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Lv 31,589 points

Just a soldier

Favorite Answers23%
  • would you consider this a poetic?

    Fragmented skies

    offer momentary glimpses

    of twilights beauty.

    A soft streak

    of brilliant white

    the red pulsating

    of ariel traffic.

    A chilled wind

    whispers on skin

    of coming changes.

    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • To whom it may concern, would you consider this a poem?

    To Whom it my concern;

    I apologize for my leave of absence. I've been... caged by wooden pillars, enshrouded in a cave of green that has changed over time to so many colors of death and decay. The man of the mountain my jailer though I was the only man on that mountain.

    I suppose I was on some foolish errand. Chasing a dream, and for a short time... not hiding from nightmares. Dreams however, are like hope... They are for the weak who can not, or will not face the truth. I was weak and yes, I was scared. I see and feel the truth now. Deep within my bones, with every movement... On charts and in this building where people come for no reason but to die.

    I can not be a burden any longer, not upon such kind strangers, some who would grow close if I allowed. To what end besides... my own.

    Winter is whispered upon the wind... I had hoped to wait until spring, but I have one more dream to chase. One question I must have an answer to. In those brown eyes, I saw something, I have to see if it was real. I said once... it'll be a bear.

    This is my final chapter, my final page. So... to whom it may concern... thank you for your kindness, your compassion and your... your gift of hope to a weak man.

    8 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • a long goodbye, would you consider this a poem?

    Before the sun comes up

    I'll be touching down,

    in the land of sun and fun.

    A journeys end,

    where life began.

    In the back woods,

    of what was once

    a small farm town.

    Crushing out another cigarette,

    I'm reminded...

    nothing last forever.

    and just like that rolled tobacco,

    dreams burned away,

    before I was ready to go.

    but that's the way off goodbye.

    People all around me,

    lovin, laughin, and carryin on.

    Going to see friends and family

    while I'm just goin cause I'm gone.

    They gave me 10 weeks,

    to make my peace,

    But how do you find,

    What you never had?

    So I made up my mind,

    and I gave back 9,

    cause I aint dying in bed.

    Soldiers are made for war,

    and it all I was ever good for.

    but this time...

    there can be no victory...

    win or lose it'll be the end of me...

    I'm just a soldier...

    and soldiers fight,

    But I wanted to say good bye...

    before my flight.

    To those I've come to know... this is good bye. The bone cancer wins. I got one fight left, and those who know me best and remember a few of my poems about a pair of big brown eyes, know what I'm about. Thank you for everything

    9 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Last words in anger, would you consider this a poetic?

    You speak to her like that again

    and I'll choke you with your own IV.

    The words spoken in anger,

    from a man at deaths door...

    To a man on deaths bed.

    All over a stupid light...

    That didn't get answered fast enough.

    The bed ridden felt the world owed him,

    God save the soul who did not cater.

    The rest of the day,

    Neither man spoke to the other...

    Though nurses whispered about the confrontation.

    "About time someone stood up to him...

    Wish I could have seen it...

    You should have seen how mad Mr. _________ got,

    when mr. Tanner spoke to Jessica like that.

    Hours later,

    To the cadence of




    A strange gasp


    of a breath...

    Mr. Tanner passed...

    Guilts a horrible friend.

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Leaving it behind... Would you consider this a poem?

    Death lay upon a slab of concrete.

    Brown with decay,

    speckled with yellow, orange, red...

    Fading life.

    Saw horses held the skeletal remains of a dream.

    The wooden bones of a hope

    turned failure.

    A single enclosure standing strong

    against the coming winter.

    140 square feet of pride,

    the only sign of existence left.

    A bricked chimney


    And a hammer

    Tacked gently,


    upon the wall...

    Under a plaque the read


    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • I reckon theres no accountin for... would you consider this a poetic?

    Auburn hair,

    Big green eyes.

    She wore a yellow short sleeve shirt,

    And it was cold out side.

    "Evenin Jessica, what are you doin here?"

    She smiled that smile,

    Like when I complimented her perfume.

    "I saw you were running low...

    Thought I'd save you the walk"

    I offered a smile of my own,

    Flicking ashes into the tray.

    "That's mighty nice of you,

    How much do I owe?"

    She smiled again and shook her head,

    Wrapping her arms across herself,

    As the wind picked up.

    I was quick to unzip my light jacket,

    Setting it over her shoulders.

    Her hand lifted to touch my own.

    Taking the last drag,

    The smoke was crushed

    "I thought you had today off"

    The doors opened as we stepped on the sensor.

    "I do"

    We walked down the hall way

    Dodging nurses,


    And doctors.

    "What brought you in tonight then?"

    She smiled that smile again,

    but offered no answer.

    There's no accounting for women...

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you consider this a poetic?

    "Good morning Sir!"

    To much perk was met wth a lift of a coffee cup.

    "Morning Audrey"


    The weather channel showed rain.

    Vitals were checked with the speed and aptitude of experince.

    "Jessica tells me your not taking your medication...

    It's there to help you...

    Why don't you use is?"


    "Doesn't hurt to bad,"

    "Don't lie to me Mr. __________"

    His responce was only a sip of coffee.

    Thankfuly she pushed no further.

    "When's your wife coming to visit?"


    "Soon as I find one I reckon"

    "Oh... no girl friend either?"

    "No ma'am"

    20 questions began,

    About family,

    Lack of relationship...

    And before long she knew

    Whatever she asked about.

    She settled at the foot of his bed

    While he positioned himself to get up.

    "I reckon it's time for another cup...

    Probably a smoke to"

    "Mr. _________ is there..."

    "No ma'am, I'll be auight"


    "You sure are a stubborn one"

    6 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you consider this a poetic?


    The Alabama game was almost over,

    And for a moment his thumb hovered,

    Just above the button that would bring a respite...

    And a short period of delirium.

    Blue eyes closed as he breathed in,

    And for a moment he was else where.

    Brown speckled, multicolored leaves cascaded to earth.

    A crisp bite upon the evening air.

    Hammer hanging from a nail,

    In the only enclosed room on a concrete slab.

    A small fire cracked in the brick made fire place.

    Coffee brewed,

    Set on a stone at its edge.

    And a cigarette burning between fingers

    "Excuse me...

    I need to take your vitals again"

    Another deep breath,

    But the smell was replaced by something more feminine.

    Something sweeter.

    "Is that sunflower Jessica?"


    "Yes, do you like it?"

    Tips of fingers trailed over a scar as she moved the sleeve.

    Tracing a diffrent path as they lowered.

    "Yes ma'am, it's one of my favorites"

    She smiled again,

    A single finger twirling auburn hair.

    "How are we doing tonight sir?"

    His gaze lifted to see a white lab coat

    Stethescope and his chart.


    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you consider this a poetic?


    "How come your not taking you meds?"


    White walls and a pale blue curtain.

    College football on a small tv built some time in the mid 90's.


    No sense getting use to them.

    "It doesn't hurt that bad"



    "Is there anything I can get for you?"

    Pastel designs fit well with the rounded collar.

    Apparently she got a deal on the internet

    "No ma'am, but I'll be going out for a smoke shortly"

    "Alright, my name is Jessica, if you need anything let me know."

    He gave a nod in responce before she turned to leave.


    "Jessica, that yellow looks nice...

    Kinda brings out the green in your eyes"


    She stopped,

    one hand on the door as she look back

    " You really think so? "

    " Yes ma'am "

    She smiled again

    Opening her mouth as if to speak.

    And stopped as the man on the other side of the curtain

    Complained about wanting more pain meds.




    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • To whom it may concern, Would you concider this a poetic?

    To Whom it my concern;

    I apologize for my leave of absence. I've been... caged by wooden pillars, enshrouded in a cave of green that has changed over time to so many colors of death and decay. The man of the mountain my jailer though I was the only man on that mountain.

    I suppose I was on some foolish errand. Chasing a dream, and for a short time... not hiding from nightmares. Dreams however, are like hope... They are for the weak who can not, or will not face the truth. I was weak and yes, I was scared. I see and feel the truth now. Deep within my bones, with every movement... On charts and in this building where people come for no reason but to die.

    I can not be a burden any longer, not upon such kind strangers, some who would grow close if I allowed. To what end besides... my own.

    Winter is whispered upon the wind... I had hoped to wait until spring, but I have one more dream to chase. One question I must have an answer to. In those brown eyes, I saw something, I have to see if it was real. I said once... it'll be a bear.

    This is my final chapter, my final page. So... to whom it may concern... thank you for your kindness, your compassion and your... your gift of hope to a weak man.


    Jack Hammer

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you consider this a poetic?

    Hola Martillo

    Hello Jack.

    It is time then?

    Yeah... its time.

    Hmmm... Martillo, why do people lie?

    What do you mean?

    When we were young... they say, you can do it.

    Dreams come true if you work hard.

    There is a way if you try...

    To give hope Jack.

    Hope... Martillo, hope is for the weak who can not face the truth.


    So it is time then?

    Yeah Jack... its time...

    Martillo... maybe hammer swing one more time, for old time sake.

    Yeah Jack, Hammer will swing one more time...

    The hammer draws back


    The End

    6 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you consider this a poem?

    Hammer swings.

    Whack whack!

    Another board put to place,

    frames and things.

    Who needs a nail...


    Using hands makes it real,

    makes it more...


    Hammer swings


    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you c/c this non poetic? dont worry its not a long...?



    Descance en paz.

    El martillo

    10 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Do you remember being 16? Would you please c/c my poem?

    Wild Cats!

    Go two

    go two!

    Man on man

    wait for the snap

    and bust through.

    Titans clash

    Line backers blow past

    knock the running back

    on his...

    it's a

    Quarter back sack!

    Wait no


    Blue Ball

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Would you please c/c this smoking poem?


    The match flares

    blue eyes,


    with the smoke.

    A momentary glow

    illuminates mouth

    and nose.


    by the cup of a hand.

    Guess it's time

    to get up.

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • I remember being 17, would you please c/c my poem?

    The whistle blew,

    shoot for two,

    suck in

    lift up

    now Slam!


    and pass guard

    bull dog

    use the forearm

    to cross face

    and gain space.

    Arm behind the neck

    crank it

    make 'em breathe sweat


    Point blue.

    6 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Counting down, part 14 would you please read the 17th poem and c/c?

    A lost soul,

    Lay shattered,

    Its pieces,


    Upon the ground.

    Driving on,

    The soldier gathers,

    Though some peaces,

    Never to be found.

    From its fragments,

    The soldier builds,


    In a demonic maze

    With hands shaking,

    Heart tattered,

    His mind clouded,

    By darkened haze.

    He is wounded,


    And hungry

    Not wishing,

    To stay,

    Lost inside this land

    then along there came a stranger.

    A small shard,

    Of his soul,

    Within their hand.

    Kneeling there,

    Aside the soldier

    They show to him a light.

    With compassion,

    The stranger lends him strength.

    With empathy,

    Help him fight.

    Though the battle will not soon be over

    The stranger and soldier take the stand.

    Then along there comes another

    and takes the soldiers hand.

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • here kitty kitty, this ones for you. would you please c/c this poem and offer a title?

    They watched him come and go,

    as he slowly marched past their rows.

    and offered a greeting

    to the ones he was closest too.

    He knew their names

    but they'd never ask his

    though he came here time and again

    just to sit and talk

    to a man he once knew.

    But those souls never judged

    even at those times he came undone

    as they bore silent witness

    to what grown men don't do,

    it would always start

    and end the same

    with the flicker of a flame

    and the soft glow

    of cigarette.

    staring like he was lost

    whispering softly Go with God.

    he'd quickly turn

    and walk away

    but this time it didn't feel like

    a temporary thing


    I was thinking something along the lines of graveyard as the title, I don't know

    6 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Hey Ma... I sold the house, could you c/c this poem and offer a title?

    He stood in the doorway,

    of an empty home

    filled with the comforts

    of a house

    running down

    the mental list

    of the tools and gear he had to take

    and the things

    he'd miss the most

    Softly smiling

    he turned the lock

    and left the

    key in the knob.

    This place was what

    dreams are for.

    but he didn't have dreams


    he gave a nod

    got in his jeep

    backed out of the drive

    but as he started to leave,

    he stopped

    and waved goodbye

    to the things


    are made of

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago