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Lv 1219 points


Favorite Answers15%

hey all :} its leda and im one of the most coolest people in the world.(even though its supposed to end firiday) i am a soccer player and basketball cross country track etc. i love you all fans! btw watashiwa nico da ga suki <3 (japeneese for i like cats)

  • How long does starvation take?

    My parents have continually lied to me about getting my driving permit so I have informed them I will not be eating until I get it. How long will it be until you can see a difference

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Can I live with my dad?

    My grandparents adopted me in 2012 and terminated his rights but I've been trying to get out of here trying every option from foster care to emancipation. Please help me leave. I'm 16 living in Pennsylvania

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Jobs in the field heating cooling and electrical?

    I'm going to butler vocational technical school in Pennsylvania and entering the program called cooling heating and electrical and I'm wondering about jobs that you could be gained from it. Also if these jobs would drug test

    1 AnswerTechnology5 years ago
  • How to ride your man?

    I can't seem to get into a position to go fast enough or rhythmic enough for orgasm, every time I try he ends up finishing on top. I'm short and he's tall, I feel like I can't get up enough to bring him any pleasure. Help?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What happens when you consume too many bases?

    I know how when you have too many acidic things you get heartburn, but what happens when you have too many basic things?

    1 AnswerChemistry5 years ago
  • Is there a jailbreak for iOS 9.1 for free?

    I want to jailbreak my phone (iPhone 5s) but I don't have the money to spent 30+ dollars on it

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • have I broken my eardrum?

    I woke up from a nap two days ago with immense pain in my left ear, after being congested and a headache for two days prior to that, I am in lifeguarding class and I do participate in moderate swimming activities daily, the pain has completely gone away I can't feel it at all nor can I hear. I just tried to clean it out and it's bleeding, not a lot but there is blood in there wet. I asked my dad and he said I'd broken my eardrum and it could have been swimmers ear that caused it. Is this true? Can I swim for class on Monday? Will my hearing return? Do I need to see a doctor and what precautionary measures should I take to make sure it heals properly?

    2 AnswersInjuries6 years ago
  • My left ear is in a lot of pain?

    I've been congested for two days and after coming home from school to sleep my ear is pulsing with pain it feels shut or something, I take lifeguarding as a class and I'm in the pool every day. Could this be swimmers ear? I haven't been in the pool for two days and I diddnt swim today what could it be? What treatment do I need to pursue? How can I relieve the pain?

    3 AnswersSwimming & Diving6 years ago
  • Minor getting a tattoo?

    Can I have someone over 18 sign for me to get it? I'm 16 and I live in Pennsylvania, does the person over 18 have to be my parent or can I have a friend do it?

    1 AnswerTattoos6 years ago
  • Can I switch carriers?

    I have an iPhone 5s and it was recently turned off by my parents. I bought it from AT&T and that's where I used to buy service from. I've recently discovered that t mobile has way better prices and service in my area. Can I use this phone but switch it to t mobile service?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Is there a jailbreak for wifi?

    My parents recently shut off my iPhone 5s and I'm wondering if I jailbreak it are there any hacks to pick up wifi and or data signals without service?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Can I get married?

    I'm 16 looking to marry an older guy (18 or older) to escape living with my parents. They will not consent, I live in Pennsylvania currently in high school and working I am willing to try ANYTHING including pregnancy if need be. Tell me any way to get away from them. I've been searching for a way out of here since I was 12.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • Becoming an emancipated minor?

    Soon to be 16, I have a work permit and will start my job on the 16th making 8.25 an hour. I could live with my friend and his mom to avoid rent or I could afford to rent my own place. What steps and other things do I need to do to get emancipated? Can I do it?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How do I escape my home?

    I m 15 living in butler Pennsylvania, I live in an emotionally abusive home, I am a cutter, I live with my grandparents as my mom died of an overdose, they don t give me any freedoms I go to school and come home I don t have a phone I can t go to football games etc and they ve never given a reason other than they said so. I ve had too much I can t live here I need a way to be free

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • At 14 can I legally be moved?

    My grandma always calls me names tells me I'm a f-up and a slut and not worth it and that I'm terrible at soccer which I've played since I was 5 and I love it. My grandpa takes me to the mall and leaves me there and tells me to find my own ride back when he said he would come pick me up. My mom only sides with my grandma and agrees that I'm not good enough. I'm constantly harassed and I can't stand it anymore. Could I tell a teacher at school or call Children in youth and be taken somewhere else? I've cut my legs with razor blades because of her before and I will always have scars. I consider the best ways to commit suicide because of how she treats me. I used to think she was just saying that to upset me, but now I believe her and she makes me want to die. I need to get away from her because I'm afraid of myself. Please any information you may have will be helpful thank you

  • I want to get an iPhone but i dont want the data.?

    I want a iPhone but i cant afford data. my carrier said that i can get one without the data plan and the guy said he could disble it and not use it or charge me for it. can i just use it like a iPod touch? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY can i get apps? (instagram minecraft nyan cat

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • i rolled my ankle. urgent!?

    i jumped for a rebound at basketball and landed completely on the side of my foot with my leg straight. it hurt really bad but i just kept playing, u no i thought it would just run off right? but it diddnt. i was able to keep upstraight and almost no limp at basketball but when i got home i put it up and when i stood back up to get a drink it hurt so bad to move it at all i had to sit on the floor and yell for my mom. now it has a slight throb and i put it up to avoid swelling and have a ace bandage wrapped around it. i have soccer practice tomorrow and i HAVE to run on it. im not gonna quit because of this stupid injury but it keeps getting worse with time. what should i do? i can barely walk how am i supposed to run and kick a ball?

    3 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • Kanye West Song.......?

    i heard a song of his that had someone singing "ho ho ho ho ho" in the backround. all i really know is it was upbeat help?

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop8 years ago
  • im in love with my best friend?

    Im really into this guy... that happens to be my best friend since fifth grade? i want to tell him but i dont wanna screw things up. we already dated a couple times but nothing really came of it and we just went back to friends. have i been permanently friend zoned? im trying to make my absence my presence and havent talked or texed all week. its killing me just because we usually talk almost everyday. even when hes on vacation he sneaks me a skype or something, so this is really hard!! am i doing things right? please help me out here... this is kinda a sticky situation.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Am I permitted to have a goat?

    I want a Nigerian Dwarf Goat but i don't know if i am allowed. i live in a suburb and we have two chickens. Can I get one? My parents still have NOT decided for sure. So just for confirmation can i? and how much do they cost?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago