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Lv 2579 points

Jacob Elward

Favorite Answers22%
  • How messed up can I get?

    This is gonna be drawn out, long and boring. I've had a few beers and it's one of those nights that my mind won't stop. I feel like writing this out might make me feel better, not that I'm looking for any particular answer... because I know there isn't one.

    There was this girl... I met her when I was about 14 years old. We became extremely close friends; we talked on the phone almost every single night. We saw each other almost every day throughout high school. But we were just friends.

    About a week before prom, her boyfriend dumped her. She called me crying. She asked if I would take her to prom. I honestly felt honored to take her. I still remember that black and pink dress she was wearing when she came down the stairs, she was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. We had a great time at prom, and at the week-long after party by the lake.

    After prom was over, we went our seperate ways.

    A few years down the road, we started hanging out again. It was right after I got out of a semi-serious relationship and so did she. One thing lead to another, and we finally started dating. It was amazing, more than I could have ever dreamed of. I had no worries in life at all. I no longer stressed over my rent being paid, or what I was going to do with my future, or struggling through college... Nothing mattered because I was so happy with her. And she drove an hour every single night to come stay the night with me after I got off work, so I knew she felt the same as I did.

    I was asleep in my bed one night, holding her next to me. I remember opening my eyes out of a dead sleep when she told me she loved me. I told her I loved her too. I was never more happy in my entire life... even today.

    Things only got better.

    We moved in together shortly after. The house we got was a litte more than I wanted, more than I thought we needed, but it made her happy. We moved in during the summer time... I remember because I planted a rose bush in the backyard next to the fence. She was really in to that romantic stuff and she loved it when I put a fresh flower by her bed in the morning. When that following February came, I took her out on one of those old-time steam-boats with the big rotating paddles on the back for valentines. The prepared dinner and we had a few drinks and danced all night while we cruised around the lake. I had planned on proposing to her that night, but I ended up talking myself out of it. I was up for a promotion, and I thought she deserved better than the man I was at the time. Money didn't matter to either of us, but for some reason I wanted to wait until after my promotion to propose... I guess I'm a bit hypocritical in that sense.

    So, I didn't propose.

    After my promotion, I planned a trip to drive across two states to ask her grandfather for her hand in marriage (her dad passed away the year prior, which was why I was asking her grandfather). The day before the trip, I caught her with another man. You can imagine what this did to me.

    Skipping past the tears and heartache... Here I am now, 26 years old, almost 2 years after I caught her cheating. I've had about 8 "flings" since then, and 2 women I thought that I could have an actual relationship with. But with those 2 women, as soon as I feel like they are starting to care about me, I break it off with them. I look at all women in a different light now. As much as I want to care about them the way they care about me... I can't.

    I feel terrible because the woman that I'm seeing now is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met. The other night, I thought she was about to tell me she loves me. As soon as I got the feeling that she was about to drop that bomb on me, I went in to "d!ckhead" mode. I didn't realize until after the fact, but regardless...

    I'm not that kind of guy, or at least I never was before. I feel like it will never change now. I've turned in to the biggest asshole I know, and I honestly couldn't change it if I wanted to...

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Can I upgrade my CPU?

    It's a Dell Inspiron N5030. I know laptops can't be upgraded easily.. I just want to know if it's even possible, and what CPU's would be compatible. I keep getting the run-around on Dell's website.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • I need some first date ideas?

    I'm 25 and she's 19... I know, I know. But that's just the way it is. Typically, I would take a girl to dinner and then out for some drinks, but I can't really do that in this situation. And going to the movies is fun after you already get to know each other, but definitely not for a first date. She's very timid and I don't think she even drinks anyways. We both work late tonight, so I have no idea where to take her after we get off. Any suggestions??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • First Move/First Date/How Do I Know?

    This is probably gonna be a little long and drawn out, but it's 5am and I don't have anywhere to be for another 2 hours.

    I just started a new job managing a really nice Italian restaurant. My first day there, I met the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life. She's one of those girls that you just look at but don't dare to talk to. Long black hair, perfect body, beautiful face, perfectly tan, about 5'5" or 5'6" she reminds me of a Greek goddess. (she looks white, but I think she might be mixed)

    Now, a little about me. I would like to think I'm just a little better than average (but that's probably just wishful thinking). I keep myself clean shaved, military style haircut (I'm not military though), about 5'11 or 6' on a good day. I'm not ripped, but I'm definitely not fat either. I played a lot of sports in high school, and I stayed pretty active in outdoor things for a few years after high school, so I still have an athletic body, but the recent lack of exercise shows a little (something I plan on working on). Basically, she's out of my league. Oh yeah, I'm her manager and she's a server. Typically I would just make a move without fear of rejection, but it's a lot different when you're someones boss.

    So, coincidentally, one of the guys that works there is an old friend of mine; I didn't even know he worked there until the day I started. Naturally, guys talk about things like.... her. Well, one of the days that I was talking to him about her, one of the other servers walks up behind us without me knowing. He over hears us and he asked me, "Are you talking about Brittany?" Unable to avoid it, I said yes. He then proceeds to tell me how annoying it gets because all she talks about is how hot I am every time I walk by her.

    Now I have a little bit more confidence. A lot actually.

    So I work out a plan to have my buddy invite some people over to his place one night, including her. I still didn't want to come right out and make a very forward move, considering the whole boss/employee thing, so I just asked her if she would like to hang out some time. She said she would love to. And she is fully aware of the situation I'm in, so she agreed that it would be best to keep things quiet. I got her number, and I waited until the following night to text her, asking if she would like to go out on Wednesday night (tomorrow). That was two days ago. Still no response, and I don't get any opportunities to talk to her at work without worrying about someone finding out. I would get fired for dating one of my employees.

    I shoot her a smile every time I walk by her now, but I never really get any subtle hints back. Considering she hasn't text me back yet about Wednesday night, what am I supposed to do? I know it's the right number, because we text back and forth for a bit before I asked her out on Wednesday. And I've also heard from several other people about how much she talks about me.

    One little detail that I found out very recently, she's 19. I'm not sure how I feel about that, she seemed a little older. I'm only 25, so it isn't really that bad, but it limits my options of where to take her.

    I would love to get a woman's perspective on this. Or even a guys if they have been in a similar situation. And maybe toss in some ideas on where to take her, or how to make that first move on one of your employees. (I know I shouldn't $hit where I eat, but she's freakin hot!)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Divorce/Annulment, Marriage Without Consummation?

    Here is a scenario, and I would like to know the possible outcomes.

    Jane and John are dating for a month, and then John gets sent away to prison. In order to get visitation rights, Jane and John sign an Affidavit of Informal Marriage so that TDC will recognize them as husband and wife. TDC never files this affidavit with the county clerk, so when you run a search on the marriage index on the county clerk's website, nothing shows up. About two months before John is released from prison, Jane decides that she does not want to be with him (keep in mind, John was incarcerated for the entire duration of the marriage, so no consummation ever happened). Unfortunately, the marriage is legal because they presented themselves as husband and wife to the state of TX. They do not have a marriage license though. The county clerk does not recognize them as husband and wife.

    So my question is, are they married?

    If so, do they have to get a divorce or an annulment?

    Are there any other problems that may arise in this situation, legally?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Pros and Cons of allowing concealed handgun carry in Colleges?

    I'm writing a 7 page paper in my government class debating the subject of allowing concealed handguns in colleges and universities. my paper has to be unbiased, so i was trying to write down as many pros and cons as i could think of to fill up 7 pages. Any and all ideas would be appreciated!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Which Engagement Ring Do You Like Better?





    She is 25 years old and doesn't like very gaudy rings. We've been together for 2 years and have been friends for over 10 years (you would think I would be more confident in knowing which one she would like the best).

    12 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • History 1301 homework help?

    1. Jackson's popularity was derived not only from defeating the British but also from

    A) the "common man" bond he shared with the western people

    B) the way he "spoiled" the children of wealthy political donors

    C) his opening extensive tracts of Indian lands to white settlement

    D) his respected position as a landed gentlemen slaveholder in the antebellum south

    2. Which of the following would you NOT expect of the Whigs in the 1830s and 1840s?

    A) support for regulating the new market economy

    B) a pessimistic outlook, especially about the role of govt

    C) a belief that govt should foster moral welfare

    D) support for humanitarian reforms

    3. Daniel Webster refuted Calhoun's theory of American govt by arguing that

    A) Jackson's economic policies were at fault

    B) southerners should support western expansion due to New England's growing political power

    C) the Constitution was created by "the people" and not as a compact among the separate states

    D) the Homestead Act was indeed unconstitutional

    4. Which of the following statements best describes the attitude of Jacksonian Democrats toward slavery and blacks?

    A) they accepted the institution of slavery in the south and opposed rights for free blacks in the north

    B) they took steps at the state level to improve the condition of blacks, but did not try to abolish slavery

    C) they quietly encouraged the minority among their ranks who worked for the abolition of slavery

    D) they strongly supported slavery as a positive good for all parts of the country

    5. In the Charles River Bridge case, the Supreme Court

    A) struck down the South Carolina Nullification Act

    B) encouraged free enterprise by striking down a monopoly

    C) esablished the Interstate Commerce Commission

    D) declared the Specie Circular unconstitutional

    6. Which of the following was NOT an important characteristic of politics in the age of Jackson?

    A) the acceptance of a party system as legitimate

    B) expanded political democracy and increased participation in politics

    C) end of the spoils system of filling public offices with political supporters

    D) a dynamic expansion of presidential power and leadership

    7. To reconcile the fundamental tension between equality and opportunity, Americans in the final analysis committed to

    A) equality of opportunity

    B) political equality, but economic inequality

    C) equality of condition for native-born whites by denying opportunity to blacks, Indians, and immigrants

    D) political means to achieve the ned of equal economic conditions

    8. Martin Van Buren regarded political parties as not only acceptable but essential to democratic govt because

    A) he remembered that the first parties had come to accept the legitimacy of political opposition movements

    B) while ambassador to England, he saw how effectively two parties ahd worked there

    C) he believed govt's could not govern effectively without parties

    D) he believed parties proveded a check on abuse of power and kept the public informed

    9. Which of the following leaders advocated the idea of state nullification in order to oppose the tariff?

    A) John C. Calhoun

    B) Andrew Jackson

    C) Daniel Webster

    D) Henry Clay

    1 AnswerHomework Help10 years ago
  • Question for Chantix users?

    I want to quit smoking cigarettes but I do enjoy a cigar about once a month, and I don't want to give that part up. Does Chantix ruin cigars along with cigarettes? Or does it just work on cigarettes? And how effective was Chantix for you? How long did you take it before you fully quit?

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Cost of building a gaming computer?

    I want to build my own gaming computer and I was wondering if anyone had a general idea of the cost to build a computer that is used strictly for gaming. I don't need anything extra on it (like a blu-ray player), just the basics. I plan on spending around 150-200 on RAM and maybe another 150 on a decent graphics card. What I don't know is the price of the motherboard and the hard drive and everything else it takes to run the computer. I just need a general number, for example: $1,000-$1,200


    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Laptop Video Card Upgrade? Need a Geeksquad guy!?

    I have a Dell Inspiron N5030 with 8gb of ram. I want to upgrade my video card (and I've heard it's possible if you take apart your whole laptop) and I was wondering if this was a service Geeksquad offers. I'm trying to get my laptop to play World of Warcraft fluently. Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How to Improve Wireless Network Speed?

    My laptop is a Dell Inspiron N5030 with an Atheros AR9285 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Adaptor and I've got 8gb of ram (if that matters). My router is through Comcast (which I hate, but it's all that's available) and while connected to the wireless internet, my link speed is 54 mpbs. I was wondering if there was a way to increase the speed through a setting in the router to maybe 100 mpbs. Or is there any way at all to increase the speed? Aside from buying a new WiFi Adaptor anyways (unless I can pick one up cheap and install it myself). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • how to make my girlfriend want sex less?

    This is a serious question, it is causing a lot of problems between us because she wants to have sex ALL THE TIME!!! I couldn't keep up with her if I wanted to. She thinks sex is the most important part of a relationship and it's driving me crazy. The only time I even want to have sex with her anymore is when I'm drunk. Is there a medical reason why she needs sex so much?

  • Why do dogs tilt their heads?

    My dog tilts her head sometimes when I talk to her. I've seen other dogs do this and I'm just curious as to the reason behind it. Anyone actually know why?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Oil Companies Buying Out Fuel Efficiency?

    I know the oil companies have bought out patents on fuel efficient stuff like carbueretors that were heated in order to expand the gas and some other stuff like that, but does anyone know of a direct example and a few details on the example?

    3 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade ago
  • installing Swype on the new htc hd7?

    the hd7 is a windows based phone and swype seems to only be available for android. Does anyone know where I might be able to find a way to put swype on my hd7?

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • Dell Inspiron N5030 Ram capacity?

    I got a Dell Inspiron N5030 for Christmas and it only has 2gb installed. I want to upgrade it to 8gb of ram but I'm not sure if it can even use that much. Does anyone know what the ram capacity is on this computer?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Ladies!!! What do you want for Christmas?

    I'm specifically looking for the 23-28 age group, but any answer is great! I'm trying to find something for my 24 year old girlfriend.

    And please save the "gift from your heart" and "world peace" comments, we all know there is something else you want.

    12 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • System Restore Acer Aspire 5000?

    I'm trying to run system restore on my Acer Aspire 5000. I've tried clicking the system restore option under the start menu (it just pulls up a blank window), I've tried using the command prompt code (nothing happens), and the disc tray doesn't work for the system restore cd's. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago