lied to my brother about what was said and now he will not speak to me nor will they allow their son to even know who I am. She literally told my nephew that I am evil and he is no longer allowed at his grandparents' house because there's a chance he might see me there.

    It's a huge mess. To give you some history, the year SIL married my brother she gave my mother the silent treatment for six months for buying her a shirt that was a "large" because she said it was insulting. Prior to that she had a huge fight with my younger sister who was trying to do a nice thing by selling them an airline gift certificate at a discount for their honeymoon but SIL decided to back out of the deal. When my sister couldn't buy it back right away, SIL called her everyday to hound her calling her some awful names and even calling my sister's husband at work.

    While I would really like to have a good relationship with her I don't see it happening but my brother and I were close at one time so the fact that he believes I was so rude to his wife hurts the most. I also don't want my nephew to miss out on time with his grandparents (my parents) but they have made it quite clear (to everyone involved) that I am always welcome at their house. Any suggestions on how to deal with this or should I just give up?

    8 AnswersFamily9 years ago